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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyhodnocení potenciálního využití chladnokrevných koní při rozvoji venkova

Hrabcová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of possible utilization of heavy horses in rural development and their usage in environmental protection and landscaping. The author has processed the analysis of usage of heavy horses in agriculture, forestry and in the everyday life of people living at countryside. In the thesis there is presented a list of grant programs in agriculture, forestry and in environmental protection that can be used for the support of usage of heavy horses in today's cultural landscape.

Věrnostní programy ve společnosti Interhotel Voroněž

Roupcová, Hana January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Tvorba výrobního programu komentář souboru inženýrských a uměleckých prací

Brunecký, Petr January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Management Outdoor Training

Mráz, Pavel January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Vědecko-výzkumná politika EU / Research and Development Policy in the EU

Lepičová, Lenka January 2006 (has links)
Práce informuje o vývoji, financování a tvorbě vědecko-výzkumné politiky EU. Je zde poskytnuta analýza stavu vědy a výzkumu v členských státech EU a provedeno porovnání s USA a Japonskem. Pozornost je věnována velice diskutovaným problémům jako jsou Patent Společenství a vznikající Evropský technologický institut. Dále je zhodnoceno zapojení do 6. rámcového programu v jednotlivých státech EU a komparace mezi těmito státy.

Vliv frekvence genotypů prionového proteinu na reprodukční a produkční vlastnosti ovcí v ČR

Žváčková, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out how the frequency of the prion protein genotypes affects the production and reproductive characteristics of sheep in the Czech Republic. We also used graphs to evaluate changes in the frequency of allele of prion protein genotypes from 2003 to present in ten selected breeds of sheep genotyped within the breeding program for scrapie resistance in the Czech Republic. We also dealt with administrative interventions in the genotyping process by the state and recognized breeders' associations. In the next part we evaluated the changes in the frequency of the allele in relation to the development of the sheep properties in the Czech Republic. The results of the research were processed by appropriate mathematical and statistical methods. We have found that the sheep production properties are influenced by the allele frequencies of the prion protein genotypes, and that administrative interventions have contributed to changes in the frequencies of the risk groups in some breeds. Further, we have discovered that most of the highest values of utility properties are associated with the risk group R1.

Návrh technického vybavení strojové dílny v závislosti na profilu studenta učňovského oboru 'Truhlář'

Maděránek, Miloš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the problematics of education in the field of apprenticeship carpenter at the college. This thesis consists of three basic parts. In the first part, I describe the mentioned field and try to assess the present situation. I present both general and special knowledge, skills and attitudes. I also describe machines and their placement. In the second part, I suggest two possibilities of technological equipment improvement. I give the basic parametres and placement of individual machines. I also turn my attention towards the possibility to use CNC machine-tools and describe educational programs for the handling the CNC center. In the last part I ponder on which possibility would be the best when seeing from the angle of the teaching and space conditions. I assessed different potential benefits both for school and students.

Návrh projektu na podporu cestovního ruchu v kraji Vysočina

Kocourová, Romana Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou cestovního ruchu v České republice se zaměřením na kraj Vysočina. Práce mapuje možnosti grantových programů v kraji Vysočina, vybírá vhodný grantový titul a navrhuje projekt na podporu cestovního ruchu v oblasti ubytování rodin s dětmi. V první části je zhodnocen význam a postavení cestovního ruchu v národním a mezinárodním kontextu, regionální politika, veřejné výdajové programy. Dále následuje mapování možností grantových programů v České republice a v kraji Vysočina, analýza a hodnocení cestovního ruchu v kraji Vysočina, výběr vhodného grantového titulu a návrh projektu na podporu cestovního ruchu v kaji Vysočina se zaměřením na pobyt rodin s dětmi.

Odměňování členů statutárních orgánů akciových společností / Remuneration of members of the governing bodies of joint stock companies

Zahradníček, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
1 Abstract Remuneration of members of the governing bodies of joint stock companies The goal of this thesis is to analyze the law regarding remuneration of members of the governing bodies of joint stock companies. The topic is a timely one, since high bonuses were one of the causes of the financial crisis. The thesis primarily devotes its attention to the law contained in the Commercial Code. The amendments to the Act on Business on the Capital Market are also mentioned. The recommendations of the European Commission and Directive of the European Parliament and Council are then subjected to analysis. Basic issues are addressed in the introduction to the thesis. The governing body of a joint stock company is the Board of Directors and deciding on its remuneration falls within the competence of the General Meeting. Frequently members of the Board of Directors also hold concurrent office in the company as employees. The difference between claimable and non-claimable bonuses and fixed and variable bonuses is explained. A member of the Board of Directors is in principle entitled to at least the usual bonus for performing his or her office according to the average use of the mandate contract. If the parties so agree or the law so stipulates, performance of the office is not paid. The actual declaration of the...

Evropský sociální fond - očekávané přínosy

Kulhánková, Martina January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá ESF jako nástrojem podpory zaměstnanosti a sociálního začleňování v EU. Popisuje OP RLZ, JPD 3, CIP EQUAL a prioritu a opatření SROP, která je financována z ESF. Zabývá se projekty, přínosy a riziky projektů a operačními programy v období 2007 - 2013.

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