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Critical Phenomena and Exchange Coupling in Magnetic HeterostructuresAhlberg, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The continuous phase transition in thin magnetic films and superlattices has been studied using the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and polarized neutron scattering (PNR). It has been shown that the critical behavior of amorphous thin films belonging to the 2D XY universality class can be described within the same theory as crystalline sample. This means that quenched disorder only serves as a marginal perturbation in systems with this symmetry. The connection between interlayer exchange coupling and the observed critical behavior in Fe/V superlattices was explored. The results prove that the origin of unusually high values of the exponent β can be traced to a position dependence of the magnetization at elevated temperatures. The magnetization of the outermost layers within the superlattice shows a more pronounced decrease at lower temperatures, compared to the inner layers, which in turn have a more abrupt decrease in the vicinity of the critical temperature. This translates to a high exponent, especially when the layers are probed by a technique where more weight is given to the layers close to the surface, e.g.MOKE. The interlayer exchange coupling as a function of spacer thickness and temperature was also studied in its own right. The data was compared to the literature, and a dependence on the thickness of the magnetic layers was concluded. The phase transition in amorphous FeZr/CoZr multilayers, where the magnetization emanates from ferromagnetic proximity effects, was investigated. Even though the determined exponents of the zero-field magnetization, the susceptibility and the critical isotherm did not correspond to any universality class, scaling plots displayed an excellent data collapse. Samples consisting of Fe δ-layers (0.3-1.4 monolayers) embedded in Pd were studied using element-specific resonant x-ray magnetic scattering. The magnetization of the two constituents showed distinctly different temperature dependences.
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Etude des pertes dans les enroulements des composants passifs planaires / Study of losses in the winding of planar passive componentsAbderahim, Awat Atteïb 14 November 2016 (has links)
Les composants magnétiques planaires (inductance et transformateur) occupent une place importante dans certains circuits intégrés utilisés en haute fréquence. Leur miniaturisation et leur intégration vont de pair avec celles des circuits électroniques qui évoluent constamment surtout pour les appareils portables. Quelques travaux scientifiques ont permis d’identifier les différents mécanismes à l’origine de pertes dans les composants magnétiques planaires, afin de les limiter. Les pertes dans les enroulements sont classiquement prises en compte par une résistance r(f) fonction de la fréquence. La détermination, à partir des paramètres S obtenus par mesure ou simulation, de la résistance r(f) constitue à ce jour un sujet d’étude à part entière, les paramètres S étant les seuls paramètres que l’on peut obtenir au-delà de la centaine de MHz. Pour contribuer à la résolution de ce problème, nous avons proposé une méthode prenant en compte toutes les pertes dans le bobinage. Cette méthode de détermination de la résistance en fonction de la fréquence se fait dans trois domaines de fréquence : - en très basse fréquence, la rDC est obtenue par calcul ou mesurée à l’aide d’un matériel basse fréquence, - aux "moyennes fréquences" lorsque les impédances R et Lω ne sont pas trop différentes, les phénomènes capacitifs pouvant être négligés, - aux résonances en très haute fréquence. L’application de cette méthode sur trois structures différentes (inductance à air de plusieurs spires, à air à une spire en oméga et à une couche de matériau magnétique) a permis de : - observer une bonne corrélation entre simulation et mesure, -valider l’évolution des pertes en fonction de la fréquence, -séparer les effets de peau et de proximité, -séparer les pertes fer et les pertes cuivre pour une inductance à couche magnétique / Planar magnetic components (transformer and inductor) have become a big part in some integrated circuits used in high frequency. Miniaturization and integration of magnetic components go hand in hand with the ones of electronics that constantly evolves especially for portable devices. A few scientific studies have identified the different mechanisms of losses in planar magnetic components. Winding losses are generally taken into account using a resistance r(f) versus frequency.The use of scattering parameters S to determine resistance r(f) represents a comprehensive research project ; S parameters that can be obtained either by measurement or by simulation, are the only parameters which one can get at high frequencies (above 100MHz). To solve this problem, we have proposed a method taking into account all winding losses. Our approach for determining r(f) has to be applied in 3 frequency domains: - at very low frequency, r(f) = rDC and its value is either calculated or measured using low frequency equipment, - in the middle frequency range, capacitive coupling can be neglected while impedances R and Lω are in the same order of magnitude, - at very high resonance frequencies.This method has been implemented for 3 different structures (coreless inductor with several turns of coil, Omega shape coreless inductor with one turn and inductor with a magnetic layer) leads to : - observe a good correlation between simulation and measurement, - validate the evolution of losses versus frequency, - separate skin effects and proximity effects, - separate iron losses and winding losses
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Etude de la stabilité et de la précision des modèles utilisés dans la correction des effets de proximité optique en photolithographie / Study of the impact of different physical parameters during OPC model creation for 65nm and 45nm technologiesSaied, Mazen 30 September 2011 (has links)
À l’heure actuelle, les modèles photochimiques utilisés dans la correction des effets de proximitéoptique (OPC) en photolithographie sont devenus complexes et moins physiques afin de permettre decapturer rapidement le maximum d’effets optiques et chimiques. La question de la stabilité de tels modèlespurement empiriques est devenue d’actualité. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons étudié la stabilité desmodèles photochimiques actuels en examinant les différentes causes d’instabilité vis-à-vis des paramètresdu procédé. Dans la suite, nous avons développé une méthode perturbative permettant d’évaluer le critèrede la stabilité. L’obtention de modèles simples et stables nous conduit à séparer les effets optiques desautres effets chimiques. De plus, les approximations utilisées dans la modélisation des systèmes optiquesopérant à grande ouverture numérique entraînent des erreurs résiduelles pouvant dégrader la précisionet la stabilité des modèles OPC. Ainsi, nous nous sommes intéressés à étudier les limites de validitéde l’approximation de Kirchhoff, méthode qui, jusqu’à présent, est la plus utilisée dans la modélisationdu champ proche d’un masque. D’autres méthodes semi-rigoureuses, permettant de modéliser les effetstopographiques, ont été également évaluées. Ces méthodes approchées permettent de gagner en précisionmais dégradent le temps de calcul. Nous avons ainsi proposé différentes façons de corriger les effetstopographiques du masque, tout en gardant l’approximation de Kirchhoff dans la modélisation de la partieoptique. Parmi les méthodes proposées, nous exploitons celle permettant de réduire les erreurs liéesaux effets topographiques du masque par l’intermédiaire d’un second modèle empirique. Nous montronsque pour garantir une précision adéquate, il est nécessaire d’augmenter la complexité du modèle en rajoutantdes termes additionnels. Enfin, pour garantir la stabilité numérique du modèle empirique, nousintroduirons une nouvelle méthode approchée hybride rapide et précise, la méthode des multi-niveaux,permettant d’inclure les effets topographiques par décomposition multi-niveaux du masque fin et discuteronsses avantages et ses limites. / At present, common resist models utilized in photolithography to correct for optical proximity effects(OPC) became complex and less physical in order to capture the maximum of optical and chemical effectsin shorter times. The question on the stability of such models, purely empirical, become topical. In thisthesis, we study the stability of existing OPC models by examining the origins of model instability towardsprocess parameters. Thus, we have developed a perturbative method in order to evaluate the stabilitycriterion. However, achieving stable and simple models needs a separation between optical and otherchemical effects. Besides, multiple approximations, widely utilized in the modeling of optical systemsoperating at high numerical aperture, lead to residual errors which can degrade OPC model accuracyand stability. Thus, we were interested to study the limits of validity of the Kirchhoff approximation,a method which, so far, is the most commonly used in mask near-field modeling. Other semi-rigorousmethods for mask topography effect modeling were also evaluated. These approximate methods canimprove the accuracy but degrades the run time. We then suggested different techniques to correct formask topography effects, while keeping the Kirchhoff approximation in the modeling of the optical part.Among them, we showed that errors due to mask topography effects can be partially captured by asecond empirical model. However, in order to ensure a good accuracy, it is necessary to increase themodel complexity by using more additional empirical terms. Finally, in order to achieve a numericalstability of the empirical model, we introduced a new hybrid fast and accurate method, the multi-levelmethod, which allows us to correct for mask topography effects through a multi-level decomposition ofthe thin mask and discussed its advantages and drawbacks.
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Study of Analytical Models for Harmonic Losses Calculations in Traction Induction MotorsMaroteaux, Anaïs January 2016 (has links)
This Master Thesis deals with the study of analytical and finite-element (FE) models for calculation of losses in traction induction motors. Motors are fed through inverters for this type of application. Therefore, both fundamental and harmonic losses are considered. The study is done with one particular motor and one initial analytical model. In order to validate the model and improve it, a FE model is developed with the tool FLUX 2D. Several chosen operating points with different modulation patterns are simulated both with FE and analytical models and results are compared. Stator and rotor Joule losses are studied first. A model to calculate stator Joule losses at strand level is proposed as an improvement to the current analytical model. Then iron losses, both in stator and rotor, are calculated. Two different computations methods with data extraction from FE are studied: the Bertotti model and a recently developed method called MVPRS in the report. It is based on a mathematical model for curve fitting of the core loss material data. Results with the two methods are compared with the ones from ana-lytical model. Finally total fundamental and harmonic losses are compared with measurements and conclusions are drawn on the quality and accuracy of the analytical model. / Detta examensarbete handlar om analytiska och Finita Element (FE) modeller för beräkning av förluster i asynkronmotorer för traktion. Motorer matas genom växelriktare för denna typ av applikation. Därför är det nödvändigt att både grundläggande och harmoniska förluster beaktas. Studien görs för en särskild motor och en redan existerande analytisk modell. För att validera modellen och förbättra den, utvecklats en FE modell med verktyget FLUX 2D. Flera arbetspunkter med olika moduleringsmönster simuleras både med FE och analytiska modeller och resultaten jämförs. Först studeras stator och rotor Joule förluster. En modell för att beräkna stator Joule förluster i varje ledare föreslås som en förbättring av den nuvarande analytiska modellen. Sedan beräknas järnförluster, både i stator och rotor, beräknas. Två olika metoder baserad på flödestäthet variationer i tid och rum från FE simuleringar studeras med Bertottis modell och en nyutvecklad metod som kallas MVPRS. Den är baserat på en matematisk modell för kurvanpassning av materialet förlust data. Resultaten med de två metoderna jämförs med de från analytiska modellen. Slutligen jämförs totala fundamentala och harmoniska förluster med mätningar och slutsatser dras om kvalitet och noggrannhet av analytiska modellen.
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An Unmanned Aerial Systems Evaluation Chamber for Bridge InspectionJose Capa Salinas (11178285) 26 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Civil engineering structures must provide an adequate and safe performance during their time of service, and the owners of these structures must have a reliable inspection strategy to ensure time-dependent damage does not become excessive. Visual inspection is the first step in every structural inspection; however, many elements in the majority of structures are difficult to access and require specialized personal and equipment. In an attempt to reduce the risk of the inspector and the cost of additional equipment, the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) has been increasing in the last years. The absence of standards and regulations regarding the use of UAS in inspection of structures has allowed the market to widely advertise Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) without protocols or qualifications that prove their effectiveness, leaving the owners of the structures to solely rely on claims of the vendors before deciding which technology suits their particular inspection needs. Focusing primarily on bridge inspection, this research aimed to address the lack of performance-based evaluation and standards for UAS, developing a validation criterion to evaluate a given UAS based on a repeatable test that resembles typical conditions in a structure. </p><p><br></p><p>Current applications of UAS in inspection of structures along with its advantages and limitations were studied to determine the current status of UAS technologies. A maximum typical rotor-tip-to-rotor-tip distance of an UAV was determined based on typical UAVs used in bridge inspection, and two main parameters were found to be relevant when flying close to structures: proximity effects in the UAV and availability of visual line of sight. Distances where proximity effects are relevant were determined based on several field inspections and flights close to structures. In addition, the use of supplementary technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) was studied to understand their effect during inspection. </p><p><br></p><p>Following the analysis, the author introduces the idea of a series of obstacles and elements inside an enclosed space that resemble components of bridge structures to be inspected using UAVs, allowing repeatability of the test by controlling outside parameters such as lighting condition, wind, precipitation, temperature, and GPS signal. Using distances based on proximity effects, maximum typical rotor-tip-to-rotor-tip distance, and a gallery of bridges and situations when flying close to bridge structures, a final arrangement of elements is presented as the evaluation chamber. Components inside the evaluation chamber include both “real” steel and concrete specimens as well as those intended to simulate various geometric configurations on which other features are mounted. Pictures of damages of steel and concrete elements have been placed in the internal faces of the obstacles that can be assessed either in real-time flight or in post-processing work. A detailed comparison between the objectives of this research project and the results obtained by the evaluation chamber was performed using visual evaluation and resolution charts for the images obtained, the availability of visual line of sight during the test, and the absence of GPS signal.</p><p><br></p><p>From the comparison and analysis conducted and based on satisfactory flight results as images obtained during flights, the evaluation chamber is concluded to be a repeatable and reliable tool to apply to any UAS prior to inspect bridges and other structures, and the author recommends to refrain from conducting an inspection if the UAS does not comply with the minimum requirements presented in this research work. Additionally, this research provided a clearer understanding of the general phenomenon presented when UAVs approach structures and attempts to fill the gap of knowledge regarding minimum requirements and criterion for the use of UAS technologies in inspection of structures.</p>
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