Spelling suggestions: "subject:"publicsector"" "subject:"publicsector’s""
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Risk Management Practices in Six Organizations in the Government of CanadaLoan, Christopher January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an exploratory study that measured the alignment of corporate risk management practices in six organizations in the Government of Canada with best practices described in the 2009 ISO 31000, as well as five independent variables believed to influence risk management practices in an organization. The objective was to determine if risk management practices vary from one organization to another in a single government, and if so why, as well as building a number of testable hypotheses for future research. The thesis found that risk management practices do vary significantly from one organization to another. It also found that there is a strong correlation between an organization’s budget, total workforce and the policy instruments it uses, and the alignment of its corporate risk management practices with ISO 31000:2009. This study furthers our understanding of how risk management is implemented in public sector organizations.
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Investigating Transparency in Government of Canada Citizen-focused CommunicationsGhergari, Kori January 2012 (has links)
Government of Canada communications professionals work in an increasingly challenging environment, characterized by an intrusive 24/7 media cycle, a frenetic pace of evolving communication technologies, layered accountability requirements, political tension, and waning public trust. Scholars call on professional communicators to help rebuild public trust, which is intrinsic to a healthy democratic government. The Three-dimensional Model for Transparency in Government Communication developed by Fairbanks, Plowman and Rawlins (2007) serves as the theoretical framework for investigating the Government of Canada’s approach to transparent citizen-focused communications from the perspective of communications professionals. The model’s adaptability to the Government of Canada context is tested through 23 qualitative semi-structured interviews with Government of Canada senior communications advisors, managers and executives. The data is analysed using constant comparative thematic analysis. The findings demonstrate that Government of Canada communicators strongly value transparency. Furthermore, the key components of the transparency model – communications practices, organizational support and provision of resources – encapsulate the factors that influence the practice of transparent citizen-focused communications by the Government of Canada. The study concludes by offering recommendations for future research and practical applications.
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Analýza výkonu přezkoumání hospodaření územních samosprávných celků / Analysis of the performance review of the territorial self-governing unitNěmečková, Stanislava January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the problematic of reviewing the territorial self-governing unit in the Czech Republic. The goal is to compare the approach of the audit firm and approach of a regional office to perform the examination of the TSU. The first chapter defines the general characteristics of the public sector. The second focuses on a specific area of public administration, which represents local government. The third chapter describes the rules and obligations that are related to the budget management of TSU. The fifth chapter, which summarizes the specifics of the accounting and reporting of selected entities. Chapter five is still theoretical definition of audit in the public administration and distinguishes notions of audit and economic review of the TSU. The last part practically compares the prerequisites required for the implementation of the performance review, individual activities conducted under review, the result of these activities, which is the so-called report on the outcome of the examination of the TSU and summarizes the differences. Conclusion of the work shows that it is not important who provides an economic review, but how and especially in what quality is the review carried out.
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Ekonomické aspekty projektů PPP / Economic aspects of the Public-Private PartnershipsKadlec, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with economic impacts of the application of the Public-Private Partnerships in the Czech Republic. Public-Private Partnerships are the newest form of the cooperation between public and private sector in delivering of public goods. The theoretic part of the thesis comes close to the fundamental aspects of the Public private partnerships and their characteristics, to the reasons of participation of the subjects in the projects, to the forms of Public-Private Partnerships, their phases and to the differences between government contracts and Public-Private Partnerships. The second chapter deals with the legislation of the Public-Private Partnerships in the European Union, Czech Republic and chosen countries. The analytic part of the thesis deals with economic aspects of the Public-Private Partnerships, their advantages, disadvantages, benefits and potential risks. The aim of the thesis is to discuss presented advantages and disadvantages of the Public Private Partnerships and its possible impacts of the application in the Czech Republic.
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Zvýšení efektivity alokace veřejných zdrojů / Enhancing effectiveness of public sources alocationKroh, Michal January 2007 (has links)
The paper describes principles of project valuation within public sector. Theoretical part explains reasons why it is possible to donate private subject. In terms of these principles it is valuated project of implementing internet in the municipality. The valuation is realised mainly according to the analysis of financial flows.
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Marketing města Rejštejn / Marketing of the town RejštejnHlaváčová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the marketing of the town of Rejštejn in the Bohemian Forest. In 2007, the town regained the status of a town, which could be the first step in restarting socio-economic development and supporting tourism. The thesis focuses mostly on a detailed analysis of the current use of the marketing mix, whose results enable for suggesting future improvements in the marketing of the town of Rejštejn.
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Řízení kvality v projektu systémové integrace ve státní správě / Quality management in systems integration projects in public sectorMoudrý, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Quality management is a general subject based on the principles of achieving customer satisfaction in a maximum possible way when providing services or delivering a product. The field of quality management is regulated by legislation and standards perceived as a common best practice. In this thesis a reader can find a basic list of those normative acts and standards, applied to the principles of project management, specifically in projects focused on integration of information systems in public sector. The introduced principles of quality management are complemented by author's comments based on his personal experience in participation in such projects and include an evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages and applicability in use. In a next part of this thesis the author introduces common issues related to project management in public sector and suggests solutions to these problems by applying the principles of quality management in projects.
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Veřejné služby na úrovni municipalit a efektivnost jejich poskytování / Public services at the level of municipalities and their effectivenessPolák, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze forms of public services provided at the level of municipalities with emphasis on their effectiveness. There are briefly described basic terms in the introductory part. The second part is dedicated to effectiveness of services provided in public sector and there are also presented essential input-output methods ordinarily used for its evaluation. Next section is focused on theoretical aspects of municipality budgets in Czech Republic and consequently economy of the particular municipality - Tanvald - in period 2004 - 2008 is analysed. The pivotal part of this diploma thesis is analysis of public services provided at the level of municipalities. It was realized on the ground of questionnaire research among specific group of municipalities. Finally there are declared some recommendations resulting from the analysis at the end.
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Motivace zaměstnanců veřejné správy / The Motivation of Public ServantsZavadilová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with work motivation particularly in public sector. Success of every company unreels from achievement of its employees. If a company wants from their workers the best achievement, it must motivate them sufficiently. The goal of this diploma thesis is to find out, how it is with work motivation in public sector, which factors of motivation motivate public servants the most, and also if there is a difference in a structure of motivation between public and private sector employees. In the theoretical part, there are compared theories of motivation and factors of motivation which are typical for private and public sector. In the analytical part, there are evaluated the answers gained on the basis of questionnaires survey, carried out in the offices of public sector. The most important factors for public servants are described and compared with the motivation structure of private sector.
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Rozvoj PPP projektů v EU a České republice / Development of PPP projects in EU and Czech republicTučný, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with Public Private Partnership in the European Union and Czech Republic. On the grounds of analysis, it aims to asses impacts of providing public goods especially by course of PPP projects. PPP issue is defined generally, considering all basic elements by way of theoretical information. A comparative view of current PPP situation and development in Czech Republic and Great Britain was an important contribution while handling the selected topic. An analysis of EU task of implementing PPP projects in member states and financing these projects from EU funds is no less important. In the analytical part, emphasis is put on the origins and history of PPP, legal regulations of PPP and the institutional framework in particular countries. Number of instances of practice are mentioned too. As regards Czech Republic, one part of the thesis is devoted to the barriers to development.
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