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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Amélioration de la cohérence quantique dans le régime d'effet Hall quantique entier / Engineering quantum coherence in the integer quantum Hall effect regime

Hyunh, Phuong-Anh 09 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'amélioration de la cohérence dans le régime d'effet Hall quantique entier (EHQE) à facteur de remplissage ν=2, obtenu en appliquant un fort champ magnétique perpendiculairement au plan d'un gaz bidimensionnel d'électrons formé à l'interface d'une hétérostructure semiconductrice d'AlGaAs/GaAs. On obtient alors des conducteurs unidimensionnels chiraux (états de bord) permettant de réaliser l'équivalent électronique de l'interféromètre de Mach-Zehnder (IMZ), pour étudier la cohérence dans ce régime. L'observation inattendue d'une structure périodique en forme de lobes dans la visibilité des interférences en fonction de la tension appliquée en entrée suggère un rôle non négligeable des interactions.Dans un première partie nous expliquons l'émergence des états de bord dans le régime d'EHQE. Nous faisons ensuite l'état de l'art des connaissances concernant leur cohérence, puis nous présentons l'IMZ électronique du point de vue expérimental.Ensuite, nous détaillons les résultats expérimentaux, d'abord concernant la visibilité à tension finie: nos mesures confirment une prédiction théorique concernant un transition de phase quantique en fonction de la dilution de l'état de bord qui interfère ; nous ne voyons pas d'effet flagrant de la relaxation en énergie. Enfin, de précédents travaux(1) ayant identifié clairement l'état de bord voisin de celui qui interfère comme l'environnement limitant la cohérence du système, nous avons réalisé un nouveau type d'échantillon afin de diminuer le couplage à cet environnement de manière contrôlée. Nous avons ainsi augmenté la cohérence de moitié en accord quantitatif avec la théorie issue de précédents travaux(1).(1)P. Roulleau, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, G. Faini, U. Gennser, and D. Mailly. Noise Dephasing in Edge States of the Integer Quantum Hall Regime. Physical Review Letters, 101(18):186803–4, October 2008 / This PhD thesis is devoted to the engineering of quantum coherence in the integer quantum Hall effect regime (IQHE) at filling factor ν=2, obtained by applying a strong perpendicular magnetic field to a bidimensional electron gas formed at the interface of a GaAlAs/GaAs semiconducting heterostructure. Then unidimensional chiral conductors called edge states appear which can be used as electron beams to build the equivalent in condensed matter of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) so as to study coherence in this regime. The unexpected periodic lobe structure of the visibility as function of the bias voltage suggests that interactions play an important role.In the first part, we explain how edge states emerge in the IQHE regime. We picture the state of the art on the edge states coherence. Then we present the MZI from the experimental point of view.Next we show our results, first concerning the visibility at finite bias: our measurements confirm a prediction about a quantum phase transition as function of the interfering edge state dilution. We don't see any significant manifestation of energy relaxation in the visibility. Finally, having identified the adjacent edge state as the noisy environment limitating coherence thanks to previous works, we have designed a new kind of sample to decrease the coupling of the system to this environment in a controlled manner. We thus decreased dephasing by half, in quantitative agreement with the theory developped previously in our group.

Measurement and control of electronic coherences / Mesure et contrôle de cohérences électroniques

Cabart, Clément 18 September 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, de considérables efforts expérimentaux ont été dévoués au développement d’outils de nanoélectronique quantique, dans le but d’atteindre un niveau de contrôle sur le transport électronique quantique à l’échelle de l’électron unique. Ces avancées ont poussé à un changement de paradigme dans le domaine du transport électronique cohérent et donné naissance à l’optique quantique électronique, domaine dans lequel cette thèse s’inscrit. Cette thèse est consacrée à deux problématiques. Tout d’abord, elle s’intéresse au problème des interactions Coulombiennes entre électrons, qui donnent lieu à un phénomène de décohérence qu’il est nécessaire de caractériser et de prédire au mieux afin de le contrôler. En utilisant une approche analytique et numérique, il a été possible de prédire l’effet de ces interactions sur un système expérimentalement accessible, prédiction qui a ensuite été confirmée par l’expérience. Dans la foulée de ce résultat, cette thèse présente des possibilités de contrôle de ces interactions, et propose un moyen de les mettre en œuvre qui devrait pouvoir être testé dans une expérience. Je me suis également confronté à la problématique de la caractérisation d’états quantiques complexes. En particulier, suite à la démonstration expérimentale d’un protocole de tomographie pour des états mono-électroniques, je me suis tourné vers l’extension de ce protocole à des états plus complexes, pouvant exhiber des propriétés de cohérence à deux électrons, voire plus. Ces états étant également sensibles aux interactions de Coulomb, une extension au cas multi-électronique des outils utilisés pour traiter ces interactions est proposée dans cette thèse. / Over the last few years, extensive experimental efforts have been devoted to thedevelopment of quantum nanoelectronics tools aiming at controlling electronic trans-port down to the single electron level. These advances led to a paradigm shift inthe domain of coherent electronic transport, giving birth to electron quantum optics,which is the domain of this work.This manuscript is devoted to two problems. The first of these is the one ofCoulomb interactions between electrons, which lead to a decoherence phenomenonthat must be characterized and predicted in order to be controlled. Using an analyt-ical and numerical approach, it became possible to predict the effect of interactionson an experimentally relevant system, a prediction that was then confirmed in the ex-periment. After this result, this manuscript displays some ideas aiming at controllinginteractions and proposes some ways to test them experimentally.In this work, I also took on the problem of characterizing complex quantum states.In particular, following the experimental demonstration of a tomography protocol forfirst order coherences, I tried to extend this protocol to more complex states thatcould exhibit two-electron coherences, or more. These states being also sensitive to Coulomb interactions, an extension of the tools used to treat interactions to thismulti-electronic state is also presented in this work.

Hybrid quantum information processing with continuous and discrete variables of light fields

Donati, Gaia January 2015 (has links)
Quantum correlations play a fundamental role in quantum information science. The variety of their manifestations has become increasingly apparent following the development of novel light sources, protocols and photodetectors. One broad classification identifies two instances of non-classical correlations: particle and mode entanglement. These categories mirror two coexisting descriptions of quantum systems in terms of discrete and continuous variables of the electromagnetic field. The past decades have generated a number of promising results based on schemes which encompass elements from both frameworks, rather than viewing the two descriptions as mutually exclusive. In this context, it is possible to conceive and realise experiments where either the quantum resource or the detection system is 'hybrid'. Optical weak-field homodyne detectors bring together phase sensitivity and photon counting; as such, they represent a detection scheme which works across continuous and discrete variables of the radiation field. In this thesis we present a two-mode weak-field homodyne detection layout with added photon-number resolution and apply it to the study of a split single-photon state and a squeezed vacuum state. As a first test of the capabilities of this system, we investigate the reconstruction of relevant features of a given quantum resource - such as its photon statistics - with our detection scheme. Further, we experimentally demonstrate the observation of an instance of non-classical optical coherence which combines the continuous- and discrete-variable descriptions explicitly. The ability to probe phenomena at the interface of wave and particle regimes opens the way to novel, improved schemes for quantum information processing. From a more fundamental perspective, such hybrid approaches may shed light on the very roots of quantum enhancement.

Fluxo de coerência quântica para um qubit evoluindo sobre a ação de canais quânticos / Quantum coherence flow for a qubit evolving under the action of quantum channels

Pozzobom, Mauro Buemo 23 August 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Quantum Coherence (QC) has a fundamental role in Quantum Mechanics (QM). It has been studied since the emergence of QM. However, this quantum feature is easily destroyed when a physical system interacts with the environment. Also, recently the quantum coherence has been highlighted because of the possibility of using its as a resource in the Quantum Information Science (QIS). In this work we study the QC flow of a qubit (two-level system) interacting with the environment modeled by quantum channels of noise that are very common in QIS. These channels represent some physical systems and are widely used for error correction studies. We calculate the QC by the l1-norm, doing this for the different channels seeking to relate it to the entanglement, which is also another key topic in QM. We note that in the amplitude damping channel the total QC is equal to the sum of the local and non-local parts and that the non-local part is equivalent to entanglement. For the phase damping channel, entanglement does not cover all non-local QC. Here there is a gap between them that may depend on the time and on the initial state. Besides, for the bit, phase, and bit phase flip channels the possibility and the conditions for invariance of QC are considered. Also, we notice that for the depolarizing channel we can use the qubit as a catalyst for the creation of non-local QC and entanglement. We, as well, observed that even initial states incoherent can lead to transient quantum coherence between system and environment. We also showed that the emergence of entanglement does not necessarily imply the destruction of QC. Furthermore, we investigated whether QC is lost or changed into other types of correlations and besides which initial conditions allow making quantum coherence robust to decoherence. / A Coerência Quântica (CQ) tem aspecto fundamental na Mecânica Quântica (MQ), ela é estudada desde o surgimento da MQ todavia, a CQ é uma característica que é facilmente destruída quando um sistema físico interage com o meio ambiente. Além disso, recentemente a coerência quântica tem tido destaque devido a possibilidade de sua utilização como um recurso na Ciência da Informação Quântica (CIQ). Nesse trabalho estudamos o fluxo de CQ de um qubit (sistema de dois níveis) interagindo com o ambiente modelado por canais quânticos de ruído que são muito comuns em CIQ. Esses canais representam alguns sistemas físicos e são amplamente utilizados para o estudo de correção de erros, por exemplo. Calculamos a CQ baseados na norma-l1 para os diferentes canais buscando relacioná-la com o emaranhamento, que também é outro tópico fundamental em MQ. Notamos que para o canal amplitude damping a CQ total é igual a soma das partes local e não-local e que a parte não-local equivale ao emaranhamento. Para o canal phase damping o emaranhamento não abrange toda a CQ não-local, existindo uma lacuna entre eles que pode depender do tempo e do estado inicial. Além disso, para os canais bit, phase e bit phase flip são consideradas a possibilidade e condições para invariância da CQ. Ainda notamos que para o canal depolarizing podemos usar o qubit como um catalisador para a criação de CQ e de emaranhamento. Observamos ainda que mesmo estados iniciais incoerentes podem levar à criação de coerência quântica transitória entre sistema e ambiente. Vimos também que o surgimento do emaranhamento não implica necessariamente na diminuição da CQ do qubit. Investigamos ainda se a CQ é perdida ou transformada em outros tipos de correlações e também quais condições iniciais possibilitam tornar a coerência quântica mais robusta.

Autopsy of a quantum electrical current / Autopsie d'un courant électrique quantique

Roussel, Benjamin 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les expériences de physique quantique ont atteint un niveau de contrôle permettant de préparer avec précision l'état quantique de nombreux systèmes physiques. Cela a mené à la naissance de l'optique quantique électronique, un sujet émergent qui vise à préparer, manipuler et caractériser l'état de courants électriques contenant quelques excitations électroniques se propageant dans un conducteur quantique ballistique. Ceci est un défi conséquent qui se heurte à la difficulté de caractériser un état quantique à N corps.Le sujet de cette thèse sera le développement de méthodes de traitement du signal quantique permettant d'accéder à une connaissance partielle d'un tel état pour des courants électriques quantiques. Une première méthode consiste à les analyser à nombre d'excitations fixé au travers des cohérences électroniques. Pour cela, nous élaborons une analyse de la cohérence à un électron en termes d'atomes de signaux électroniques. En combinant cela au protocole de tomographie par interférometrie HOM, nous présentons la première autopsie, fonction d'onde par fonction d'onde, d'un courant électrique quantique.Une autre approche consiste à examiner des indicateurs sondant directement l'état à N corps. Nous étudions le rayonnement émis par un conducteur quantique ainsi que la décohérence électronique d'une excitation à un électron. Ensuite nous analysons la distribution de probabilité de la chaleur dissipée par un système quantique mésoscopique. Dans ce cadre, nous développons une théorie de l'effet Joule en régime quantique et à explorons comment celle-ci pourrait permettre de sonder l'état à N corps / Quantum physics experiments have reached a level of precision and control that allows quantum state engineering for many systems. This has led to the birth of electron quantum optics, an emerging field which aims at generating, manipulating and characterizing quantum electrical currents built from few-electron excitations propagating within ballistic quantum conductors. This is challenging since it is generically impossible in practice to fully characterize the many-body state of a beam containing indistinguishable electrons. The thesis presents new quantum signal processing approaches for accessing, at least partially, to the quantum many-body state of quantum electrical currents.A first approach is to access such a state at few-particle levels through electronic coherences. We will thus present a new representation of single-electron coherence in terms of electronic "atoms of signal". Combining this signal processing algorithm to HOM tomography enables us to present the first autopsy, wavefunction by wavefunction, of an experimental electrical quantum current. Another method is to look for indicators giving information directly at the many-body level. We will investigate the radiation emitted by a quantum conductor and address the problem of decoherence of a general single-electron excitation. Finally, we will look at the heat deposited by a mesoscopic quantum system, leading to a quantum version of Joule heating and discuss how it gives an insight on the many-body state of the electron fluid

Coherent Response of Two Dimensional Electron Gas probed by Two Dimensional Fourier Transform Spectroscopy

Paul, Jagannath 06 April 2017 (has links)
Advent of ultrashort lasers made it possible to probe various scattering phenomena in materials that occur in a time scale on the order of few femtoseconds to several tens of picoseconds. Nonlinear optical spectroscopy techniques, such as pump-probe, transient four wave mixing (TFWM), etc., are very common to study the carrier dynamics in various material systems. In time domain, the transient FWM uses several ultrashort pulses separated by time delays to obtain the information of dephasing and population relaxation times, which are very important parameters that govern the carrier dynamics of materials. A recently developed multidimensional nonlinear optical spectroscopy is an enhanced version of TFWM which keeps track of two time delays simultaneously and correlate them in the frequency domain with the aid of Fourier transform in a two dimensional map. Using this technique, the nonlinear complex signal field is characterized both in amplitude and phase. Furthermore, this technique allows us to identify the coupling between resonances which are rather difficult to interpret from time domain measurements. This work focuses on the study of the coherent response of a two dimensional electron gas formed in a modulation doped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well both at zero and at high magnetic fields. In modulation doped quantum wells, the excitons are formed as a result of the inter- actions of the charged holes with the electrons at the Fermi edge in the conduction band, leading to the formation of Mahan excitons, which is also referred to as Fermi edge singularity (FES). Polarization and temperature dependent rephasing 2DFT spectra in combination with TI-FWM measurements, provides insight into the dephasing mechanism of the heavy hole (HH) Mahan exciton. In addition to that strong quantum coherence between the HH and LH Mahan excitons is observed, which is rather surprising at this high doping concentration. The binding energy of Mahan excitons is expected to be greatly reduced and any quantum coherence be destroyed as a result of the screening and electron-electron interactions. Such correlations are revealed by the dominating cross-diagonal peaks in both one-quantum and two-quantum 2DFT spectra. Theoretical simulations based on the optical Bloch Equations (OBE) where many-body effects are included phenomenologically, corroborate the experimental results. Time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations provide insight into the underlying physics and attribute the observed strong quantum coherence to a significantly reduced screening length and collective excitations of the many-electron system. Furthermore, in semiconductors under the application of magnetic field, the energy states in conduction and valence bands become quantized and Landau levels are formed. We observe optical excitation originating from different Landau levels in the absorption spectra in an undoped and a modulation doped quantum wells. 2DFT measurements in magnetic field up to 25 Tesla have been performed and the spectra reveal distinct difference in the line shapes in the two samples. In addition, strong coherent coupling between landau levels is observed in the undoped sample. In order to gain deeper understanding of the observations, the experimental results are further supported with TD-DFT calculation.

Mélange de canaux et transport de spin dans l'effet hall quantique entier / Channel Mixing and Spin transport in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect

Venturelli, Davide 06 September 2011 (has links)
Les états de bord sont des canaux de transport unidimensionnels qui se développent dans des puits quantiques en régime d'Effet Hall entier, avec de remarquables propriétés de chiralité et de cohérence quantique. Dans cette thèse nous présentons l'idée d'une manipulation de courants électroniques mettant en jeu le mélange de deux canaux de bord co-propageants, et nous discutons son impact potentiel pour l'interférométrie quantique et le transport de qubits de spin. Nous présentons les caractéristiques des états de bord et évaluons l'effet de potentiels locaux et non-adiabatiques, et de leur efficacité pour transférer la charge entre les deux canaux. Il est montré que des variations rapides du potentiel, d'amplitude plus petite que le gap de Landau, donnent lieu à un faible mélange, et nous identifions des stratégies expérimentales permettant d'atteindre un bon pourcentage de mélange. Nous développons des techniques de simulation numérique afin de modéliser de expériences qui mettent en jeu des canaux avec mélange, ainsi que des méthodes analytiques permettant de traiter les interactions coulombiennes entre états de bord, en vue de futures expériences d'interférométrie de spin. / Edge states are one-dimensional transport channels, emerging in quantum wells in the integer Quantum Hall regime, with remarkable properties of chirality and quantum coherence. In this thesis we present the idea of manipulating electronic currents mixed over two co-propagating edge channels, and discuss its potential impact for quantum interferometry and transport of spin-qubit states. We introduce the characteristics of edge states and evaluate the effect of local, non adiabatic potentials and their efficiency to transfer charge between two channels. We show that sharp potential variations whose energies are smaller than the Landau gap provide weak mixing, and we identify some experimental strategies that can achieve good mixing percentages. We develop numerical techniques of simulation to model existing experiments that employ mixed edge channels, and analytical methods in order to treat the effect of Coulomb interactions between edge states in a future spin-interferometry experiment.

Transport quantique dans les verres de spin / Quantum transport in spin glasses

Capron, Thibaut 30 March 2011 (has links)
Le verre de spin est une phase de la matière dans laquelle le désordre magnétique est gelé. Étant considéré comme un système modèle des verres en général, il a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux théoriques et expérimentaux. Les recherches ont convergé vers deux principales descriptions de l'état fondamental du système diamétralement opposées. D'une part, la solution « champ-moyen » nécessite une brisure de symétrie non triviale, et l'état fondamental est composé de multiples états organisés en une structure hiérarchique. D'autre part, une approche de « gouttelettes », fondée sur la dynamique hors-équilibre d'un état fondamental unique. La validation expérimentale d'une de ces deux théories nécessite une observation détaillée de l'échantillon au niveau microscopique. La physique mésoscopique, basée sur les effets d'interférences électroniques, propose un outil unique pour accéder à cette configuration microscopique des impuretés: les fluctuations universelles de conductance. En effet, ces fluctuations représentent une empreinte unique du désordre dans l'échantillon. Ce travail présente la mise en œuvre de mesures de fluctuations de conductance universelles dans les verres de spin. Les effets d'interférences électroniques étant sensibles aux processus de décohérence du verre de spin, ils donnent accès expérimentalement à de nouvelles quantités concernant les excitations du système. La mesure des corrélations entre les empreintes du désordre permet quant à elle d'explorer sous un angle nouveau l'ordre non conventionnel de cet état vitreux. / The spin glass is a state of matter in which the magnetic disorder is quenched. Being considered as a model system for glasses in general, it has been extensively studied, both theoretically and experimentally. The research have converged towards two main descriptions of the fundamental state of the system that are clearly antagonist. On the one hand, the “mean-field” solution has a non trivial broken symmetry, and the ground state is composed of multiple valleys in a hierarchical structure. On the other hand, a magnetic “droplet” model, based on the off-equilibrium dynamics of a unique ground state. The experimental validation of one of these two theories requires a detailed observation of the sample at the microscopic level. Mesoscopic physics, which deals with interference effects of the electrons, proposes a unique tool to access to this microscopic configuration of the impurities: the universal conductance fluctuations. Indeed, these fluctuations represent a unique fingerprint of the sample disorder. This work presents the implementation of universal conductance fluctuations measurements in spin glasses. The electron interference effects being sensitive to the decoherence processes of the spin glass, they give access experimentally to new quantities related to the excitations of the system. The measurement of correlations between the disorder fingerprints allow to explore under a new perspective the non conventional order of this glassy state.

Effects of Cisplatin Analog Size on the Reaction with DNA Bases

Nandala, Swathi 01 May 2013 (has links)
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Cisplatin is one of the well-known anti-cancer agents used to treat testicular and ovarian cancers. It mainly binds to the DNA bases, which leads to cell death. The cytotoxic activity of the cisplatin analogs is due to the interaction of platinum with nucleotides like adenine at N7 or N1 position and guanine at N7 position. Guanine is the primary target for cisplatin analogs whereas adenine is the secondary target. Cisplatin analogs, [Pt(Me5dien)(D2O)]2+[Me5dien = N,N,N’,N’,N’’-pentamethyl diethylene triamine] and [Pt(dien)(D2O)]2+[dien=diethylene triamine] were synthesized and their effects on AMP and GMP were studied using NMR spectroscopy. The experiments were conducted to examine the effects of bulk on 5’-GMP and 5’-AMP. The results suggest that bulk slows down the reaction with AMP more than with that of GMP. The order of reactivity is Pt(dien)(GMP)> Pt(dien)(AMP) > Pt(Me5dien)(GMP) > Pt(Me5dien)(AMP). The reaction of the [Pt(Me5dien)(D2O)]2+ complex with AMP leads to multiple products, some of which appear to be due to coordination at N1 instead of N7.

Quantum Coherence for Light Harvesting / Quantum Coherence for Light Harvesting

Paleček, David January 2016 (has links)
Almost all life on Earth depends on the products of photosynthesis - the biochemical process whereby solar energy is stored as chemical-rich compounds. The energy of captured photons is transferred through a network of pigment-protein complexes towards the reaction center. The reaction center is responsible for trans-membrane charge separation, which generates a proton motive force which drives all subsequent biochemical reactions. The ultrafast (femtosecond) nature of the primary processes in photosynthesis is the main reason for its astonishing efficiency. On this timescale, quantum effects start to play a role and can appear in measured spectra as oscillations. It has been hypothesized that these are evidence of wave-like energy transfer. To unveil the fundamental principals of ultrafast excitation energy transfer in both natural and artificial light-harvesting systems, advanced spectroscopy techniques have been utilized. Coherent two- dimensional electronic spectroscopy is a state of the art technique which allows the most complete spectroscopic and temporal information to be extracted from the system under study. This technique has allowed us to identify a new photophysical process where the coherence of the initially excited state is shifted to the ground state upon an energy transfer step. Coherence...

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