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Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie av företags sociala ansvarstagande.Axelsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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The image of Olivet Nazarene College as perceived by selected institutional reference groupsSpittal, David James 03 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine and compare the perceived images of Olivet Nazarene College as reported by related reference groups consisting of administrators, trustees, faculty, students, alumni, parents and prospective students.The population of the study consisted of 924 individuals selected at random from listings provided by the college. A total of 610 individuals responded to the questionnaire providing a 66 per cent return from the population.The instrument used for the study consisted of eighty-one words or phrases that have been used to describe various colleges and universities including Olivet Nazarene College. Individuals were asked to respond on a five-point Likert scale indicating the extent each word or phrase described Olivet Nazarene College.The frequency data were organized into contingency tables and analyzed using the chi square test of independence. Paired reference groups were examined to test the null hypothesis of no significant difference in group responses. Internal and external reference groups were also compared and reported in the study.ConclusionsThe following conclusions were based on a review literature as presented in the study and the results the analysis of data:1. Colleges and universities communicate distinct images to the various publics associated withthe institution. The nature of the images vary significantly from group to group and are often unrelated to reality or actual environments of the institution.2. Images are not necessarily based on personal experiences but are accumulated from a variety of sources with varied levels of credibility.3. Student perceptions of college environments tend to be more critical than other groups, however, student perceptions may be more objective and more related to reality than the perceptions of other groups.4. Due to the complexity and changing nature of institutional images, it appears to be difficult if not impossible, to completely control the type or quality or image communicated to various publics.5. Words and phrases used to communicate college image carry a variety of connotations whichmay negatively or positively affect institutional images. College descriptors are often selected without concern for clarity and credibility creating confusion among institutional reference groups.6. Prospective students view colleges more positively than do other groups.7. Perceptions of prospective students change drastically upon arrival at an institution. Inaccurate images created through communications programs do not sustain images once personal contact is made with the institution.8. Images perceived by groups closely related to a college tend to be different and are usually more critical than external groups with the exception of alumni.9. Despite differences in perceived images held by various reference groups, most colleges have distinctive images which distinguish one institution from another.
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PR 2.0 skapar nya digitala relationer och kommunikationsmöjligheter : En fallstudie om ett universitets närvaro på FacebookRinman, Linda January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Abracadabra: Key Agents of Mediation that Define, Create, and Maintain TV FandomGardner, David H 20 December 2012 (has links)
From a media industries, fan studies, and emerging socio-cultural public relations perspective, this project pulls back the Hollywood curtain to explore two questions: 1) How do TV public relations practitioners and key tastemaker/gatekeeper media define, create, build, and maintain fandom?; and 2) How do they make meaning of fandom and their agency/role in fan creation from their position of industrial producers, cultural intermediaries, members of the audience, and as fans themselves? This project brings five influential, working public relations and media professionals into a conversation about two case studies from the 2010-2011 television season – broadcast network CBS’ Hawaii Five-0 and basic cable network AMC’s The Walking Dead. Each of these shows speaks to fandom in particular ways and are representative of the industry’s current approaches in luring specific audiences to TV. This study shows that the relationship between entertainment publicists and media is dynamic, intertwined, complex, and historically hidden.
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Myndigheters mänskliga röst : En kvalitativ textanalys av tre svenska myndigheters Facebook-inläggGran, Josefine, Öberg, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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A Case for Hulu: How Personalized Advertising Will Bring About the Future of TelevisionKersten, Brant B. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Hulu, a video-on-demand service that is rapidly growing in popularity, has been particularly effective at adapting the traditional television experience to the interactive internet medium. According to the U.S. Digital Consumer Report, Hulu is second only to Netflix among video-on-demand services in terms of their share of online video time, which amount to 6.9% and 10.7% respectively. Note that this excludes YouTube, as their content is not as comparable to typical television programming. This growing trend is not going unnoticed by advertisers, as the year-over-year increase in advertising expenditures through this medium amounted to 24% according to the Global AdView Pulse (compared to 10.1% for television). However, the empowerment that Hulu's revolutionary advertising strategy provides its viewers is arguably more important than the diversion of advertising from television to the internet. In this paper I conduct an extensive, qualitative exploration of various theoretical components of advertising, their effects on consumer behavior and television markets, and how video-on-demand services like Hulu have the potential to shift the focus of the television industry from advertisers back to consumers as progressive technology provides them with more attractive, alternative sources of content.
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Win-win : Samarbete mellan kommun och näringsliv / Win-win : Collaboration between puclic sector and private sectorAlm, Tracy, Andersson, Emil January 2012 (has links)
Our study is focused on how the public sector can collaborate with the private sector on a certain issue. The public sector wanted to create a project to increase bicycling in the municipality of Kalmar. Our problem was to develop a sustainable way to collaborate between the two parties. We managed to present a suggestion on how the public sector with communication could improve their Public Relations with the private sector and therefore letting the parties benefit from their differences, thus making it possible to release synergy.Using semi-structured interviews and a workshop, we could clarify the values and attitudes of the parties to bring forth the core values to develop a shared vision. Where the identified differences were found, we used a dialog strategy based on intercultural conflict management as a communication tool. The result was exemplified with things that were expressed in the interviews, and we presented a framework on how to think when choosing the right type of collaboration model for the specified activity.
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PR - ett mångfacetterat begrepp : - en kvalitativ studie om definierande och utövande av PRHjalmarsson, Camilla, Lång, Linnea January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie har vuxit fram ur den uppdelning som vi anade fanns inom PR-världen, mellan forskare och yrkesverksamma både i definition och utövande. Detta anade vi genom att vi kunde se olika svenska författare använda olika begrepp och ibland också likställa dem med PR. Detta tror vi kan bidra till en rörig bransch med dålig kategoritillhörighet, att det blir en otydligt avgränsad yrkeskategori. Med uppdelning menas i detta fall svårigheten att enas om en definition och ett begrepp. Detta var något som Harlow redan 1976 anande då han vid det tillfället fann 472 olika definitioner av PR. Sedan dess har fler definitioner och begrepp tillkommit och spekulationer finns kring om detta beror på en ung profession, dess dåliga rykte, koppling till negativa aktiviteter eller utvecklingen av den nya tekniken. Studiens syfte är att se likheter eller olikheter i forskares och yrkesverksammas syn på PR-forskningen, branschen och definitionen av PR. Detta syfte utmynnade till tre frågeställningar; Hur beskriver respondenterna PR? Vad är respondenternas syn på PR-forskningen? Vad är respondenternas syn på utövandet av PR? Teorin i studien går igenom bakgrundsfakta om PR, olika begrepp i andra länder samt i Sverige. Vidare beskrivs olika perspektiv på forskning och bransch samt utvecklingen av denna. Sist berörs PR som yrkesroll och dess funktioner och utveckling samt påverkan av nya medier. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ metod, samtalsintervjuer, med fem forskare och fem yrkesverksamma inom PR-branschen med en tydlig koppling till PR. Resultatet visar en mångfacettering och splittring både inom forskning och inom praktik. Både forskare och yrkesverksamma har ett enskilt ”favorit”-begrepp men förhöll sig även till andra begrepp. De lade dock in olika innebörder i dessa vilket enligt resultatet visar på en otydlighet hos respondenterna. Det fanns också en delad mening kring om det ska vara tillåtet att översätta PR till egna begrepp eller inte, då viktiga bitar av PR’s innebörd kan gå förlorade när man översätter ett begrepp. Forskningen har en väldigt viktig roll enligt studiens resultat och den viktigaste forskningen är enligt resultatet forskning som har cocreational perspective och ett kritiskt perspektiv. Respondenterna är tydliga i sina svar angående vilken roll de anser att PR har för de yrkesverksamma. De flesta menar att de viktigaste arbetsuppgifterna är att skapa och bevara relationer till organisationerna. Respondenterna tror inte att det kommer att bli ett problem med att studenter kommer ut i arbetslivet med olika PR-begrepp, att den största förvirringen istället blir för de som ska anställa, att de måste förstå skillnaderna mellan utbildningarna och innebörden av själva begreppet. På så sätt kan de välja ut den kompetens de eftersträvar då sättet att se på PR och valet av vilket PR-begrepp man använder kan variera mellan olika lärosäten. Resultatet visar också att ny teknik och sociala medier har förändrat förutsättningarna för kommunikation och PR under de senaste åren, vilket innebär en del problem men också många möjligheter för de yrkesverksamma inom branschen.
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A friendly business proposition of business ethics - A Case Study of China Steel GroupChing, Wei-hua 06 September 2010 (has links)
The face of global economic trends and the regional economy era¡A business ethics and corporate governance issues has been an academic discussion on hot topics for discussion and direction.
The researchers in the Steel Group¡A the individual departments in the Group mainly full-time deal with public relations matters¡A the face of a daily course of the Group's external public relations¡A daily contact with people dealing with the problem actually is. Also¡A it's my personal experience¡A the experience of the human bit cell value and dignity¡A we all articles that social norms of corporate governance and corporate ethics¡A the spirit of ethical management issues¡A the thinking should go deeper human good and the beautiful care of active hair almost ethical issues¡A rather than emphasizing the institutionalization of business ethics¡A the feelings are now through the command type and the voluntary form of program management and stress management were discussed¡A such as Sarbanes-Oxley¡A corporate governance and regulations requirements ...¡A but should take the initiative in this almost human spontaneous mechanism of co-operation rather than to emphasize the obligations of companies to the concept of how.
In addition¡A if the enterprises are mainly interested point of view¡A China Steel Xi is a large company¡A management stability and good performance¡A but also so the community group on corporate ethical expectations Duiyu feedback mechanism¡A often face there too many Touru have to meet the public sector policy sponsorship¡A local political leaders to local feedback mechanism ... so look forward to. Because¡A after all¡A is profitable steel companies in the organization¡A the amount of capital raised from shareholders or the public funds¡A in the enterprise and how to allocate limited resources situation¡A faced by the main potential profit organizations in the sustainable competitive financial investment¡A the pursuit of the best interests of shareholders¡A and both the ethical and social responsibility with social expectations¡A to strike a balance between the three¡A an enterprise business intelligence major test of those in charge.
In the context of this study¡A the author re-think by the end of 2009 and raised on the concept of business ethics further: a friendly business¡I
However¡A search-friendly businesses over the current research in the literature is not yet over¡A very exciting is that we practice on the development of the entire global business ethics¡A by the EU Environment Forum on ¡yseen in the European Union and European Union Conference on the Environment in 2010 that: "If we understand the intrinsic value of the real environment¡A we will be more efficient integration of economic¡A social and environmental objectives." EU specific practice is environmentally friendly in the 2010 enactment of the European Business Awards¡A respectively¡A from the United Kingdom¡A Belgium¡A Germany and Spain in the company were. This award is given to environmental friendliness has been successfully extended to the national level the "best of the best" business is business and these awards reflect the ability of its own practices for environmental innovation and green technology process of economic concepts.
This study to field-based qualitative research interviews¡A the main point of balance for the three different considerations.
The study concluded: 1. Corporate social responsibility should not only be built on the obligations of social responsibility point of view¡A but can be life ethics emphasized care ethics and Watson's Caring Theory into corporate social responsibility for discussing¡A and talking about can be achieved. 2. In the steel ¡yAguilar Liren¡A who had Dada¡z business-minded and self-expectations¡A an enterprise in the Virtue's representative and the initial model¡A has been included in higher level discussions. Management of follow-up suggestions are as follows 1. Look forward to the future pertaining to the Study¡A a friendly corporate business operations in greater depth and create a virtuous cycle of performance. 2. Look forward to claim the life and education pertaining to the moral and ethical care ethics with corporate ethics and social responsibility into joint research¡A to make it more to improve the theory of business ethics and sufficiently comprehensive sexual. 3. Depth study again a¡yfriendly business¡z for the future of ¡ysocial enterprise ¡z comprehensive testing of the theory even more reinforcement.
Key words: Friendly business , corporate social responsibility , corporate governance, public relations
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A dialogic model for analyzing crisis communication: an alternative approach to understanding the roman catholic clergy sex abuse crisisBoys, Suzanne Elizabeth 15 May 2009 (has links)
In the winter of 2002, The Boston Globe published an exposé on clergy sexual abuse in
the Boston Archdiocese which quickly sparked a global Church crisis. Following the
exposé, there was a swell of media attention, a growing public outcry, increasing
litigation over alleged abuse and cover-ups, and the emergence of issue-driven
grassroots organizations. Despite the vocal involvement of numerous stakeholders in the
crisis, the hierarchy’s communicative response to the situation followed relatively
traditional crisis management strategies which sought to deny, minimize, remediate, and
retain exclusive jurisdiction over the crisis. This strategy contrasts with other
stakeholders’ attempts to defer closure, draw out underlying issues, amplify nondominant
voices, contest dominant interpretations, and collaborate on possible solutions.
What has emerged is an on-going situation in which an organization’s attempts at
strategic communicative crisis management are being contested publicly by key
Arguing that existing models for understanding public relations discourse are
insufficient for tracing the polyvocality of crisis communication, this study crafts an
alternative (i.e., dialogic) model for analyzing crisis communication. This model decenters the source organization by tracing the contextual (macro) and interactive
(micro) aspects of public relations texts created by three organizations central to the
crisis (the United States Council of Catholic Bishops, Voice of the Faithful, and
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests).
By viewing crisis communication through the lens of a particular notion of
dialogue (i.e., a sustained, symbol-based, contextualized, collaborative-agonistic process
of interactive social inquiry which creates meaning and a potential for change), this
study traces how organizations use Public Relations (PR) to co-construct an
organizational crisis. Discursive reconciliation, the central process of the proposed
model, allows the researcher to sift the discourses of stakeholder organizations against
one another, using each as a standard for evaluating the others. This allows for an
evaluation of how stakeholder organizations manage the potential for communicative
interactivity. The proposed model offers an expanded capacity to understand how crises
are constructed discursively. It also illuminates the continuing clergy sex abuse crisis.
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