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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Režová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The present paper is based on the Bachelor Thesis El Sistema ? A Unique Music Education System in Venezuela by the same author, 2010, and it brings the provided information up to date and expands it by adding sections on El Sistema-inspired projects and on Possibilities of implementation of a similar project in the Czech Republic. The second section provides a comprehensive view of how the project spread worldwide and describes the main trends in three practical examples from Great Britain, Argentina and Germany. The third section deals with the baseline situation in the Czech Republic, the position of the non-profit sector, competitive environment and the possibilities of financing a similar project in the Czech Republic. The Diploma Thesis, parting from accesible sources and own experience, is aspiring to be a theoretical ground for comparative studies and thinking, as well as for the possible implementation of a similar project in the Czech Republic.

Vzdělávání a výchova v rozhlasovém vysílání

Svobodová, Dagmar, January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Spektrum e-learningových programů ve výuce anglického jazyka / Variety of e-learning programmes in English language teaching

Ševčíková, Božena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with e-learning in the sense of using online tools, programmes and websites in the English language teaching. In the current modern society we use internet and electronic devices on daily bases and it is only natural that such trend is infiltrating also the field of education. The aim of this thesis is to provide the teachers, who would like to use e- learning in their lessons, with theoretical background and inspiration. The thesis is divided into two parts - a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is divided into several chapters, each of them focuses on some theoretical aspect of e-learning. The term can be seen from more points of view, this thesis understands e-learning as any programme, tool, platform or website that needs to be used online - using an internet connection. The next chapters of the theoretical part deal with the advantages and limits that are connected with using e-learning, itsʼ history or place in the Framework Educational Programme. To put together the practical part, which is supposed to be something like a catalogue of the particular e-learning programmes, I decided to use a questionnaire as the main source of the programmes. Apart from the questionnaire my sources were literature on given topic or my own internet search....

Vplyv vernostných programov na lojalitu zákazníkov / The impact of loyalty programs on customer loyalty

Ištvancová, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
Loyalty programs are one of the tools that serve to create customer loyalty. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether loyalty programs of perfumeries and satisfaction with their impact on customer loyalty. The theoretical research summarizes the available knowledge about consumer behavior, loyalty and loyalty programs. The parfumeria market analysis in the Czech Republic and the content analysis of the MML TGI provide sufficient information about the established loyalty programs and the target group of perfumeries. The practical part, in the form of a questionnaire survey, examines in particular the advantages of the loyalty program and customer satisfaction. Based on the results of the work are in the final part recommendations for more effective loyalty program.

Strukturální fondy EU se zaměřením na podporu podnikání a rozvoj vědy a výzkumu / EU Structural Funds in the Czech Republic, with a focus on promoting entrepreneurship and the development of science and research

Sergejev, Michail January 2007 (has links)
Práce vymezuje problematiku strukturálních fondů, přičemž důraz je kladen na rozvoj vědy a výzkumu. Součástí práce je přehled a komparace unijních politik upravujících tuto oblast a analýza dopadů operačních programů na rozvoj vědy a výzkumu v Rakousku a v České republice za finanční rámec 2000 - 2006.

Analýza využití strukturálních fondů Evropské unie pro cestovní ruch / Analysis of utilization of the EU Structural Funds for Tourism

Krausová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
V první kapitole jsou popsány základní principy, podle kterých je implementována podpora do členských států Evropské unie, vč. cílů regionální politiky, popisu fondů Evropské unie a popisu projektového cyklu. Diplomová práce poskytuje přehled programů, ze kterých bylo možné čerpat podporu na cestovní ruch v programovacím období 2004 - 2006, a rovněž přehled programů, ze kterých mohou žadatelé čerpat nyní, tzn. v období 2007 - 2013. Další částí je analýza především SROPu, dále JPD 3 a INTERREGu IIIA Česká republika - Polsko. Poslední kapitola představuje příklad úspěšné žádosti o dotaci ze SROPu do oblasti cestovního ruchu.

Analýza integrace cizinců v ČR / The analysis of integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic

Knížová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the integration policy of the Czech Republic. The aim is to analyze the integration policy of the Czech Republic targeting on specific integration programs. After the basic theoretical background of migration, integration and integration policies work has been dealing with a specific integration policy of the Czech Republic. Follow the analysis of the selected integration programs, which take place in the capital city of Prague and Středočeský region. Based on the findings of work validates the hypothesis that the integration policy of the Czech Republic in need of radical change. To this end the work used statistical methods, method comparison, and especially SWOT analysis.

Inequality and housing poverty in Bolivia since Morales government

Morales, Ivan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the proposals of the Bolivian government in force from 2006 to the present to combat issues of poverty and inequality. Describing the programs elaborated by the MAS government, which consist of three economic bonds, the Juancito Pinto bond (education), the Juana Azurduy bond (health) and Renta Dignidad (senior citizens). As well as analyzing the government's response to the housing situation. Describing the government agency AEVIVIENDA, its programs, and finally making an analysis of the situation in terms of quantitative and qualitative housing in relation to these programs. Demonstrating if indeed poverty and inequality has been improved during the period of Evo Morales government.

Využívání fondů EU k rozvoji turistiky v ČR a ve Francii / Exploitation of the European Union funds for the development of tourism in Czech republic and in France

KRÁLOVÁ, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the use of the funds of European Union for the development of tourism in the Czech Republic and France and find out what financial resources are invested in the support of tourism and if they are allocated effectively. The comparison between these countries was accomplished by two similar regions Central Bohemian Region and Lower Normandy.

Využití počítače v mateřské škole / Use of computers in kindergarten

Skopová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on utilisation of PC in nurseries. The theoretical part describes children's games in pre-school age, presents a variety of PC games, and describes positives and negatives of PC usage, as well as the rules, time span, technical, organisational and psychosocial conditions of PC using by children. It also mentions the framework education programme being the base for PC activities planning. The content of the practical part is a survey amongst children's parents of their opinion about educational process including PC as educational tool.

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