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Étude systémique des cibles génomiques de la methyl-CpG binding domain protein 2 (MBD2), un répresseur transcriptionnel dépendant de la méthylation de l'ADN : évolution de la distribution de MBD2 dans un modèle syngénique de progression tumorale mammaire / The Methyl-CpG Binding Domain protein 2 (MBD2), a DNA methylation-dependent transcriptional repressor : identification and caracterization of MBD2 targets by genome-wide approachPerriaud, Laury 03 November 2010 (has links)
Les protéines à « Methyl-CpG-binding domain » (MBD) jouent un rôle important dans l’interprétationde la méthylation de l’ADN conduisant à la répression transcriptionnelle via le recrutement decomplexes remodelant la chromatine. Dans les cancers, MBD2 jouerait un rôle essentiel dans la perted’expression des gènes hyperméthylés. Ainsi, MBD2 serait une cible potentielle pour rétablir, enpartie au moins, leur expression. Caractériser, à l’échelle du génome, la distribution de MBD2 et sesconséquences sur la répression transcriptionnelle au cours de la cancérogenèse est donc une étapeincontournable. (1) L’impact sur l’expression génique de l’inhibition de MBD2 par interférence àl’ARN, a été étudié en utilisant des puces, dans des cellules normales MRC5. La perte de MBD2n’induit pas de surexpression génique globale et la densité en CpG des promoteurs méthylés sembleêtre une composante importante dans la force de répression par MBD2. (2) Les profils de méthylationde l’ADN, de liaisons de MBD2 et de l’ARN polymérase II dans les cellules HeLa ont été analysés parChIP-on-chip avec des puces promoteurs. Ces mêmes approches couplées à l’analyse de l’acétylationdes histones H3 ont été réalisées dans un modèle cellulaire syngénique de progression tumoralemammaire humain. Dans les modèles étudiés, une forte proportion de gènes silencieux et méthylés estliée par MBD2. Les comparaisons entre cellules immortalisées et transformées ne montrent pas dechangements majeurs de la méthylation de l’ADN ou de la répression transcriptionnelle, par contreune redistribution de MBD2 parmi ces sites est observée, suggérant une redondance entre les protéinesliant l’ADN méthylé. / The Methyl-CpG-Binding Domain (MBD) proteins represent key molecules in the interpretation ofDNA methylation signals leading to gene silencing through recruitment of chromatin remodelingcomplexes. In cancer, a member of this protein family, MBD2, seems to play an important role in theloss of expression of aberrantly methylated genes. Thus, MBD2 may be a potential target toreestablish their expression. Mapping of MBD2 binding sites and the relationship between MBD2binding and transcriptional activity was, therefore, a crucial step. (1) We investigated the impact ofMBD2 inhibition by RNA interference on gene expression, using microarray analysis, in a normalhuman fibroblastic cell line, MRC-5. MBD2 depletion did not induce global gene overexpression andCpG density of the methylated promoters seems to be an important parameter in the strength of thetranscriptional repression mediated by MBD2. (2) Global profiling for different layers of epigeneticmodifications (DNA methylation, MBD2 association) and RNA polymerase II binding sites in HeLacells was analyzed by a ChIP-chip method using human promoter arrays. This approach, combinedwith an analysis of H3 histone acetylation patterns, was performed in a syngenic model of breastcancer progression. In the models analyzed MBD2 appeared to be a true methylation-dependenttranscriptional repressor. Furthermore, MBD2 binds to a high proportion of methylated silent genes.Comparisons between immortalized and transformed cells did not indicate major changes of DNAmethylation or gene silencing, while a redistribution of MBD2 among these sites was observed,suggesting a redundancy between methylated binding proteins.
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A utilização da proteína morgogenética óssea recombinante humana 2 com carreadores adicionais: análise histomorfométrica e por microtomografia computadorizada 3D / The use of the human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2 with additional carriers: Histomorphometric and 3D Micro-computed tomography analysisPolo, Cristiane Ibanhes 12 December 2013 (has links)
A utilização de osteoindutores como a proteína morfogenética óssea recombinante humana tipo 2 (rhBMP-2) em cirurgia oral e maxilofacial para reparação e regeneração óssea tem aumentado progressivamente. Porém, suas indicações ainda estão limitadas a preenchimento de cavidades e pequenas reconstruções. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar e comparar, por meio da microtomografia computadorizada tridimensional (Micro-TC 3D) e histomorfometria, a arquitetura óssea, a taxa de osso neoformado e a taxa de biodegradação do -Tricálcio Fostato (-TCP), Fosfato de Cálcio Bifásico (BCP) e Osso Mineral Bovino (BBM), utilizados como carreadores adicionais à rhBMP-2/esponja de colágeno (ACS) em um modelo de regeneração óssea guiada (ROG) vertical em calvária de coelhos. Quatro cilindros de titânio foram fixados à calvária de 20 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia. No Grupo 1 (n = 10), 3 cilindros foram aleatoriamente preenchidos com um dos materiais teste utilizados como carreadores e um cilindro foi preenchido com coágulo sanguíneo (CO). No Grupo 2 (n = 10), os cilindros foram aleatoriamente designados para os mesmos materiais e coágulo sanguíneo, com a adição da rhBMP-2/ACS. Após 14 semanas de reparação, as amostras foram coletadas e enviadas para a aquisição de imagens da Micro-TC e processamento histológico. De acordo com a análise histomorfométrica, a área óssea média para o Grupo 2 (com rhBMP-2) foi maior do que no Grupo 1 (sem rhBMP-2) para os materiais BCP e -TCP (p <0,001). Não houve diferença entre os grupos para BBM e CO (p> 0,05). Em relação às taxas de reabsorção, a área média dos materiais remanescentes no Grupo 2 foi menor do que no Grupo 1 para todos os materiais (p <0,001) e BBM e -TCP obtiveram a maior taxa de reabsorção nos dois grupos (BBM = -TCP > BCP). A análise da micro-TC revelou que no Grupo 2, BCP e -TCP apresentaram maior volume ósseo médio (BV) do que no Grupo 1 (p <0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos para os materiais BBM e CO (p> 0,05). O volume médio de materiais restantes (MV) para o Grupo 2 foi menor do que no Grupo 1 para BBM e -TCP (p <0,05), sem diferença significante entre os grupos para BCP (p = 0,848). A análise dos parâmetros Fator Padrão Trabecular (Tb.Pf) e Índice de Modelo Estrutural (SMI) mostrou no Grupo 2 valores negativos para BCP e -TCP, indicando melhor interconectividade e presença de arquitetura trabecular mais achatada e côncava, indicadores de melhor qualidade e resistência óssea. Pelos resultados apresentados concluiu-se que a utilização da rhBMP-2/ACS associada aos materiais carreadores BCP (Fosfato de Cálcio Bifásico) e -TCP (-Fosfato Tricálcio) aumentou significativamente a formação óssea neste modelo de ROG em calvária de coelhos além de acelerar a biodegradação dos materiais BBM (Osso Mineral Bovino) e -TCP (-Fosfato Tricálcio) neste modelo de ROG. / The use of osteoinductors as the human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2 type 2 (rhBMP-2) in oral and maxillofacial surgery for bone regeneration and repair has progressively increased. However, indications are still limited to filling of cavities and small reconstructions. However, its indications are still limited to filling of cavities and small reconstructions. This study aimed to analyze and compare, by means of three-dimensional microtomography (Micro-CT 3D) and histomorphometry, the bone architecture, the rate of newly formed bone and the biodegradation rate of beta tricalcium phosphate (-TCP), biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP), and mineral bovine bone mineral (BBM) used as additional carriers to rhBMP-2/absorbable collagen sponge (ACS) in a vertical guided bone regeneration model (GBR) in rabbit calvarium. Four titanium cylinders were fixed to the calvarium of 22 New Zealand rabbits. In Group 1 (n = 10), 3 cylinders were randomly filled with one of the test materials and 1 cylinder was filled with a blood clot (CL). In Group 2 (n = 10), the cylinders were randomly assigned to the same materials and blood clot, with the addition of rhBMP-2. After 14 weeks of healing the samples were collected and sent to 3D Micro-CT image acquisition and histological processing. According to histomorphometric analysis, the mean bone area in Group 2 (with rhBMP-2) was greater than in Group 1 (without rhBMP-2) to materials BCP and -TCP (p<0.001). There was no difference between groups to BBM and CL (p>0.05). Regarding the resorption rates, the mean area of remaining materials in Group 2 was lower than in Group 1 to all materials (p<0.001) and BBM and -TCP had the greater resorption rate in both groups (BBM= -TCP >BCP). The Micro-CT analysis revealed that in Group 2, BCP and -TCP had greater mean bone volume (BV) than in Group 1 (p<0.05). There was no difference between groups to materials BBM and CL (p>0.05). The mean volume of remaining materials (MV) in Group 2 was lower than in Group 1 to BBM and -TCP (p<0.05). There was no difference between groups to BC (p=0.848). The analysis of the parameters Trabecular Pattern Factor (Tb.Pf) and Structure Model Índex (SMI), in Group 2 showed negative values for BCP and -TCP, indicating better interconnectivity and presence of more plate-like and trabecular architecture more flattened and concave, indicators of better quality and bone strength. By presented results it was concluded that the use of rhBMP-2/ACS associated with the carriers materials biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) and beta tricalcium phosphate (-TCP) used as additional carriers, significantly increased bone formation in addition to accelerate the resorption of the materials BO (bovine bone mineral) and -TCP in this guided bone regeneration model in rabbit calvaria.
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A utilização da proteína morgogenética óssea recombinante humana 2 com carreadores adicionais: análise histomorfométrica e por microtomografia computadorizada 3D / The use of the human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2 with additional carriers: Histomorphometric and 3D Micro-computed tomography analysisCristiane Ibanhes Polo 12 December 2013 (has links)
A utilização de osteoindutores como a proteína morfogenética óssea recombinante humana tipo 2 (rhBMP-2) em cirurgia oral e maxilofacial para reparação e regeneração óssea tem aumentado progressivamente. Porém, suas indicações ainda estão limitadas a preenchimento de cavidades e pequenas reconstruções. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar e comparar, por meio da microtomografia computadorizada tridimensional (Micro-TC 3D) e histomorfometria, a arquitetura óssea, a taxa de osso neoformado e a taxa de biodegradação do -Tricálcio Fostato (-TCP), Fosfato de Cálcio Bifásico (BCP) e Osso Mineral Bovino (BBM), utilizados como carreadores adicionais à rhBMP-2/esponja de colágeno (ACS) em um modelo de regeneração óssea guiada (ROG) vertical em calvária de coelhos. Quatro cilindros de titânio foram fixados à calvária de 20 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia. No Grupo 1 (n = 10), 3 cilindros foram aleatoriamente preenchidos com um dos materiais teste utilizados como carreadores e um cilindro foi preenchido com coágulo sanguíneo (CO). No Grupo 2 (n = 10), os cilindros foram aleatoriamente designados para os mesmos materiais e coágulo sanguíneo, com a adição da rhBMP-2/ACS. Após 14 semanas de reparação, as amostras foram coletadas e enviadas para a aquisição de imagens da Micro-TC e processamento histológico. De acordo com a análise histomorfométrica, a área óssea média para o Grupo 2 (com rhBMP-2) foi maior do que no Grupo 1 (sem rhBMP-2) para os materiais BCP e -TCP (p <0,001). Não houve diferença entre os grupos para BBM e CO (p> 0,05). Em relação às taxas de reabsorção, a área média dos materiais remanescentes no Grupo 2 foi menor do que no Grupo 1 para todos os materiais (p <0,001) e BBM e -TCP obtiveram a maior taxa de reabsorção nos dois grupos (BBM = -TCP > BCP). A análise da micro-TC revelou que no Grupo 2, BCP e -TCP apresentaram maior volume ósseo médio (BV) do que no Grupo 1 (p <0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos para os materiais BBM e CO (p> 0,05). O volume médio de materiais restantes (MV) para o Grupo 2 foi menor do que no Grupo 1 para BBM e -TCP (p <0,05), sem diferença significante entre os grupos para BCP (p = 0,848). A análise dos parâmetros Fator Padrão Trabecular (Tb.Pf) e Índice de Modelo Estrutural (SMI) mostrou no Grupo 2 valores negativos para BCP e -TCP, indicando melhor interconectividade e presença de arquitetura trabecular mais achatada e côncava, indicadores de melhor qualidade e resistência óssea. Pelos resultados apresentados concluiu-se que a utilização da rhBMP-2/ACS associada aos materiais carreadores BCP (Fosfato de Cálcio Bifásico) e -TCP (-Fosfato Tricálcio) aumentou significativamente a formação óssea neste modelo de ROG em calvária de coelhos além de acelerar a biodegradação dos materiais BBM (Osso Mineral Bovino) e -TCP (-Fosfato Tricálcio) neste modelo de ROG. / The use of osteoinductors as the human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 2 type 2 (rhBMP-2) in oral and maxillofacial surgery for bone regeneration and repair has progressively increased. However, indications are still limited to filling of cavities and small reconstructions. However, its indications are still limited to filling of cavities and small reconstructions. This study aimed to analyze and compare, by means of three-dimensional microtomography (Micro-CT 3D) and histomorphometry, the bone architecture, the rate of newly formed bone and the biodegradation rate of beta tricalcium phosphate (-TCP), biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP), and mineral bovine bone mineral (BBM) used as additional carriers to rhBMP-2/absorbable collagen sponge (ACS) in a vertical guided bone regeneration model (GBR) in rabbit calvarium. Four titanium cylinders were fixed to the calvarium of 22 New Zealand rabbits. In Group 1 (n = 10), 3 cylinders were randomly filled with one of the test materials and 1 cylinder was filled with a blood clot (CL). In Group 2 (n = 10), the cylinders were randomly assigned to the same materials and blood clot, with the addition of rhBMP-2. After 14 weeks of healing the samples were collected and sent to 3D Micro-CT image acquisition and histological processing. According to histomorphometric analysis, the mean bone area in Group 2 (with rhBMP-2) was greater than in Group 1 (without rhBMP-2) to materials BCP and -TCP (p<0.001). There was no difference between groups to BBM and CL (p>0.05). Regarding the resorption rates, the mean area of remaining materials in Group 2 was lower than in Group 1 to all materials (p<0.001) and BBM and -TCP had the greater resorption rate in both groups (BBM= -TCP >BCP). The Micro-CT analysis revealed that in Group 2, BCP and -TCP had greater mean bone volume (BV) than in Group 1 (p<0.05). There was no difference between groups to materials BBM and CL (p>0.05). The mean volume of remaining materials (MV) in Group 2 was lower than in Group 1 to BBM and -TCP (p<0.05). There was no difference between groups to BC (p=0.848). The analysis of the parameters Trabecular Pattern Factor (Tb.Pf) and Structure Model Índex (SMI), in Group 2 showed negative values for BCP and -TCP, indicating better interconnectivity and presence of more plate-like and trabecular architecture more flattened and concave, indicators of better quality and bone strength. By presented results it was concluded that the use of rhBMP-2/ACS associated with the carriers materials biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) and beta tricalcium phosphate (-TCP) used as additional carriers, significantly increased bone formation in addition to accelerate the resorption of the materials BO (bovine bone mineral) and -TCP in this guided bone regeneration model in rabbit calvaria.
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The effects of bone morphogenic proteins and transforming growth factor [beta] on in-vitro endothelin-1 production by human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells /Star, Gregory. January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Idiopathic Pulmonary arteriole hypertension (IPAH) is a rare but severely debilitating disease that strikes women to men at a ratio of 3:1. Endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction is a hallmark of the disease. This includes rapid growth of the ECs until the occlusion of the vasculature as well as decreased blood levels of vasodilators. Markedly increased levels of endothelin-1, a potent vasoconstrictor and smooth muscle mitogen, have been noted in IPAH patients. / Recently mutations in the bone morphogenic protein receptor type II (BMPRII) have been linked to the disease. Interestingly mutations in activin-like kinase-1 (ALK-1) and endoglin have been linked to hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), a disease that results in PAH clinically indistinguishable from IPAH. All of these proteins are either receptors or co-receptors to members of the TGFbeta superfamily. The connection of these mutations to the disease still remains largely a mystery to researchers and the effects of either bone morphogenic proteins 2, 4, 7 or TGFbeta levels on endothelin-1(ET-1) production in human microvascular endothelial cells cultured from normal lungs (HMVEC-LBI) are unknown. / Methods: HMVEC-LBI cells were cultured in the presence of various concentrations of BMP 2,4,7 and TGFbeta, in complete media or serum starved conditions. After allotted time points the media was collected and assayed by ELISA, meanwhile the cells were lysed and protein content assayed for normalization purposes. Small Mothers against Decapentaplegic (SMAD) 1/5 phosphorylation was also measured. / Results and Conclusions: Despite evidence that all BMPs used were biologically active, namely through SMAD phosphorylation studies, only BMP7 at very high dosages increased ET-1 production levels. TGFbeta had a more pronounced effect at earlier time points with lower concentrations. The results provide insights on the effects of an important group of proteins, the BMPs and TGFbeta, on lung microvascular ECs and which are likely the key cellular player In IPAH development. These findings may have clinical relevance in terms of control of the disease and understanding the normal response of these cells BMPs and TGFbeta.
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Studies of Spinal Motor Control Networks in Genetically Modified Mouse ModelsGezelius, Henrik, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2009.
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Transcriptional regulation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2): implication in re-myelination and/or myelin repair in an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS)Khorshid Ahmad, Tina Jr 13 January 2015 (has links)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological disease characterized by the destruction of central nervous system (CNS) myelin. Although the neurotrophin, brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has a beneficial role in re-myelination and/or myelin repair, these effects are hampered by the over-expression of a transcriptional repressor isoform of methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) called MeCP2E1. We hypothesize that following experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) -induced myelin damage, the immune system induction of the pathogenic MeCP2E1 isoform hampers the re-myelination and/or myelin repair process by repressing BDNF expression. Our research identified the temporal gene and protein expression changes of MeCP2E1, MeCP2E2 and BDNF in an EAE mouse model of MS, and correlated them with the changes in the neurological disability scores (NDS). Our results indicated MeCP2E1 mRNA levels are elevated in EAE animals which is responsible for the repressed BDNF production in the spinal cord that prevents re-myelination and/or myelin repair. / February 2016
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Expressão da proteína associada a microtúbulo-2 (MAP-2) no córtex motor primário e recuperação motora após o aprendizado de diferentes tarefas em ratos submetidos à hemorragia intracerebralSantos, Marilucia Vieira dos January 2010 (has links)
As principais incapacidades funcionais que se observam após o Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE), sob o ponto de vista clínico, decorrem da hemiparesia, da incoordenação, da hipertonia espástica dos membros superior e inferior contralaterais à lesão e da fraqueza ipsilateral e contralateral ao hemisfério lesado. Evidências sugerem que o aprendizado e a realização de tarefas motoras de habilidade podem induzir mudanças comportamentais e neurofisiológicas, o que ocorre tanto em animais intactos quanto naqueles submetidos às lesões do SNC. Nesse sentido, alguns trabalhos evidenciam a participação da atividade dendrítica, observada pelo aumento da imunorreatividade a MAP2, induzida por experiências comportamentais. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho motor e a expressão da MAP2 no córtex motor primário, em ratos sham ou submetidos à HIC e aos treinamentos de habilidade do alcance (TH) ou ao treinamento de não-habilidade (TNH). Para tanto, ratos Wistar adultos foram inicialmente adaptados às diferentes tarefas motoras empregadas ao longo de três semanas, sendo, posteriormente, submetidos à cirurgia de indução da hemorragia intracerebral (HIC) por meio da administração intra-estriatal de colagenase tipo IV ou de veículo (animais Sham) (S). Em seguida, os animais dos grupos S_TH e HIC_TH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão, os animais dos grupos S_TNH e HIC_TNH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de não-habilidade e os animais S_ST e HIC_ST não receberam nenhum tipo de treinamento durante 4 semanas. Ao longo desse período, os animais foram testados pelo teste do Staircase quanto ao desempenho motor ao final da 2° e 4° semana de treinamento. Encerrado o período de treinamento, os animais foram profundamente anestesiados, perfundidos e tiveram seus encéfalos processados para a análise imunoistoquímica. Os resultados mostram que a realização da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão foi capaz de aumentar a imunorreatividade da MAP2 no córtex motor primário (M1) em ambos os hemisférios, tanto em animais lesados quanto em animais não-lesados. Além disso, os animais HIC e HIC_TNH apresentaram também aumento da imunorreatividade à MAP2 em ambos os hemisférios. Porém, apenas os animais HIC_TH apresentaram recuperação funcional dos movimentos do membro anterior afetado, avaliados pelo teste comportamental. Concluindo, o presente estudo demonstra que o treino de habilidade induz plasticidade dendrítica no M1 em condições normalidade e lesão e, como estratégia de reabilitação, mostra-se superior ao treino de não-habilidade, na recuperação funcional do membro anterior após a HIC experimental. / Under clinical view, the main functional impairment observed after stroke is resulting from the hemiparesis, incoordination, spastic hypertonia and from ipsilateral and contralateral weakness . Evidences suggest that learning and achievement of motor tasks ability may induce behavioral and neurophysiological changes, which occur in both intact and injured animals. Accordingly, some studies reveal the participation of dendritic activity, observed by increasing the immunoreactivity to MAP2, induced by behavioral experiences. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the motor performance and the expression of MAP2 in primary motor cortex (M1), in rats submitted or not to the IHC and rehabilitation using skilled (SK) or unskilled (US) training. Animals were initially adapted to different motor tasks employed over three weeks, and, subsequently, submitted to surgery for the induction of intracerebral hemorrhage (IHC) by means of administration of bacterial collagenase type IV or vehicle (animals Sham) (S) into the striatum . Then, animals in groups S_SK and IHC_SK were submitted to the training skilled forelimb reaching, animals in groups S_US and IHC_US were submitted to the training unskilled and animals S and HIC received no type of training during 4 weeks. Throughout that period, the reaching ability was tested using the Staircase test at the end of 2nd and 4thweek of training. At the end of the rehabilitation period, animals were deeply anesthetized, perfused and the immunohistochemistry was processed. Results show that the achievement of the task skilled forelimb reaching was able to increase the MAP2 immunoreactivity in primary motor cortex (M1) in both hemispheres, both in injured animals as in intact animals. In addition, animals form IHC and IHC_US groups also presented increased immunoreactivity to MAP2 in both cerebral hemispheres. However, only IHC_SK animals presented functional recovery of movements of the forelimb, evaluated by test behavioral. In conclusion, this study shows that training of skills tasks can induce modifications in M1 under conditions of normality and lesion and, as a strategy of rehabilitation, induced higher plasticity than the unskilled training correlated with functional recovery of the forelimb after IHC experimental.
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Expressão da proteína associada a microtúbulo-2 (MAP-2) no córtex motor primário e recuperação motora após o aprendizado de diferentes tarefas em ratos submetidos à hemorragia intracerebralSantos, Marilucia Vieira dos January 2010 (has links)
As principais incapacidades funcionais que se observam após o Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE), sob o ponto de vista clínico, decorrem da hemiparesia, da incoordenação, da hipertonia espástica dos membros superior e inferior contralaterais à lesão e da fraqueza ipsilateral e contralateral ao hemisfério lesado. Evidências sugerem que o aprendizado e a realização de tarefas motoras de habilidade podem induzir mudanças comportamentais e neurofisiológicas, o que ocorre tanto em animais intactos quanto naqueles submetidos às lesões do SNC. Nesse sentido, alguns trabalhos evidenciam a participação da atividade dendrítica, observada pelo aumento da imunorreatividade a MAP2, induzida por experiências comportamentais. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho motor e a expressão da MAP2 no córtex motor primário, em ratos sham ou submetidos à HIC e aos treinamentos de habilidade do alcance (TH) ou ao treinamento de não-habilidade (TNH). Para tanto, ratos Wistar adultos foram inicialmente adaptados às diferentes tarefas motoras empregadas ao longo de três semanas, sendo, posteriormente, submetidos à cirurgia de indução da hemorragia intracerebral (HIC) por meio da administração intra-estriatal de colagenase tipo IV ou de veículo (animais Sham) (S). Em seguida, os animais dos grupos S_TH e HIC_TH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão, os animais dos grupos S_TNH e HIC_TNH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de não-habilidade e os animais S_ST e HIC_ST não receberam nenhum tipo de treinamento durante 4 semanas. Ao longo desse período, os animais foram testados pelo teste do Staircase quanto ao desempenho motor ao final da 2° e 4° semana de treinamento. Encerrado o período de treinamento, os animais foram profundamente anestesiados, perfundidos e tiveram seus encéfalos processados para a análise imunoistoquímica. Os resultados mostram que a realização da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão foi capaz de aumentar a imunorreatividade da MAP2 no córtex motor primário (M1) em ambos os hemisférios, tanto em animais lesados quanto em animais não-lesados. Além disso, os animais HIC e HIC_TNH apresentaram também aumento da imunorreatividade à MAP2 em ambos os hemisférios. Porém, apenas os animais HIC_TH apresentaram recuperação funcional dos movimentos do membro anterior afetado, avaliados pelo teste comportamental. Concluindo, o presente estudo demonstra que o treino de habilidade induz plasticidade dendrítica no M1 em condições normalidade e lesão e, como estratégia de reabilitação, mostra-se superior ao treino de não-habilidade, na recuperação funcional do membro anterior após a HIC experimental. / Under clinical view, the main functional impairment observed after stroke is resulting from the hemiparesis, incoordination, spastic hypertonia and from ipsilateral and contralateral weakness . Evidences suggest that learning and achievement of motor tasks ability may induce behavioral and neurophysiological changes, which occur in both intact and injured animals. Accordingly, some studies reveal the participation of dendritic activity, observed by increasing the immunoreactivity to MAP2, induced by behavioral experiences. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the motor performance and the expression of MAP2 in primary motor cortex (M1), in rats submitted or not to the IHC and rehabilitation using skilled (SK) or unskilled (US) training. Animals were initially adapted to different motor tasks employed over three weeks, and, subsequently, submitted to surgery for the induction of intracerebral hemorrhage (IHC) by means of administration of bacterial collagenase type IV or vehicle (animals Sham) (S) into the striatum . Then, animals in groups S_SK and IHC_SK were submitted to the training skilled forelimb reaching, animals in groups S_US and IHC_US were submitted to the training unskilled and animals S and HIC received no type of training during 4 weeks. Throughout that period, the reaching ability was tested using the Staircase test at the end of 2nd and 4thweek of training. At the end of the rehabilitation period, animals were deeply anesthetized, perfused and the immunohistochemistry was processed. Results show that the achievement of the task skilled forelimb reaching was able to increase the MAP2 immunoreactivity in primary motor cortex (M1) in both hemispheres, both in injured animals as in intact animals. In addition, animals form IHC and IHC_US groups also presented increased immunoreactivity to MAP2 in both cerebral hemispheres. However, only IHC_SK animals presented functional recovery of movements of the forelimb, evaluated by test behavioral. In conclusion, this study shows that training of skills tasks can induce modifications in M1 under conditions of normality and lesion and, as a strategy of rehabilitation, induced higher plasticity than the unskilled training correlated with functional recovery of the forelimb after IHC experimental.
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Expressão da proteína associada a microtúbulo-2 (MAP-2) no córtex motor primário e recuperação motora após o aprendizado de diferentes tarefas em ratos submetidos à hemorragia intracerebralSantos, Marilucia Vieira dos January 2010 (has links)
As principais incapacidades funcionais que se observam após o Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE), sob o ponto de vista clínico, decorrem da hemiparesia, da incoordenação, da hipertonia espástica dos membros superior e inferior contralaterais à lesão e da fraqueza ipsilateral e contralateral ao hemisfério lesado. Evidências sugerem que o aprendizado e a realização de tarefas motoras de habilidade podem induzir mudanças comportamentais e neurofisiológicas, o que ocorre tanto em animais intactos quanto naqueles submetidos às lesões do SNC. Nesse sentido, alguns trabalhos evidenciam a participação da atividade dendrítica, observada pelo aumento da imunorreatividade a MAP2, induzida por experiências comportamentais. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho motor e a expressão da MAP2 no córtex motor primário, em ratos sham ou submetidos à HIC e aos treinamentos de habilidade do alcance (TH) ou ao treinamento de não-habilidade (TNH). Para tanto, ratos Wistar adultos foram inicialmente adaptados às diferentes tarefas motoras empregadas ao longo de três semanas, sendo, posteriormente, submetidos à cirurgia de indução da hemorragia intracerebral (HIC) por meio da administração intra-estriatal de colagenase tipo IV ou de veículo (animais Sham) (S). Em seguida, os animais dos grupos S_TH e HIC_TH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão, os animais dos grupos S_TNH e HIC_TNH foram submetidos ao treinamento da tarefa de não-habilidade e os animais S_ST e HIC_ST não receberam nenhum tipo de treinamento durante 4 semanas. Ao longo desse período, os animais foram testados pelo teste do Staircase quanto ao desempenho motor ao final da 2° e 4° semana de treinamento. Encerrado o período de treinamento, os animais foram profundamente anestesiados, perfundidos e tiveram seus encéfalos processados para a análise imunoistoquímica. Os resultados mostram que a realização da tarefa de habilidade do alcance e preensão foi capaz de aumentar a imunorreatividade da MAP2 no córtex motor primário (M1) em ambos os hemisférios, tanto em animais lesados quanto em animais não-lesados. Além disso, os animais HIC e HIC_TNH apresentaram também aumento da imunorreatividade à MAP2 em ambos os hemisférios. Porém, apenas os animais HIC_TH apresentaram recuperação funcional dos movimentos do membro anterior afetado, avaliados pelo teste comportamental. Concluindo, o presente estudo demonstra que o treino de habilidade induz plasticidade dendrítica no M1 em condições normalidade e lesão e, como estratégia de reabilitação, mostra-se superior ao treino de não-habilidade, na recuperação funcional do membro anterior após a HIC experimental. / Under clinical view, the main functional impairment observed after stroke is resulting from the hemiparesis, incoordination, spastic hypertonia and from ipsilateral and contralateral weakness . Evidences suggest that learning and achievement of motor tasks ability may induce behavioral and neurophysiological changes, which occur in both intact and injured animals. Accordingly, some studies reveal the participation of dendritic activity, observed by increasing the immunoreactivity to MAP2, induced by behavioral experiences. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the motor performance and the expression of MAP2 in primary motor cortex (M1), in rats submitted or not to the IHC and rehabilitation using skilled (SK) or unskilled (US) training. Animals were initially adapted to different motor tasks employed over three weeks, and, subsequently, submitted to surgery for the induction of intracerebral hemorrhage (IHC) by means of administration of bacterial collagenase type IV or vehicle (animals Sham) (S) into the striatum . Then, animals in groups S_SK and IHC_SK were submitted to the training skilled forelimb reaching, animals in groups S_US and IHC_US were submitted to the training unskilled and animals S and HIC received no type of training during 4 weeks. Throughout that period, the reaching ability was tested using the Staircase test at the end of 2nd and 4thweek of training. At the end of the rehabilitation period, animals were deeply anesthetized, perfused and the immunohistochemistry was processed. Results show that the achievement of the task skilled forelimb reaching was able to increase the MAP2 immunoreactivity in primary motor cortex (M1) in both hemispheres, both in injured animals as in intact animals. In addition, animals form IHC and IHC_US groups also presented increased immunoreactivity to MAP2 in both cerebral hemispheres. However, only IHC_SK animals presented functional recovery of movements of the forelimb, evaluated by test behavioral. In conclusion, this study shows that training of skills tasks can induce modifications in M1 under conditions of normality and lesion and, as a strategy of rehabilitation, induced higher plasticity than the unskilled training correlated with functional recovery of the forelimb after IHC experimental.
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Amphiphilic Degradable Polymer/Hydroxyapatite Composites as Smart Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: A DissertationKutikov, Artem B. 24 November 2014 (has links)
Over 600,000 bone-grafting operations are performed each year in the United States. The majority of the bone used for these surgeries comes from autografts that are limited in quantity or allografts with high failure rates. Current synthetic bone grafting materials have poor mechanical properties, handling characteristics, and bioactivity. The goal of this dissertation was to develop a clinically translatable bone tissue engineering scaffold with improved handling characteristics, bioactivity, and smart delivery modalities. We hypothesized that this could be achieved through the rational selection of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved materials that blend favorably with hydroxyapatite (HA), the principle mineral component in bone. This dissertation describes the development of smart bone tissue engineering scaffolds composed of the biodegradable amphiphilic polymer poly(D,L-lactic acid-co-ethylene glycol-co- D,L-lactic acid) (PELA) and HA. Electrospun nanofibrous HA-PELA scaffolds exhibited improved handling characteristics and bioactivity over conventional HApoly( D,L-lactic acid) composites. Electrospun HA-PELA was hydrophilic, elastic, stiffened upon hydration, and supported the attachment and osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow stromal cells (MSCs). These in vitro properties translated into robust bone formation in vivo using a critical-size femoral defect model in rats. Spiral-wrapped HA-PELA scaffolds, loaded with MSCs or a lowdose of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2, templated bone formation along the defect. As an alternate approach, PELA and HA-PELA were viii rapid prototyped into three-dimensional (3-D) macroporous scaffolds using a consumer-grade 3-D printer. These 3-D scaffolds have differential cell adhesion characteristics, swell and stiffen upon hydration, and exhibit hydration-induced self-fixation in a simulated confined defect. HA-PELA also exhibits thermal shape memory behavior, enabling the minimally invasive delivery and rapid (>3 sec) shape recovery of 3-D scaffolds at physiologically safe temperatures (~ 50ºC). Overall, this dissertation demonstrates how the rational selection of FDA approved materials with synergistic interactions results in smart biomaterials with high potential for clinical translation.
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