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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Faulkner, Jerome Ralph 01 January 2011 (has links)
Epichloë species and their anamorphs, Neotyphodium species, are fungal endophytes that inhabit cool-season grasses and often produce bioprotective alkaloids. These alkaloids include lolines, which are insecticidal and insect feeding deterrents. Lolines are exo-1-aminopyrrolizidines with an oxygen bridge between carbons 2 and 7, and are usually methylated and formylated or acetylated on the 1-amine. In previously published studies lolines were shown to be derived from the amino acids L-proline and L-homoserine. In addition the gene cluster involved in loline-alkaloid biosynthesis has also been characterized. In this dissertation a survey of plant-endophyte symbioses revealed a phenotype with only N-acetylnorloline. This phenotype provided insights into loline alkaloid production. This dissertation focuses on determining the steps to loline biosynthesis after the amino acid precursors. The study involves feeding isotopically labeled potential precursors to loline-alkaloid-producing cultures of Neotyphodium uncinatum, as well as RNA interference (RNAi) of N. uncinatum genes for steps in the pathway. Synthesized deuterated compounds were fed to loline-alkaloid-producing cultures of N. uncinatum to test their possible roles as precursors or intermediates in the loline-alkaloid pathway. N-Formylloline was extracted from the cultures and assayed by GCMS for incorporation of the deuterium label. The results indicated that N-(3-amino, 3-carboxy)propylproline and exo-1-aminopyrrolizidine are intermediates in the loline-alkaloid biosynthetic pathway. Plasmids were also designed for expression of double-stranded RNA homologous to loline-alkaloid biosynthesis genes, and introduced by transformation into N. uncinatum. This RNAi strategy resulted in fungal transformants altered in loline-alkaloid profiles. The RNAi results indicated that N-acetyl-1-aminopyrrolizidine is the intermediate before oxygen bridge formation. Based on the results of this study and the likely roles of the loline-alkaloid biosynthesis genes inferred from signature sequences of their predicted protein products, I propose a pathway of bond formation steps in loline-alkaloid biosynthesis.

DNA-Protein Cross-Linking by Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids

Drew, Gail L. 01 May 1997 (has links)
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are natural plant compounds found in hundreds of plant species worldwide and are reported to have cytotoxic, carcinogenic, antimitotic, and gentotoxic activity. PAs are metabolized by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) sytem to the pyrrole or the N-oxide form. They pyrroles are bifunctional electrophillic alkylators that bind cellular nucleophiles such as DNA and proteins and disrupt normal cell processes, including DNA replication and gene transcription, and can cause megalocytosis. The pyrroles dehyrosenecionine (DHSN) and dehydromoncrotaline (DHMO) are among the most potent PA cross-linkers and inducers of megalocytosis. DHSN and DHMO-induced cross-links in cultured normal (MDBK) and neoplastic (MCF7) cells were nalyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot and both were found to contain the protein actin. Actin is crucial to DNA replication and is known to be involved in cross-links induced by cis-dichlorodiammine platinum II (cistplatin), a well known cross-linking drug used for the treatment of cancer. Actin cross-linking may explain the antimitotic, megalocytotic, and anticarcinogenic effects of PAs. Since protein cross-linking is an important mode of action for PAs, we were interested in what characteristics of the protein might make it a good nucleophilic target. Thus, further research was undertaken based on the hypothesis that cysteine residues, and specifically free sulfhydryl groups, are attractive targets for the bifunctional electrophilic alkylators DHSN and DHMO. Nucleophiles were selected for their abundance in the cell, their cysteine content, and their relationship to the documented side effects of PAs. Actin, glutathione (GSH), metallothionein, topoisomerase II, and cysteine were all found to cross-link with DHSN and DHMO in vitro while methionine, with no free sulfhydryl groups, did not cross-link. Our results support the hypothesis that cysteine residues are a key characteristic of proteins that are cross-linked by PAs. The cross-links could have negative effects to the cell as in the case of binding actin or topoisomerase II to alter normal DNA processes and replication, or beneficial effects such as binding to electrophillic scavengers like GSH or metallothionine as a detoxifying mechanism. the nucleophiles we tested in vitro and found to form cross-links with DHSN and DHMO may help to explain the antimitotic carcinogenic, and anticarcinogenic effects of PAs.

Estudos comportamentais e bioquímicos da exposição perinatal ao Senecio brasiliensis na prole de ratos / Behavioral and biochemical studies of perinatal exposure to Senecio brasiliensis in rats offspring.

Sandini, Thaísa Meira 21 September 2012 (has links)
Senecio brasiliensis, conhecida popularmente como maria-mole, é uma das principais causas de intoxicação em animais de produção, principalmente em eqüinos e bovinos. A toxicidade desta planta ocorre devido à presença dos alcalóides pirrolizidínicos (APs), os quais sofrem biotransformação no fígado gerando como metabólitos tóxicos os pirróis. Além disso, esses compostos tóxicos podem ser transferridos para o homem através de produtos comestíveis de origem animal contaminados ou pelo uso na medicina popular. Até o momento, não há relatos a respeito de seus efeitos tóxicos sobre a prole de animais expostos durante a gestação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos tóxicos da exposição pré-natal ao S. brasiliensis. Ratas Wistar fêmeas prenhes receberam por gavagem, do 6° até o 20º dia de gestação, diferentes doses de S. brasiliensis (3, 6 e 9 mg/Kg/dia). Durante o período de gestação foi avaliado o peso materno, consumo de água e de ração; ainda, nas progenitoras se avaliou o comportamento materno e materno agressivo. Na prole avaliaram-se os parâmetros do desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico; quando adultos avaliou-se aspectos comportamentais, hematológicos, bioquímicos, anatomopatológico e níveis de neurotransmissores. Os resultados mostraram diminuição no consumo de ração e no ganho de peso nos diferentes grupos experimentais, de forma dose-dependente. Ratas tratadas com a maior dose de S. brasiliensis apresentaram prejuízo no comportamento materno e materno agressivo. Os filhotes provenientes de ratas que receberam as doses de 6 e 9 mg/Kg apresentaram atraso para o início do desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico. Na prole adulta masculina proveniente da maior dose experimental observou-se aumento da atividade motora no campo aberto, bem como aumento na frequência de entrada e no tempo gasto nos braços abertos do labirinto em cruz elevado. Na natação forçada observou-se aumento no tempo de escalada na prole feminina proveniente da maior dose, enquanto na prole masculina adivinda dos grupos de 6 e 9 mg/Kg notou-se diminuição no tempo de natação. Na avaliação do comportamento estereotipado observou-se aumento deste comportamento em fêmeas advindas do grupo de maior dose experimental. Ainda, na prole adulta, foram osbervadas alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas; a análise histológica revelou aumento de células multinucleadas em animais provenientes dos grupos de 6 e 9 mg/Kg e com relação análise dos neurotransmissores, foram observadas alterações a nível estriatal. Estes resultados indicam que a exposição durante a gestação ao S. brasiliensis causa toxicidade materna acompanhada de prejuízo em ambos comportamento, materno e materno agressivo. Com relação à prole, houve prejuízo no desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico, e na idade adulta foram observadas alterações comportamentais e hematológicas, bem como algumas alterações bioquímicas e anatomapatológicas. / Senecio brasiliensis popularly known as \"Maria Mole\" (=lazy Mary), is a principal cause of poisoning in livestock, mainly in horses and cattle. The toxicity of this plant is caused by pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that are metabolized by hepatic enzymes to very toxic pyrrole metabolites. In addition, these compounds can be transferred to humans through animal products or using this plant as popular medicine. There are no reports about its toxic effects on the offspring. Thus, the aim of this study was evaluate the possible toxic effects of prenatal exposure to S. brasiliensis on rat offspring. Pregnant Wistar rats received different doses of S. brasiliensis (3, 6 and 9 mg/kg, by gavage, from 6th to 20th pregnancy day. During the gestational period were evaluated the maternal weight gain and water and food intakes, as well in dams were evaluated maternal and maternal aggressive behavior. In offspring were evaluated physical and reflexologic development and, when adult, the offspring were evaluated for behavioral aspects, haematological, biochemical, anatomopathological parameters, and neurotransmitters levels. The results showed decreased a dose-dependent decrease in food intake and weight gain of dams. Dams treated with the highest S. brasiliensis dose showed impairment in maternal and maternal aggressive behavior. The offspring exposed to 6 and 9 mg/Kg of S. brasiliensis showed delay at the beginning of the physical and reflexologic development. In adult male offspring the highest dose was observed increased on open field motor activity and the frequency of entries and spent time on open arms of the elevated plus-maze. In forced swimming test was observed increase on climbing time female offspring exposed to highest dose and decrease swimming time in male offspring from 6 mg/kg and 9 mg/kg doses. On stereotypic behavior test, only the female offspring exposed to the highest dose showed increase of this behavior. The adult offspring showed few haematological and biochemical alterations, and the study histophatology demonstrated increased of hepatic multinucleated cells in animals exposed to both 6 and 9 mg/kg groups ;on the neurotransmitters levels alterations only at striatum. These results suggest that the S. brasiliensis exposure during the pregnancy cause maternal toxicity and impairment in both maternal and aggressive maternal behavior. The offspring showed damage in physical and reflexologic development, while in adulthood was observed behavioral and changes and some haematological, biochemical and anatomopathological alterations.

Estudos comportamentais e bioquímicos da exposição perinatal ao Senecio brasiliensis na prole de ratos / Behavioral and biochemical studies of perinatal exposure to Senecio brasiliensis in rats offspring.

Thaísa Meira Sandini 21 September 2012 (has links)
Senecio brasiliensis, conhecida popularmente como maria-mole, é uma das principais causas de intoxicação em animais de produção, principalmente em eqüinos e bovinos. A toxicidade desta planta ocorre devido à presença dos alcalóides pirrolizidínicos (APs), os quais sofrem biotransformação no fígado gerando como metabólitos tóxicos os pirróis. Além disso, esses compostos tóxicos podem ser transferridos para o homem através de produtos comestíveis de origem animal contaminados ou pelo uso na medicina popular. Até o momento, não há relatos a respeito de seus efeitos tóxicos sobre a prole de animais expostos durante a gestação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos tóxicos da exposição pré-natal ao S. brasiliensis. Ratas Wistar fêmeas prenhes receberam por gavagem, do 6° até o 20º dia de gestação, diferentes doses de S. brasiliensis (3, 6 e 9 mg/Kg/dia). Durante o período de gestação foi avaliado o peso materno, consumo de água e de ração; ainda, nas progenitoras se avaliou o comportamento materno e materno agressivo. Na prole avaliaram-se os parâmetros do desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico; quando adultos avaliou-se aspectos comportamentais, hematológicos, bioquímicos, anatomopatológico e níveis de neurotransmissores. Os resultados mostraram diminuição no consumo de ração e no ganho de peso nos diferentes grupos experimentais, de forma dose-dependente. Ratas tratadas com a maior dose de S. brasiliensis apresentaram prejuízo no comportamento materno e materno agressivo. Os filhotes provenientes de ratas que receberam as doses de 6 e 9 mg/Kg apresentaram atraso para o início do desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico. Na prole adulta masculina proveniente da maior dose experimental observou-se aumento da atividade motora no campo aberto, bem como aumento na frequência de entrada e no tempo gasto nos braços abertos do labirinto em cruz elevado. Na natação forçada observou-se aumento no tempo de escalada na prole feminina proveniente da maior dose, enquanto na prole masculina adivinda dos grupos de 6 e 9 mg/Kg notou-se diminuição no tempo de natação. Na avaliação do comportamento estereotipado observou-se aumento deste comportamento em fêmeas advindas do grupo de maior dose experimental. Ainda, na prole adulta, foram osbervadas alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas; a análise histológica revelou aumento de células multinucleadas em animais provenientes dos grupos de 6 e 9 mg/Kg e com relação análise dos neurotransmissores, foram observadas alterações a nível estriatal. Estes resultados indicam que a exposição durante a gestação ao S. brasiliensis causa toxicidade materna acompanhada de prejuízo em ambos comportamento, materno e materno agressivo. Com relação à prole, houve prejuízo no desenvolvimento físico e reflexológico, e na idade adulta foram observadas alterações comportamentais e hematológicas, bem como algumas alterações bioquímicas e anatomapatológicas. / Senecio brasiliensis popularly known as \"Maria Mole\" (=lazy Mary), is a principal cause of poisoning in livestock, mainly in horses and cattle. The toxicity of this plant is caused by pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that are metabolized by hepatic enzymes to very toxic pyrrole metabolites. In addition, these compounds can be transferred to humans through animal products or using this plant as popular medicine. There are no reports about its toxic effects on the offspring. Thus, the aim of this study was evaluate the possible toxic effects of prenatal exposure to S. brasiliensis on rat offspring. Pregnant Wistar rats received different doses of S. brasiliensis (3, 6 and 9 mg/kg, by gavage, from 6th to 20th pregnancy day. During the gestational period were evaluated the maternal weight gain and water and food intakes, as well in dams were evaluated maternal and maternal aggressive behavior. In offspring were evaluated physical and reflexologic development and, when adult, the offspring were evaluated for behavioral aspects, haematological, biochemical, anatomopathological parameters, and neurotransmitters levels. The results showed decreased a dose-dependent decrease in food intake and weight gain of dams. Dams treated with the highest S. brasiliensis dose showed impairment in maternal and maternal aggressive behavior. The offspring exposed to 6 and 9 mg/Kg of S. brasiliensis showed delay at the beginning of the physical and reflexologic development. In adult male offspring the highest dose was observed increased on open field motor activity and the frequency of entries and spent time on open arms of the elevated plus-maze. In forced swimming test was observed increase on climbing time female offspring exposed to highest dose and decrease swimming time in male offspring from 6 mg/kg and 9 mg/kg doses. On stereotypic behavior test, only the female offspring exposed to the highest dose showed increase of this behavior. The adult offspring showed few haematological and biochemical alterations, and the study histophatology demonstrated increased of hepatic multinucleated cells in animals exposed to both 6 and 9 mg/kg groups ;on the neurotransmitters levels alterations only at striatum. These results suggest that the S. brasiliensis exposure during the pregnancy cause maternal toxicity and impairment in both maternal and aggressive maternal behavior. The offspring showed damage in physical and reflexologic development, while in adulthood was observed behavioral and changes and some haematological, biochemical and anatomopathological alterations.

1. Synthetic Study of Pyrrolizidine Skeleton 2. Synthetic Study Toward Tylophorine and Cryptopleurine 3. Synthetic Study of Fused Bicyclic Glutarimides

Hsu, Ru-Ting 18 January 2005 (has links)
Reaction of 3-sulfonyl acetamides with various substituted methyl acrylate derivatives furnished pyroglutamate and glutarimidess via [3+2] and [3+3] cycloaddition respectively. The results were applied to the synthesis of pyrrolizidine skeleton, tylophorine, cryptopleurine and fused bicyclic glutarimides.

Estudos visando a sintese de alcaloides pirrolizidinicos e indolizidinicos : aproveitamento da (+)-retronecina e do acido D-isoascorbico / Studies toward the synthesis of pyrrolizidine and indolizidine alkaloids : use of (+)-retronecine and D-insoascorbic acid

Conegero, Leila de Souza 15 December 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Ronaldo Aloise Pilli / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T05:17:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Conegero_LeiladeSouza_D.pdf: 3438551 bytes, checksum: 26a173748a7748d7ec479a812badeeb7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O trabalho desenvolvido visou a obtenção de alcalóides pirrolizidínicos e indolizidínicos utilizando a (+)-retronecina (1) e o ácido D-isoascórbico (35D) como matérias primas, respectivamente. A retronecina (1) foi isolada da espécie vegetal Senecio brasiliensis. Para a preparação da base necínica (1R,6S,7S,8R)-7- (hidroximetil)-hexaidro-1H-pirrolizina-1,6-diol (37), a retronecina (1) foi submetida à reação de epoxidação com ácido meta-cloroperbenzóico. A a-epóxi-retronecina (44), após proteção das hidroxilas com cloreto de tercbutildimetilsilila, foi submetida à abertura com níquel de Raney, e a posterior desproteção forneceu o triol 37, que foi obtido em 5 etapas e 15 % de rendimento. Os compostos (1R,2R,7R,8S)-1-(hidroximetil)-hexaidro-1H-pirrolizina-1,2,7-triol (39) e a platinecina (72) foram preparados a partir de reações de diidroxilação e hidrogenação estereosseletiva da retronecina (1) em 70 e 86 % de rendimento, respectivamente. A abordagem síntética inicial para obtenção de alcalóides indolizidínicos foi baseada na adição do 2-terc-butildimetilsililoxifurano (94) ao íon N-acilimínio derivado da lactama 90. Em função do moderado rendimento e da modesta diastereosseletividade obtida foi proposta uma segunda abordagem sintética para obtenção de indolizidinas. Os alcalóides indolizidínicos, (1R,2S,8aR)- octaidroindolizina-1,2-diol (100) (ent-epi-lentiginosina) e (1R,2S,6R,7S,8aR)- octaidroindolizina-1,2,6,7-tetrol (101) foram preparados a partir da lactona 77. Os compostos 100 e 101 foram obtidos do intermediário-chave 82, que foi preparado a partir da adição de alilamina à lactona 77, derivada do ácido isoascórbico. Em seguida a hidroxiamida 82 foi oxidada à hidroxilactama correspondente, que foi submetida à reação de acetilação fornecendo o composto 91. Reação de alilação de 91, seguido de metátese de olefinas forneceu a indolizidinona 99. Reação de hidrogenação/hidroxilação de 99, redução da lactama e desproteção do acetal levou ao diol 100 e ao tetrol 101 em rendimentos de 27 e 31 %, respectivamente, a partir da lactona 77 / Abstract: The aim of the present work was the synthesis of pyrrolizidine and indolizidine alkaloids using (+)-retronecine (1) and D-isoascorbic acid (35D) as starting materials, respectively. Retronecine (1) was isolated from the vegetal species Senecio brasiliensis. The synthesis of the necine base (1R,6S,7S,7aR)-7-(hydroxymethyl)-hexahydro-1H-pirrolizine-1,6-diol (37) was accomplished by the m-chloroperbenzoic acid epoxidation of retronecine (1). After hydroxyl protection with tert-butyldimethylsilyl chloride, epoxide 44 was subjected to ring opening with nickel Raney and deprotection to yield triol 37, in 5 steps and 15 % yield. Compounds (1R,7S,8R)-7-(hydroxymethyl)-hexahydro-1H-pirrolizin-1-ol (39) and platynecine (72) were prepared after stereoselective dihydroxylation and hydrogenation reactions of retronecine (1) in 70 and 86 % yield, respectively. The first approach to the synthesis of indolizidine alkaloids was based on the 2-tert-butyldimethylsilyloxyfuran addition to lactam 90-derived N-acyliminium ion. Due to moderate yield and diastereoselectivity obtained, a second synthetic approach to the synthesis of indolizidines was suggested. Indolizidine alkaloids 100 and 101 were prepared from lactone 77. Compounds 100 and 101 were obtained from key intermediate 82, which was prepared from allylamine addition to isoascorbic acid-derived lactone 77. Following that, hydroxyamide 82 was oxidized to the corresponding hydroxylactam which was subjected to acetylation, yielding compound 91. Allylation of 91 and subsequent ring closing olefin metathesisyielded indolizidinone 99. Hydrogenation/hydroxylation reaction of 99 followed by lactam reduction and deprotection of acetonide provided diol 100 and tetrol 101, in 27 and 31 % yield, respectively, from lactone 77 / Doutorado / Quimica Organica / Doutor em Ciências

Estudo químico e biológico das espécies vegetais caboverdianas Echium hypertropicum Webb e Echium stenosiphon Webb subsp. Stenosiphon

Carvalho, José Carlos Borges de 04 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Farmácia (bff@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-04T17:26:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho, José Carlos Borges de [Dissertação, 2013].pdf: 4019706 bytes, checksum: 84b0655827cda5d4ea9ce98d03f1736c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T17:26:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho, José Carlos Borges de [Dissertação, 2013].pdf: 4019706 bytes, checksum: 84b0655827cda5d4ea9ce98d03f1736c (MD5) / Echium hypertropicum Webb e Echium stenosiphon Webb subsp. stenosiphon são arbustos endêmicos de Cabo Verde, usados na medicina popular para o tratamento de distúrbios gastrintestinais e tosse. As duas espécies tiveram suas frações alcalóidicas obtidas por extração ácido-base. A análise por CG-EM e ESI-EM/EM indicou a presença de alcaloides pirrolizidínicos (APs) e as substâncias purificadas foram analizadas por experimentos de RMN de 1D e 2D. Um total de 10 alcaloides foram isoladas e identificadas, sendo que 8 identificadas através da comparação de suas massas moleculares e padrões de fragmentação de massas, com a base de dados NIST e os dados da litratura para o género. Os diésteres hepatotóxicos equimidana e 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foram identificadas em ambas as espécies. Os alcaloides 7-senecioilretronecina, 9-angeloilretronecina, licopsamina, 7-acetil-licopsamina e equihumilina foram identificados nas folhas de E. hypertropicum, enquanto que o N-óxido da 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foi identificado nas folhas de E. stenosipnhon. A equimidina foi o componente majoritário na fração em éter dietílico das folhas de E. hypertropicum, enquanto a 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foi o componente majoritário na fração em diclorometano das folhas de E. stenosiphon. O alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina N-óxido foi identificado pela primeira vez no gênero Echium. Em adição, 22 componentes de óleo essencial foram identificadas nas flores de Echium hypertropicum, sendo trans-fitol (30,64 %), n-pentacosano (8,28 %) e n-tricosano (6,73) como componentes majoritários. O triterpeno friedelina foi também isolado das folhas de E. hypertropicum. Na avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, os extratos etanólicos das duas espécies vegetais e o alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina foram capazes de inibir o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 com CMI de 250,0 μg/mL e 25,0 μg/mL, respectivamente. A atividade anticolinesterásica foi avaliada e a equimidina foi capaz de inibir a enzima acetilcolinesterase nas concentrações testadas com o valor de P = 0,0011. O alcaloide 7-(2-metilbutiril)-9-equimidinilretronecina retardou o crescimento do fitófago Dysdercus peruvianus na concentração de 1mg/mL. Os extratos etanólicos de E. hypertropicum e E. stenosiphon (3,9 μg/mL) foram avaliados frente ao vírus HSV. O extrato etanólico de E. hypertropicum apresentou uma porcentagem de inibição (PI) de 27,5% contra HSV-1S e 43,8% contra HSV-2S. Apresentaram ainda elevada citotoxidade para as celulas Vero, utilizadas como sistema hospedeiro (CC50 de 140,10 μg/mL e 96,86 μg/mL). A composição química e as atividades biológicas de E. hypertropicum e E. stenosiphon subsp. stenosiphon foram relatadas pela primeira vez. As substâncias identificadas podem ser utilizadas no futuro como marcadores quimiotaxonômicos para o gênero Echium / Echium hypertropicum Webb and Echium stenosiphon Webb subsp. stenosiphon are endemic capeverdian shrubs used in folk medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and cough, respectively. The two species had their alkaloidal fractions obtained by acid-base extraction. GC-MS and ESI-MS/MS analysis indicated the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and purified substances were also analyzed by 1D and 2D NMR experiments. A total of 10 alkaloids were isolated and identified, which 8 were identified by comparing their molecular masses and mass fragmentation patterns with NIST database and literature data for the genus. The hepatotoxic diesters echimidine and 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinylretronecine were identified in both species. The alkaloids 7-senecioylretronecine, 9-angeloylretronecine, lycopsamine, 7-acetil-lycopsamine and echihumiline were identified in the leaves of E. hypertropicum, whereas the 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-equimidinylretronecine N-oxide was identified in the leaves of E. Stenosipnhon. Echimidine was the major component in the diethyl ether fraction from leaves of E. hypertropicum, whereas the 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinylretronecine was the major component in dichloromethane fraction from leaves of E. stenosiphon. The alkaloid 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-echimidinylretronecine N-oxide was identified for the first time in Echium genus. In addition, 22 essential oil components were identified in E. hypertropicum flowers, with trans-phytol (30.64%), n-pentacosane (8.28%) and n-tricosane (6.73%) as the major components. The triterpene friedelin was also isolated from E. hypertropicum leaves. The antimicrobial susceptibility tested with the ethanolic extract and the alkaloid 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-equimidinilretronecine against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 showed a MIC of 250.0 μg/mL and 25.0 μg/mL, respectively. The anticholinesterasic activity was evaluated and echimidine was able to inhibit the enzyme at the concentrations tested with p value = 0.0011. The alkaloid 7-(2-methylbutyryl)-9-equimidinilretronecine retarded the growth of phytophagous Dysdercus peruvianus at the concentration of 1mg/mL. For the antiviral activity, the ethanolic extracts from E. hypertropicum and E. stenosiphon (3.9 μg/mL) were analyzed against HSV. The ethanolic extract of E. hypertropicum showed an inhibition percentage (IP) of 27.5% against HSV-1S and 43.8% against HSV-2S. Also showed high cytotoxicity for the Vero cells, used as host for the herpesvirus (CC50 140.10 μg/mL and 96.86 μg/mL). The chemical composition and biological activities of the leaves and flowers of E. hypertropicum and E. stenosiphon subsp. stenosiphon are reported for the first time. The identified pyrrolizidine alkaloids could be used in future as chemotaxonomic markers for Echium genus

Vers une valorisation industrielle d’un remède traditionnel pour le traitement des intoxications ciguatériques / To industrial development of a traditional remedy for the treatment of ciguatera fish poisoning

Rossi, Fanny 23 April 2014 (has links)
Malgré leur existence ancienne et leur incidence dans la zone intertropicale, aucun traitement efficace, autre que symptomatique, n’est disponible à l’heure actuelle pour traiter les intoxications ciguatériques. La médecine traditionnelle à base de plantes vient alors au secours des populations. Dans la région du Pacifique, une des plantes les plus utilisées, et présentant des potentialités dans le traitement de la ciguatéra, est Heliotropium foertherianum Diane & Hilger. Toutefois, cette plante, de la famille des Borraginacées, est connue pour produire des alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques, composés hépatotoxiques. Dans ce travail, l’activité biologique sur cellules neuronales et la composition chimique d’H. foertherianum ont été étudiées, en vue d’une valorisation d’un extrait de cette plante. Dans un premier temps, la confirmation de l’activité biologique in vitro de l’extrait aqueux d’H. foertherianum et de ses principes actifs, les acides rosmarinique et caféique, a été apportée. Ensuite, la caractérisation chimique de l’extrait aqueux par CLHP-SM a mené à l’identification potentielle de 25 composés et à la vérification de l’absence des alcaloïdes pyrrolizidiniques. Enfin, l’étude des paramètres de récolte, de conservation et d’extraction des feuilles et extraits a permis de détailler les conditions nécessaires à l’obtention d’un extrait à la teneur maximale en principes actifs dont l’activité biologique serait garantie. Ainsi, la production locale d’un extrait d’H. foertherianum, dosé en principes actifs et dont l’innocuité est vérifiée, en tant que traitement contre les intoxications ciguatériques peut être sérieusement envisagée. / Despite its former existence and its impact in the intertropical zone, no effective treatment, other than symptomatic, is available to treat ciguatera fish poisoning yet. People can only rely on traditional herbal medicine. In the Pacific region, one of the most used plants, which is promising for the treatment of ciguatera fish poisoning, is Heliotropium foertherianum Diane & Hilger. However, this plant, from the Boraginaceae family, is known for producing hepatotoxic compounds such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids. In order to valorize this plant extract, its biological activity on neuronal cells and its chemical composition with the means of HPLC-DAD and HPLC-MS have been studied in this work. First, the in vitro biological activity of the aqueous extract of H. foertherianum and its active principles, rosmarinic and caffeic acids, was confirmed. Then the chemical characterization of the aqueous extract led to the possible identification of 25 compounds and the verification of the absence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Finally, the study of the harvest, conservation and extraction parameters of leaves and extracts permits to specify the conditions needed for obtaining an extract with high level of active principles and whose biological activity is guaranteed. Therefore, a local production of an extract from H. foertherianum as a treatment against ciguatera fish poisoning, dosed in active principles and whose safety is established, can be seriously considered.

Deoxynivalenol : toxicological profile and potential for reducing cereal grain contamination using bacterial additives in fermented animal feed

Vevers, William F. January 2015 (has links)
Deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination of grain destined for animal feeds is a major toxicological risk to monogastrics and is suspected of restricting productivity in ruminants. Whereas bacterial additives have been developed that can detoxify DON in the rumen and lower intestine, there are currently no commercial inoculants able to perform this task in crimped grain (CG) silage, a regionally important method of moist grain preservation based on homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria or chemical additives. Determining whether this ensiling process alongside the action of detoxifying bacteria has the potential to remove DON in CG prior to ingestion, was explored in mini-silo ensiling experiments. CG was heat treated (100 °C, 60 min) or ensiled fresh in triplicate 50 g silos, spiked with 5 mg/kg DON and inoculated with lactic acid bacteria derived from wild birds, natural epiphytic inoculants and commercially sourced silage additives (21 d). DON recovery was only significantly reduced (31.2 ± 14.4% recovery, p < 0.001, n= 30) by heat treatment, as determined by IAC-RP-HPLC-UV. Bacterial assemblage analysis by 16S rRNA PCR-DGGE-SEQ identified Weissella cibaria, Pantoea agglomerans, Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis and Hafnia alvei as candidate detoxification agents, of which W. cibaria and H. alvei decreased DON recovery in vitro (11.3 and 6.2% recovery respectively, p < 0.05, n = 18), which translated to inoculated W. cibaria yielding a decrease in DON recovery (67.2± 14.4%, 28 d) in naturally contaminated crimped wheat (13.5 ± 1.0 mg/kg, 35-40% moisture, p < 0.05, n =15). As W. cibaria is a lactic acid bacteria already associated with fermented CG by default it has promise as a novel DON detoxification agent in CG silage. DON is however just one of many hepatotoxic co-contaminants. Retrorsine, a DNA-crosslinking pyrrolizidine alkaloid derived from Ragwort (Senecio sp.) was investigated for interactive toxicity with DON in an in vitro co-exposure experiment. HepG2 cells were exposed to Log10 multifactorial binary exposures for 48 h followed by a suite of assays to elucidate mechanisms of interactive cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and modulation of the proteome. Retrorsine was tentatively confirmed to form DNA/protein crosslinks in the comet, micronucleus and crosslinking assays, whilst DON was found to potently induce cytotoxicity and apoptosis. Co-exposure yielded a complex toxicity response, with low doses yielding antagonistic effects and high doses trending towards additive effects, although DON dose was generally the principle component. The difficulties associated with undertaking an interactive toxicity study where both toxins have multiple metabolic and cellular targets are highlighted.

Coltsfoot as a Potential Cause of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism in a Patient Also Consuming Kava and Blue Vervain

Freshour, Jessica E., Odle, Brian, Rikhye, Somi, Stewart, David W. 01 September 2012 (has links)
Objective: To report a case of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) possibly associated with the use of coltsfoot, kava, or blue vervain. Case Summary: A 27-year-old white male presented with leg pain and swelling, tachycardia, and pleuritic chest pain. He had no significant medical history. A medication history revealed extensive herbal medication use including: coltsfoot, passionflower, red poppy flower petals, wild lettuce, blue lily flowers, wild dagga flowers, Diviners Three Burning Blend® (comprised of salvia divinorum, blue lily, and wild dagga), kavakava, St. John's Wort, blue vervain, and Dreamer's Blend® (comprised of Calea zacatechichi, vervain, Entada rheedii, wild lettuce, and Eschscholzia californica). Lower extremity Doppler ultrasound and computed topography (CT) of the chest revealed DVT and PE. A hypercoagulable work-up was negative. The patient was treated with enoxaparin and warfarin and was discharged home. Discussion: While no distinct agent can be identified as a sole cause of this venous thromboembolic event, coltsfoot could potentially affect coagulation through its effect on vascular endothelial cells as they regulate nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a known mediator of platelet activity and coagulation, particularly in the pulmonary vasculature. Kava and vervain have estrogenic properties. Conclusions: Of the medications consumed by this self-proclaimed "herbalist," coltsfoot is a potential cause of venous thromboembolic disease (VTE).

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