Spelling suggestions: "subject:"proof.there"" "subject:"proof.the""
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Normalisation & equivalence in proof theory & type theoryLengrand, Stéphane J. E. January 2006 (has links)
At the heart of the connections between Proof Theory and Type Theory, the Curry-Howard correspondence provides proof-terms with computational features and equational theories, i.e. notions of normalisation and equivalence. This dissertation contributes to extend its framework in the directions of proof-theoretic formalisms (such as sequent calculus) that are appealing for logical purposes like proof-search, powerful systems beyond propositional logic such as type theories, and classical (rather than intuitionistic) reasoning. Part I is entitled Proof-terms for Intuitionistic Implicational Logic. Its contributions use rewriting techniques on proof-terms for natural deduction (Lambda-calculus) and sequent calculus, and investigate normalisation and cut-elimination, with call-by-name and call-by-value semantics. In particular, it introduces proof-term calculi for multiplicative natural deduction and for the depth-bounded sequent calculus G4. The former gives rise to the calculus Lambdalxr with explicit substitutions, weakenings and contractions that refines the Lambda-calculus and Beta-reduction, and preserves strong normalisation with a full notion of composition of substitutions. The latter gives a new insight to cut-elimination in G4. Part II, entitled Type Theory in Sequent Calculus develops a theory of Pure Type Sequent Calculi (PTSC), which are sequent calculi that are equivalent (with respect to provability and normalisation) to Pure Type Systems but better suited for proof-search, in connection with proof-assistant tactics and proof-term enumeration algorithms. Part III, entitled Towards Classical Logic, presents some approaches to classical type theory. In particular it develops a sequent calculus for a classical version of System F_omega. Beyond such a type theory, the notion of equivalence of classical proofs becomes crucial and, with such a notion based on parallel rewriting in the Calculus of Structures, we compute canonical representatives of equivalent proofs.
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Proof-theoretical observations of BI and BBI base-logic interactions, and development of phased sequence calculus to define logic combinationsArisaka, Ryuta January 2013 (has links)
I study sequent calculus of combined logics in this thesis. Two specific logics are looked at-Logic BI that combines intuitionistic logic and multiplicative intuitionistic linear logic and Logic BBI that combines classical logic and multiplicative linear logic. A proof-theoretical study into logical combinations themsel ves then follows. To consolidate intuition about what this thesis is all about, let us suppose that we know about two different logics, Logic A developed for reasoning about Purpose A and Logic B developed for reasoning about Purpose B. Logic A serves Purpose A very well, but not Purpose B. Logic B serves Purpose B very well but not Purpose A. We wish to fulfill both Purpose A and Purpose B, but presently we can only afford to let one logic guide through our reasoning. What shall we do? One option is to be content with having Logic A with which we handle Purpose A efficiently and Purpose B rather inefficiently. Another option is to choose Logic B instead. But there is yet another option: we combine Logic A and Logic B to derive a new logic Logic C which is still one logic but which serves both Purpose A and Purpose B efficiently. The combined logic is synthetic of the strengths in more basic logics (Logic A and Logic B). As it nicely takes care of our requirements, it may be the best choice among all that have been so far considered. Yet this is not the end of the story. Depending on the manner Logic A and Logic B combine, Logic C may have extensions serving more purposes than just Purpose A and Purpose B. Ensuing is the following problem: we know about Logic A and Logic B, but we may not know about combined logics of the base logics. To understand the combined logics, we need to understand the extensions in which base logics interact each other. Analysis on the interesting parts tends to be non-trivial, however. The mentioned two specific combined logics BI and BBI do not make an exception, for which proof-theoretical development has been particularly slow. It has remained in obscurity how to properly handle base-logic interactions of the combined logics as appearing syntactically. As one objective of this thesis, I provide analysis on the syntactic phenomena of the BI and BBI base-logic interactions within sequent calculus, to augment the knowledge. For BI, I deliver, through appropriate methodologies to reason about the syntactic phenomena of the base-logic interactions, the first BI sequent calculus free of any structural rules. Given its positive consequence to efficient proof searches, this is a significant step forward in further maturity of BI proof theory. Based on the calculus, I prove decidability of a fragment of BI purely syntactically. For BBI which is closely connected to application via separation logic, I develop adequate sequent calculus conventions and consider the implication of the underlying semantics onto syntax. Sound BBI sequent calculi result with a closer syntax-semantics correspondence than previously envisaged. From them, adaptation to separation logic is also considered. To promote the knowledge of combined logics in general within computer science, it is also important that we be able to study logical combinations themselves. Towards this direction of generalisation, I present the concept of phased sequent calculus - sequent calculus which physically separates base logics, and in which a specific manner of logical combination to take place between them can be actually developed and analysed. For a demonstration, the said decidable BI fragment is formulated in phased sequent calculus, and the sense of logical combination in effect is analysed. A decision procedure is presented for the fragment.
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[pt] Na antologia que M.E. Szabo realizara dos trabalhos de
Gentzen e publicara em 1969 se transcrevem, em um apêndice,
algumas passagens apresentadas por Bernays ao editor
pertencentes a uma primeira prova de consistência para a
Aritmética de Peano realizada por Gentzen que não tinha
sido publicada até então. À diferença das outras provas de
consistência realizadas por Gentzen e já conhecidas na
década de trinta, esta prova não utiliza o procedimento de
indução transfinita até e0. Ao contrário, baseia-se na
definição de um processo de redução de seqüentes que se
associa sistematicamente a todo seqüente derivável
permitindo reconhecê-lo como verdadeiro. Nós reconstruímos
essa prova realizando algumas variações e estudamos o modo
pelo qual a técnica principal utilizada (a definição do
processo de redução de seqüentes) pode ser vista em
relação a resultados da lógica clássica de primeira ordem
tais como provas de completude. A parte central da nossa
dissertação é a realização de uma versão desta prova de
consistência para um sistema formal para a Aritmética de
Heyting. / [en] In the antology of Gentzens works made by M.E.Szabo and
published in 1969, we find out in an appendix, some
passages presented by Bernays to the editor. These texts
belong to a first proof of Peanos Arithmetic consistency
that Gentzen did not publish. In a different way from the
other proofs of consistency made by Gentzen and already
known in the thirties, this proof does not use the
procedure of transfinite induction up to e0. On the
contrary, it is based on the definition of a reduction
process for sequents that is systematically associated to
every derivable sequent allowing us to recognize it as a
true sequent. We reconstructed this proof making some
variations and we studied how the main technique used (the
definition of the reduction process) could be seen in
relation with other results of first order logic like
proofs of completness. The main part of our dissertation is
another version of this consistency proof for a formal
system for Heyting Arithmetic.
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Variations on a theme of Curry and Howard : the Curry-Howard isomorphism and the proofs-as-programs paradigm adapted to imperative and structured program synthesisPoernomo, Iman Hafiz, 1976- January 2003 (has links)
Abstract not available
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Effects of traditional and problem-based instruction on conceptions of proof and pedagogy in undergraduates and prospective mathematics teachersYoo, Sera 10 September 2012 (has links)
This study examined the effect of problem-based instruction (PBI) on undergraduate students and prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ perceptions of mathematical proof and pedagogical views. Quantitatively, the Mathematical Proof Survey (MPS) was developed and used to assess the views of mathematical proof held by undergraduates in lecture-based and PBI mathematics courses. Qualitatively, research interviews examined the way teacher candidates’ experiences as mathematics learners in the courses affected their conceptions of mathematical proof and views of learning and teaching mathematics and proof. Findings from quantitative analysis of MPS data and qualitative analysis of interview data are presented, and results from the comparative analysis are discussed for implications. The results of the study suggest that experiences with proof and instruction in such PBI courses provide opportunities for undergraduates and prospective mathematics teachers to develop more humanistic perspectives of proof and process-oriented pedagogical views than do lecture-based courses. / text
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How students learn basic properties of circles by making and proving conjectures using sketchpadLam, Tsz-wai, Eva., 林紫慧. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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Development and verification of probability logics and logical frameworksMaksimovic, Petar 15 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The research for this thesis has followed two main paths: the one of probability logics and the other of type systems and logical frameworks, bringing them together through interactive theorem proving. With the development of computer technology and the need to capture real-world dynamics, situations, and problems, reasoning under uncertainty has become one of the more important research topics of today, and one of the tools for formalizing this kind of knowledge are probability logics. Given that probability logics, serving as decision-making or decision-support systems, often form a basis for expert systems that find their application in fields such as game theory or medicine, their correct functioning is of great importance, and formal verification of their properties would add an additional level of security to the design process. On the other hand, in the field of logical frameworks and interactive theorem proving, attention has been directed towards a more natural way of encoding formal systems where derivation rules are subject to side conditions which are either rather difficult or impossible to encode naively, in the Edinburgh Logical Framework \LF or any other type-theory based Logical Framework, due to their inherent limitations, or to the fact that the formal systems in question need to access the derivation context, or the structure of the derivation itself, or other structures and mechanisms not available at the object level. The first part of the thesis deals with the development and formal verification of probability logics. First, we introduce a Probability Logic with Conditional Operators - LPCP, its syntax, semantics, and a sound and strongly-complete axiomatic system, featuring an infinitary inference rule. We prove the obtained formalism decidable, and extend it so as to represent evidence, making it the first propositional axiomatization of reasoning about evidence. Next, we show how to encode probability logics LQI and LQnI in the Proof Assistant Coq. Both of these logics extend classical logic with modal-like probability operators, and both feature an infinitary inference rule. LQI allows iterations of probability operators, while LQnI does not. We proceed to formally verify their key properties - soundness, strong completeness, and non-compactness. In this way, we formally justify the use of probabilistic SAT-solvers for the checking of consistency-related questions. In the second part of the thesis, we present LFP - a Logical Framework with External Predicates, by introducing a mechanism for locking and unlocking types and terms into LF, allowing the use of external oracles. We prove that LFP satisfies all of the main meta-theoretical properties (strong normalization, confluence, subject reduction, decidability of type checking). We develop a corresponding canonical framework, allowing for easy proofs of encoding adequacy. We provide a number of encodings - the simple untyped lambda-calculus with a Call-by-Value reduction strategy, the Design-by-Contract paradigm, a small imperative language with Hoare Logic, Modal Logics in Hilbert and Natural Deduction style, and Non-Commutative Linear Logic (encoded for the first time in an LF-like framework), illustrating that in LFP we can encode side-conditions on the application of rules elegantly, and achieve a separation between derivation and computation, resulting in cleaner and more readable proofs. We believe that the results presented in this thesis can serve as a foundation for fruitful future research. On the one hand, the obtained formal correctness proofs add an additional level of security when it comes to the construction of expert systems constructed using the verified logics, and pave way for further formal verification of other probability logics. On the other hand, there is room for further improvement, extensions, and deeper analysis of the LFP framework, as well as the building of a prototype interactive theorem prover based on LFP and discovering its place in the world of proof assistants.
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Développement et Vérification des Logiques Probabilistes et des Cadres LogiquesMaksimovic, Petar 15 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
On présente une Logique Probabiliste avec des Operateurs Conditionnels - LPCP, sa syntaxe, sémantique, axiomatisation correcte et fortement complète, comprenant une règle de déduction infinitaire. On prouve que LPCP est décidable, et on l'étend pour qu'il puisse représenter l'évidence, en créant ainsi la première axiomatisation propositionnelle du raisonnement basé sur l'évidence. On codifie les Logiques Probabilistes LPP1Q et LPPQ2 dans l'Assistant de Preuve Coq, et on vérifie formellement leurs propriétés principales: correction, complétude fort et non-compacité. Les deux logiques étendent la Logique Classique avec des opérateurs de probabilité, et présentent une règle de déduction infinitaire. LPPQ1 permet des itérations des opérateurs de probabilité, lorsque LPPQ2 ne le permet pas. On a formellement justifié l'utilisation des solveurs SAT probabilistes pour vérifier les questions liées à la cohérence. On présente LFP, un Cadre Logique avec Prédicats Externes, en introduisant un mécanisme pour bloquer et débloquer types et termes dans LF, en permettant l'utilisation d'oracles externes. On démontre que LFP satisfait tous les principales propriétés et on développe un cadre canonique correspondant, qui permet de prouver l'adéquation. On fournit diverses encodages - le λ-calcul non-typé avec la stratégie de réduction CBV, Programmation-par-Contrats, un langage impératif avec la Logique de Hoare, des Logiques Modales et la Logique Linéaire Non-Commutative, en montrant que en LFP on peut codifier aisément des side-conditions dans l'application des règles de typage et atteindre une séparation entre vérification et computation, en obtenant des preuves plus claires et lisibles.
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The logic of bunched implications: a memoirHorsfall, Benjamin Robert January 2006 (has links)
This is a study of the semantics and proof theory of the logic of bunched implications (BI), which is promoted as a logic of (computational) resources, and is a foundational component of separation logic, an approach to program analysis. BI combines an additive, or intuitionistic, fragment with a multiplicative fragment. The additive fragment has full use of the structural rules of weakening and contraction, and the multiplicative fragment has none. Thus it contains two conjunctive and two implicative connectives. At various points, we illustrate a resource view of BI based upon the Kripke resource semantics. Our first original contribution is the formulation of a proof system for BI in the newly developed proof-theoretical formalism of the calculus of structures. The calculus of structures is distinguished by its employment of deep inference, but we already see deep inference in a limited form in the established proof theory for BI. We show that our system is sound with respect to the elementary Kripke resource semantics for BI, and complete with respect to a formulation of the partially-defined Kripke resource semantics. Our second contribution is the development from a semantic standpoint of preliminary ideas for a hybrid logic of bunched implications (HBI). We give a Kripke semantics for HBI in which nominal propositional atoms can be seen as names for resources, rather than as names for locations, as is the case with related proposals for BI-Loc and for intuitionistic hybrid logic.
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Agent-based proof support for interactive theorem proving /Hunter, Christopher. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Queensland, 2006. / Includes bibliography.
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