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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oxidation and reduction reactions of the water-oxidizing complex in photosystem II / Oxidations- och reduktionsreaktioner av det vattenoxiderande komplexet i fotosystem II

Pham, Long Vo January 2015 (has links)
The oxygen that we breathe and food that we eat are products of the natural photosynthesis. Molecular oxygen is crucial for life on Earth owing to its role in the glycolysis and citric acid pathways that yield in aerobic organisms the energy-rich ATP molecules. Photosynthetic water oxidation, which produces molecular oxygen from water and sunlight, is performed by higher plants, algae and cyanobacteria. Within the molecular structure of a plant cell, photosynthesis is performed by a specific intracellular organelle – the chloroplast. Chloroplasts contain a membrane system, the thylakoid membrane, which comprises lipids, quinones and a very high content of protein complexes. The unique photosynthetic oxidation of water into molecular oxygen, protons and electrons is performed by the Mn4CaO5 cluster in photosystem II (PSII) complex. Understanding the mechanism of water oxidation by Mn4CaO5 cluster is one of the great challenges in science nowadays. When the mechanism of this process is fully understood, artificial photosynthetic systems can be designed that have high efficiencies of solar energy conversion by imitating the fundamental principle of natural system. These systems can be used in future for generation of fuels from sunlight.   In this thesis, the efficiency of water-splitting process in natural photosynthetic preparations was studied by measuring the flash-induced oxygen evolution pattern (FIOP). The overall aim is to achieve a deeper understanding of oxygen evolving mechanism of the Mn4O5Ca cluster via developing a complete kinetic and energetic model of the light-induced redox reactions within PSII complex. On the way to reach this goal, the hydrogen peroxide that is electrochemically generated on surface of Pt-cathode was discovered. The chemical effect of electrochemically produced H2O2 that can interfere in the oxygen evolution pathway or change the observed FIOP data was demonstrated. Therefore, in order to record the clean FIOP data that are further characterized by global fitting program (GFP), H2O2 has to be abolished by catalase addition and by purging the flow buffer of the Joliot-type electrode with nitrogen gas.      After FIOPs free of H2O2-induced effects were achieved, these clean data were then applied to a global fitting approach (GFP) in order to (i) result a comprehensive figure of all S-state decays whose kinetic rates were simultaneously analyzed in a high reliability and consistency, (ii) the dependence of miss parameter on S-state transitions and the oxidation state of tyrosine D (YD) can be tested, (iii) how dependent of all S-state re-combinations (to S1 state) on the various pH/pD values can be also determined in case of using Cyanidioschyzon merolae (C. merolae) thylakoids. Our data support previous suggestions that the S0 → S1 and S1 → S2 transitions involve low or no misses, while high misses occur in the S2 → S3 transition or the S3 → S0 transition. Moreover, the appearance of very slow S2 decay was clearly observed by using the GFP analysis, while there are no evidences of very slow S3 decay were recorded under all circumstances. The unknown electron donor for the very slow S2 decay which can be one of the substances of PSII-protective branch (i.e. cytochrome b559, carotenoid or ChlZ) will be determined in further researches.

The relevance of fog and dew precipitation to succulent plant hydrology in an arid South African ecosystem

Matimati, Ignatious January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / Fog and dew interception and utilization by plant canopies remains one of the least considered aspects of vegetation studies at any scale yet the few studies that have been conducted point to their considerable influence on ecological processes and a critical role in modulating climate in southern African arid ecosystems. Their relevance to succulent plant hydrology was investigated in this study.The first study measured stable 18O and 2H isotope ratios in samples of rain, fog and dew water and compared these with those assayed monthly in stem xylem water of six succulent shrub species over a one year period. Negative 18O and 2H ratios were observed in the stem xylem water of all six species signifying a predominance of water derived from fog and dew precipitation which was most conspicuous during the wet winter. This implied that fog and dew are even more important sources of water than rain and corroborated by significant correspondence found between fog and dew frequencies, succulent foliar water contents and quantum yields of photochemistry.The second study monitored variations in stem diameter at 2-hourly intervals in 8 succulent shrub species of diverse growth form over a 9-month period. Two groups of species were distinguished based on whether their daily amplitudes in stem diameter were consistently positively correlated with daily fluxes in vapour pressure deficit, which were indicative of a persistent CAM photosynthetic mode, or intermittently correlated with daily fluxes in vapour pressure deficit, which were indicative of mixed CAM and C3 photosynthetic modes. Among species displaying a persistent CAM photosynthetic mode, high nocturnal fog and dew precipitation amounts corresponded with low daily amplitudes in stem diameter, and vice versa, which pointed to reduced nocturnal stomatal water loss. These patterns, which were indistinct among species displaying mixed CAM and C3 photosynthetic modes, were corroborated by small daily amplitudes in stem diameter also consistently observed in one species displaying a CAM photosynthetic mode in ambient than artificially fog and dew excluded environments.The third study monitored changes in water mass at hourly intervals of quartz gravel substrates with different dwarf succulent species assemblages over an 8-month period.Consistently greater net amounts of water were intercepted daily by quartz gravel substrates containing Agyroderma pearsonii than Cephalophylum spissum plants as well as those without plants. These attributed to a high water repellence of A. pearsonii leaves and less radiation absorbed by the paler silvery to grey-green leaves of A. pearsonii leaves than the dark green leaves of C. spissum resulting in lower leaf temperatures and less water loss by transpiration. Quartz gravel soils devoid of plants intercepted nearly 5-times greater amounts of precipitation contributed by fog and dew than that contributed by rain. These precipitation amounts exceeding the high percentages of total hydrological input contributed by fog and dew reported in other ecosystems.The study concludes that fog and dew are a vital source of water for succulent shrubs in arid South African ecosystems and imply that diminished fog and dew frequencies associated with elevated night time temperatures accompanying global warming could exacerbate plant drought stress.

Ultrastruktura chloroplastů buku pod vlivem zvýšené koncentrace CO2 a různé ozářenosti / Ultrastrucutre of beech chloroplasts under the elevated CO2 concentration and different irradiation

Vrbová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Forest stands may act as important carbon storage places - sinks, due to carbon allocation into both the plant biomass in the process of photosynthesis and the soil. Enhancement of CO2 concentration affects a whole range of plant physiological processes and, thus, it is necessary to study its effect on photosynthetic apparatus - leaf anatomical structure and chloroplast ultrastructure. The first aim of the Thesis was to evaluate changes in chloroplast ultrastructure of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under the effects of both elevated CO2 concentration and different irradiance. The second aim was to evaluate if the anatomical parameters obtained from the middle part of the leaf are representative for the whole leaf blade. The trees were grown in glass domes at the Bílý Kříž experimental site in the Beskids Mountains (Czech Republic), owned by the CzechGlobe Institute. Leaves were sampled in 2010 from juvenile trees, which were planted in 2005 being 5-year old and cultivated since then in ambient (AC; 390 micromol/mol) and elevated (EC; 700 micromol/mol) CO2 concentrations. The EC effect was recorded to be an increased proportion of starch grains in the chloroplast median section and decreased proportion of of intergranal thylakoids (IGT) while the ratio of granal to intergranal thylakoids...

Physiological adaptations in two ecotypes of Fucus vesiculosus and in Fucus radicans with focus on salinity

Gylle, A Maria January 2011 (has links)
The in origin intertidal marine brown alga Fucus vesiculosus L. grow permanently sublittoral in the brackish Bothnian Sea, side by side with the recently discovered F. radicans L. Bergström et L. Kautsky. Environmental conditions like salinity, light and temperature are clearly different between F. vesiculosus growth sites in the Bothnian Sea (4-5 practical salinity units, psu; part of the Baltic Sea) and the tidal Norwegian Sea (34-35 psu; part of the Atlantic Ocean). The general aims of this thesis were to compare physiological aspects between the marine ecotype and the brackish ecotype of F. vesiculosus as well as between the two Bothnian Sea species F. vesiculosus and F. radicans. The result in the study indicates a higher number of water soluble organic compounds in the marine ecotype of F. vesiculosus compared to the brackish ecotype. These compounds are suggested to be compatible solutes and be due to an intertidal and sublittoral adaptation, respectively; where the intertidal ecotype needs the compounds as a protection from oxygen radicals produced during high irradiation at low tide. The sublittoral ecotype might have lost the ability to synthesize these compound/compounds due to its habitat adaptation. The mannitol content is also higher in the marine ecotype compared to the brackish ecotype of F. vesiculosus and this is suggested to be due to both higher level of irradiance and higher salinity at the growth site. 77 K fluorescence emission spectra and immunoblotting of D1 and PsaA proteins indicate that both ecotypes of F. vesiculosus as well as F. radicans have an uneven ratio of photosystem II/photosystem I (PSII/PSI) with an overweight of PSI. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the Bothnian Sea ecotype of F. vesiculosus however, indicates a larger light-harvesting antenna of PSII compared to the marine ecotype of F. vesiculosus and F. radicans. Distinct differences in 77 K fluorescence emission spectra between the Bothnian Sea ecotype of F. vesiculosus and F. radicans confirm that this is a reliable method to use to separate these species. The marine ecotype of F. vesiculosus has a higher photosynthetic maximum (Pmax) compared to the brackish ecotype of F. vesiculosus and F. radicans whereas both the brackish species have similar Pmax. A reason for higher Pmax in the marine ecotype of F. vesiculosus compared to F. radicans is the greater relative amount of ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). The reason for higher Pmax in marine ecotype of F. vesiculosus compare to the brackish ecotype however is not due to the relative amount of Rubisco and further studies of the rate of CO2 fixation by Rubisco is recommended. Treatments of the brackish ecotype of F. vesiculosus in higher salinity than the Bothnian Sea natural water indicate that the most favourable salinity for high Pmax is 10 psu, followed by 20 psu. One part of the explanation to a high Pmax in 10 psu is a greater relative amount of PsaA protein in algae treated in 10 psu. The reason for greater amount of PsaA might be that the algae need to produce more ATP, and are able to have a higher flow of cyclic electron transport around PSI to serve a higher rate of CO2 fixation by Rubisco. However, studies of the rate of CO2 fixation by Rubisco in algae treated in similar salinities as in present study are recommended to confirm this theory. / Fucus vesiculosus L. (Blåstång) är en brunalg som i huvudsak växer i tidvattenzonen i marint vatten men arten klarar också att växa konstant under ytan i det bräckta Bottenhavet. Norska havet och den del av Bottenhavet, där algerna är insamlade i denna studie, har salthalterna 34-35 psu (praktisk salthaltsenhet) respektive 4-5 psu. F. radicans L. Bergström et L. Kautsky (Smaltång) är en nyligen upptäckt art (2005) som har utvecklats i Bottenhavet. F. radicans och Bottenhavets ekotyp av F. vesiculosus växer sida vid sida och har tidigare ansetts vara samma art. Sett till hela Östersjön, så ändras ytans salthalt från 25 till 1-2 psu mellan Östersjöns gräns mot Kattegatt och norra Bottenviken. Den låga salthalten i Östersjön beror på det höga flödet av sötvatten från älvarna och på ett litet inflödet av saltvatten i inloppet vid Kattegatt. Salthaltsgradienten är korrelerad med antalet arter som minskar med minskad salthalt. Östersjön är ett artfattigt hav och de arter som finns är till stor del en blandning av söt- och saltvattenarter. Det finns bara ett fåtal arter som är helt anpassade till bräckt vatten och F. radicans är en av dem. Exempel på miljöskillnader för F. vesiculosus i Norska havet och i Bottenhavet är salthalten, tidvattnet, ljuset och temperaturen. Tidvattnet i Norska havet gör att algerna växlar mellan att vara i vattnet och på land, vilket utsätter algerna för stora ljusskillnader, snabba och stora temperaturväxlingar samt även torka. De alger som växer i Bottenhavet har däremot en jämnare och lägre temperatur, istäcke på vintern och mindre tillgång på ljus eftersom de alltid lever under vattenytan. Skillnaderna i miljön mellan växtplatserna leder till skillnader i fysiologiska anpassningar. Anledningen till att F. vesiculosus och F. radicans valdes som studieobjekt i denna avhandling är att de är viktiga nyckelarter i Bottenhavet. F. vesiculosus och F. radicans är de enda större bältesbildande alger som finns i det artfattiga ekosystemet och de används därför flitigt som mat, gömställe, parningsplats och barnkammare för t.ex. fisk. Att de är nyckelarter gör det angeläget att försöka förstå hur algerna är anpassade och hur de reagerar på miljöförändringar för att få veta hur de kan skyddas och bevaras. F. radicans inkluderades även för att se hur en naturlig art i Bottenhavet är anpassad i jämförelse med den invandrade F. vesiculosus. Marin F. vesiculosus inkluderades för att vara en artreferens från artens naturliga växtplats. Studien visar att det finns fler vattenlösliga organiska substanser (finns vissa organiska substanser som har en proteinskyddande funktion) i den marina ekotypen av of F. vesiculosus än i Bottenhavets ekotyp. Anledningen till detta föreslås vara en anpassning till att växa i tidvattenzonen. Vid lågvatten utsätts F. vesiculosus från Norska havet för starkt ljus, uttorkning, och snabba temperatur- växlingar vilket gör att den kan behöva dessa organiska substanser som skydd mot fria syreradikaler som bildas under lågvattenexponeringarna. F. vesiculosus från Bottenhavet har troligen mist förmågan att syntetisera dessa substanser på grund av anpassning till att hela tiden växa under ytan. Mängden mannitol (socker) är högre i den marina ekotypen av of F. vesiculosus än i Bottenhavets ekotyp. Detta föreslås bero på högre fotosyntetiskt maximum i F. vesiculosus från Norska havet jämfört med ekotypen från Bottenhavet. Skillnaden i fotssyntetiskt maximum är bland annat kopplat till ljus- och salthaltskillnaden på algernas växtplatser. Denna teori styrks av att både fotosyntesen och halten av mannitol ökar i Bottenhavets ekotyp när den behandlas i högre salthalt. Studien visar även att båda ekotyperna av F. vesiculosus samt F. radicans har ett ojämnt förhållande mellan fotosystem II och I (PSII och PSI) med en dominans av PSI. Denna slutsats är baserad på fluorescens emissions mätningar vid 77 K (-196 °C) och mätning av den relativa mängden D1 protein (motsvarar PSII) och PsaA protein (motsvarar PSI). F. vesiculosus från Bottenhavet visar ett emission spektrum som pekar mot en jämnare fördelning av PSII och PSI jämfört med den marina ekotypen och F. radicans. Detta stämmer dock inte med förhållandet mellan D1/PsaA som indikerar att alla tre har mer PSI än PSII. Förklaringen till avvikelsen mellan metoderna antas vara att F. vesiculosus från Bottenhavet har större ljus-infångande antennpigment än marin F. vesiculosus och F. radicans. De tydliga skillnaderna i 77 K fluorescens emission spektra mellan Bottenhavets F. vesiculosus och F. radicans visar att denna metod kan användas som säker artidentifiering. Den marina ekotypen av F. vesiculosus har högre fotosyntetiskt maximum än de båda arterna från Bottenhavet. Mätningar av den relativa mängden av enzymet Rubisco, viktigt för upptaget av koldioxid hos växter och alger, visar att mängden enzym är en sannolik förklaring till skillnaden i fotosyntetiskt maximum mellan den marina ekotypen av F. vesiculosus och F. radicans och detta är troligen en normal artskillnad. Mängden Rubisco kan dock inte förklara skillnaden i fotosyntetiskt maximum mellan de båda ekotyperna av F. vesiculosus. För att undersöka vad skillnaden mellan dessa två beror på så föreslås istället mätningar av Rubisco’s koldioxidfixeringshastighet. Det är en ökning av fotosyntetiskt maximum i Bottenhavets ekotyp av F. vesiculosus när den behandlas i högre salthalt (10, 20 och 35 psu) och det högsta fotosyntetiska maximumet uppmättes i alger som behandlats i 10 psu. Denna ökning beror inte på ökning i den relativa mängden av Rubisco. Ökningen i fotosyntesen speglas dock av en ökning av den relativa mängden PsaA. Detta antas bero på att det behövs mer energi i form av ATP och att en ökning av detta kan ske på grund av att mer PsaA kan driva den cykliska elektrontransporten i fotosyntesreaktionen. Ökat behov av ATP antas bero på en ökning av Rubisco aktiviteten men mätning av aktiviteten krävs för att bekräfta detta.

Involvement of the chloroplastic photosynthetically electron transport in the differential expression of nuclear genes Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase (MSR) isoforms by excess light in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Tseng, Yu-Lu 28 June 2011 (has links)
Methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MSRA) and MSRB are responsible for the repairing of methionine-R-sulfoxide (Met-S-SO) and methionine-S-sulfoxide (Met-R-SO) back to me-thionine, respectively. Five MSRA isoforms and four MSRB isoforms are discovered in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Whether high light regulates CrMSR ex-pression via photosynthetic electron transport (PET) was examined. By checking the se-quence of PCR product of each isoform, quantitative real-time primers were designed for discrimination of isoform expression. Light ≥ 300 £gE m-2 s-1 and PET inhibitors inhibited PSII activity (Fv/Fm, Fv´/Fm´) and photosynthetic O2 evolution rate, particularly 1,000 £gE m-2 s-1, in which it did not recover after 3 h. A transfer to dark decreased CrMSRA2, CrMSRA3, CrMSRB1.1, CrMSRB1.2, CrMSRB2.1 mRNA levels but increased CrMSRA4 mRNA levels. When exposed to 50, 300, 600, or 1,000 £gE m-2 s-1, CrMSRA2, CrMSRA3, CrMSRA5, CrMSRB1.1, CrMSRB2.1 and CrMSRB2.2 mRNA levels increased as light ≥ 300 £gE m-2 s-1, and concomitantly CrMSRA4 mRNA level decreased. Changes in mRNA levels increased as light intensity increased. The treatment of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) in 1,000 £gE m-2 s-1 inhibited high light effect, and the treatment of 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6- isopropyl-p- benzoquinone (DBMIB) in 50 £gE m-2 s-1 increased CrMSRA3, CrMSRA5 and CrMSRB2.2 mRNA levels but decreased CrMSRA4 mRNA level. The application of phena-zine methosulfate (PMS), an electron donor to P700+ that promotes cyclic electron transport, in 300 £gE m-2 s-1 enhanced the increase of CrMSRA3 and CrMSRA5 mRNA levels by high light but inhibited the decrease of CrMSRA4 mRNA level, reflecting a role of cyclic PET. The above results let us to draw a conclusion that plastoquinone as reduced status mediates the expression of CrMSRA3, CrMSRA4, CrMSRA5 and CrMSRB2.2 by high light. The im-plication of linear electron transport and cyclic electron transport on the regulation of CrMSR gene expression will be discussed.We speculated that the high light up-regulation of CrMSR mRNA expression offers the resistance of Chlamydomonas to photooxidative stress.

Complexes homo- et hétéro-nucléaires de manganèse et de métaux alcalino-terreux : vers des modèles du centre de dégagement d'oxygène du photosystème II / Homo- and heteronuclear complexes of manganese and alkaline-earth metals : towards models of the oxygen-evolving center of photosystem II

Gerey, Bertrand 10 December 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse est consacré au développement et à la caractérisation de nouveaux complexes homo- et hétéronucléaires de manganèse et de métaux alcalino-terreux dans le cadre de la modélisation du cluster inorganique Mn4CaO5 de l’OEC du photosystème II.De nouveaux ligands incluant un nombre variable de groupements pyridine-carboxylates basés sur les architectures tris-(2-picolyl)amine et bis-(2-picolyl)ethylamine ont été synthétisés. Ces ligands ont permis d’isoler de nouveaux complexes homonucléaires avec Ca2+ et Sr2+ et ainsi que des complexes hétéronucléaires MnII–Ca. L’analyse par spectroscopie XAS sur le calcium de certaines de ces espèces (parmi d’autres modèles) a permis de calibrer cette technique et ainsi montrer que le XAS pourrait être utilisé pour sonder le cluster naturel dans les différents états du cycle de Kok.Par la suite, une nouvelle famille de complexes tétranucléaires MnII3M’ (M’ = Li+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Mn2+) a été isolée, reposant sur une base métallomacrocyclique trinucléaire accueillant un cation M’ dans la cavité formée. Ces complexes ont révélé un comportement électrochimique original présentant trois systèmes redox successifs et réversibles dont le potentiel varie avec M’. Ces espèces ont démontré une excellente stabilité en solution, y compris à l’état d’oxydation du manganèse +III. Des complexes homonucléaires M3M (M = Fe2+, Co2+) similaires ont aussi été étudiés.Enfin, des complexes binucléaires de Mn3+ pontés par des ligands oxo ont été isolés, ainsi que leurs précurseurs de Mn2+. Par ailleurs, un exemple de cluster métallomacrocyclique à valence mixte Mn2+/Mn3+ et incorporant du calcium a été obtenu, qui représente le premier exemple d’un manganèse(II) ponté par un ligand hydroxo à deux ions Ca2+. / This thesis is focused on the development and characterization of new homo- and heteronuclear complexes of manganese and alkaline-earth metals for the modelization of the Mn4CaO5 inorganic cluster of the OEC of photosystem II.New ligands incorporating a varied number of pyridine-carboxylate groups and based on the tris-(2-picolyl)amine and bis-(2-picolyl)ethylamine architectures have been synthesized. These ligands enabled the isolation of Ca2+ and Sr2+ homonuclear complexes as well as heteronuclear MnII–Ca complexes. Part of these species have been characterized (among other models) by Ca XAS spectroscopy, enabling the calibration of this technique for the study of more complex systems such as the OEC.Furthermore, a new family of MnII3M’ (M’ = Li+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Mn2+) tetranuclear complexes has been isolated, based on a trinuclear Mn2+ metallamacrocyclic architecture hosting a M’ cation in the formed cavity. These complexes exhibited an original electrochemical behavior, displaying three successive reversible redox processes in oxidation whose potentials vary depending on the metal M’. These species demonstrated an excellent stability in solution, even at the +III oxidation state of manganese. Similar homonuclear M3M (M = Fe2+, Co2+) complexes have been isolated.Finally, binuclear Mn3+ complexes bridged by oxo ligands have been isolated, as well as their Mn2+ precursors. Moreover, a mixed-valence Mn2+/Mn3+ metallamacrocyclic cluster incorporating calcium has been synthesized, revealing the first example of a manganese(II) bridged by an hydroxo ligand to Ca2+ ions.

Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring and Biomedical Applications / Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring and Biomedical Applications

ŠTOFIK, Marcel January 2012 (has links)
Study of biosensors has become an essential part of research in biotechnology. Biosensors as fast, portable, highly sensitive, and low-cost bioanalytical detection devices have been utilized in many fields of human activity. The first part of the presented work focuses on electrochemical biosensors for rapid environmental screening of herbicides as water pollutants. A sol-gel immobilization method for a photosystem II (PSII) complex is studied in order to enhance the sensitivity and the signal strength and stability of a PSII-based biosensor. Computer simulations of a PSII biosensor are employed with the aim to find out how the immobilization membrane properties influence the biosensor parameters. Newly developed immobilization by a thin-layer membrane based on the results of computer simulations and revised measurement protocols are presented. The second part of the work is devoted to synthesis and electrochemical detection of newly developed metal labels for electrochemical immunosensors. The synthesis of dendrimer-encapsulated silver nanoparticles and biorecognition properties of biotin-nanocomposite conjugates are discussed. For detection of synthesized labels, a microfluidic detector was manufactured and tested and different approaches to packing of a microfluidic chip employing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) were investigated. Newly designed microstructures for a microfluidic separator of magnetic beads (MBs) were studied by computer simulations. The separator was made and trapping of MBs for the further employment in MBs-based immunoassays are presented

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