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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decriminalising same-sex conduct in Cameroon

Tchouta Nguegna, Blonde Gaelle 21 August 2013 (has links)
In Cameroon, as in many other African countries, there is a law prohibiting same-sex relationships. The relevant provision, Article 347bis of the Cameroonian Penal Code (Law No 65-LF-24 of 12 November and Law No 67-LF-1 of 12 June 1967), states as follows: “Whoever has sexual relations with a person of the same-sex shall be punished with imprisonment for from six months to five years and fine from 20 000 to 200 000 francs.” This study assesses the law criminalizing same-sex relationships in Cameroon as being discriminatory and encouraging a homophobic society and as contributing to the stigmatization and marginalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Both State and non-State actors in Cameroon do not accept the practice of homosexuality due to the conservative nature of traditional cultural values and religious beliefs. Consequently, presumed LGBT people are frequently harassed, persecuted and arbitrarily arrested on suspicion of their sexual identity. Moreover, the rejection and denial of LGBT people make them live in fear and hiding. It also exposes them to the greatest risk of HIV infection. It is argued in this study that the criminalisation of consensual same-sex conducts violates the rights to privacy, equality, fair trial, human dignity and the principle of non-discrimination enshrined in the Cameroon Constitution and the various international human rights instruments that Cameroon has ratified. It also deprives LGBT people of their rights to education and health merely on the basis of them being who they are. The finding from this study indicates that the law alone is not enough to make a social change. Perspective and inputs from other disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Science of Education need to enhance the arguments for the decriminalisation of same-sex conduct. This study also shows the harmful impact that the law criminalising same-sex behaviour has on LGBT people as well as the society as a whole. Thus, it is very important for the Cameroonian government to take the first step towards decriminalisation of same-sex relationships in order to respect its obligation to respect, promote, protect and fulfil everyone‟s human rights without distinction of any, according to its international commitments and agreements. The government should also take a great and dynamic initiative regarding the educational aspect because education is a vital key for significant progress and change. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted
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A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Factors Associated with Violation of Maine’s Legislation Prohibiting Smoking in Vehicles Containing Children

Callahan, Katie, Zheng, Shimin, Liu, Xuefeng 05 April 2012 (has links)
Secondhand smoke (SHS) is a harmful mixture of over 4000 chemicals released from the burning of a cigarette. It has been classified as a Class A carcinogen and exposure to SHS has been proven to be related to negative health effects in humans. Children exposed to SHS are more susceptible to negative health effects because they have higher breathing rates and immature, developing bodies. SHS has been associated with many childhood diseases, including asthma, inner ear infections, and pneumonia. SHS exposure in confined areas, such as inside a motor vehicle, is of concern due to the increased toxicity level of the SHS. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to assess the factors associated with those who smoke in a car containing children and to determine if the estimated prevalence of those who smoke in a vehicle with children has decreased since legislation was passed in Farmington Maine in 2008. Observations were taken at different times of the day and in different seasons. Each observation period consisted of a pair of researchers whom stood at the edge of the roadside, at 7 observations sites located throughout Farmington, Maine. When a vehicle passed, the researchers recorded the child passenger(s) estimated age(s), and the adult passenger(s) estimated age(s), gender, and smoking status. Site locations were chosen based upon ease of observation and neighborhood characteristics that were used as a proxy for socioeconomic status (SES) to the location. Adult data (n=3937) were used to calculate the estimated prevalence and factors of violation. Of all adult observations from 2008 to 2010, 8.26% were observed smoking in a vehicle containing a child, 63.38% of which were male. The estimated prevalence of those smoking in a vehicle containing children decreased from 13.08% (P < .0001), when the law was first enacted in the fall of 2008, to 7.40% (P < .0001) in the fall of 2010. Smoking in vehicles containing children was observed more frequently at sites that were estimated to have a lower SES near them, such as the fairgrounds [(OR=4.48, CI95 (2.49-8.09)] and at the tobacco store location [(OR=7.47, CI95 (4.29-13.01)]. In the final model, gender was found to be significantly associated with smoking in a vehicle containing a child, with males having increased odds of violation [OR=3.13, CI95 (2.44-4.01)]. However, when stratifying by gender, there were significant differences between site locations, dates, and time of the day that males or females were observed smoking. After adjusting for gender, site location, and age, adults observed in the Fall of 2008 were significantly more likely to be smoking in vehicle than those observed in the Fall of 2010 [OR=2.25, CI95 (1.64-3.09)]. The change in prevalence between dates indicates that smoking in a vehicle not only decreased over time, but also that season could have an effect on smoking in vehicle containing children behavior.
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Karusellbedrägeri : Problematiken kring mervärdesskattebedrägerier ur ett EG-rättsligt perspektiv

Akselsson, Anna, Barrögård, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Mervärdesskattebedrägerier inom den gemenskapsinterna handeln är idag ett utbrett problem. I och med den inre marknadens framväxt och det gemensamma mervärdesskattesystemets struktur har nya former av mervärdesskattebedrägerier uppstått. Då den inre marknaden öppnades 1993 togs den fysiska tullkontrollen bort och kvar återstod endast en administrativ kontroll. Till dess att en fullständig harmonisering kan genomföras på mervärdesskatteområdet tillämpas destinationslandsprincipen på gemenskapsintern handel mellan näringsidkare. För att undvika dubbelbeskattning har regler om gemenskapsinterna förvärv framtagits. Dessa innebär att köparen beskattas i sitt hemland och att säljaren undantas från skatteplikt i sitt hemland. En form av mervärdesskattebedrägeri som utnyttjar mervärdesskattesystemet och bristerna i informationsutbytet mellan medlemsstaterna är karusellbedrägerier. I stora drag kan karusellbedrägerier beskrivas som transaktioner med samma varor som säljs i rask takt mellan olika företag i olika länder. I samband med dessa försäljningar betalar något eller några av företagen inte in utgående mervärdesskatt, samtidigt som andra företag i kedjan har rätt till avdrag för ingående mervärdesskatt. Staten förlorar därmed mervärdesskatteintäkter. Karusellbedrägerier har behandlats i rättspraxis. I Optigen-domen fastställs att avdragsrätten för en part i god tro inte påverkas av bedrägligt beteende i tidigare eller senare led i transaktionskedjan. I Kittel-domen stadgas att en skattskyldig person som kände till eller borde ha känt till att dennes transaktion ingick i ett mervärdesskattebedrägeri skall anses vara medgärningsman och därmed vägras avdragsrätt. I uppsatsen utreds huruvida principen om förbud mot förfarandemissbruk kan vara tillämplig på karusellbedrägerier. Principen om förbud mot förfarandemissbruk har utvecklats för att angripa konstruerade transaktioner vars enda syfte är att genom missbruk av gemenskapslagstiftningen erhålla förmåner. I Halifax-domen fastslås att denna princip är tillämpbar på mervärdesskatteområdet. Vår slutsats är att principen om förbud mot förfarandemissbruk inte kan tillämpas på någon part i ett karusellbedrägeri. Vi anser att varken en part i god tro eller en part i ond tro angående bedrägeriet kan uppfylla kriterierna för principen. Det finns olika tillvägagångssätt för att angripa karusellbedrägerier. Inom EG används främst informationsutbyte som strategi för bedrägeribekämpning. Organisationer såsom SCAF och OLAF har också betydelse för bekämpningen. Även medlemsstaterna har på olika sätt försökt bekämpa bedrägerierna. De har bland annat använt sig av omvänd skattskyldighet och solidariskt betalningsansvar. Vi anser att de administrativa åtgärderna är avgörande för bekämpning av karusellbedrägerier. De mer genomgripande alternativen, såsom omvänd skattskyldighet och solidariskt betalningsansvar, bör endast användas då det är uppenbart att de administrativa åtgärderna inte räcker till. / Today, VAT fraud is a widely spread problem among intra-Community trade. Due to the growth of the common market and the structure of the harmonized VAT system, new forms of VAT fraud have arisen. The opening of the common market, in 1993, led to the abolition of physical border controls. The combination of physical and administrative controls was replaced by only administrative control. Until the VAT system is completely harmonized the principle of destination will be applied to intra-Community business-to-business transactions. Regulations on intra-Community transactions have been developed to avoid double taxation. These regulations mean that the purchaser will be taxed in its state of origin, and that the seller will be exempted from taxation in its state of origin. Carousel fraud is a form of VAT fraud that makes use of the VAT system and the lack of exchange of information between the member states. In general terms VAT fraud can be described as transactions with the same goods that are being sold at high speed between different companies in different countries. In connection to these sales one or more of the companies do not pay the output VAT, at the same time other companies in the chain of supply have the right to deduct input VAT. Due to this, the state will loose VAT revenues. Carousel fraud has been dealt with in EC case law. It is established in the Optigen judgment that the right, of a taxable person, to deduct input VAT cannot be affected by any other taxable person’s fraudulent behavior in the chain of supply as long as the taxable person did not know or have any means of knowledge of the fraud in question. The Kittel judgment states that a taxable person, who knew or should have known that, by his purchase, he was participating in a transaction of VAT fraud, should be seen as a participant in that fraud and therefore be refused entitlement to the right to deduct. This thesis examines whether the principle of prohibiting abusive practice is applicable to carousel fraud. The Halifax judgment states that the principle also applies to the sphere of VAT. The principle of prohibiting abusive practice has been developed to attack transactions of purely artificial nature, which only purpose is to obtain advantages by abusing the Community law. However, our conclusion is that the principle of prohibiting abusive practice cannot be applied to anyone in a chain of transactions that constitutes carousel fraud. Our opinion is that neither a taxable person in god faith nor a taxable person in bad faith can meet the criteria of the principle. There are different ways to approach carousel fraud. Within the EC, exchange of information and various organisations for anti fraud are being used to deal with the problem. The member states have also, in various ways, tried to handle carousel fraud. They have for example used reverse charge and joint liability. We believe that administrative measures are crucial to combat carousel fraud. More radical alternatives such as reverse charge and joint liability should not be used unless it is obvious that the administrative measures do not suffice.
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Karusellbedrägeri : Problematiken kring mervärdesskattebedrägerier ur ett EG-rättsligt perspektiv

Akselsson, Anna, Barrögård, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mervärdesskattebedrägerier inom den gemenskapsinterna handeln är idag ett utbrett problem. I och med den inre marknadens framväxt och det gemensamma mervärdesskattesystemets struktur har nya former av mervärdesskattebedrägerier uppstått. Då den inre marknaden öppnades 1993 togs den fysiska tullkontrollen bort och kvar återstod endast en administrativ kontroll. Till dess att en fullständig harmonisering kan genomföras på mervärdesskatteområdet tillämpas destinationslandsprincipen på gemenskapsintern handel mellan näringsidkare. För att undvika dubbelbeskattning har regler om gemenskapsinterna förvärv framtagits. Dessa innebär att köparen beskattas i sitt hemland och att säljaren undantas från skatteplikt i sitt hemland.</p><p>En form av mervärdesskattebedrägeri som utnyttjar mervärdesskattesystemet och bristerna i informationsutbytet mellan medlemsstaterna är karusellbedrägerier. I stora drag kan karusellbedrägerier beskrivas som transaktioner med samma varor som säljs i rask takt mellan olika företag i olika länder. I samband med dessa försäljningar betalar något eller några av företagen inte in utgående mervärdesskatt, samtidigt som andra företag i kedjan har rätt till avdrag för ingående mervärdesskatt. Staten förlorar därmed mervärdesskatteintäkter. Karusellbedrägerier har behandlats i rättspraxis. I Optigen-domen fastställs att avdragsrätten för en part i god tro inte påverkas av bedrägligt beteende i tidigare eller senare led i transaktionskedjan. I Kittel-domen stadgas att en skattskyldig person som kände till eller borde ha känt till att dennes transaktion ingick i ett mervärdesskattebedrägeri skall anses vara medgärningsman och därmed vägras avdragsrätt.</p><p>I uppsatsen utreds huruvida principen om förbud mot förfarandemissbruk kan vara tillämplig på karusellbedrägerier. Principen om förbud mot förfarandemissbruk har utvecklats för att angripa konstruerade transaktioner vars enda syfte är att genom missbruk av gemenskapslagstiftningen erhålla förmåner. I Halifax-domen fastslås att denna princip är tillämpbar på mervärdesskatteområdet. Vår slutsats är att principen om förbud mot förfarandemissbruk inte kan tillämpas på någon part i ett karusellbedrägeri. Vi anser att varken en part i god tro eller en part i ond tro angående bedrägeriet kan uppfylla kriterierna för principen. Det finns olika tillvägagångssätt för att angripa karusellbedrägerier. Inom EG används främst informationsutbyte som strategi för bedrägeribekämpning. Organisationer såsom SCAF och OLAF har också betydelse för bekämpningen. Även medlemsstaterna har på olika sätt försökt bekämpa bedrägerierna. De har bland annat använt sig av omvänd skattskyldighet och solidariskt betalningsansvar. Vi anser att de administrativa åtgärderna är avgörande för bekämpning av karusellbedrägerier. De mer genomgripande alternativen, såsom omvänd skattskyldighet och solidariskt betalningsansvar, bör endast användas då det är uppenbart att de administrativa åtgärderna inte räcker till.</p> / <p>Today, VAT fraud is a widely spread problem among intra-Community trade. Due to the growth of the common market and the structure of the harmonized VAT system, new forms of VAT fraud have arisen. The opening of the common market, in 1993, led to the abolition of physical border controls. The combination of physical and administrative controls was replaced by only administrative control.</p><p>Until the VAT system is completely harmonized the principle of destination will be applied to intra-Community business-to-business transactions. Regulations on intra-Community transactions have been developed to avoid double taxation. These regulations mean that the purchaser will be taxed in its state of origin, and that the seller will be exempted from taxation in its state of origin.</p><p>Carousel fraud is a form of VAT fraud that makes use of the VAT system and the lack of exchange of information between the member states. In general terms VAT fraud can be described as transactions with the same goods that are being sold at high speed between different companies in different countries. In connection to these sales one or more of the companies do not pay the output VAT, at the same time other companies in the chain of supply have the right to deduct input VAT. Due to this, the state will loose VAT revenues. Carousel fraud has been dealt with in EC case law. It is established in the Optigen judgment that the right, of a taxable person, to deduct input VAT cannot be affected by any other taxable person’s fraudulent behavior in the chain of supply as long as the taxable person did not know or have any means of knowledge of the fraud in question. The Kittel judgment states that a taxable person, who knew or should have known that, by his purchase, he was participating in a transaction of VAT fraud, should be seen as a participant in that fraud and therefore be refused entitlement to the right to deduct.</p><p>This thesis examines whether the principle of prohibiting abusive practice is applicable to carousel fraud. The Halifax judgment states that the principle also applies to the sphere of VAT. The principle of prohibiting abusive practice has been developed to attack transactions of purely artificial nature, which only purpose is to obtain advantages by abusing the Community law. However, our conclusion is that the principle of prohibiting abusive practice cannot be applied to anyone in a chain of transactions that constitutes carousel fraud. Our opinion is that neither a taxable person in god faith nor a taxable person in bad faith can meet the criteria of the principle.</p><p>There are different ways to approach carousel fraud. Within the EC, exchange of information and various organisations for anti fraud are being used to deal with the problem. The member states have also, in various ways, tried to handle carousel fraud. They have for example used reverse charge and joint liability. We believe that administrative measures are crucial to combat carousel fraud. More radical alternatives such as reverse charge and joint liability should not be used unless it is obvious that the administrative measures do not suffice.</p>
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