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Role zřizovatele v rozvoji českého školství / Founder role in the development of the Czech education systemŠpringlová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The primary objective of the diploma thesis titled Role of the founder in the development of the Czech education system is to draw the benefits of the reform of public administration on the development of the Czech education system. The first theoretical part of the thesis attempts to explain the development of the Czech education system and at the same time, especially in the second theoretical part informing about the roles of founders and headmasters in the process of transformation of the Czech educational system. The second theoretical part specializes in the list of legislative competencies of headmasters and founders in connection with the reform of public administration. The main part of the thesis deals with the question whether a possible cause of declining educational outcomes Czech pupils in international PISA amendment to the law on state administration and local government in education. The first research assumption based on the fact that it is the effect of this amendment founders are obliged to establish schools and educational institutions only as contributory organizations. Thus, schools have autonomy in addition to teaching as well as economic autonomy with which it is associated and increase competencies and responsibilities of headmasters as statutory bodies funded...
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Reforma vlastnických vztahů ve zdravotnickém systému a její souvislosti s financováním zdravotnictví / The Reform of Proprietary Relations in the Health Service System Focus on financingDlabačová, Helena January 2008 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the public administration reform consisting in the change of the former district hospitals into regional hospitals, with the organisational and legal status of the hospitals, and with their transformation from contributory organisations into joint-stock companies. The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyze the administration, efficiency and capacities of the hospitals in the Central Bohemia region with the special focus on the Oblastní nemocnice Kladno, a.s. hospital, to carry out the financial analysis, and compare it with other hospitals in the Central Bohemia region. The analysis of the hospitals in the Central Bohemia region is based on the data provided by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of CR, and the analysis of the Oblastní nemocnice Kladno, a.s. hospital is based on the 2003 -- 2007 balance sheets and gain-and-loss accounts, restricted documents of the hospital and on the interviews with the general and commercial managers of the hospital. From the financial analysis of the Oblastní nemocnice Kladno, a.s. hospital and the comparison with the situation of other hospitals in the Central Bohemia region it is obvious that the hospital experiences a similar development as the trend in the Central Bohemia region and the whole EU suggests.The hospital is not trying to reduce costs at the expense of the health care offered to its patients. On the contrary, it is trying to improve the quality and scope of the health care provided, which should bring additional revenues. The hospital management is becoming more responsible, which results in a more transparent accounting and an obligatory audit.
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Vyšší územní samosprávné celky v České republice a na Slovensku / Higher Territorial Self-Governing Units in the Czech Republic and SlovakiaCaletka, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the establishment and practical functioning of the higher territorial self-governing units in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic. It contains information on the development of the territorial division of former Czechoslovakia between the years 1918 and 1993, with an emphasis on the establishment of a regional system during the communist regime. The dissertation is focused on the process of the establishment of regional level of self-government in the Czech and Slovak Republic in 1990s. Debates over the most appropriate territorial and administrative division took place in parliaments of both countries after 1993. Two models of territorial division were considered in the Czech Republic - a provincial system, based on historical lands, and a regional system. Two alternatives were discussed in Slovakia - a county system and regional system. The territory of the Czech Republic was ultimately divided into 14 higher territorial self-governing units (13 regions and the Capital City of Prague), and the territory of Slovakia into 8 regions. The author focuses especially on the detailed analysis of respective draft bills and stenographic reports of parliamentary debates regarding the higher territorial self- governing units in parliaments of both countries. The...
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Viešojo administravimo reformos įgyvendinimas Vakarų Balkanuose / Implementation of public administration reform in the Western BalkansBukantaitė, Virginija 24 January 2012 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami viešojo administravimo reformos įgyvendinimo procesai Vakarų Balkanų šalyse – Albanijoje, Bosnijoje ir Hercegovinoje, Juodkalnijoje, ir Serbijoje. Šios reformos tikslas – kokybiškas visuomenės interesų tenkinimas. Valstybės buvo pasirinktos siekiant išsiaiškinti, kaip viešojo administravimo sistemos tobulinimas vyksta "ekstremaliomis" sąlygomis, kaip jaunos demokratijos valstybės sugeba adaptuoti pagrindinius viešojo administravimo principus. Analizuojant teorinius temos pagrindus, išryškėjo aktualiausi reformos elementai: marketizacija, decentralizacija, piliečių dalyvavimas, žmoniškųjų išteklių valdymas ir informacinės technologijos. Pirminė hipotezė suponuoja prielaidą, jog tyrimo metu bus nustatyta: viešojo administravimo reformos elementų įgyvendinimo lygis pasireiškia skirtingai kiekvienoje valstybėje ir egzistuoja priklausomybė tarp ekonominio šalies išsivystymo ir viešojo administravimo reformos įgyvendinimo lygių. Darbo mokslinis naujumas atsiskleidžia per šiuos aspektus: bus galima gauti apibendrinančias išvadas apie viešojo sektoriaus padėtį tiek kiekvienoje šalyje, tiek visame regione; šių reformos elementų įgyvendinimas tiriamas jaunos demokratijos šalyse; remiantis atvejo analizės tyrimo būdu, parengtas tyrimo modelis leis gauti duomenis, kurie pagilins ir praplės teorinį viešojo administravimo supratimą. Magistrinio darbo rezultatai gali būti naudingi ir kitoms po-komunistinio bloko valstybėms (pvz. Lietuvai)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master's thesis analyses the process of implementation of the public administration reform in the Western Balkan countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. The aim of this reform – qualitatively meet public interests. These states were selected to examine how the public administration system improvement is going in "extreme" conditions, how young democracy countries are able to adapt the basic principles of public administration. The analysis of the theoretical foundations highlighted the most relevant elements of the reform: marketization, decentralization, citizenry participation, human resource management and information technology. The primary hypothesis presupposes that this study will ascertain: the implementation level of the public administration reform elements vary in each country and there is a correlation between the country's economic development rate and the level of public administration reform implementation. The scientific novelty is revealed through the following aspects: it will be available to get the summarized findings of the public sector reform both in each country and across the region; the implementation of the reform elements is studied in young democracies; the developed design of the study allows to get data, which will deepen and enrich the theoretical understanding of public administration. The results of master work may be useful in other post-communist bloc countries (e.g. Lithuania), where the formation of a... [to full text]
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Integrating new values into Mongolian public managementBadarch, Kherlen January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores the socio-cultural and institutional environment of the public sector organizations of Mongolia that have strong influence on current public administration reform results. This study applies the Cultural theory and Value theory. The strong hierarchy favoring rule-bounded behavior and collectivism, fatalism accepting an authority as inevitable and uncontrollable, and individualism wishing to have control over own actions are the types of culture common in Mongolian public sector organizations. Accordingly, Mongolian public sector employees transcending their selfish interests, emphasize the well-being of others, protection of order, harmony in relations, life safety and stability. Then self-direction values with emphases on independent thought and action, and creativity are important for them. This socio-cultural context has great implication for work behavior of public employees, for their action to implement the reform policies in government organizations. Thus, the institutional leadership, which produces and protects values, becomes essential for introducing changes in the existing intuitional environment. / Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das sozio-kulturelle und institutionelle Umfeld der Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors in der Mongolei, das signifikante Einflüsse auf die aktuellen Reformbemühungen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung hat. Die Studie stützt sich auf die Kultur- und Werttheorie. Die regelkonforme Verhaltensweise, Gemeinschaftsfavorisierende strenge Hierarchie, die fatalistische Annahme einer Autorität als unvermeidlich und unkontrollierbar sowie ein auf möglichst eigenständige Entscheidung und Meinungsbildung angestrebter Individualismus sind die weitverbreiteten kulturellen Verhaltensformen bei den Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors der Mongolei. Dementsprechend streben die Beschäftigten des öffentlichen Dienstes uneigennützig das Wohlergehen der Bevölkerung, die Einhaltung der öffentlichen Regeln, die einvernehmlichen Beziehungen der Menschen zueinander sowie die Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit des Lebens an. Bestimmte Wertvorstellungen zur Selbstbestimmung, wie persönliche Geisteshaltung, eigenständiges Handeln sowie Kreativität sind für sie sehr wichtig. Dieser sozio- kulturelle Kontext hat große Auswirkungen auf das Arbeitsverhalten und auf die Aktivitäten der Beschäftigten des öffentlichen Dienstes zur Umsetzung von Reformen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Daher ist eine institutionelle Führung als Förderer und Beschützer von Wertesystemen bei der Umsetzung von Reformen in den hiesigen Institutionen unerlässlich.
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Reforma veřejné správy: analýza Strategie realizace Smart Administration / The public administration reform: analysis of Smart AdministrationHurychová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is mainly to explain the significance of the document Efektivní veřejná správa a přátelské služby: Strategie realizace Smart Administration 2007 - 2015 2015 (Efficient public administration and friendly service: Smart Administration Strategy 2007 - 2015) in the context of the reform process of public administration in the Czech republic. The author′s point of view is based of the theory of change, strategic managment and modern managment methods in public administration. Author focused on way of understanding the role and the context of the implementation of this document in public administration. Aim of this thesis is a decription and explanation of changes and their comparison with the primary Strategy′s goals. Another goals of this thesis is to understand the context of the implementation of the Strategy Smart Administration with regard to the major actors and events that could affect implementation. These methods are supplemented by findings that were obtained through interviews with experts in public administration area. The results of these analyses show that the goals of Strategy Smart Administration have not been fulfilled and this document presented an umbrella body for SMART methods in public administration. The goals of Strategy Smart Administration have not been met...
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Koncepce podnikové architektury pro reformu veřejné správy ČR / Concept of Government Enterprise Architecture for Czech Public AdministrationHrabě, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the dissertation is exploring the use of enterprise architecture as a managerial method to support the transformation (reform) of Czech public administration. The dissertation shows that enterprise architecture is in the public sector of Czech Republic still not used, even though public sector organizations want to continue improving its services and management in a way where enterprise architecture could be beneficial. The thesis aims to understand the needs of public authorities towards the possibilities and benefits of enterprise architecture and propose such a customization that could increase the adoption and use of enterprise architecture by these organizations. The main objective of thesis is to summarize individual partial results of author's research into the design of overall Concept of the structure and procedure of implementation of National Public Administration Architecture of Czech Republic. Research within the dissertation combines two basic research methods. Both represent qualitative research methods, suitable for the development of new methods and artefacts (Design Science Research) and for proof the hypotheses and outputs (Case Studies). To create preconditions of the proposed concept was necessary to verify the status of the Czech public administration from the perspective of current rate, needs and interest for the use of enterprise architecture to support the reform of public administration. To verify the status of environment and the needs served basic research questions, further elaborated into detailed questions of multiple case study. In the analytical part of the thesis are summarized significant findings the analysis of information resources and literature in the areas of a) the definition of enterprise architecture, its position, role and development trends for design changes in the structure and metamodel of TOGAF framework, b) the existence of available models and key design principles of application architecture reference model and c) experience of the implementation and use of enterprise architecture for public administration reform. The main part of the thesis focuses on the proposals in three areas. In the first part are designed theoretical and practical changes in the definition, structure and metamodel of enterprise architecture to better support its application for real reform of public administration, not only to improve the management of IT. Presented proposals are in the same time providing solutions to some identified discrepancies in the trends of development of enterprise architecture. General proposals are in parallel applied as changes in the standard TOGAF, which is then recommended as the initial framework for the National Public Administration Architecture of the Czech Republic. In the second part of the proposals are presented principles and content of the reference model of application architecture. This is an example the accelerator necessary to solve the discrepancy between the scope of enterprise architecture and its feasibility with limited resources. The thesis emphasize the industry adjusted model for public administration and its application in a hierarchical, fractal environments typical of public administration. In the third part are presented key components of the overall concept, using as well as previous research results of this thesis. As the key elements are presented proposal for the structure of National Public Administration Architecture of the Czech Republic environment, proposal for the procedure of implementation of National Architecture and the proposal of products (outputs) for deploying National Architecture in Czech Republic. Additionally are formulated proposals of ways of using National Architecture in Czech public administration and conditions and prerequisites for introduction of National Architecture in the Czech public administration.
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Analýza vývoje veřejné správy z hlediska vybraných národohospodářských parametrů na území České republiky od roku 1989 do roku 2012 / The analysis of public administration from the perspective of selected national economic parameters in the Czech Republic from 1989 to 2012Tomanová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The Thesis on topic The analysis of public administration from the perspective of selected national economic parameters in the Czech Republic from 1989 to 2012 summarizes these issues in order to understand the complexity of the topic. Those who said the issue more interested, this work should help to summarize the progress and crucial moments of public administration reform in the Czech Republic, to understand the principles and functioning of public administration and allow a comparison of public administration in the context of a centrally planned economy compared to today's economy operating under the market mechanism. The theoretical part covers the economic base of the topic and deals with basic definitions of the public sector, respectively public administration, personnel management and financial flows at all levels of public administration. Following chapters focus on the development of public administration from the beginning of the transformation of the economy in 1989, when the first signs appear necessary of reform public administration, until now. Individual chapters deal with the historical sections of the national economy in order to monitor the selected parameters in correspondence to the gross domestic product of the country, including the legislative framework. The thesis refers to the fact, that the aim of the state is considered to achieve a state of public administration, where it will be termed as a whole to be effective. Unsystematic changes in the performance of public administration are essential factors that make governance unstable and non-transparent. Finding ways of their elimination will be able to increase the efficiency of public administration under the current societal needs.
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VÝVOJ ÚZEMNÍ STRUKTURY VEŘEJNÉ SPRÁVY ČR PO ROCE 1989 / The development of territorial structure of public administration in the Czech Republic after 1989Vitnovský, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The content of the paper is the analysis of the development of territorial structure of public administration in the Czech Republic. The contribution of the paper is the evaluation of the present state of the Czech public administration after the introduced administrative reforms that however have not been completed from the viewpoint of their proper intentions. The foreground character of the present paper is rooted in the solution of the most pressing problems of structural design the area public administration function, that have not yet been corrected by the up to now provided reform steps. In the process of the working of the individual designs, the author has been considering the historic development of the stipulated problems since the year 1848, and the individual views of specialists engaged in the public administration in the Czech Republic and the actual designs provided by the Ministry of the Interior. Among the chief steps that would improve the present state of the public administration in the Czech Republic the author classifies the abolition of law No. 36/1060 Sb., the territorial division of the state, the abolition of municipalities of the 2nd rank and the reduction of the competences of small municipalities with delegated province.
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Uplatňování strategie "Efektivní veřejná správa a přátelské služby (Strategie Smart Administration v období 2007-2015) / Implementing the "Effective Public Administration and Friendly Services (Smart Administration Strategy 2007-2015)Hubáčková, Alena January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis entitled Implementing the "Effective Public Administration and Friendly Services (Smart Administration Strategy 2007-2015)" deals with the modernization of public administration, specifically the implementation of the Smart Administration strategy. Part of the work is an analysis of documents related to this strategy, which is supplemented by the opinions of experts on public administration. The main objectives of the work include mapping the prerequisites for the creation and implementation of the Smart Administration strategy. Other partial goals of the thesis include exploring the main theoretical resources of Smart Administration. Last but not least, the goal was to determine whether the Smart Administration strategy was successfully implemented and to draw conclusions and recommendations from the findings. Part of the thesis is a description of the implementation process both at the theoretical level and on the example of implementation of the Smart Administration strategy. To identify the benefits and shortcomings, qualitative expert interviews were conducted between representatives of public administration and other experts. In the final part of the thesis the author draws recommendations based on the obtained data and discusses possibilities for improving the...
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