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Conjunctive Operation of Hydro and Solar PV Power with Pumped Storage at Kafue Gorge Power Station (Zambia)Nyirenda, Elvis January 2019 (has links)
This report covers the work carried out to redesign the two existing conventional hydro power stations in Zambia on the Kafue river into the pumped storage facility with solar photovoltaic power so that security of supply and water conservation is achieved to reduce the power deficits during the dry and drought periods. The two stations are Kafue gorge upper power station (KGUPS) and Kafue gorge lower power station (KGLPS) with an installed capacity of 990 MW and 750 MW respectively. These two stations are dammed hydro power station with the reservoirs size of 785 106 m3 and 80 106 m3 respectively and situated on the 9000 hectares of land with the net head of 400 m. The two plants are situated 15 kilometres apart and the water inflow in the KGUPS is dependent on the water release from the holding dam Ithezi- thezi (ITT dam) situated 220 kilometres from the KGUPS dam. The work covered the sizing of the storage dams and determining the autonomy days needed in order to keep the station (KGUPS) running with minimal impact on power blackouts which were calculated at 5 days considering the size of the dam and the available energy. The financial calculation for the PV system was also carried out in this study except for the hydro system which was not carried out due to the time allocated to conduct this study. The proposed operation scheme for the two hydro stations and the solar PV system is also carried out in order to increase solar power penetration in the Zambian grid, reduce power deficit and conserve water during the days/times with enough solar power. Designing of the system was carried out using Homer Pro software on which the hydro power station was modelled using the water influx into the turbines at KGUPS, the plant net head of 400 meters was also used with the calculated head losses of 7 % for the 4 meter diameter penstock between KGUPS dam, KGUPS machine hall to the KGLPS dam. The KGUPS dam was modelled as a natural battery so that charging is done using the water from the KGLPS dam, the battery with a total annual capacity of 428 GWh was modelled. PVsyst and PVGIS software tools were also used to simulate the production from the optimised PV system so that the accuracy of tools can be compared. To cover the load of 777 MW/day (18.6 GWh/day), the available power to provide the necessary energy for the pumps was 270 MW as surplus power from the hydro power machines at KGUPS .The available power from solar PV plant of 236 MW maximum was achieved from the optimized 300 MW PV plant in the dry period of the day which occurs in the month of October, with 300 MW converter , 8 % penetration of solar into the Zambian grid and the pumping scheme was able to provide 589 hours of autonomy with 80 % average state of charge. The total maximum power of 390 MW was good enough to provide power to the two pumps of each 165 MW. From the simulations carried out in the increment of solar PV system from 50 MW to 350 MW, the reliance on hydro power can be reduced drastically and power deficits due to the drought situation as the case for the year 2016 can be alleviated. 300 MW PV plant was selected in order to match with the available land, machines to work as pumps and the initial investment cost to be loosely monitored. The optimized 300 MW PV system with the life of 30 years had a project capital cost of $113 million united states dollars with the levelized cost of electricity 0.0487 $/kWh. The solar PV plant has a payback period of 9 years considering the yearly production from solar PV of 534 GWh as simulated from Homer, PVGIS interactive tool gave an output of 491 GWh. Pumped hydro systems has the capability of utilizing the already existing structures like dams and turbines. They also have the capability of stabilizing the grid network and allow easy penetration of renewable energy technologies like wind and solar. With the government of Zambia pushing for more renewables in the grid by 2030, a pumped hydro project at KGUPS will certainly be able to stabilize the grid and provide a scheme that will be able to push thermal plants to run at full capacity and the efficiency can be improved. In accordance with the IEC TC (technical committee) [30] pumped hydro energy storage is a mature bulk energy technology offering stability and allowing the penetration of intermittent renewables like wind and solar.
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Let Wind Rise – Harnessing Bulk Energy Storage under Increasing Renewable Penetration LevelsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: With growing concern regarding environmental issues and the need for a more sustainable grid, power systems have seen a fast expansion of renewable resources in the last decade. The uncertainty and variability of renewable resources has posed new challenges on system operators. Due to its energy-shifting and fast-ramping capabilities, energy storage (ES) has been considered as an attractive solution to alleviate the increased renewable uncertainty and variability.
In this dissertation, stochastic optimization is utilized to evaluate the benefit of bulk energy storage to facilitate the integration of high levels of renewable resources in transmission systems. A cost-benefit analysis is performed to study the cost-effectiveness of energy storage. A two-step approach is developed to analyze the effectiveness of using energy storage to provide ancillary services. Results show that as renewable penetrations increase, energy storage can effectively compensate for the variability and uncertainty in renewable energy and has increasing benefits to the system.
With increased renewable penetrations, enhanced dispatch models are needed to efficiently operate energy storage. As existing approaches do not fully utilize the flexibility of energy storage, two approaches are developed in this dissertation to improve the operational strategy of energy storage. The first approach is developed using stochastic programming techniques. A stochastic unit commitment (UC) is solved to obtain schedules for energy storage with different renewable scenarios. Operating policies are then constructed using the solutions from the stochastic UC to efficiently operate energy storage across multiple time periods. The second approach is a policy function approach. By incorporating an offline analysis stage prior to the actual operating stage, the patterns between the system operating conditions and the optimal actions for energy storage are identified using a data mining model. The obtained data mining model is then used in real-time to provide enhancement to a deterministic economic dispatch model and improve the utilization of energy storage. Results show that the policy function approach outperforms a traditional approach where a schedule determined and fixed at a prior look-ahead stage is used. The policy function approach is also shown to have minimal added computational difficulty to the real-time market. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Engineering 2016
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Småskalig lagring av solcellsel : En överblick över möjligheterna att lagra solcellsel i uppladdningsbara batterier och vattenmagasin.Steen Englund, Jessika January 2012 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet dimensioneras en solcellsanläggning med batteribank till fyra kolonistugor som kommer att vara bebodda under sommarhalvåret på Wij Trädgårdar i Ockelbo. Den förväntade elanvändningen beräknas för två olika brukarbeteenden. Ett brukarbeteende där hushållsapparater med höga effekter (exempelvis mikrovågsugn) förväntas ha kortare drifttider vilket resulterar i lägre krav på installerad solcellseffekt samt en mindre batteribank.För den kemiska energilagringen i en batteribank undersöks flera olika typer av uppladdningsbara batterier. AGM blyackumulatorn är det batteri som anses vara lämpligt för kemisk energilagring i solcellssystemet och som har använts vid dimensioneringen av batteribanken. Vidare undersöks möjligheterna att lagra elektricitet småskaligt genom pumpat vatten till ett vattenmagasin, som ett komplement till energilagringen i batteribanken. Genom ett vattenlagringssystem kan överskottselen från solcellerna användas för att pumpa upp vatten till ett vattenmagasin på en högre höjd och därmed lagras genom lägesenergi. När det finns ett behov av elektricitet och den lagrade energin i batteribanken inte är tillräcklig kan vattnet flöda genom en vattenturbin som genererar el till batteribanken och lasterna. Ett vattenlagringssystem kan skydda batteribanken från djupare urladdningar, vilket kan öka batteriernas livslängd i form av antalet laddningscykler, samt ta tillvara överskottselen från solcellerna i större utsträckning. Batteribanken står för en stor del av inköpskostnaden och det finns både miljömässiga och ekonomiskt starka incitament att hitta sätt att förlänga batteribankens livslängd. / In this bachelor thesis is the size of a battery bank and the demand of photovoltaic power to supply electricity to four off-grid cottages calculated, which are occupied during the summer months at Wij Trädgårdar in Ockelbo. The expected electricity demand of the households is calculated for two different user patterns. In one of the user patterns the household appliances with a high power demand (for example microwave) are expected to have a shorter daily usage time, which results in a considerable lower purchase cost as a result from lower power demand of installed photovoltaic and a smaller battery bank. For the battery bank have different rechargeable batteries been investigated. The AGM Lead-Acid battery is found to be the most suitable rechargeable battery for chemical energy storage in this photovoltaic system. Furthermore the possibilities of pumping water to a water reservoir and store as potential energy as a complement to the energy storage in the battery bank have been investigated and discussed. Through a small-scale pumped hydro storage the surplus electricity from the photovoltaic can be used to pump up water to a reservoir at a higher altitude and be stored as potential energy. When there is a demand of electricity and the energy stored in the battery bank is not enough the water can be used in a small-scale water turbine, which generates electricity t the battery bank and the loads. A pumped hydro storage can protect the battery bank from deeper discharge, which otherwise can reduce the lifetime of the batteries, and extend the number of charge and discharge cycles the batteries can manage. The battery bank represents a large part of the purchase costs and there are strong environmental and economical incentives to prolong the lifetime of the battery bank.
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Techno-economic analysis of energy storage integration for solar PV in Burkina FasoAbid, Hamza January 2019 (has links)
Electrification in rural areas of West African countries remain to be a challenge for the growth of the region. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has set a target of 2030 to achieve 100% electrification in all member countries. Burkina Faso is one of the least electrified countries in the world, where only 9 % of the rural population has access to electricity. This study presents a conceptualization of techno-economic feasibility of pumped hydro storage (PHS) and electric batteries with solar photovoltaics (PV) in the context of Burkina Faso. The results are explored for an off grid standalone PV plus storage system for a rural setting and a grid connected PV system for an urban setup. The least cost configurations for both the cases are determined using HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables). The results indicate the need of extended solar penetration in Burkina Faso in response to the challenges of low electrification rates in the country. Adding more PV to the present electricity mix of Burkina Faso could drive down the cost of energy by 50 % compared to the present grid electricity prices by making cheap electricity available to the local population. Adding PHS to grid connected PV leads to a cost reduction of 8% over a lifetime of 25 years which does not provide enough motivation for the high investments in storage at present. Policy interventions that allow stacking up of revenues and benefits of storage are needed to make it more competitive. PV plus pumped hydro storage remains the optimal system architecture as compared to PV plus electric batteries for off grid standalone systems provided the geographic availability of lower and upper reservoirs. The capital cost of PV remains to be the most dominating factor in the cost of optimal system for both the urban and the rural cases, and driving down the costs of PV would have the most positive effect for increased electricity access in the country. / Elektrifiering i landsbygdsområden i västafrikanska länder är fortfarande en utmaning för tillväxten i regionen. Ekonomiska gemenskapen i Västafrikanska stater (ECOWAS) har satt upp ett mål 2030 att uppnå 100% elektrifiering i alla medlemsländer. Burkina Faso är ett av de minst elektrifierade länderna i världen där bara 9% av landsbygdsbefolkningen har tillgång till el. Denna studie presenterar en konceptualisering av teknisk ekonomisk genomförbarhet för pumpad vattenkraftlagring (PHS) och elektriska batterier med PV (photovoltaics) paneler i samband med Burkina Faso. Resultaten undersöks med avseende på ett fristående fristående PV plus lagringssystem för landsbygden och ett nätanslutet PV-system för en stadsinstallation. De lägsta kostnadskonfigurationerna för båda fallen bestäms med hjälp av HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables). Resultaten visar på behovet av utökad solpenetrering i Burkina Faso som svar på utmaningarna med låga elektrifieringshastigheter i landet. Att lägga till mer PV till den nuvarande elmixen av Burkina Faso skulle kunna sänka energikostnaderna med 50% jämfört med de nuvarande elpriserna för nätet genom att göra billig el tillgänglig för lokalbefolkningen. Att lägga till PHS till nätansluten PV leder till en kostnadsminskning på 8% under en livslängd på 25 år som inte ger tillräcklig motivation för de stora investeringarna i lagring för närvarande. Politikåtgärder som möjliggör stapling av intäkter och fördelar med lagring behövs för att göra det mer konkurrenskraftigt. PV plus pumpad hydro förblir den optimala systemarkitekturen jämfört med PV plus elektriska batterier för fristående nät utanför nätet förutsatt geografisk tillgänglighet av nedre och övre reservoarer. Kapitalkostnaden för PV är fortfarande den mest dominerande faktorn i det lägsta kostnadssystemet för både stads- och landsbygdsfall och att köra ner PV-kostnaderna skulle ha den mest positiva effekten för ökad elåtkomst i landet.
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Energy storage and their combination with wind power compared to new nuclear power in Sweden : A review and cost analysisEnglund-Karlsson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
As intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power gradually increase around the world, older technologies such as nuclear power is phased out in Sweden and many other countries. It is then important to ensure that the total power need is secured, and that the power grid can remain stable. One way of managing intermittent renewables is by using energy storage. The main goal of this thesis was to compare energy storage methods and their costs. A secondary aim was to investigate how the cost of developing more renewable energy sources, in combination with different energy storage methods, compares to erecting new nuclear power. This thesis was limited to three energy storage technologies, namely pumped hydro storage (PHS), compressed air energy storage (CAES), and four battery storage technologies. They were combined with wind power in the cost analysis. The comparison was done by performing a literature review and economical calculations, which focused especially on levelized cost of storage (LCOS). The results from the economic calculations indicated that PHS and CAES had lower LCOS than battery storage technologies. Similar results could be seen in the literature review as well. When comparing levelized cost of energy (LCOE) nuclear power had the lowest, €0.03-0.12 kWh-1, followed by wind power in combination with PHS and CAES, both around €0.07-0.24 kWh-1. This result was maintained also at sensitivity analysis regarding the discount rate, which both nuclear power and PHS proved rather sensitive to. Keywords: energy storage, nuclear power, wind power, pumped hydro storage, compressed air energy storage, battery energy storage, levelized cost of energy, Sweden
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Techno-economic analysis of energy storage integration for solar PV in Burkina FasoAbid, Hamza January 2019 (has links)
Electrification in rural areas of West African countries remain to be a challenge for the growth of the region. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has set a target of 2030 to achieve 100% electrification in all member countries. Burkina Faso is one of the least electrified countries in the world, where only 9 % of the rural population has access to electricity. This study presents a conceptualization of techno-economic feasibility of pumped hydro storage (PHS) and electric batteries with solar photovoltaics (PV) in the context of Burkina Faso. The results are explored for an off grid standalone PV plus storage system for a rural setting and a grid connected PV system for an urban setup. The least cost configurations for both the cases are determined using HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables). The results indicate the need of extended solar penetration in Burkina Faso in response to the challenges of low electrification rates in the country. Adding more PV to the present electricity mix of Burkina Faso could drive down the cost of energy by 50 % compared to the present grid electricity prices by making cheap electricity available to the local population. Adding PHS to grid connected PV leads to a cost reduction of 8% over a lifetime of 25 years which does not provide enough motivation for the high investments in storage at present. Policy interventions that allow stacking up of revenues and benefits of storage are needed to make it more competitive. PV plus pumped hydro storage remains the optimal system architecture as compared to PV plus electric batteries for off grid standalone systems provided the geographic availability of lower and upper reservoirs. The capital cost of PV remains to be the most dominating factor in the cost of optimal system for both the urban and the rural cases, and driving down the costs of PV would have the most positive effect for increased electricity access in the country. / Elektrifiering i landsbygdsområden i västafrikanska länder är fortfarande en utmaning för tillväxten i regionen. Ekonomiska gemenskapen i Västafrikanska stater (ECOWAS) har satt upp ett mål 2030 att uppnå 100% elektrifiering i alla medlemsländer. Burkina Faso är ett av de minst elektrifierade länderna i världen där bara 9% av landsbygdsbefolkningen har tillgång till el. Denna studie presenterar en konceptualisering av teknisk ekonomisk genomförbarhet för pumpad vattenkraftlagring (PHS) och elektriska batterier med PV (photovoltaics) paneler i samband med Burkina Faso. Resultaten undersöks med avseende på ett fristående fristående PV plus lagringssystem för landsbygden och ett nätanslutet PV-system för en stadsinstallation. De lägsta kostnadskonfigurationerna för båda fallen bestäms med hjälp av HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables). Resultaten visar på behovet av utökad solpenetrering i Burkina Faso som svar på utmaningarna med låga elektrifieringshastigheter i landet. Att lägga till mer PV till den nuvarande elmixen av Burkina Faso skulle kunna sänka energikostnaderna med 50% jämfört med de nuvarande elpriserna för nätet genom att göra billig el tillgänglig för lokalbefolkningen. Att lägga till PHS till nätansluten PV leder till en kostnadsminskning på 8% under en livslängd på 25 år som inte ger tillräcklig motivation för de stora investeringarna i lagring för närvarande. Politikåtgärder som möjliggör stapling av intäkter och fördelar med lagring behövs för att göra det mer konkurrenskraftigt. PV plus pumpad hydro förblir den optimala systemarkitekturen jämfört med PV plus elektriska batterier för fristående nät utanför nätet förutsatt geografisk tillgänglighet av nedre och övre reservoarer. Kapitalkostnaden för PV är fortfarande den mest dominerande faktorn i det lägsta kostnadssystemet för både stads- och landsbygdsfall och att köra ner PV-kostnaderna skulle ha den mest positiva effekten för ökad elåtkomst i landet.
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