Spelling suggestions: "subject:"publicista"" "subject:"publicist""
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Žurnalistika mezi věcností a beletrizací / Journalism in between pragmatism and fictionalizationŠtruncová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to examine the sings of fictionalization in Czech daily press. We will apply out hypothesis that news in daily papers are permeated with signs of fiction. In the theoretical part we will explain some of the most important media-related terms as "news", "publicism", "journalism" etc plus we will devote one chapter to the definition of fiction. We will also explain the meaning of fictionalization and describe fields where it can take effect. As our main source we are choosing Czech daily paper called "Mladá fronta DNES" in the period from August 2009 till January 2010. In the analytical part we will analyse the news and describe all the signs of fictionalization that we find (if we find some). We will focus on domestic, global and economical news. After the analysis we will be able to ether confirm or disprove the hypothesis. All our findings will be detailed in the summary.
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Hudební recenze jako součást masové kultury / Music reviews as part of mass culturePoštulková, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The status of contemporary Czech music reviews (also the Czech cultural criticism) ties in with mass culture and trends of postmodern thinking supports. Subjective journalist genres type reviews and critics look like the relevant expert testing about artistic performance, their real aim is economic profitability and fixing a position in their discourse domain. Mass culture can not offer an alternative to itselfa nd that's the reason, why central dichotomy variation - scheme is applicable not only to its products (music CDs, theatrical performances, a new book at he art), but also on the way, which is about these products further talks . Subjective meta - review has a the specific positron in the mass media.
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Mediální ohlas angloamerického komiksu u nás a ve světě v letech 2003 - 2013 / Media coverage of anglo-american comic books in Czech and foreign media from 2003 to 2013Ferebauer, Václav January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis analyzes critical reviews of Anglo-American comic books which were published in Czech Republic. The purpose is to describe contemporary Czech critique scene and to search for tendencies of the reviewers. To do so four comic books were chosen: TOP 10, Sin City 1: The Hard Goodbye, The Adventures of Luther Arkwright and the Czech edition of Batman: The Killing Joke. In the next phase critical reviews were looked up in web pages: Fantasy Planet, Komiksárium, Comics-blog, Neviditelný pes, Daemon and XB-1 magazine. Magazine Host and Lidové noviny newspapers with it's Saturday supplement Orientace represent printed media. There are also two examples of foreign critical reviews from web pages Comics Authority and Artbomb.net. Historical development of comics in Czechoslovakia and in the USA and Great Britain is described between years 1945 and 1989. The purpose is to find moments of mutual influence.
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Užití a funkce persvazivních jazykových prostředků v ženských časopisech / The use and function of persuasive language techniques in women's magazinesHrabáková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with persuasion and its means in the field of contemporary journalistic texts - women's magazines. By employing the approaches of critical analysis of discourse, it analyses selected verbal means, used for persuasive writing. Women's magazine "Žena a život" volumes 2010/13 are used as a case study example. The first theoretical part of this thesis deals with persuasion in terms of psychological communication of sociological and media studies. An analysis follows of women's magazines market in the Czech Republic and the specifics of women's and lifestyle magazines. In the practical part, by using 48 different samples of "žena a život" magazines editorials, women's magazines language is analysed. The thesis focuses on selected verbal means of persuasion and it analyses their usage and function in the text. Simultaneously the thesis focuses on editorials in term of thematic contents and examines how women's world is constructed and presented by the medium of editorials. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Kulturní publicistika Josefa Hejzlara o čínském umění v tisku v letech 1957-2011 / Joseph Hejzlar's Cultural Publicism of Chinese art in press (1957-2011)Junková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes the work of Josef Hejzlar, Czech journalist, translator, sinologist and historian of arts, specifically, his cultural journalistic work in the periodical press in 1957- 2011. It focuses on Asian culture, especially Chinese arts, which he studied at Beijing University of oriental arts in 1951-1956. The aim is to map art publications by Josef Hejzlar and analysis of selected essays, which were published in 1957-2011 in Kultura, Literární noviny and magazine Výtvarné umění. This text will also describe the main features of Hejzlar's writing style.
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Publicistický pořad o médiích Newsroom ČT 24 / Publicist broadcast about journalism: Newsroom ČT 24Košutová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the first year of current affairs TV program called Newsroom CT24. It has two main parts, theoretical and practical. The former describes the theoretical context of the program; the key genres used in the program are delineated, and other theoretical points of departure are provided. Next come some chapters on the history of Czech journalism, with an emphasis on television journalism. This part deals with certain trends in TV journalism in relation to the historical context of the times, moving smoothly to the present. The thesis also delineates the specifics of the program, and methodology applied in research. The practical part offers both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the program with regard to its contents and genres. It presents the main themes and genre specifics of the program in its first year of being broadcast, mapping the local context of topics appearing on the screen. It provides a percentage breakdown of the main topics broadcast in the program, together with the percentages of local context material within the general output. This data is complemented by the percentages of hard and soft news. The work summarizes the most common genres used in the program, and by comparing its individual components it shows how it has evolved from its early stages...
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Argumentace v medializaci komentátorských pořadů a teorie řečových aktů Johna Searla / Reasoning in medialisation of discuss programmes and J.Searle's Theory of Speech ActsVozková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Given that public television is involved in the public and political life of our society, we believe that it should be necessary to study the debating skills of moderators and especially their role in stimulating public discussion. We explored the role of the moderator, socio-professional aspects of the profession, with emphasis on the study of verbal expression and specific speech acts, which are used in specific discourse. The aim of the study of the public television moderator's communication strategies is to focus on language skills, competences and facilities in terms of moderators defending the public interest - start from the Act on Czech Television and Czech Television Codex. We focused on specific techniques and strategies of the moderator's discourse. We investigated how the induction of the host achieves cooperation and clarity in communication, as well as how the moderator achieves a minimum of manipulative or persuasive communication. Moderators should in particular avoid any signs of manipulative or persuasive rhetoric, and they should be able to recognise this. For this they may use the entire system of the language and all types of speech acts.
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Dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimas „Respublikos“ ir „Lietuvos ryto“ dienraščiuose / Participles and adjectivial forms in “Lietuvos rytas“ and “Respublika“ daily newspapersKlemiato, Beata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šis darbas skirtas didžiausių Lietuvos dienraščių – „Lietuvos ryto“ ir „Respublikos“ – dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimo analizei. Norėta išsiaiškinti, ar dalyviai iki šiol yra dažnai tebevartojami, koks jų santykis minėtuose dienraščiuose. Dalyvių vartojimo polinkiai publicistikoje anksčiau beveik nebuvo tirti, tad darbas galėtų būti tolimesnių bei išsamesnių tyrimų pradžia.
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti visų minėtų dalyvinių formų dažnumą, aptarti rašytinės kalbos dalyvinių konstrukcijų vartojimo ypatumus minėtuose dienraščiuose ir palyginti abiejų laikraščių kalbą. Analizuojant tiriamąją medžiagą buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: 1) apžvelgti lingvistinę literatūrą, susijusią su nagrinėjimo objektu; 2) išrinkti iš minėtų dienraščių analizuojamųjų straipsnių dalyvius, pusdalyvius ir padalyvius, sugrupuoti juos; 3) nustatyti ir aptarti dalyvių vartojimo dėsningumus (ypatumus); 4) palyginti dalyvių, pusdalyvių ir padalyvių vartojimą, t. y. nustatyti jų vartojimo santykį dviejuose populiariausiuose Lietuvos dienraščiuose; 5) statistiškai pateikti gautus rezultatus, analizuoti, apibendrinti.
Išanalizavus didžiausių Lietuvos dienraščių „Respublika“ ir „Lietuvos rytas“ 50 straipsnių ir ištyrus juose rastus dalyvius, pusdalyvius bei padalyvius, buvo prieita tam tikrų išvadų. Tyrimas parodė, kad dažniausiai „Respublikos“ ir „Lietuvos ryto“ dienraščiuose vartojami būtojo kartinio laiko veikiamieji ir neveikiamieji dalyviai. Būtojo kartinio laiko neveikiamasis dalyvis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work is aimed at the analysis of usage of participles, half-participles, verbal adverbs in “Lietuvos rytas“ and “Respublika“ newspapers. The purpose was to find out if participles are still often used and what is the frequency of this usage in the magazines. The usage of participles has not been examined yet that is why this work could be the beginning of the further examinations.
The main purpose of the work was to assume the frequency of the participles and their forms, discuss the peculiarities of their spelling in the above-mentioned magazines and compare their language. While analyzing the newspapers I set the main goals: 1) examine linguistic literature related to the object of analysis; 2) choose the participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs from the above mentioned newspapers and group them; 3) ascertain and discuss the rules (peculiarities) of the usage of participles; 4) compare the usage of participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs and ascertain the frequency of their usage in the above mentioned magazines; 5) establish the statistics of the results, discuss them and sum up. The results have been made after the analysis and examination of participles, half-participles and verbal adverbs found in 50 articles in the daily newspapers “Respublika“ ir “Lietuvos rytas“. The examination showed that the most frequently used participles are past participles and passive participles. Past passive participles are a little more frequently used in... [to full text]
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K jazyku a stylu událostí let 1968-69 v československých denících (Rudé právo, Mladá fronta, Svobodné slovo) / Language and style of 1968-69 events in Czechoslovak newspapers (Rudé právo, Mladá fronta, Svobodné slovo)NECHVÁTALOVÁ, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
My diploma thesis analyses the style and the language of the most important events between 1968 and 1969 which were published in the most important journals of that time. It deals not only with social, cultural, political and sports events but also with events which cannot be classified into any section mentioned above and which belong to the so called {\clqq}other`` section. The texts are chosen from Rudé právo, Mladá fronta and Svobodné slovo. My diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practi-cal part. The theoretical part includes some characteristics of a functional style and an issue of journalism in general and also during the time of socialism. Furthermore, it describes a komplete summary of the most important events between 1968 and 1969. This thesis focuses on a characteristics of journals mentioned above. The practical part which is simultaneously my focal point includes an analysis of language, especially in the field of phonetics or morphology, in the lexical and syntactic level. Everything is shown on particular examples. The attention is mainly devoted to the lexical means used at that time. However, not only their stylish usage is discussed but also typical terms of publicism are described.
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Od výtvarné kritiky k výtvarné publicistice? Psaní o výtvarném umění po roce 1989 / From art criticism to art journalism? Czech arts writing after 1989Sládková, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the disertation From Art Criticism to Art Journalism? Czech Arts Writing after 1989 is to find out how did the Czech politics and society transformation influence the character of art critique, particularly the visual arts reflection. How did the post-1989 art critique deal with the communist regime past and relics? How was the art critique influenced by the art development and by the changes in the media structure and functioning? Content analysis of selected periodicals texts from the 1990s enables us to follow if and how do the form and content of the visual arts reflecting texts mirror the communication, art and media character and structure development. The topic connects media and communication studies with visual studies and art theory. Hanka Sladkova
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