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Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden : En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin / Bokakademin i Östergötland AB meets the future : A study of students’ purchasing behaviour regarding textbooks and a proposal for a marketing strategy for BokakademinHamnqvist, Fabian, Svensson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden – En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin (Bokakademin i Östergötland AB meets the future – A study of students’ purchasing behaviour regarding textbooks and a proposal for a marketing strategy for Bokakademin) Authors: Fabian Hamnqvist and Emma Svensson Bachelor’s thesis in business administration Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2013 Supervisor: Mehran Noghabai Abstract This paper examines the competition arising from online textbook retailers met by physical college bookstores. The paper examines the implications of college students' purchasing behaviour when buying textbooks, how a specific corporate clientele is composed and the purchasing habits of these customers to the specific company in question. The company used as a practical example is a bookstore located on a university campus of Linköping University in Sweden. Data have been collected using a paper and pen survey of 200 students from Linköping University as well as conducting interviews with eight students and the Managing Director of the company in question. Empirical findings about the students’ purchasing behaviour are presented and these are accompanied by several theories about consumers and companies’ marketing activities. This paper presents a proposal for a marketing strategy for the company in question and considers how this particular bookstore should deal with the new market environment where online sales have increased rapidly. / Bakgrund Denna kandidatuppsats presenterar en marknadsundersökning genomförd vid Linköpings universitet. Fokus har legat på en specifik butik på Campus Valla och dess konkurrenssituation samt kundkrets, nämligen en butik tillhörande företaget Bokakademin i Östergötland AB, Bokakademin fortsättningsvis. Denna marknadsundersökning har genomförts våren år 2013 under författarnas sista termin på sin kandidatutbildning inom ämnesområdet företagsekonomi. Företagets VD har uppfattningen om att företaget står inför en hård konkurrens och vill därför informera sig om marknaden. Författarnas avsikt med denna undersökning har varit att kunna ge företaget en ökad förståelse för sin konkurrenssituation och ny kunskap om sina kunder. Bokakademin bedriver försäljning av kurslitteratur till studenter och på grund av internets utbredning råder idag mer transparens på marknaden än tidigare. Forskning har visat att kunder har blivit mer krävande och att de inte uppvisar en hög grad av lojalitet till återförsäljare, det råder alltså ökad konkurrens och en minskad kundlojalitet på den marknad som Bokakademins är verksam på. Av dessa skäl menar författarna att det är av relevans och intresse att undersöka och studera detta ämne, detta styrks av att tidigare forskning har bedrivits inom området. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka studenters köpbeteende vid köp av kurslitteratur samt att utifrån denna information föreslå en lämplig marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin att möta den nya marknadssituationen. Metod Den metodansats som uppsatsen har utgått ifrån är av induktiv karaktär då den har haft sin utgångspunkt i empiri, den empiriska data som har samlats in har legat till grund för den marknadsföringsstrategi som presenteras i uppsatsen. Det underlag som uppsatsen har baserats på har i första hand utgjorts av en enkätundersökning omfattande 200 respondenter ur Bokakademins potentiella kundkrets och målgrupp. Dessa respondenter har fått besvara frågor rörande deras köpvanor och köppreferenser vid köp av kurslitteratur, en kvantitativ undersökning har med andra ord genomförts. Utöver detta har en intervju med bokhandelns VD samt åtta stycken uppföljningsintervjuer med utvalda respondenter genomförts. Samtliga intervjuer har varit av mer samtalsliknande karaktär och kan anses utgöra kvalitativa informationskällor. Genom intervjuerna har författarna erhållit ytterligare data angående Bokakademin och dess kundkrets. För att uppnå ett mer kvalitativt djup i denna undersökning har författarna valt ut en respondent för att sedan jämföra denna persons uppfattning om hur mycket pengar denne spenderar på kurslitteratur per termin mot vad denne, enligt inhämtad kurs- och prisinformation, borde spendera på kurslitteratur per termin. Vad gäller den teori som presenteras i denna uppsats utgörs den främst av grundläggande teorier presenterade i Jobber och Fahy (2009) samt Blackwell et al. (2006). Denna litteratur har kompletterats med teoriavsnitt som återger teorier samt forskning av exempelvis Kotler (1999), Kotler et al. (2013), Wilson et al. (2012), Foucault och Scheufele (2002) samt Parment (2013).
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A model of consumers' perceptions of food additives and consequent purchasing behaviour / Emmerentia Gertruida DicksDicks, Emmerentia Gertruida January 2007 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to apply the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasive communication to consumers' perceptions of food additive labelling. The model was used to explain how consumer information processing influences consumers' decision-making and consequent purchasing behaviour with regard to food products that contain food additives. To date, few studies have explained consumers' perceptions, viewpoints and understanding of additive labelling, or of their related purchasing behaviour. However, the increased marketing of processed foods containing additives and the concern expressed by consumers regarding the risks of additives call for the development of a theoretical basis for research into these issues. There is currently a lack of such data in South Africa.
This study was conducted from a phenomenological qualitative approach with a descriptive exploratory nature. Eight focus group sessions with 39 food additive label readers were held in the Vanderbijlpark-Vereeniging area. A content analysis of the focus group discussions resulted in the categorising of concepts, and 33 subtle underlying themes were identified.
The main findings of the study were that the participants' general perceptions suggested that food additives can be defined as unnatural chemical substances that are added to food and that hold some benefits and/or risks to the consumer. The participants' use of food additive information was influenced by the situational factors associated with each individual participant. Moreover, the participants were more aware of tartrazine, MSG and aspartame than of any other food additive.
Participants were also confronted with various blocking mechanisms when searching for and selecting food products containing additives. These included a lack of standardisation of terminology, illegible ingredient listing, a lack of food control and regulation, information overload, incomprehensible information, manufacturers' dishonesty, time constraints and incorrect, untrustworthy, insufficient information. On the other hand, participants used various coping or risk-reducing strategies to reduce their concerns.
In order to interpret the results, the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasive communication was adapted and applied to food additive labels. The adapted model illustrates how the consumers' perceptions of additive labels and their search for additional information influence their purchasing behaviour to varying extents. It is recommended that more attention be given to consumer education with regard to additive-related terminology used on food labels and that the results be put to use in the current revision of labelling regulations. Marketers and retailers could use the information to better understand the behaviour of consumers who read food additive labels. The value of this study was to show that consumers' prior perceptions of food additives are an important determinant of their purchasing behaviour, / Thesis (Ph.D. (Consumer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Brand loyalty of cereal products / Aaron Lekatjo MazibukoMazibuko, Aaron Lekatjo January 2010 (has links)
The South African breakfast market consists of several brand products for cereal products, and some of the products are produced locally while others are imported. Cereal products are classified under fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). The majority of the cereal products are easy to serve. The following brands are common in South Africa and have been listed according to their popularity with
consumers: Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Kellog's Special K, Jungle Oats, Cheerios and Weet Bix.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are made from maize (corn) and provides guidelines daily amounts (GDA) for
each of the nutrients.
Branding may consist of building an emotional response or cultural response. As consumers are
bombarded with a variety of products to meet the same needs, branding provides a way for
consumers to reduce their decision-making to consider only those products that they feel are relevant to them or that have met their needs acceptably in the past. If brand loyalty were a random event, there would be no purpose in making it the object of applied scientific enquiry. Verbal reports are insufficient for defining brand loyalty. Such loyalty requires that statements of bias be accompanied by
biased purchasing behaviour.
The study was conducted to determine factors that influence the consumers to constantly use a
particular brand, and prefer it above other cereal products. A literature and empirical study form part of this study. Questionnaires were used as a measuring instrument to determine which factors the consumer considers important in choosing a particular cereal product. Data analysis was done by means of a factor analysis.
A brand loyalty framework developed by Moola was used in classifying the brand loyalty influences.
To a large extent the research concluded that brand loyalty in the cereal market is similar to that found in bread, coffee and toothpaste (as per mentioned model). However, some differences with regard to the brand loyalty influences have been found. This study did not determine if these differences are related to cereal as FMCG, or the specific consumer market that was analysed. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Brand loyalty of cereal products / Aaron Lekatjo MazibukoMazibuko, Aaron Lekatjo January 2010 (has links)
The South African breakfast market consists of several brand products for cereal products, and some of the products are produced locally while others are imported. Cereal products are classified under fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). The majority of the cereal products are easy to serve. The following brands are common in South Africa and have been listed according to their popularity with
consumers: Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Kellog's Special K, Jungle Oats, Cheerios and Weet Bix.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are made from maize (corn) and provides guidelines daily amounts (GDA) for
each of the nutrients.
Branding may consist of building an emotional response or cultural response. As consumers are
bombarded with a variety of products to meet the same needs, branding provides a way for
consumers to reduce their decision-making to consider only those products that they feel are relevant to them or that have met their needs acceptably in the past. If brand loyalty were a random event, there would be no purpose in making it the object of applied scientific enquiry. Verbal reports are insufficient for defining brand loyalty. Such loyalty requires that statements of bias be accompanied by
biased purchasing behaviour.
The study was conducted to determine factors that influence the consumers to constantly use a
particular brand, and prefer it above other cereal products. A literature and empirical study form part of this study. Questionnaires were used as a measuring instrument to determine which factors the consumer considers important in choosing a particular cereal product. Data analysis was done by means of a factor analysis.
A brand loyalty framework developed by Moola was used in classifying the brand loyalty influences.
To a large extent the research concluded that brand loyalty in the cereal market is similar to that found in bread, coffee and toothpaste (as per mentioned model). However, some differences with regard to the brand loyalty influences have been found. This study did not determine if these differences are related to cereal as FMCG, or the specific consumer market that was analysed. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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[pt] Com o aparente crescimento da consciência ecológica no mundo, é de se supor que aumente também o interesse da população por produtos com características ecológicas. Sob o ponto de vista mercadológico, é importante que tal fenômeno seja acompanhado de investigações sobre como os consumidores fazem suas escolhas e que valor atribuem às características dos produtos com um menor impacto degenerativo ao meio ambiente, tais como materiais recicláveis, reutilizáveis, insumos orgânicos, naturais ou que consumam menos energia elétrica, entre outros. Estudos revelam, contudo, que nem sempre esses
ingredientes são mais valorizados do que outros atributos, como marca e preço. Parte da explicação pode estar na descrença dos consumidores sobre a verdadeira presença desses atributos nos produtos que compram. O presente trabalho apresenta o resultado de um estudo sobre o papel de dois selos encontrados no mercado de produtos elétricos, os quais atestam eficiência energética e contribuições de caráter ambiental: Procel e Ence. O objetivo do selo Procel é promover a racionalização da produção e do consumo de energia elétrica. A etiqueta Ence visa a informar ao consumidor o consumo de energia elétrica e a eficiência energética de alguns produtos comercializados no país. A pesquisa é baseada em simulações de compra de lâmpada incandescentes e fluorescentes e os dados são processados com o uso da análise conjunta. Foram realizadas 172 simulações com 86 pessoas. Os resultados mostram que embora os selos sejam percebidos na embalagem, não são os mais valorizados no processo decisório. preço e duração estimada das lâmpadas são as variáveis mais relevantes no processo de escolha. A maioria dos respondentes não reconhece plenamente o papel dos selos e mostram contradições em suas escolhas. Contudo, mulheres valorizam mais os selos do que os homens, assim como pessoas de mais alta renda. Outras variáveis ajudam a explicar os resultados encontrados. / [en] With the apparent growth of environmental awareness across the world, one would assume that there will also be an increased interest of the population in products with environmental features. From the marketing standpoint, it is important that such a phenomenon be accompanied by an investigation into how consumers make their choices and what value they attribute to the characteristics of the products that have less detrimental impacts on the environment, such as recyclable or reusable materials, organic or natural inputs, or lower power consumption, among others. Studies have shown, however, that consumers do not always value these features as much as others, such as brand and price. Part of the explanation may be in the consumers disbelief in the actual presence of these features in the products they buy. This study presents the results of a study into the role played by two seals found in the electrical products market which certify the energy efficiency and environmental contributions: Procel e Ence. The aim of the Procel seal is to promote a rationalization of the electric power production and consumption. The Ence label seeks to inform consumers of the power consumption and the energy efficiency of some products sold in the country. The research is based on incandescent and fluorescent lamp purchase simulations and the data were processed using conjoint analysis. 172 simulations were carried out with 86 people. The results showed that although the seals were noticed on the packaging, they were not the most valued feature in the decision-making process. Price and lamp life were the most relevant variables when choosing the lamps. Most respondents did not fully recognize the role of the seals and exhibited contradictions in their choices. However, women valued the seals more than men, as did higher income earners. Other variables help to explain the results found in the study.
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Analýza kupního chování na trhu s biopotravinami / Purchasing Behavior Analysis on the Wholefood MarketHavelková, Alžběta January 2009 (has links)
The master thesis named "Analysis of purchasing behaviour on the organic food market" deals with relationship of customers towards organic food. There are theorecital aspects of customer's decision analyzed as well as specifics of the organic food market in the Czech Republic. The thesis includes results of marketing research regarding general awareness of organic food and related purchasing conventions, which has been processed based on theoretical knowledges. There is a proposal of marketing suggestions for economic subjects which act at the organic food market, made at the end of the thesis.
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Způsoby ovlivnění nákupního chování spotřebitele / Factors influencing consumer buying behaviourPatka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
New findings from neuroscience, psychology and marketing disciplines to a certain extent disprove existing economic postulates and bring a different view on consumer behaviour, who do not behave rationally on purchase, but act based on simplified stimuli, such as emotion or intuition. The result is the emergence of manipulative techniques, which can be used to increase the effectiveness of sales, but simultaneously can be misused for activities exceeding the ethical and legal standards. The main subject of this thesis is an analysis of these techniques with focus on their usage and effectiveness in the Internet environment. The aim is to determine the extent to which a customer can be influenced before purchasing the product or service. To achieve the goal it is necessary to describe the key areas of consumer purchase process, to explain the basic principles of human brain functioning and especially to analyze the individual methods and their application in practice. With the Internet development the issues are also reflected on the web, where the entree to the entrepreneurship is becoming much easier. In the research there are examined techniques of manipulation tested through an interactive online questionnaire and subsequently analyzed in detail. Based on the data collected, the author formulates specific recommendations. The outputs can help an average consumer in defence against the manipulation and, at the same time, it offers a clear list of methods supporting sales for organisations.
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Functionally illiterate consumers’ food purchase behaviour in BotswanaMorapane, Mondiya Nametso January 2012 (has links)
Illiteracy continues to be a major problem in developing countries. Botswana as an emerging economy with consumers of different literacy levels has no escape for this problem. This study puts the spotlight on consumer illiteracy in Botswana focusing specificallyon purchasing behaviour of functionally illiterate consumers; the problems encountered in the market place and coping strategies used when purchasing food.
To elicit relevant information a quantitative research design and survey techniques using a structured questionnaire was used to gather information. Potential respondents were conveniently sampled in Gaborone and surrounding areas in Botswana (N=200) and women aged between 25 and 65 years formed the sample group. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and inferential analysis.
From the discussion and the interpretation of the results of the sample of the survey it became clear that certain elements of retailers‟ marketing mix product, price, place, promotion and processes were the most important factors that influenced younger women‟s‟food purchases. Salespeople are apparently of lesser importance to influence consumers. The results indicated that functionally illiterate consumers mainly purchased food products from supermarkets and informal traders but also patronised other retail outlets occasionally. The study further revealed that consumers are vulnerable in the market place as they encountered problems during market place navigation, specifically in terms of too much information; difficulties in computing prices reduced by percentages; crowded places, and advertisements tempting them to buy. These problems seemed to negate the use of coping strategies.
The study has contributed to the limited literature on the food purchasing behaviour of functionally illiterate consumers. Retailers will gain insight on how to deal with functionally illiterate consumers in the market place and find ways of making the market place more consumer friendly. / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / gm2014 / Consumer Science / unrestricted
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The Effect Of Social Media (Paid, Earned, Owned) On Consumer Green Purchase Behaviour In Chinese Market : A Quantitative ResearchChen, Zixiong, Mao, Yidi January 2023 (has links)
Background As people become more aware of environmental protection, green purchasing has gradually become a trend among consumers. Social media, as an emerging marketing approach, has also started to gain more and more companies' attention and application. Therefore, this study will explore the relationship between different types of social media and green purchasing behaviour. Purpose The aim of this paper is to explain how social media marketing (Owned Media, Earned Media and Paid Media) affects consumer' green purchasing behaviour in Chinese market. Methodology This study is based on positivism, and the researchers conducted the study through a quantitative research approach by developing a quantifiable online questionnaire and placing it on different social media platforms. The respondents of this study were in the age range of 18 to 39 years old, and they were highly followers of social media. Finally the researchers collected 264 effective questionnaires and entered them into SPSS and analyzed the data through descriptive and multiple regression analyses, KMO tests and Cronbach's Alphas. Findings The different types of social media marketing (Owned Media, Earned Media, and Paid Media) have a positive impact on Chinese consumers' green purchasing behaviour.
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Seal the deal with live appeal! : A qualitative study exploring how Swedish fashion retail companies can use live shopping to affect females purchasing behaviour.Toompea, Filippa, Holmberg, Linette, Modiggård, Maja January 2024 (has links)
As live shopping has become more popular in recent years, as seen in China, this concept has slowly spread to Europe and also the Scandinavian countries. However, the purchasing behaviour of consumers varies, which modifies the circumstances and methods in which businesses might apply this concept to achieve results. This qualitative study explores how Swedish fashion retailers should use live shopping to influence females buying behaviour. The method used for data collection has been through an industry interview with a marketing specialist and consumer interviews. The conclusion is that live shopping can be a powerful tool if implemented with strategic considerations that tailor the preferences and experiences of Swedish female consumers. Companies need to invest in leveraging social media effectively, and focus on detailed, high-quality content. Promotions should balance immediate appeal with long-term value, and live shopping should aim to inspire and inform consumers, fitting seamlessly into their thoughtful purchasing process. By addressing these factors, Swedish retailers in the fashion industry can influence female purchasing behaviour through live shopping.
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