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Transtibiální protéza pro rekreační plavání / Transtibial prosthesis for recreational swimmingKřemen, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction of an active transtibial prosthesis for recreational swimming. Its aim is to create a working sample of such a prosthesis. The device will primarily serve the patient to move in water - it will be attached to the stump and it will be driven forward. Secondarily, the prosthesis can be used for walking, in the sense that the patient attaches the prosthesis near to a water surface (pool, lake, ocean) and comes with it to the shore. As part of the design and electronics it will be necessary to determine the characteristics of the human resistance in water depending on speed and to determine the necessary propulsion (thrust) strength of the propeller, which will serve as the driving force. Subsequently there will be formed structural variants and selected the best one. This will become default for design and construction of simplified testing device, which will be tested for static thrust. After verifying the functionality and reliability, the final functional sample will be manufactured and tested too.
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Posouzení opotřebení extrahovaných polyetylenů TEP kyčle pomocí optických metod / Wear analysis of extracted polyethylenes of total hip replacements using optical methodsPřikryl, Adam January 2016 (has links)
An experimental methodology for wear assessment of extracted polyethylene hip implants was designed in this diploma thesis. Methodology uses optical 3D scanner and optical profilometer for analysis of wear. Designed methodology for wear analysis was validated by gravimetric method. The results of validation were in good agreement with the increase of wear rate. Validation results show that the methodology is not suited for wear assessment of metal and ceramic implants which have small wear rates. On the other hand the methodology is more than useful for wear assessment of polyethylene implants. Designed methodology for wear assessment was applied on the set of thirteen extracted polyethylene hip implants. Results of the wear analysis were wear volumes and linear wear noted in the wear maps. Roughness of the surface was measured on explanted cups and results were noted in the roughness map. On articulating surface of the cups different areas were observed for measured roughness. Those areas were described as area with machining marks from manufacturing process, polished area from combination of abrasive and adhesive wear, polished area from micro-contact fatigue and area including plastic deformation.
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Vers une approche multidimensionnelle de l'évaluation motrice du sujet amputéSagawa, Yoshimasa 29 May 2012 (has links)
Les personnes amputées de membre inférieur (PAMI) sont très diversifiées. Ils’agit d’une population hétérogène, tant par ses origines que par ses niveaux d’amputation, ses capacités et ses projets de vie. A ces profils variés s’ajoutent une multitude de composants prothétiques ainsi que les différentes combinaisons possibles entre ces composants. Il est également important de prendre en compte les différents environnements auxquels la PAMI est confrontée quotidiennement. La Classification Internationale du Fonctionnement (CIF 2001) a été créée par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et repose sur un modèle multidimensionnel. Elle est constituée de deux grandes parties : le fonctionnement d’une part et les facteurs contextuels d’autre part. Ce modèle est capable de décrire de manière globale les modifications de fonctionnement (handicap) à partir d’un problème de santé quelconque. Ainsi, une grande quantité d’informations peut être obtenues à partir du modèle de la CIF. Néanmoins, il demeure nécessaire de développer de nouveaux outils pour mieux exploiter ce modèle afin de le rendre plus intelligible et utilisable en pratique clinique courante. Pour cela, nous nous proposons d’utiliser l’Extraction de Connaissances à partir des Données (ECD). L’ECD est un processus non trivial d'identification des structures inconnues, valide et potentiellement exploitable dans les bases de données, qui permet de transformer un maximum d’informations en connaissances facilement exploitables. A partir du modèle de la CIF et conjointement avec des méthodes d’ECD, l’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser un groupe de PAMI expertes en termes de capacités locomotrices. Ce groupe et sa liste d’indicateurs pertinents reposant sur le modèle de la CIF ont été déterminés. Ils servent de référence pour la comparaison d’autres PAMI et peuvent guider la prise en charge de cette population particulière. / The subjects with a lower-limb amputation (LLA) compose a heterogeneouspopulation, by their amputation origins, by their amputation levels, by their abilities and by their life projects. To these various LLA’s profiles we could add a multitude of prosthetic components and the combination of these components. It is also important to take into account the different environments, which the LAA are confronted daily. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF 2001) was created by the Word Heath Organization and is based on a multidimensional model. The ICF is constituted by two domains: the functioning on one hand and the contextual factors on the other hand. This comprehensive-global model is able to describe the functioning (disability) from any health problem. However it remains necessary to develop new tools to better use the ICF model making it more intelligible and useful in clinical practice. For this, we proposed to use the Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). KDD is a non-trivial process of identification of unknown, valid and potentially-exploitable structures in database. KDD permits to transform a maximum of information in easy-exploitable knowledge. From the ICF model conjoint with KDD methods, the aim of this thesis was to characterize an expert group of LLA in terms of locomotion capacity. This group and its list of relevant indicators, based on the ICF model, were determined. They can be used as a reference to compare with others LLA improving making decision of this particular population.
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Avaliação bidimensional e tridimensional na adaptação marginal de retentor metálico fundido e coping; obtidos por um novo protocolo com moldagem única /Sichi, Luigi Giovanni Bernardo. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rodrigo Máximo de Araújo / Coorientadora: Samia Carolina Mota Cavalcanti Sacorague / Banca: Paula Carolina Komori de Carvalho / Banca: Fernanda de Cássia Papaiz Gonçalves / Resumo: A otimização do tempo reabilitador é um benefício direto a saúde do paciente, pois previne o mesmo do contato com possíveis contaminações e ambientes que lhe causem estresse. Isso pode ser viabilizado pelo desenvolvimento de técnicas que diminuam etapas de execução de um determinado tratamento. Pensando nisso, esse trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a desadaptação marginal de copings em liga de cobalto-cromo (Co-Cr) através da técnica da réplica de silicone (2D) e avaliação por varredura digital (3D), em 24 dentes humanos unirradiculares, com retentores intraradiculares (RIR) em Co-Cr, cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Divididos em dois grupos, ambos com término marginal em ombro 130º: grupo A obtidos pelo método convencional, com execução de RIR primeiro, para depois coping com retentor já cimentado e grupo B de moldagem única para obtenção de RIR e coping. Os resultados foram submetidos a uma análise do teste t e de variância ANOVA. A técnica da réplica de silicone, demonstrou as seguintes médias de valores marginais: 83,77±51,84μm (grupo A) e 77,09±31,65μm (grupo B) p=0,4477 E a varredura digital, os resultados positivos revelaram que as médias de todas as superfícies encontraram-se acima de 50 μm; e os negativos: revelaram que as médias encontraram-se abaixo de 100 μm. Este estudo concluiu que é possível obter RIR e coping através de moldagem única / Abstract: The optimization of the clinical appointment is a direct benefit to the health of the patient, because prevents it from the contact with possible contaminations and environments that cause stress. This can be possible by the development of techniques that may decrease the execution stages of a treatment. With this in mind, the aims of this study is to investigate the marginal adaptation of Cobalt-Chromium alloy (Co-Cr) copings through silicone replica technique (2D) and digital evaluation (3D) in 24 human single rooted teeth with post-and-core in Co-Cr, cemented with zinc phosphate. Divided in to two groups, both having shoulder 130 degrees as marginal type: group A by the conventional method, impression and cementation of Co-Cr post-and-core first and then impression for the coping and group B single impression for coping and post and core. The results were analyzed by test t and one-way ANOVA. The silicone replica technique showed the following mean marginal values: 83.77 ± 51.84 μm (group A) and 77.09 ± 31, 65 μm (group B) p= 0,4477. The digital protocol, in the positive results revealed that the averages of all surfaces were above 50 μm; and the negatives: revealed that the averages were below 100 μm. This study concluded that it is possible to obtain post-and-core and coping through a single impression technique / Mestre
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Entwurf einer lernfähigen selbst-organisierenden Karte (SOM) in SystemC zur Realisierung in einem eingebetteten SystemWindisch, Sven 19 February 2018 (has links)
Im Bereich der medizinischen Geräte haben eingebettete Systeme verstärkt Einzug gehalten. Nicht nur in Operationssälen oder Intensivstationen, auch im Bereich der Prothesensteuerung spielt
moderne Computertechnik in zunehmendem Maße eine Rolle, auch und insbesondere im Bereich der Prothesensteuerung durch elektronisch vorverarbeitete Nervensignale. Die zur Signalverarbeitung eingesetzte, vortrainierte selbst-organisierende Karte stößt jedoch auf das Problem, sich den verändernden Gegebenheiten in den Nervensignalen des Patienten nicht anpassen zu können. In dieser Arbeit wird die Möglichkeit untersucht, die Steuerung der Handprothese mit einer Nachlernfunktion auszustatten, um während des Einsatzes der Prothese auf die Veränderungen der Nervensignale des Patienten reagieren zu können. Da diese Veränderungen höchst individuell verlaufen, werden Parameter eingeführt, mit denen das Nachlernverfahren an die Gegebenheiten des Patienten angepasst werden kann. Verschiedene denkbare Lernstrategien werden untersucht und hinsichtlich ihrer Effizienz und ihrer Aktualität bewertet. Um die Verwendbarkeit der Implementierung sicherzustellen, muss darauf geachtet werden, dass der entstehende SystemC-Code keine Elemente des nicht synthetisierbaren Subsets enthält. Zusätzlich wird die Synthetisierbarkeit mit dem Agility-Compiler untersucht.
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Didaktika výuky sjezdového lyžování osob s amputací dolní končetiny / Didactics of downhill skiing for people with lower limb amputacionHruša, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title: Didactics of downhill skiing for peouple with lower limb amputation. Main objectives: Verification of proposed methodical series for lower-limb amputation skiers. Method: The work is of theoretical-empirical character, this is an observatory- explanation case study applied to five probands, three skiers with one- sided underknee amputation, one skier with upperknee amputation and one proband with bilatelar amputation. Selection of probands was mad by intentional selection. Based on our empiricism, we will test probands before and after the training of our methodical series proposed in the bachelor thesis, enriched with special preparátory exercises. Results: Proband J.V. improved by 51 points and T.F. by 46 points. While two more experienced skiers P.S. by 37 points and A.B. 29 points. Proband A.B., who has unilateral knee amputation, is also the most experienced skier. He has improved by a total of twenty-nine points, at the highest skill level from the entire set of probands. A separate chapter in our ensemble was a skier with a two-sided amputation who had the least improvement at the lowest skill level. Such a skier is in an incomparably more difficult situation. Conclusion: In our diploma thesis, we have found that our methodological system has proven to be useful and we hope it...
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Självupplevda problem för unilateralt transfemoralt amputerade föräldrar i vardagen : En kvalitativ studie / Self-experienced problems for unilateral transfemoral amputees parents in everyday lifeSandin, Matilda, Ivholm, Roger January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Att ha en transfemoral (TF) amputation har en stor inverkan på den amputerades liv med bl.a. större risk för fall, lägre gånghastighet och smärta. I dag är utbudet av kvalitativa studier som visar på hur TF-amputerade upplever sin vardag, mycket begränsat. Det saknas helt studier som tar upp hur det är att ha ett föräldraansvar när man är TF-amputerad. Syfte Syftet med studien var att se om det fanns några självupplevda problem i vardagen för unilateralt TF-amputerade i föräldrarollen kopplad till deras protes-användning. Metod Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra TF-amputerade pappor. Dessa analyserades och tematiserades. Resultat Vid analysen hittades nio huvudteman: Ansvar, relation med barnen, svårigheter med spontanitet, aktiviteter, miljörelaterade problem, oro, energi och smärta, säkerhet. Deltagarna upplevade bristande delaktighet, fler konflikter med sina barn och bristande energi. Slutsats Det finns ett flertal självupplevda problem för TF-amputerade föräldrar och dessa berör främst känslan av delaktighet, relationen med barnen så väl som rent praktiska aspekter. / Background Having a transfemoral (TF) amputation has a major impact on the amputee's life, such as greater risk of falls, lower walking speed and pain. Today, there are no qualitative studies that show how TF-amputees experience their everyday lives and there are no studies that address what it is like to have parental responsibility when you are TF-amputated. Purpose The aim of this study was to see if there were any self-experienced problems in the everyday life of unilateral TF amputees in the parental role linked to their prosthetic use. Method Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with four TF-amputated fathers. These were analysed and thematised. Results Nine main themes were detected during the analysis: Responsibility, relationship with the children, difficulties with spontaneity, activities, environment-related problems, concern, energy and pain and safety. Participants experienced lack of participation, more conflicts with their children and lack of energy. Conclusion There are self-experienced problems for TF-amputated parents, and these affect the sense of participation, the relationship with the children and practical aspects
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Articulating Bodies: The Narrative Form of Disability and Disease in Victorian FictionHingston, Kylee-Anne 28 April 2015 (has links)
Victorians frequently conflated body and text by using terms of medical diagnosis to talk about literature and, in turn, literary terms to talk about the body. In light of this conflation, this dissertation focuses on the intersection between narrative form and disability in nineteenth-century fiction and interrogates how the shape of Victorian fiction both informed and reflected the era’s developing notions of disability. Examining this intersection of body and text in several genres and across seven decades, from Frederic Shoberl’s 1832 English translation of Victor Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris to Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of the Crooked Man” (1893) from the Sherlock Holmes series, I show how the structural forms of these works reveal that disability’s conceptualization during the Victorian era was frequently dialogic, incongruously understood as both deviant and commonplace. My research thus contributes to our understanding of disability’s complex development as a concept, one that did not immediately or irrevocably marginalize people, but rather struggled to negotiate the limits, capabilities, and meanings of bodies in a rapidly changing culture. / Graduate / 2020-04-19
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Reparability of UDMA resin 3D printed for interim dental prostheses.Ibarra, Gabriela A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Experiences with the prescription process of sports prosthesis in DenmarkSchmidt, Cecilie Kolmos, Tang, Henriette January 2021 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experienced barriers with the prescription process of sport prosthesis in Denmark from the prosthetist and orthotist perspective. Method: The study was based on semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions there all were recorded. Fivw participants with experience between 10-26 years were included in the study, and the data was transcribed and analyzed with a content analysis with and inductive approach. Results: Three themes appeared through the content analysis and showed to be important factors when considering the different barriers there is with the prescription process of sport prosthesis in Denmark; prescription of sport prosthesis, patient role in prescription and municipality’s role in prescription. Conclusion: This study gives a better understanding of the different barriers the prosthetist and orthotist experiences with the prescription process of sport prosthesis in Denmark as well as it shows that there is a lack of clinical guidelines when applying for sport prosthesis.
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