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Dopad dotačního programu LEADER v území Místní akční skupiny Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s. / The impact of the program LEADER in the region of LAG Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s.Valdová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
First part of this theses deals with theoretical knowledge about local action group (LAG), their way of functioning, strategical documents and project management within the life cycle of LAG projects. On the other hand it introduces a theory about monitoring project, monitoring indicators and setting their in and out values. Second, practical, part of two the theses has also two spectrums. First part alleges from data collected during monitoring projects in LAG Království Jestřebí hory o.p.s. Data are focused at most on fulfilling monitoring indicators during last program period in between 2007 and 2013 and they are summed up as a recommendation for the new programming period. Programming period 2014 and 2020 has so far introduced a new method of setting up indicators, which is also described in this theses, including the restrictions that LAG has to deal with. Practical part is ended by commentary on setted values and their actual possibility of fullfillment in real life. The entire theses ends the final summery in which the author states her own reccomendations and tips regarding the setting or evaluation of monitoring indicators.
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Loutky mluví anglicky / A puppet speaks englishWildtová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses in a great detail on relation between scenographer and foreign students. The theoretical part offers an insight to various possibilities for foreign language adepts, especially those supported by KALD programe. Through the conducted questionnaires, this paper examines areas of cooperation between foreign Master’s students, Erasmus + students and Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre. Practical part presents personal experiences acquired through cooperation on various performances including Three Cigarettes, Persona atlas, and Islands a Včela. Those examples demonstrate in detail, cooperation of foreign speaking students, benefits and challenges possibly enriching the theater artist. The thesis includes visual documentation though photography captured during the performances.
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Cesta k autorskému vyjádření v sociálně-divadelním projektu / A way to creative expression in a social-theatre projectŠupová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is an analysis of development and authorial performance What are you staring at?!, in which the authors collaborated with homeless women. The theses will discuss not only the therapeutic and social aspect of the project, author's approach, the specifics of artistic attitude but also analysis of the phenomenon from the theoretical perspective.
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Incidence zranění u vrcholových hráčů badmintonu v závislosti na fyzioterapii a kompenzačních programech / Incidence of injuries at top badminton players depending on physiotherapy and compensatory programmesHavlová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Title: Incidence of injuries at top badminton players depending on physiotherapy and compensatory programmes Objectives: The main aim of this study is to find out what are the most frequent injuries at top badminton players taking part in the Czech extra league and in the first league in the season 2017/2018. Besides, the aim is also to find out if physiotherapy and compensatory programmes influence the decrease of the incidence of these injuries. And then, if badminton players devote thein time to compensatory programmes and use the possibilities of physiotherapy. Methods: For finding out the most frequent injuries at top badminton players we used a non-standardised questionnaire. The research had the character of a correlative - predilective study which studied the relationship between the incidence of injuries in badminton depending on physiotherapy and compensatory programmes. Results: The most frequent injuries among the Czech badminton players occur in the area of an ankle (47%), knee (34%) and shoulder joint (22%). According to the results, physiotherapy and compensatory programs proved a positive effect on reducing the incidence of injury. 25% of players working with a physiotherapist since childhood have never suffered injury. 68% of players who started to cooperate with a physiotherapist...
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Divadlo krize / Theatre of crisisČonková, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes and reflects the specific problematic theatrical events and art projects that I realized at the time of the socio-political crisis. In these events, I recognized the theater by participating and being involved in action. Gradually I gained experience that harbor some questions in theatrical practice.
I describe four events and two projects. The first event responded to the tragic death of deceased persons and dogs in Florence, Prague. The last project took place in the urban area of a Roma "ghetto" in Usti nad Labem. I move to different places, situations and themes. Within these sequence of events I was searching for what theater can be and how this medium can be used responsibly. I experienced how it can survive while challenged by the dangers that threatens theater routines, consumerism and banality. How do I let him fall, but appear in his power to change lives, identify and create.
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Projekt TUSCH německý model spolupráce profesionálních divadel a škol / Project TUSCH - a german model of cooperation between professional theatres and schoolsvon Vorst, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis gives the reader a theological and practical understanding of
the sociocultural conditions under which the project TUSCH, as model of
cooperation between professional theatres and schools, is realised in Germany.
The thesis contains a brief explanation of other TUSCH projects across Germany
before it focuses on the TUSCH project in Hamburg, which is used as an example
to characterise the social aspects of the project?s foundation as well as the
changes the project has undergone in the past ten years. The thesis describes the
organisation and leadership as well as the practical development of the project. It
allows the reader to gain detailed insight into the current situation of Hamburgs
theatre companies and schools. In the thesis are described the forms as well the
ways of an inventive work at schools, leaded by theater lectors and professional
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Výchova herce k pedagogické činnosti / EDUCATION OF ACTORS TOWARDS TEACHINGHrnečková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the situation of pedagogical subjects focused at Drama in Education in after-graduation studies at the Department of Music and Dramatic Arts at Prague Conservatory. The fundamental goal of this work is a proposition of the School Plan of Education (?VP) for these subjects, which might be accepted by the supervisors of Prague Conservatory and might become a part of the overall school plan of education. The key problems of the pedagogical subjects are outlined on the basis of the author?s experience as a student as well as a teacher at Prague Conservatory. The thesis discusses the question of the subjects ? purpose and sets their basic aims. In the process of creating the School Plan of Education it is crucial to reflect the specific characteristics of an actor as a Drama teacher, the requirements of the General Plan of Education (RVP) for Music and Dramatic Arts field of study and also the analysis of the school plan of education at the school institutions of the same type. Depending on the proposed version of ?VP this master thesis determines the form of the graduate?s final practical as well as theoretical exam in pedagogical subjects.
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Využití technických materiálů ve výuce předmětu Praktické činnosti na 1. stupni ZŠ / Use of technical materials at primary school for the subject of Practical activitiesDŮROVÁ, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
This theses is focus on the use of interesting and suitable technicial materials for primary school. The thesis consits of two parts introducing some of the educational programs for primary school, which are the most exploited in the current educational system. Furthermore theteoretical part drala with differences in subject of Practical activities at primary school. The practical part presents several technical materials selected for 1st-5th class of primary school in the subject of Practical activities. In another component of the practical part the autor suggests topics possible to use in other subjects as well.
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Podminky využití prostředků ze strukturálních fondů v kraji Vysočina / CONDITIONS OF RESOURCE USAGE FROM THE STRUCTURAL FUNDS IN VYSOCINA REGIONČEJKA, Petr January 2007 (has links)
My work is about using money from the structurals funds in Vysocuína region. I introduced Vysocina region, structurals funds and operating programes in period 2004 - 2006. I continued exact using of the money in period 2004 - 2006. A add also description of the structural politics EU 2007 - 2013, stuctural funds and operating programes in the same period.
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Počítačem podporované zpracování pozemkových úprav / Working out of land adjustment supported by computersVONDRÁKOVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The target of my diploma thesis is to introduce a few particular programs, which enable the handling with land arrangement, furthermore is pointed out the comparison of their functionalities and their availability. The next substantial intention is to introduce the most appropriate procedures used for the projection of land arrangement. Last but not least, in this diploma thesis are described following programs: POZEM 7.95, TopoL 4.08, UR {--} Roupec 3.0, Printing manager for PC FAND 2.5 and Information KN 6.0. Here are also included and processed the basic theoretical knowledge about land arrangement, its historical development and furthermore the process of land arrangement with regard to the valid legislation. The graphical outputs from the particular programs, which are a part of the land arrangement proposal according to a legislation 122/2007, are attached. The outputs are several maps from the concrete land arrangement. As the optimal variation for the processing with the land arrangement I would recommend to use the program POZEM. This program is especially used at the land office as well as at the project offices, is regularly updated, has sufficient technical support and the form .dgn is commonly known. With regard to the fact, that the evidence of real estate register operates with a form .vfk, I would strongly recommend to use the program POZEM, because the programs Topol and UR-Roupec are not able to automatically convert any data in the form .vfk.
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