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Problematika trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí / The issue of life imprisonmentPolívková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the issue of the life imprisonment and the main aim is to analyze this punishment in Czech legal environment and to point the possible improvements that could be done in this legal area. Since this kind of punishment has been involved in Czech system of punishments for only 24 years now, it gives enough space for its study and that is why I chose it as the topic of my thesis. This thesis consists of six main chapters. In the first one my task was to enlighten the meaning of the basic terms which are necessary to apprehend in order to be able to understand the problematic of punishments in general. Other half of this chapter is dedicated to the evolution of understanding the term "punishment" itself and the main opinions of the prominent philosophers such as Cesare Beccaria, Ch.L.Montesquieu, J. Locke and others. Second chapter describes the history of the highest penalty and criminal law in general in Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic in the years 1918 - 2009. In this period of time the significant historical events influenced the Czech law, especially the creation of independent Czechoslovak republic, the period of World War II, consequential rise of communism and its fall more than 50 years later..All of these events had main significance for the journey to death...
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Trest odnětí svobody na doživotí / Life imprisonmentČernovská, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Life imprisonment Resumé The purpose of my thesis is to penetrate into the issue of life imprisonment and to analyse consequences which are connected with its legislation. The death penalty was replaced by life imprisonment in our country in 1990. The penalty of life imprisonment as the toughest punishment in the legal system of the Czech Republic necessitates big attention, because it causes considerable harm to the human rights of people sentenced to it. That is why it is possible to impose life sentence only in compliance with the strict conditions and only for enumerated crimes, both stated in the penal code. Nevertheless, life imprisonment has its supporters and opponents as well as death penalty, because it has not only advantages in comparison with capital punishment, but also some disadvantages. The thesis tries to describe these problems and propose solutions to it. The thesis is composed of seven chapters, each of them dealing with the issue of life imprisonment from a different point of view. The chapters are thematically divided into subchapters. It is necessary to know the historical context to understand the present legislation of life imprisonment, therefore Chapter One looks at development of life imprisonment, briefly in the world, but it focuses mainly on its development in our territory...
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Problematika trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí / The issue of life imprisonmentSvatoňová, Olga January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present a comprehensive view of a rather complicated issue of life imprisonment, mainly from legal perspective. It also deals with some psychological and sociological aspects which accompany long-term imprisonment. Life imprisonment is the highest sanction which is regulated in the legal system of the Czech Republic. It is imposed only in case of enumerate crimes and on the conditions stated in the penal code. Life imprisonment has been the highest sanction in our legal system since the year 1990 when it replaced death penalty which is not in accordance with principles of a democratic legal state. Similarly to death penalty, life imprisonment also has many opponents and is connected with many problems and questions. The thesis tries to define some of these problems and to bring as many findings as possible, so that everybody can make their own opinion on this issue. The thesis consists of seven chapters which are then divided into subchapters. After the brief introduction, there is the first chapter which covers the penalty as such. It delimits the term and purpose of the penalty, explains how the penalty is understood, what the terms individual and general prevention mean. The chapter also includes an interpretation of the penalty system. The second chapter covers a...
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Otázky trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entitiesKonůpková, Simona January 2014 (has links)
The thesis concerns the questions related to the criminal liability of legal entities, with focus on their sanctioning. The criminal law is being traditionally linked to the criminal liability of an individual. The social environment has changed in the last decades in such a way that it was vital to reflect its negative consequences. In a number of EU countries, the action resulted in implementation of criminal lability of legal entities. The Czech Republic used to be a country where the criminal lability of legal entities was not complied with for many years. The change was brought by adopting the act of No. 418/2011 valid from 1st January 2012, dealing with criminal liability of legal entities and its related proceedings. The thesis is devided into four chapters. The opening chapter focuses on theoretical questions of criminal liability of legal entities. Different approaches to the matter are analysed here in detail, international and European commitments of the Czech Republic in relation to criminal liability of legal entities are also mentioned. The second chapter is related to the basic rules of sanctioning the legal entities. Theoretical definition of "sentence" and "preventive measure" terms can be found in the first part of the chapter. All rules for sentencing and specific criteria for...
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Aktuální otázky institutu dohody o vině a trestu / Current issues of an agreement on guilt and punishmentHájek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Institute of agreement on guilt and punishment, was implemented into Czech criminal law by Act No. 193/2012 Coll. in 2012 and came into force on 1th September 2012. The institute belongs among diversions from standard criminal proceedings. The purpose of its introducing was an effort to increase efficiency of criminal proceedings. Generally, this instute is typical in common law system, however several countries with continental legal system have already introduced agreement on guilt and punishment into their criminal law - for example: Spain, Germany, Italy and Slovakia. In particular, the Slovakian agreement on guilt and punishment constituted fundamental basis for the Czech version of the agreement. The inspiration for choosing this topic for my Master's thesis was formed by internship at district prosecutor of Prague 4. I have had an option to attend conclusion of the agreement during the process there as well. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which are accompanied by my personal experiences from the internship. Each of them is dealing with different aspects of the institute. The content of the first and the second chapters are reasons for implementing of the institute and detailed analysis de lege lata and I have solved also a question in these chapters namely, if the agreement is in...
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Přestupky proti bezpečnosti a plynulosti provozu na pozemních komunikacích / Administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth traffic flow on highwaysSárová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The presented thesis refers to the administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth traffic flow on highways. This is very actual topic currently, because everybody meets with these administrative transgressions in his life. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. The first chapter introduce us with the history of legislation in the period from the formation of the Czechoslovak republic in 1918 to the presence. The following chapter describes relevant legislation. This chapter contains general regulation of liability for transgressions, as well as discusses the constituent elements of transgressions and ends with characteristic of the constituent elements defined by the Law of highway traffic. In the third chapter, I focused on the comparison of transgressions and crimes. First I compared the general arrangement for liability for crimes and transgressions. Furthermore, I have listed which crimes could be committed in connection with the highway traffic, and then I looked on, in my opinion, mostly committed crimes. The fourth chapter deals with the sanctions that may be imposed for transgressions. The rules on penalties are prescribed by Law of transgressions; the specific amount of sanctions is set by the Law of highway traffic. The administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth...
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Sankce za správní delikty a ochranná opatření / Sanctions for administrative delicts and protective measuresMichalička, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Sanctions for administrative delicts and protective measures Abstract The focus of this thesis is on the phenomenon of administrative punishment. Its purpose is to summarize certain important aspects connected with the imposing of administrative sanctions and to present the classification of administrative sanctions. Thesis is bases on the current doctrine of administrative law and judicial decisions of administrative courts. It characterizes terms of sanction and punishment as understood by law and particularly in the sphere of administrative law, with notion to differences between court and administrative crimes. Thesis further analyses administrative punishment based on its purpose and summarizes the theoretical concepts, which are attributable to the purpose of punishment in criminal and subsequently in administrative law. It identifies preventive and repressive functions of administrative punishments as two most widely applicable functions. Classification of administrative punishment is described and assessed. This classification is based on the classification of administrative crimes. Sanctions connected to each kind of administrative crimes are mentioned. As the most common administrative sanction is fine, therefore most attention is focused on this sanction. Thesis also mentions some of legal...
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Problémy trestního soudnictví nad mládeží. Komparace české a švýcarské právní úpravy. / The issue of juvenile criminal justice. Comparison of Czech and Swiss legislation.Hurychová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with criminal youth justice. It introduces the Swiss legal system, its fundamental aspects and methods of punishment of Swiss youth offenders. The basis for this is found in the Swiss law "Jugendstrafgesetz". The first chapter presents the current Czech legislation, describes the construction of the law on liability for wrongful acts of youth and juvenile justice, juvenile criminal responsibility to 18 years and their punishment for committing an offense. The Czech law divides sanctions on educational, protective and punitive measures. The Czech law does not recognize the concept of crime, but uses the term trespasses. This allows you to save quite a wide variety of records that can be saved from a warning alert after imprisonment. The Czech law also contains concrete procedures for investigation of crimes committed by youths. The second chapter is devoted to the Swiss legislation the law used was amateurishly translated into Czech by the author. The stated law describes the conditions in juvenile criminal liability for unlawful acts and the Swiss methods of punishment. The uniqueness of the Swiss regulation is the age of criminal responsibility which begins at the age of 10 years. Switzerland divides the sanctions for crimes into safeguards and penalties. Jugendstrafgesetz is not...
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Dohoda o vině a trestu / An agreement on guilt and punishmentPišvejc, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to deal with recently enacted institute named agreement on guilt and punishment which was incorporated to the Code of Criminal Procedure by Act No. 193/2012 Coll. This Act also widen field of application of existing alternative procedures. The aim pursued by legislator is to achieve the increase of effectivity of criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic. My diploma thesis is divided into three main chapters. In the first chapter can be found presentation of existing alternatives procedures in the czech criminal proceedings with accent to the changes made by Act No. 192/2012 Coll. At the end of the first chapter there are statictical records showing the use of particular alternative procedures. In the second chapter I present and analyze the agreement of guilt and punishment. This chapter contains definition, history of evolution and conditions of use of the agreement of guilt and punishment. In the last chapter we can find comparison of the agreement of guilt and punishment to french institute named la Comparution sur reconaissance préalable de culpabilité which aims to provide inspiration for potential future changes of this procedure.
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Problematika trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí / The issue of life imprisonmentBřezinová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
ISSUE OF THE LIFE IMPRISONMENT SUMMARY The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyse the issue of life incarceration and some of the matters, which are related to this kind of punishment. I have decided to choose this topic because I have always been interested in the question of how society should punish the most serious crimes. Moreover, this punishment was introduced into the Czech legal framework not that long time ago, so in my opinion, there is still much space for its improvement. The life incarceration, which is the severest punishment possible within the Czech legal frame-work can be imposed by court only in the cases of the most serious crimes such as aggravated murder, terrorist attack or high treason. It was implemented in 1990 by the Criminal Code Amendment Act, which abolished the death penalty and replaced it with the life sentence. This thesis is divided into seven main chapters. The first part defines the basic terms, also it explains the purpose of punishment and deals with the system of punishments available according to our Criminal Code. Next chapter shows us briefly the evolution of punishments, especially of the life imprisonment, from the oldest civilizations up to the present. The third and fourth part are the core parts of this thesis, because they concern with the actual...
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