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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antecedents of buying intention towards bio-cotton clothing : A quantitative study among young business students at USBE

Liu, Sheng, Tiger, Bobo January 2017 (has links)
Due to the growing involvement of external stakeholders including pressure groups such as Greenpeace, sustainability issues have increasingly become a focus point in the business sector. Thereby, many businesses began to integrate sustainability into their corporate mission and vision. Similar to fast food consumption, fast fashion consumption has decreased well-being of both nature and humans. With the goal of reducing harmful impact on people and planet, apparel and fashion firms such as C&A, H&M, and Nike have been gradually shifting the use of conventional cotton to bio-cotton in their production of clothing. The aim of the present thesis is therefore to investigate the influence of different factors on purchasing intention of bio-cotton clothing among young business students. In connection to this, the research question of the present study is formulated as follows: “What kind of impacts do attitude, social norm, perceived efficacy of consumer, perceived availability as well as functional, monetary, and psychological risk have on the purchase intention of bio-cotton clothing among young business students?”  The present study was conducted quantitatively by using online survey method. The survey was distributed to a random sample of 220 young business students at Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE). The research model of this study comprises seven hypotheses. Each hypothesis is assigned with a unique independent variable and a dependent variable (i.e. purchase intention). All the constructs are derived from the Theory of Planned Behaviour as well as from the Theory of Perceived Risk. Following a multiple linear regression analysis, it was revealed that independent variables including attitude, social norm, perceived efficacy of consumer, and perceived availability significantly affect the purchase intention. All influencers except perceived availability was found to have a negative influence on purchase intention. Although none of the constructs from the Theory of Perceived Risk was found to significantly affect purchase intention, a significant quantity of variance in the purchase intention was explained by all independent variables combined. This contributes to the current research gap since numerous studies have focused on the behavioural intention of organic food rather than bio-cotton clothing. This study’s findings provide insights to businesses that intend to market their bio-cotton clothing among young business students. Since the availability of bio-cotton clothing was found to be low, managers are advised to increase the visibility and benefits of such products by using online and offline communication instruments. Policy makers, especially those from developed countries, are advised to support informational campaigns to transform consumer behaviour.

Uso da internet pelo consumidor da terceira idade : influências do risco percebido e impacto na intenção de compra online

Esteves, Priscila Silva January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, observa-se que o ambiente virtual está cada vez mais povoado por pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e com os mais diversos interesses, todavia, verifica-se que há pouco conhecimento sobre como os consumidores idosos formam julgamentos e tomam decisões a respeito de produtos e serviços oferecidos na Internet, chegando a existir, inclusive, um pré-conceito de que estes indivíduos não são usuários da Internet e, portanto, não merecem que se façam investimentos para adequar produtos e serviços a eles. Sabe-se que diferentes fatores podem influenciar o comportamento do consumidor em sua tomada de decisão, principalmente quando se abordam produtos e serviços tecnológicos. Frente a esse contexto, é fundamental que se compreendam melhor os elementos que estão presentes nesse comportamento de consumo e as suas implicações futuras. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa foi elaborada, pretendendo-se identificar os principais construtos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor da terceira idade na Internet e analisar o seu impacto sobre a intenção de compra online. Objetivando responder a tal questionamento, projetou-se este estudo, para o qual foi elaborado um modelo teórico (testado empiricamente) contendo diversas variáveis e moderadores. Após 5 pré-testes e 8 entrevistas em profundidade, um questionário foi aplicado em 430 respondentes com 60 anos ou mais que tivessem utilizado a Internet pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 3 meses. O processamento de dados incluiu uma análise fatorial exploratória e uma confirmatória e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Ao final deste estudo, obteve-se aceitação plena de cinco hipóteses, parcial de três e rejeição de duas, além de um bom ajuste do modelo proposto (a partir dos índices pré-definidos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o risco percebido pelos consumidores da terceira idade ao utilizar a Internet é um moderador no modelo estrutural proposto, uma vez que se comprovou diferença estatística significante entre as respostas dadas por um grupo mais avesso ao risco (Grupo 1) e outro menos avesso ao risco (Grupo 2) no que concerne às características demográficas e comportamentais (relacionadas ao uso da Internet). Já a escala de Tipo de Uso não se mostrou adequada para analisar a utilização da Internet pelo público da terceira idade. Constatou-se, da mesma forma, que a idade cognitiva influencia, de maneira inversa, no tempo de uso da Internet e que a satisfação com o uso da mesma tem impacto positivo no boca-a-boca positivo realizado, na intenção de (re)compra online e, também, no tempo de uso da rede. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos a partir do teste do modelo apresentado possam fornecer importantes implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais, as quais possibilitarão uma maior compreensão sobre o uso da Internet por indivíduos da terceira idade, seus impactos futuros e a existência de moderadores importantes nesta relação. / Virtual environment has been increasingly used by people aged 60 and over who have a variety of interests. However, there is little knowledge concerning how elderly consumers form judgment and make decisions regarding products and services offered on the internet. Additionally, there is a preconception that these individuals do not use the internet; therefore, there would be no need for investment in redesigning products and services to suit them. It is known that there is a range of factors that may influence consumer behavior, especially in online environments involving technological products and services. In this context, understanding the elements involved in consumer behavior as well as its future implications is of paramount importance. Thus, this study reviewed the main constructs that influence the consumer behavior of the elderly on the internet and analyzed its impact on the online purchase intention. A theoretical model containing several variables and moderators was created and empirically tested. After 5 pretests and 8 in-depth interviews, a questionnaire was applied to 430 respondents aged 60 and over who had used the internet within the last 3 months. Data processing included an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the Structural Equation Modeling. As a result, five hypotheses were fully supported, three were partially confirmed and two were rejected. Moreover, the proposed model proved to be well adjusted according to the pre-defined indexes. The hypothesis which states that the perceived risk by the elderly regarding the use of internet is a moderator on the proposed structural model was confirmed, since there was a statistically significant difference between the answers given by a more risk-averse group (Group 1) and the answers provided by a less risk-averse group (Group 2) concerning demographic and behavioral characteristics related to internet use. On the other hand, the Type of Internet Use scale was shown to be inadequate to analyze the internet usage by the aforementioned age group. Likewise, it was observed that cognitive age has an inversely proportional influence on time of Internet usage, and that satisfaction with its usage has a positive impact on positive word of mouth, online (re)purchase intention and time of web usage. It is believed that the results obtained from the testing of the presented model may provide important academic and managerial implications which will bring a greater understanding of internet usage by the elderly as well as its future impacts and the existence of important moderators within this relationship.

Sponsorship transparency on purchase intention

Ali, Huria Abdulkadir, Kalane, Maditlhare Lebohang Elsy January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine how consumers’ online purchase intention is impacted by sponsorship transparency and the use of disclosure. An online survey was collected from 135 people from 41 different countries around the world. The collected data was used to test the proposed four hypotheses and was analyzed with a linear regression test. The findings suggest that the ethical practice of sponsorship transparency negatively impacts purchase intention; and posits that an explicit sponsorship disclosure has no positive impact on purchase intention. However, the characteristic trait of the influencer, i.e. transparency and authenticity and their source credibility has a significant impact on prompting consumers toward purchase intention.

The power of CSR : A quantitative study describing the role of CSR in university students’ consumption within the outdoor industry

Westberg, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
In recent years Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained increasing attention from companies, as CSR activities have been seen to increasingly influence consumers’ attitudes, intentions, and behaviors in relation to brands. This study aims to complement existing research, by focusing on how attitudes and purchase intention of university students are affected by CSR activities of companies within the outdoor industry specifically, as previous research has indicated the impact could vary between industries. Understanding the attitudes and intentions of university students can be seen as particularly interesting, as the attitudes and behaviors of early adopters, typically young and educated people, are typically spread to the majority of the population and market.   The research was done in a deductive manner, where two research questions were conducted to fulfill the purpose of the study. The research was conducted by using a quantitative study through a questionnaire responded by students at Luleå University of Technology. The statistical analysis is based upon a factor analysis and further a correlation analysis and a hierarchical multiple regression analysis.   Results from this study indicate that there is a relationship between university students’ attitudes towards CSR activities of companies within the outdoor industry and purchase intention. Further, the findings concluded this relationship positively. University students with a strong positive attitude towards a company’s CSR activities got a higher intention to purchase. Therefore, CSR activities should be considered as a strategically important opportunity and a tool for companies in the outdoor industry to influence young and educated consumers’ purchase intentions and attitudes towards the company in a positive way.

CSR och transparens: Hur påverkas köpintentioner? : en kvalitativ studie om konsumentattityder i förhållande till modeföretags ansvarstagande / CSR and transparency: How are buying intentions affected? : a qualitative study on consumer attitudes in relation to fashion corporate responsibility

Granström Johansson, Louise, Torstensson, Emmy, Ljunggren, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Det har blivit allt vanligare att modeföretag börjar implementera CSR och transparens i sina verksamheter i syfte att upplysa konsumenter om deras hållbarhetsarbete och ansvarstagande. Som konsument kan det dock vara svårt att uppfatta och tolka informationen angående dessa områden som företaget haft för avsikt. Studien undersöker hur de två generationerna Baby Boomers och Generation Y uppfattar fenomenet hållbart mode, CSR och transparens och vilka faktorer som påverkar köpintentionen hos Baby Boomers och Generation Y från företag som engagerar sig i dessa områden. Det genomfördes totalt 18 semistrukturerade intervjuer varav hälften av informanterna tillhörde Generation Y i åldrarna 22 - 28 och resterande tillhörde Baby Boomers i åldrarna 54 - 61. I intervjuerna fick informanterna beskriva deras åsikter och uppfattningar kring hållbart mode, CSR och transparens och hur de uppfattat kommunikationen av dessa. Efter en tematisk analys av det empiriska datamaterialet har det kunnat fastställas att både Generation Y och Baby Boomers uppfattat kommunikationen av modeföretags hållbarhetsarbete, CSR och transparens som både otydlig och svårtillgänglig. Den information som kommunicerats har därmed mottagits med viss grad av skepsis. Samtliga respondenter framhöll att CSR och transparens inom modeindustrin är viktigt att implementera och kommunicera men konsensus rådde att dessa i slutändan inte påverkar deras köpintention nämnvärt. / It has become increasingly common for fashion companies to implement CSR and transparency in their businesses in order to inform consumers about their sustainability work and responsibility. As a consumer, however, it can be difficult to perceive and interpret the information regarding these areas that the company intends to. The study examines how the two generations of Baby Boomers and Generation Y perceive the phenomenon of sustainable fashion, CSR and transparency and what factors affect the buying intention of Baby Boomers and Generation Y from companies that engage in these areas. A total of 18 semi-structured interviews were conducted, of which half of the informants belonged to Generation Y between the ages of 22 and 28 and the rest belonged to Baby Boomers aged 54 - 61. In the interviews, the informants described their views and perceptions about sustainable fashion, CSR and transparency and how they perceived the communication of these concepts. After a thematic analysis of the empirical data material, it has been established that both Generation Y and Baby Boomers perceived the communication of fashion companies' sustainability work, CSR and transparency as both unclear and difficult to access. The information communicated has thus been received with some degree of skepticism. All respondents stated that CSR and transparency in the fashion industry are important to implement and communicate, but consensus was that these ultimately did not significantly affect their buying intention.

Media’s Strategic Use of Appeals and Cultural Values in Influencing Consumer Behavior and Purchase Intentions: An Examination of the Skin Whitening Phenomenon Among Highly-educated Young Chinese Adults

Zhang, Zeyu 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Den bästa fåtöljen online, ska jag köpa den? : Påverkan av upplevd trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet inom eWOM / The best armchair online, should I buy it? : Impact of perceived credibility, quality, and quantity within eWOM

Lundholm, Madelene, Gustafsson, Rasmus, Granell, Isabel January 2021 (has links)
eWOM är en viktig kommunikationsmetod på internet idag där konsumenter kan dela med sig av sina åsikter, erfarenheter och information angående företaget eller dess produkter genom online recensioner, som då finns lätt tillgängligt för andra att läsa. Detta har visat sig genom den granskade forskningen att eWOM har en betydande roll för hur konsumenters köpintention påverkas. Det finns olika faktorer inom eWOM som kan vara anledningen till att konsumenter idag väljer att läsa online recensioner innan ett köp. Denna studie fokuserar på faktorerna trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet. Online recensioner kan även finnas på olika plattformar men denna studie har avgränsats detta till e-handelsplattformar, där företag säljer sina produkter eller tjänster. Den granskade forskningen från olika länder visar på att eWOM påverkar deras konsumenter, men det upptäcks en avsaknad av den svenska befolkningen. Detta leder till att syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om upplevd trovärdighets, kvalitets och kvantitets faktorer inom eWOM har en påverkan på svenska konsumenters köpintention på e-handelsplattformar. eWOMs direkta påverkan på köpintentionen med hjälp av den valda inriktningen utgör det teoretiska ramverk som denna studie grundar sig i. För att kunna svara på syftet så genomförs studien genom en kvantitativ forskningsmetod för att försöka generalisera om de svenska konsumenterna påverkas av eWOM. Datainsamlingen utförs genom en digital enkät som publicerades på två Facebook grupper med en inriktning på möbler och heminredning. Enkäten utformades efter påståenden där respondenterna skulle ta ställning och 102 svar kom in. Resultatet av datainsamlingen visar på att de svenska konsumenterna påverkas av eWOM i form av online recensioners trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet. Resultatet visar även på att kvalitet anses vara den faktor som har störst påverkan på konsumentens köpintention. Vilket visar att de hypoteser som ställs i studien accepteras. De tre faktorerna som studien fokuserar på benämns som trovärdighet, kvalitet och kvantitet även om studien fokuserar på den upplevda aspekten av informationen som presenteras i online recensionerna. Detta för att göra studien lättare att läsa. Språket på denna uppsats är svenska. / eWOM is an important communication method on the internet today where consumers can share their opinions, experiences and information regarding the company or its products through online reviews, which are then easily accessible for others to read. It has been shown through the examined research that eWOM has a significant role in how consumers' purchase intentions are affected. There are various factors within eWOM that may be the reason why consumers today choose to read online reviews before making a purchase. This study will focus on the factors of credibility, quality, and quantity. Online reviews can also be found on various platforms, but this study will limit this to e-commerce platforms, where companies sell their products or services. The research examined from different countries shows that eWOM affects their consumers, but a lack of the Swedish population is detected. This leads to the purpose of this study being to investigate whether perceived credibility, quality, and quantity factors within eWOM have an impact on Swedish consumers' purchase intention on e-commerce platforms. eWOM’s direct impact on the purchase intention with the help of the chosen focus constitutes the theoretical framework on which this study will be based. To answer the purpose, the study is conducted through a quantitative research method to try to generalize whether Swedish consumers are affected by eWOM. The data collection is carried out through a digital survey that was published on two Facebook groups with a focus on furniture and home furnishings. The questionnaire was designed according to statements where the respondents would take a stand and 102 responses were received. The results of the data collection show that Swedish consumers are affected by eWOM in the form of online reviews' credibility, quality, and quantity. The results also show that quality is considered to be the factor that has the greatest impact on the consumer's purchase intention. Which shows that the hypotheses put forward in the study are accepted. The three factors that the study focuses on will be referred to as credibility, quality, and quantity, even if the study focuses on the perceived aspect of information presented in the online review. This is to make the study easier to read. The language of this essay is Swedish.

Similarity, Familiarity, and Credibility in influencers and their impact on purchasing intention

Al-Darraji, Zainab, Al Mansour, Zahra, Rezai, Shilan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Going for the plant-based (legen)dairy alternative? : An exploratory study on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards plant-based dairy alternatives

Rosenlöw, Emma, Hansson, Tommie January 2020 (has links)
Global food production, and consequently consumption, contributes significantly to total greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, there is a need for a shift towards more environmentally friendly consumption patterns. This includes moving away from current levels of dairy consumption, where plant-based alternatives can serve as more environmentally friendly options. This research sheds light on an emerging product category, namely plant-based dairy alternatives, which can serve as options or substitutes for traditional dairy products. The purpose of this thesis is to explore consumer attitudes and purchase intentions towards plant- based dairy alternatives, as well as the factors that influence attitudes and intentions respectively. To achieve an in-depth understanding of the topic, this study is of qualitative nature, using an abductive approach and interpretive philosophy. The primary data is collected through interviews with 16 consumers in the selected target group. Further, this research has developed a modified theory of planned behavior (TPB), to add to current consumer behavior research. The findings of this research show that the majority of the participants have a positive attitude and furthermore intention to purchase plant-based dairy alternatives. Furthermore, several factors influence consumer attitudes, which are subjective norms, health consciousness, taste, knowledge, environmental concern, animal treatment, and appearance. Moreover, purchase intention is affected by two factors, namely price, and curiosity.

Antecedents of Chinese millennial consumers' purchase intentions via following influencers' recommendations: the sports goods industry

Meng, Xiangru, Xiao, Yue January 2020 (has links)
Background In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce in China, various online media and digital social platforms have attracted more users, and online marketing has gradually replaced traditional marketing strategies. The increasing frequency of online shopping by Chinese consumers, especially millennials, presents a huge opportunity for influencer marketing. Influencers with a large number of followers have been used by many companies as online marketing tools. To deeply explore the reasons why Chinese millennial consumers buy products recommended by the influencer, the Theory of Triadic Influence (TTI) was used as the theoretical basis to form the theoretical framework of this study after a review of academic literature, and various factors such as Chinese culture, different industries, personal influence stream, environment, and social environment should be considered. Purpose The purpose of this research is to study the factors that affect Chinese millennial consumers to follow the recommendations of influencers in purchasing sports products through Taobao, Tik Tok, or Weibo. MethodIn this quantitative research, 362 Chinese respondents' data were collected through an online questionnaire. The data of the 302 sample were tested and analyzed by SPSS software since they were referring to Chinese millennials who have followed influencers and purchased sports products online. Conclusion According to the data analysis results of this study, behavior control, self-efficacy, and attitude will actively promote Chinese millennial consumers' purchase intentions of sports products recommended by influencers. Finally, social norms are related to Chinese culture, which may explain why this hypothesis does not significantly predict consumers' online purchase intentions. Therefore, this study could provide suggestions for influencers and online retailers to help them improve the online purchasing intention of Chinese millennial consumers, and thus improve the sales and profit. On the other hand, this study can help consumers understand the marketing strategies of influencers to achieve the purpose of helping them to make more rational consumption.

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