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Le phénomène de l'édition de scénarios cinématographiques dans l'espace éditorial québécoisMaltais, Bruno 10 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques décennies, les études sur le scénario de film n'ont cessé d'augmenter. Pourtant, très peu de théoriciens et d'historiens se sont intéressés à la publication de scénarios. Le but de ce mémoire est de bien comprendre comment s'articule et se développe le phénomène de l'édition de scénarios cinématographiques dans l'espace éditorial québécois.
Par « édition de scénarios cinématographiques », nous entendons tous textes ayant été écrits en vue d'une réalisation filmique et possédant un code ISBN. Dans le but de dresser un meilleur portrait du phénomène de cette édition, nous traiterons aussi de publications qui se rattachent de près ou de loin à l'édition de scénarios cinématographiques, comme la novellisation et la transcription de film. De manière à n'omettre aucune publication et à bien identifier chacune d'elles, nous avons élaboré une typologie qui se compose de quatre types de publication : la novellisation, la transcription du film, le scénario cinématographique publié et le scénario fictif. / During the last two decades, studies on the screenplay have increased greatly. However, very few theoreticians and historians studied the process of publication of screenplays. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand how the publication of screenplays has developed in Quebec in the last hundred years and write it’s history.
By « publication of screenplays », we mean all texts written with the intention of permitting a film. The texts studied here have to have a ISBN code. Considering a relatively small number of screenplays have been published, this dissertation also includes an inventory and analysis of publications that are written in relationship to a film such as novelizations and transcriptions of films. The different types of texts have been identified and classified according to a typology which is made up of four types of publications : the novelization, the transcription of the film, the published screenplay and the fictitious screenplay.
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A National Investigation of Pre-Activity Health Screening Procedures in Fitness Facilities: Perspectives from American College of Sports Medicine Certified Health Fitness SpecialistsCraig, Aaron C. 01 January 2014 (has links)
It is well established in the literature that the morbidity and mortality rates due to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, and diabetes in the U.S are alarmingly high. Likewise, there is ample data which demonstrates that participating in physical activity can help prevent and control many types of chronic diseases. Though the benefits outweigh the risks of participation in physical activity, the risks must be acknowledged.
Published standards and guidelines in the health fitness field have been established to address operational practices of fitness facilities, increase safety of participants and mitigate these risks. The present study was a national investigation conducted to determine adherence to published standards and guidelines for self- and professionally-guided pre-activity health screening procedures (PHSP) across various settings (i.e., Hospital/Clinical, Community, Commercial, Corporate, University, Government). Additionally, this study obtained perspectives from study participants regarding familiarity with, importance of adherence to and legal liability associated with published standards and guidelines. As the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is considered the gold standard in health and fitness, only ACSM's published standards and guidelines, specifically those related to pre-activity health screening, were included in the present study.
A survey instrument was developed and validated to obtain the data for this study. The link for the web-based survey was sent from the ACSM's Certification Department to all ACSM Health Fitness Specialists (HFS) who lived in the US (n=9,433); a total of 1,246 (13.2%) responded to the survey. The survey instrument consisted of 54 questions including 14 participant related (i.e., Q1, Q3, Q34-Q45), 32 facility related (i.e., Q2, Q4-Q33, Q46), seven demographic related (Q47-Q53), and one open-ended question (Q54). Exclusion criteria removed any HFS who was not currently working part- or full-time in a fitness facility, which left 677 usable responses for data analysis. Special measures were taken to remove duplicate responses for any given facility which resulted in a lower number of usable responses (n=656) for those 32 questions.
As hypothesized, the Hospital/Clinical setting had significantly (p<.006) higher percentages of fitness facilities (93%) which require new participants to complete a pre-activity screening device than all other settings (i.e., University (56%), Community (54%), Commercial(40%), and Government (67%)). Additionally, the Hospital/Clinical setting was also found to be significantly higher than Corporate relative to this same variable. Regarding the second research hypothesis, the Corporate setting was found to have significantly (p<.006) higher percentages (78%) of fitness facilities which require new participants to complete a pre-activity screening device than the Community setting.
Twenty-six percent of respondents indicated they their facility conducted self-guided, 43% professionally guided, and 31% offered both self- and professionally-guided PHSP. High percentages of fitness facilities (73%) required new participants to complete a pre-activity screening device with 47% and 87% of these facilities requiring medical clearance for at-risk new participants for self- and professionally-guided screening procedures, respectively. At-risk was defined in the study as someone with known disease (e.g., cardiac, pulmonary or metabolic) or with signs/symptoms and/or risk factors associated with cardiac, pulmonary, or metabolic disease. Also, participants with other medical conditions (e.g., pregnancy, orthopedic injury) may be considered at- risk. The majority (86%) of facilities offered personal training and nearly all of these (99.6%) required clients of personal trainers to complete a pre-activity screening device. Additionally, 84% of these facilities required medical clearance for at-risk clients. Data regarding other aspects of PHSP for facilities were also obtained such as frequency of completion for participants, privacy, confidentiality, and security of information obtained, participant refusal to complete, and waivers for guests.
Regarding their familiarity, 69% of respondents indicated that they were very familiar with the ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (ACSM's GETP); however only 52% indicated they used the ACSM's GETP for development and implementation of their facility's PHSP. Of these facilities, the results regarding the inclusion of the GETP criteria on their screening device were: (a) 96%, 91%, 87% for known CV, pulmonary and metabolic disease, respectively, (b) 44-95% for each of the nine signs/symptoms with dizziness/syncope the highest (95%) and intermittent claudication the lowest (44%), and (c) 64%- 99% for each of the nine CV risk factors with smoking the highest (99%) and high-density lipoprotein the lowest (64%).
Although 52% of respondents reported more than adequate academic preparation, 70% reported being very confident in conducting professionally-guided pre-activity health screening procedures and that adherence to published standards and guidelines was very important. However, only 28% of respondents reported more than adequate academic preparation regarding legal implications involving PHSP. Other data from the HFSs regarding PHSP were also obtained such as their perspectives of the importance to management to adhere to and familiarity with published standards and guidelines as well as their knowledge of legal issues related to PHSP. In the open-ended question, respondents provided comments and challenges (n=509) that they encountered while conducting PHSP. These data were analyzed, coded and then categorized into three major themes: 1) medical clearance related issues, 2) administrative/procedural related issues, 3) member related issues.
Compared to previous research, adherence to published standards and guidelines, as evidenced by the percentage of facilities which require new participants and clients of personal trainers to complete a pre-activity screening device, seems to be generally increasing. Additionally, relative to the requirement of medical clearance for personal training clients also seems to demonstrate an upward trend. However, the requirement of medical clearance for at-risk new participants remains about the same as previous studies (ranging from 49%-82% of the facilities) and the current study (47% for self-guided and 87% for professionally-guided). For facilities that were not conducting PHSP (27%), the major reasons why were reinforced by the comments to the open-ended question and were similar to those found in a previous study that investigated the same.
The findings from this study indicated that there are areas that may need to be addressed within the profession to help increase adherence to published standards and guidelines especially in Community, Commercial, University, and Government settings. For example, these facilities might need a more simplified approach and additional guidance from the ACSM for more effectively and efficiently conducting PHSP. Additionally, academic programs could contribute by more comprehensively integrating PHSP into courses and practical learning opportunities for students. Given the importance of conducting PHSP, future research in PHSP focused on issues specific to individual settings may help establish the framework and provide direction for stakeholders to address this relevant issue in the field.
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Le phénomène de l'édition de scénarios cinématographiques dans l'espace éditorial québécoisMaltais, Bruno 10 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques décennies, les études sur le scénario de film n'ont cessé d'augmenter. Pourtant, très peu de théoriciens et d'historiens se sont intéressés à la publication de scénarios. Le but de ce mémoire est de bien comprendre comment s'articule et se développe le phénomène de l'édition de scénarios cinématographiques dans l'espace éditorial québécois.
Par « édition de scénarios cinématographiques », nous entendons tous textes ayant été écrits en vue d'une réalisation filmique et possédant un code ISBN. Dans le but de dresser un meilleur portrait du phénomène de cette édition, nous traiterons aussi de publications qui se rattachent de près ou de loin à l'édition de scénarios cinématographiques, comme la novellisation et la transcription de film. De manière à n'omettre aucune publication et à bien identifier chacune d'elles, nous avons élaboré une typologie qui se compose de quatre types de publication : la novellisation, la transcription du film, le scénario cinématographique publié et le scénario fictif. / During the last two decades, studies on the screenplay have increased greatly. However, very few theoreticians and historians studied the process of publication of screenplays. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand how the publication of screenplays has developed in Quebec in the last hundred years and write it’s history.
By « publication of screenplays », we mean all texts written with the intention of permitting a film. The texts studied here have to have a ISBN code. Considering a relatively small number of screenplays have been published, this dissertation also includes an inventory and analysis of publications that are written in relationship to a film such as novelizations and transcriptions of films. The different types of texts have been identified and classified according to a typology which is made up of four types of publications : the novelization, the transcription of the film, the published screenplay and the fictitious screenplay.
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A taxonomy of problems in arabic-english Translation: a systemic functional Linguistics approach Tawffeek abdouMohammed, Tawffeek Abdou Saeed January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Working with Arab students pursuing a degree in English Language and Translation at the Taiz
University, Republic of Yemen, has brought to the researcher‟s attention a number of errors or problems
encountered in Arabic to English translation. This study aims to investigate the problems encountered by
student translators (STs), novice translators (NTs) as well as more experienced translators (Ts) while
translating from Arabic into English. The study starts with the assumption that Arabic and English belong
to different families of languages and thus there is rarely a word-for-word equivalence in both languages.
The present study is cross-sectional in nature. It is based on empirical data collected from several
categories of translators. In other words, the data was collected from fourth-year students in the
department of English and Translation in the Faculty of Arts, Taiz University, as well as five
NTs who have previously graduated from this department and are currently working in a number
of accredited translation offices in Taiz. The study also investigates the challenges faced by Ts.
For this purpose, a novel, a tourist brochure, an editorial, and three academic abstracts all
translated by established publishing houses and translation centres in and outside Yemen are
examined. These texts are analyzed to determine to what extent the problems faced by STs and
NTs reoccur in published translations produced by Ts.
For its conceptual framework, the study adopts an eclectic approach that does not stick rigidly to
a particular paradigm but rather draws upon multiple linguistic and translation theories.
However, it is mainly based on Halliday‟s Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) and the
problems have been classified along his taxonomy of meaning metafunctions into ideational,
interpersonal and textual. Extra-textual problems are also analyzed. Several SFG-based
translation models such as Hatim and Mason‟s (1990) sociometic model, House‟s (1977, 1997)
translation quality assessment model, Hervey et al. (1992) register analysis model and Baker‟s
(1990) equivalence model are also employed in the study to help the researcher examine the
problems encountered in Arabic-English translation within those four categories. In addition, Nord‟s functional model to translation which is based on Skopos theory is also taken into
consideration although to a minimum extent.
In addition to the analysis of translations produced by various categories of translators, the study
uses several triangulation research tools such as questionnaire, Thinking Aloud Protocols
(TAPs), retrospective interviews, and classroom observation. These tools are employed to assist
the researcher to identify the possible causes for the problems the STs, NTs, and Ts experience
from the perspective of the participants themselves. The current translation programme at Taiz
University is also analyzed to determine to what extent it contributes to the poor performance of
the student translators and would-be translators.
The study concludes that STs, NTs and even Ts encounter several problems at the ideational,
interpersonal and textual levels. They also encounter problems at the extra-textual stratum. The
study attributes these problems to structural and cultural differences between the two languages,
the reliance on the dictionary rather than the meaning in use of lexical items, the differences in
the cohesion and coherence systems of Arabic and English, the negligence of the role of context
in translation as well as unfamiliarity with text-typologies and genre conventions. In other
words, participants follow a bottom-up approach in translation and come close to the source text
translating it literally. This approach is very damaging because it ignores the fact that the three
metafunctions might be realized differently in the two languages.
Furthermore, the study concludes that the manner in which translation is taught at Taiz
University as well as the syllabus contribute mainly to the lack of translation competence of the
student translators and would-be translators. The programme is inadequate and it needs urgent
review and improvements. The present syllabus does not keep abreast with the latest theoretical
and practical developments in the discipline of translation as well as neighbouring disciplines
such as contrastive linguistics, text-analysis, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and the like.
As for methodology, the study concludes that it is the transmissionist (teacher-centred) teaching approach rather than the transformational (learner-centred) which is commonly used in teaching
translation. As a result, the read-and-translate approach dominates the scene and no tasks,
activities, or projects are given to the STs.
The study provides some recommendations, which if implemented, can be useful in enabling
Yemeni and Arab universities to improve the competence among student translators in order to
improve translation teaching at academic level.
A major contribution of this study is the description and classification of translation problems in
Arabic-English translation on the basis of meaning systems. Unlike traditional descriptive error
analysis, which is widely used to analyze the translation product, SFG-based text analysis
provides a systematic description of translation problems which allows a precise articulation of
the nature of problems that would otherwise be explained simply as translations which “sound
unnatural or awkward” (Kim 2008; Yallop 1999). As far as the researcher knows, no study in
the Arab world has yet tackled translation problems from this perspective. Other studies have
tackled deviated forms produced by students or translators using an error analysis technique
rather than a holistic approach based on solid theoretical knowledge.
In other words, while most other studies focused on specific „errors‟ and error analysis and ended
at that, the present study does not only looks at „errors‟ as „difference‟ (from contrastive
analysis) but rather from several perspectives. It is also more comprehensive by triangulating
several sources of data and pooling them together for a more informed understanding.
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The Risk-Return Tradeoff in a Hedged, Client Driven Trading Portfolio / Relationen Mellan Risk och Avkastning i en Hedgead, Klientdriven TradingportföljBergvall, Anders January 2013 (has links)
In post-financial crisis times, new legislation in combination with banks’ changed risk aversion has to a great extent changed the proprietary trading to client driven trading, i.e. market making or client facilitation. This type of trading complicates the risk-return dynamics, as the goal is often to minimize risk and achieve profitable commission revenues. This thesis aims to disclose the risk-return tradeoff in a client driven trading environment. This is done by investigating the conditional relation between risk and realized return. As opposed from many studies which proxy the risk with beta or variance, I use a delta-gamma Value at Risk model as the risk proxy, which I also backtest. For the return proxy, I use three different measures; P&L, commission revenues and the sum of these two. A positive tradeoff exists if (i) the return is equally negatively dependent on the risk if the ex post return is negative, as it is positively dependent on the risk if the ex post return is positive and (ii) the average return is significantly positive. For three different client driven trading portfolios tested, I found a positive risk-return tradeoff in one portfolio, between the P&L plus commission revenues and the Value at Risk. However, since a symmetrical conditional relationship between risk and P&L plus commission revenues was found in all portfolios, and the average return was positive, the positive tradeoff would have existed if the average return would have been significantly positive. On the other hand, one could argue that the tradeoff exists, but is not significant. No relation between risk and commission revenues was found. A probable cause to this is the hedging strategies, which would be an interesting topic for further research. / I tiden efter finanskrisen har nya regelverk i kombination med bankers förändrade riskaptit till stor del förändrat den proprietära handeln till klientdriven handel, i.e. ”market making” eller förenklad handel för kund. Denna typ av handel komplicerar dynamiken mellan risk och avkastning, då målet ofta är att minimera risk och nå lönsamma kommissionsintäkter. Denna uppsats ämnar påvisa förhållandet mellan risk och avkastning i en klientdriven handelsmiljö. Detta görs genom att undersöka den betingade relationen mellan risk och realiserad avkastning. Till skillnad från andra studier som använder beta eller varians som riskmått, använder jag en delta-gamma Value at Risk-modell som jag också backtestar. Som avkastningsmått, använder jag tre olika mått; P&L, kommissionsintäkter samt summan av dessa två. En positiv belöning för att bära risk existerar om (i) avkastningen är lika negativt beroende av risken om den realiserade avkastningen är negativ, som den är positivt beroende av risken om den realiserade avkastningen är positiv och (ii) medelvärdet på avkastningen är signifikant positiv. För tre olika klientdrivna portföljer som testats, hittades en positiv belöning för att bära risk endast i en portfölj, mellan P&L plus kommissionsintäkter och Value at Risk. Emellertid, eftersom en symmetrisk systematisk betingad relation mellan risk och P&L plus kommissionsintäkter hittades i alla portföljer, och medelavkastningen var positiv, skulle den positiva belöningen ha funnits om medelavkastningen varit signifikant positiv. Å andra sidan skulle jag kunna hävda att den positiva belöningen finns, men inte är signifikant. Ingen relation mellan risk och kommissionsintäkter hittades. En trolig orsak till detta är hedgnings-strategierna, vilket vore ett intressant ämne för fortsatt forskning.
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A methodology for neural spatial interaction modelingFischer, Manfred M., Reismann, Martin January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This paper attempts to develop a mathematically rigid and unified framework for
neural spatial interaction modeling. Families of classical neural network models, but
also less classical ones such as product unit neural network ones are considered for the
cases of unconstrained and singly constrained spatial interaction flows. Current
practice appears to suffer from least squares and normality assumptions that ignore the
true integer nature of the flows and approximate a discrete-valued process by an
almost certainly misrepresentative continuous distribution. To overcome this deficiency
we suggest a more suitable estimation approach, maximum likelihood estimation under
more realistic distributional assumptions of Poisson processes, and utilize a global
search procedure, called Alopex, to solve the maximum likelihood estimation problem.
To identify the transition from underfitting to overfitting we split the data into training,
internal validation and test sets. The bootstrapping pairs approach with replacement is
adopted to combine the purity of data splitting with the power of a resampling
procedure to overcome the generally neglected issue of fixed data splitting and the
problem of scarce data. In addition, the approach has power to provide a better
statistical picture of the prediction variability, Finally, a benchmark comparison
against the classical gravity models illustrates the superiority of both, the
unconstrained and the origin constrained neural network model versions in terms of
generalization performance measured by Kullback and Leibler's information criterion.
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Vyučovací cíle v předmětu český jazyk na základních školách - analýza aktuálního stavu / Teaching objekts in the Czech language - examining the current stateDlasková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the title Teaching objekts in the Czech language is theoretical work which compares realizations of targets in syntax area at elementaries schools. It observes realization of targets included in basic curriculum document of Czech Republic (the Framework Educational Program, theFEP)in school educational programs. It observes realization of targets included in the General Educational Program, the GEP by didactictextbooks. First part of this diploma thesis compares targets of the FEP and some documents which can inspirate teachers at teaching about syntax. These documents are the best-selling textbooks published at Alter, SPN and Fraus publishers and lessons about syntax published at metodical web by GEP (by web www.ceskeskolstvi.czfrom 1st of October 2012). There is an assumptioncreated on the base of their significance that their targets are the same as GEP's targets. Second part analyses schools educational programs at selected school sat North Bohemia. We talk about 29 schools. Because of competition at municipal and rurals chools we compare documents from both of these areas. Municipalschools are choosenfrom Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou. This diploma works on the assumption that the school educational programs fulfill requests of the GEP and they give the same...
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Modelovanje i implementacija sistema za podršku vrednovanju publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata / Modeling and implementation of system for evaluation of published research outputsNikolić Siniša 26 April 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj – Prvi cilj istraživanja je kreiranje modela podataka i implementacija informacionog sistema zasnovanog na modelu za potrebe vrednovanja publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata. Model bi bio primenjen u CRIS UNS informacionom sistemu, kao podrška sistemu vrednovanja.<br />Drugi cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje u kojoj meri i na koji način se može automatizovati proces evaluacije koji se zasniva na različitim pravilima i pravilnicima.<br />Metodologija – Kako bi se definisalo proširenje CERIF modela neophodno je bilo identifikovati različite aspekte podataka koji su prisutni u evaluaciji naučno-istraživačkih publikacija. Stoga, zarad potreba istraživanja, odabrana su i analizirana su dokumenta koja predstavljaju različite nacionalne pravilnike, okvire i smernice za evaluaciju.<br />Za modelovanje specifikacije arhitekture sistema za vrednovanje korišćeni su CASE alati koji su bazirani na objektno-orijentisanoj metodologiji (UML 2.0). Za implementaciju proširenja CERIF modela u CRIS UNS sistemu korišćena je Java platforma i tehnologije koji olakšavaju kreiranje veb aplikacija kao što su AJAX, RichFaces, JSF itd. Pored navedene opšte metodologije za razvoj softverskih sistema korišćeni su primeri dobre prakse u razvoju informacionih sistema. To se pre svega odnosi na principe korišćene u razvoju institucionalnih repozitorijuma, bibliotečkih informacionih sistema, informacionih sistema naučno-istraživačke delatnosti, CRIS sistema, sistema koji omogućuju evaluaciju podataka itd.<br />Ekspertski sistem koji bi podržao automatizaciju procesa evaluacije po različitim pravilnicima odabran je na osnovu analize postojećih rešenja za sisteme bazirane na pravilima i pregleda naučne literature.<br />Rezultati – Analizom nacionalnih pravilnika i smernica dobijen je skup podataka na osnovu kojeg je moguće evaluirati publikovane rezultate po odabranim pravilnicima.<br />Razvijen je model podataka kojim se predstavljaju svi podaci koji učestvuju u procesu evaluacije i koji je kompatibilan sa CERIF modelom podataka.<br />Predloženi model je moguće implementirati u CERIF kompatibilnim CRIS sistemima, što je potvrđeno implementacijom informacionog sistema za vrednovanje publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata u okviru CRIS UNS.<br />Ekspertski sistem baziran na pravilima može biti iskorišćen za potrebe automatizacije procesa evaluacije, što je potvrđeno predstavom i implementacijom SRB pravilnika u Jess sistemu baziranom na pravilima.<br />Praktična primena –Zaključci proizašli iz analize pravilnika (npr. poređenje sistema i definisanje metapodataka za vrednovanje) se mogu primeniti pri definisanju modela podataka za CERIF sisteme i za sisteme koji nisu CERIF orijentisani.<br />Sistem za podršku vrednovanju publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata je implementiran kao deo CRIS UNS sistema koji se koristi na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu čime je obezbeđeno vrednovanje publikovanih naučno-istraživačkih rezultata za različite potrebe (npr. promocije u naučna i istraživačka zvanja, dodele nagrada i materijalnih sredstava, finansiranje projekata, itd.), po različitim pravilnicima i komisijama.<br />Vrednost – Dati su metapodaci na osnovu kojih se vrši vrednovanje publikovanih rezultat istraživanja po raznim nacionalnim pravilnicima i smernicama. Dat je model podataka i proširenje CERIF modela podataka kojim se podržava vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja u CRIS sistemima. Posebna prednost pomenutih modela je nezavisnost istih od implementacije sistema za vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja. Primena predloženog proširenje CERIF modela u CRIS sistemima praktično je pokazana u CRIS sistemu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Sistem za vrednovanje koji se bazira na proširenju CERIF modela pruža i potencijalnu interoperabilnost sa sistemima koji CERIF model podržavaju. Implementacijom informacionog sistema za vrednovanje, vrednovanje naučnih publikacija je postalo olakšano i transparentnije. Potvrda koncepata da se ekspertski sistemi bazirani na pravilima mogu koristiti za automatizaciju vrednovanja, otvara totalno novi okvir za implementaciju informacionih sistema za podršku vrednovanja postignutih rezultata istraživanja.</p> / <p>Aim – The first aim of the research was creation of data model and implementation of information system based on the proposed model for the purpose of evaluation of published research outputs. The model is applied in CRIS information system to support the system for evaluation.<br />The second objective was determination of the manner and extent in which the evaluation process that is based on different rules and different rulebooks could be automated.<br />Methodology - In order to define the extension of the CERIF model, it was necessary to identify the various aspects of data which is relevant in evaluation of scientific research publications. Therefore, documents representing different national regulations, frameworks and guidelines for evaluations were selected and analyzed.<br />For the modeling of the system architecture, CASE tools were used, which are based on object-oriented methodology (UML 2.0). To implement the extension of the CERIF model within the CRIS UNS system, JAVA platform and technologies that facilitate creation of web applications such as AXAJ and RichFaces were used. In addition to this general methodology for development of software systems, best practice examples from the information systems development are also used. This primary refers to the principles used in development of institutional repositories, library information systems, information systems of the scientific-research domain, CRIS systems, systems that enable evaluation of data, etc.<br />The expert system that supports automation of the evaluation process by different rulebooks was selected based on analysis of the existing solutions for rule based systems and examination of scientific literature.<br />Results - By analysis of the national rulebooks and guidelines, a pool of data was gathered, which served as a basis for evaluation of published results by any analyzed rulebook.<br />A data model was developed, by which all data involved in the evaluation process can be represented. The proposed model is CERIF compatible.<br />The proposed model can be implemented in CERIF compatible CRIS systems, which was confirmed by the implementation of an information system for evaluation of published scientific research results in CRIS UNS.<br />An expert system based on rules can be used for the needs of automation of the evaluation process, which was confirmed by the presentation and implementation of the Serbian Rulebook by Jess.<br />Practical application - The conclusions raised from the analysis of rulebooks (e.g. Comparison of systems and defining metadata for evaluation) can be applied in defining the data model for CERIF systems and for systems that are not CERIF oriented.<br />The system for support of evaluation of published scientific research results was implemented as part of the CRIS UNS system used at the University of Novi Sad, thus providing evaluation of published scientific research results for different purposes (e.g. promotion in scientific and research titles, assignment of awards and material resources, financing of projects, etc.), according to different rulebooks and commissions.<br />Value – Metadata is provided on which basis the evaluation of published research results by various national rulebooks and guidelines is conducted. A data model and an expansion of the CERIF data model that supports the evaluation of the research results within CRIS systems are given. A special advantage of these models is their independence of the implementation of the system for evaluation of research results. The application of the proposed extension of the CERIF model into CRIS systems practically is demonstrated in the CRIS system of the University of Novi Sad. The system that implements an expansion of the CERIF model provides a potential interoperability with systems that support CERIF model. After the implementation of the information system for evaluation, the evaluation of scientific publications becomes easier and more transparent. A confirmation of the concept that the expert systems based on rules can be used in automation of the evaluation process opens a whole new framework for implementation of information systems for evaluation.</p>
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Ανάλυση των επιχειρήσεων του πρωτογενούς τομέα στην ΑιτωλοακαρνανίαΤζούπης, Αλέξανδρος 07 July 2015 (has links)
Σκοπός της εν λόγω διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη και η αξιολόγηση των οικονομικών καταστάσεων των αγροτικών επιχειρήσεων που δραστηριοποιούνται στο νομό Αιτωλοακαρνανίας με την χρήση χρηματοοικονομικών δεικτών. Σημαντικό στοιχείο της εργασίας αποτελεί το γεγονός ότι η χρονική περίοδος αξιολόγησης των επιχειρήσεων διαχωρίζεται με ορόσημο το διαχειριστικό έτος 2008 ώστε να έχουμε μία πλήρη εικόνα των επιχειρήσεων προ οικονομικής κρίσης και μετά. / --
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Socialistický realismus a tzv. totální realismus: charakteristika básnické poetiky a pokus o komparaci / Socialist realism and so called total realism: main characteristics of poetics, similarities and differencesSieberová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis mainly deals with the relationships between the poetic manifestations of socialist realism and so called total realism in the early fifties. The first part focuses on general issues; within it I try to describe characteristic features of both poetics, for total realism it is done mostly in the background of comparison with like-minded concepts (Hrabal's poems from the fifties, the works of former members of Group 42). In other chapters of the text I am thinking about a total realism from two aspects: first, as an alternative form of realism, which defines itself against the official art, as well as a program that is dependent on the official art to some extent by paraphrasing or using some of its means and resources.
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