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From paper to plastic – En studie om tidningens egenskaper och läsarnas användningsmönsterBengtsson, Mattias, Gustafsson, Mikael, Leino, Per January 2005 (has links)
E-papperet är ett medie som i framtiden kan komma att användas för att läsa dagstidningar. Istället för att bläck trycks på papperet så visar e-papperet informationen genom att små partiklar på papperets yta byter färg vilket innebär att samma e- pappersark kan innehålla och visa ett stort antal sidor. Nya medier blir sällan accepterade utan att det funnits länkar till tidigare eller existerade tekniker. Denna studie ämnar kartlägga tidningsläsarnas användningsmönster och papperstidningens egenskaper för att understödja utformningen av morgondagens e-papperstidning. Genom att kombinera litteratur med egna undersökningar presenteras riktlinjer för vilka egenskaper och användningsmönster som framtidens e-papper bör stödja. Studien lyfter exempelvis fram att gränssnitt och navigation bör utformas i åtanke att majoriteten av tidningsläsarna läser tidningar vi köksbord och att formatet på e-pappret bör påminna om dagens tabloid format. Resultatet som presenteras skall kunna komma till nytta för företag och organisationer som skall utforma framtidens e-papperstidning. Rapporten beskriver med utgångspunkt från bland annat "diffusion theory" en kvalitativ studie där 400 enkäter skickades ut till prenumeranter av Sundsvalls tidning för att avslutas med en diskussion där förslag på fortsatt forskning och övriga slutsatser behandlas. Studien lyfter fram de viktigaste faktorerna som bör följas, samt ger förslag på hur de kan lösas samtidigt som nya frågor och diskussioner föds ur resultaten och diskussionerna.
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Under utgivning : den vetenskapliga utgivningens bibliografiska funktion /Dahlström, Mats, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2006.
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Design av navigeringssystem för e-papperstidningarHenriksson, Simon, Lindqvist, Mats, Söderblom, Martin January 2004 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen är en C-uppsats för Programmet för Pedagogisk Mjukvaruutveckling, </p><p>Högskolan i Halmstad, 2004. I denna uppsats undersöker vi vilken navigeringsdesign som kan </p><p>vara lämplig att applicera på e-papperstidningar. Genom en kvalitativt förhållningssätt har vi </p><p>genomfört en undersökning där vi har blandat observation med intervju samt kompletterat </p><p>med en enkät. Vi har även inhämtat information från litteratur samt databaser som IEEE och </p><p>ACM. En ryggrad i uppsatsen är Ben Shneidermans (1998) åtta gyllene regler för att uppnå en </p><p>god gränssnittsdesign. Med detta som grund, angriper vi vårt problem. Resultatet av </p><p>undersökning och teori beskriver hur den tilltänkta navigeringsdesignen kan se ut och vad </p><p>användaren anser vara viktigt, ur navigeringssyfte, för den framtida e-papperstidningen. </p><p>Kortfattat fann vi Shneidermans åtta gyllene regler applicerbara även på e-papperstidningen.</p>
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Design av navigeringssystem för e-papperstidningarHenriksson, Simon, Lindqvist, Mats, Söderblom, Martin January 2004 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en C-uppsats för Programmet för Pedagogisk Mjukvaruutveckling, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2004. I denna uppsats undersöker vi vilken navigeringsdesign som kan vara lämplig att applicera på e-papperstidningar. Genom en kvalitativt förhållningssätt har vi genomfört en undersökning där vi har blandat observation med intervju samt kompletterat med en enkät. Vi har även inhämtat information från litteratur samt databaser som IEEE och ACM. En ryggrad i uppsatsen är Ben Shneidermans (1998) åtta gyllene regler för att uppnå en god gränssnittsdesign. Med detta som grund, angriper vi vårt problem. Resultatet av undersökning och teori beskriver hur den tilltänkta navigeringsdesignen kan se ut och vad användaren anser vara viktigt, ur navigeringssyfte, för den framtida e-papperstidningen. Kortfattat fann vi Shneidermans åtta gyllene regler applicerbara även på e-papperstidningen.
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Vetenskaplig publicering i förändring : En fallstudie av en svensk högskolas implementering av ett öppet digitalt arkiv / Scholarly publishing in transformation : A case study of the implementation of an institutional repository at a Swedish university collegeThorsson, Anna, Zhou, Xi Ha Dan January 2008 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 21st century the Open Access-movement, which advocates free online distribution of scholarly information, has gained momentum. Authors can provide Open Access to their work in two main ways: by depositing a copy of their research output in an e-print archive and by publishing in Open Access journals. During the past few years, universities and other research institutions throughout the world have established institutional repositories to manage, preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of the university/research institution. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to describe the implementation of an institutional repository at the Swedish University College of Borås. The thesis also aims to describe the current situation regarding Open Access at the university college. The case study indicates that a requirement for the deposit of references into the repository is believed to have had a significant impact on the contents of the institutional repository. The full-text availability of research publications is, however, at present relatively low. The results show that there are three main barriers in the development of the institutional repository: lack of knowledge regarding Open Access and digital publishing, copyright issues and lack of time. Misconception and uncertainty regarding the guarantee of quality of the digital material are factors that most likely prevent researchers from depositing their research articles into the institutional repository. Librarians play a key role when it comes to informing about self-archiving and Open Access. Our conclusion is that to obtain more research publications in full-text, researchers need to gain more knowledge about institutional repositories and digital publishing. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Vetenskaplig kommunikation genom open access. Forskares attityder till open access-publicering inom odontologisk forskning / Scholarly communication through open access. Researchers' attitudes towards open access publishing in odontological researchCarlborg, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Open access has played a significant part in the development of scholarlycommunication. Today, several research funding agencies around the worldrequires that the results of the research it supports must be published openaccess where the underlying idea is that publicly funded research should befree and available to all users. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the issueof open access publishing from the perspective of researchers in the field ofodontology, focused on their attitudes, behaviors and publishing experienceswith open access. Through a qualitative interview study with fiveodontological researchers, the results have been compared to previous studieson researchers' attitudes and experiences with open access. The results showthat both knowledge and experience with open access publishing is fairly lowamong the participating scientists. Generally, a positive attitude towards openaccess in other research areas can be identified among odontologicalresearchers, but when it comes to publishing within their own discipline openaccess is considered to be insignificant, so due to the availability of journalsamong the researchers considered to be adequate to cover their informationneeds. The results also identifies a negative view of open access publishingthrough institutional repositories, as these are not considered to add any valueto their career development. A quantitative study would have given a moregeneral view of researchers' attitudes and experiences of open accesspublishing. The results of this paper should therefore not be generalized andconsidered as representative of all researchers within the odontologicalresearch discipline. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Vad forskare anser om användningen av bibliometri för att mäta deras prestationer. / What researchers think about the use of bibliometrics to measure their performance.Grahn, Elin January 2016 (has links)
At a national level, the performance at Swedish universities is evaluated using bibliometrics. A part of the research funding given to the universities from the government is distributed according to their bibliometric performance. In recent years, several Swedish universities have adopted similar systems in order to distribute funding between the different faculties at the own university according to the bibliometric performance at faculty level. The debate in media on this way of using bibliometrics indicates that scientists are negative to this quantitative method for research evaluation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the opinions among researchers about the use of bibliometrics in research evaluation. A web-based survey has been sent out to researchers at the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gothenburg. In total 246 researchers from the two faculties answered the survey. The results presented here show that the opinions among the scientist are divided, but in generalare not as negative as it seems from the debate in media.
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Tjänster till stöd för forskning vid tre svenska universitetsbibliotek / Research Support Services at three Swedish University LibrariesTornblad, Helene January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines research support services at three SwedishUniversity Libraries. Three methods are used, aiming at capturingdifferent aspects of the support services. The quantitative methods are textanalysis (word count) based on the libraries annual reports and aquestionnaire aiming at mapping the services. In addition, a qualitativecontent analysis is performed, based on semi structured interviews withthree informants, one at each of the university libraries. The results showthat the libraries have developed support services for all stages in aresearch process, however differently. The three libraries seem to havesome distinctive features in their research support services that areconsistent with each university's profile. Based on the perspective ofJoacim Hansson's theory about library discourse versus library practice,and his and Krister Johannesson's dimensions proactive versus reactive,the thesis also discusses how these features are expressed by theinformants and how the different views influence and are influenced bythe typical features of the university and the library research supportservices.
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”Så snart som möjligt” : En jämförande studie av Open Access-policyer i Skandinavien / ”As soon as possible” : A comparative study of Open Access-policies in ScandinaviaRos, Fredrik, Sjöblom, Märta January 2013 (has links)
Open access (OA) is a publishing model aimed at increasingthe access to academic research results. The object of thisstudy was to contrast nine colleges and four fundingorganizations in Scandinavia with mandatory OA-policies,and to study how they put OA into practice.Inspired by the Open Access Spectrum (OAS), a tool used toappreciate the OA of academic journals, the aim was tograde the policy documents of the colleges using the OASmodel.The study also compares how the colleges implementtheir OA-policies as well as how, and if, the demands fromthe funding organizations are reflected in the policies of thecolleges.The findings show that the OAS is not a tool designed forgreen OA and that all the information needed for the scale tofunction was not found in the policy documents we studied.A selection of the colleges has some demands in theirpolicies, although most of them allow exceptions to be madefrom the mandatory policy. This is shown to be mainly aquestion of academic freedom, and copyright, or rather thanthe degree to which the scientist and the publisher can cometo an agreement on allowing the information to be accessiblethrough OA.The study proposes that the way to change this may be toincrease the demands on OA in the policies, and that the bestsolution might be in stipulations within the employmentcontracts between the individual colleges and scientist. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Skilda världar? Publiceringsmönster och synen på publicering vid två vetenskapliga institutioner / Separate Worlds? Publishing Patterns and Views on Publishing at Two Academic DepartmentsHagelin, Helena January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s thesis aims to map and analyse publishing patterns at two academic departments at the University of Gothenburg - the department of Physics and the department of History. The investigation has been guided by a set of questions: Who chooses to publish their scientific outcomes? In which forums do they publish findings? In what kind of media are the results published? What type of findings get to be published? The departments' publication lists have been examined, covering the years 2004-2007. Furthermore, ten scientists have been asked to describe factors contributing to their individual publishing pattern. The analysis leans on communication theory and in particular on three concepts developed by information scientists Rob Kling and Geoffrey McKim. Their notions of trustworthiness, publicity and accessibility were created as both analytical and instrumental devices. Here, they are used analytically to describe and interpret publishing patterns. The comparison of the two departments' publishing patterns reveals both similarities and differences. They differ in their choices of publication media and types of publications. However, both departments regarded publishing as acts of communication. Hence, they shared a will to communicate scientific findings and (among other factors) this will emerged as an important incitement for choosing to publish at all. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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