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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quaternary Geology and Neotectonics of Southern Star Valley and the Southwest Flank of the Salt River Range, Western Wyoming

Warren, Gregory A. 01 May 1992 (has links)
Southern Star Valley is a structural and physiographic basin bounded on the east by the southern Star Valley fault, an active normal fault associated with Basin and Range extension. The southern Star Valley fault separates southern Star Valley from the Salt River Range and forms a dramatic north-south trending topographic escarpment. Statistical analysis of relative-age dating (RD) parameters taken from glacial deposits in the Salt River Range defined distinctive age groups for the deposits, and comparison of RD data allowed correlations with late Pleistocene and Holocene glacial deposits elsewhere in the Rocky Mountains. However, the sedimentary lithologies in the glacial deposits in the study area and inherent variability of RD data limited definitive regional correlations. The southern Star Valley fault (SSVF) lies in a parabola-shaped zone of large, seismogenic normal faults. The zone trails to the west of the eastward-migrating Yellowstone hot spot. Basin-facing fault scarps up to 11 meters high created by recurrent late Quaternary faulting along the southern Star Valley fault are preserved in late-Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial fans along the Salt River Range front. Radiocarbon ages from faulted deposits exposed in a trench provide age estimates of ca. 8,090 ± 80 and 5,540 ± 70 yrs. B. P. for the two most recent paleoearthquakes. The magnitudes of the paleoearthquakes, based on surface rupture height and length and estimates, were between Ms6.9 and Ms7.1. The tectonic geomorphology of river alluvium and alluvial fans near the SSVF suggests that recurrent faulting has downdropped the northern end of southern Star Valley more in relationship to the southern part of the valley and created a deep depocenter in the northern part.

The quaternary history of Chatham Island, New Zealand : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Holt, Katherine Angharad January 2008 (has links)
The Quaternary geology of Chatham Island has been investigated using several different techniques, including: tephrochronology, mineralogy, palynology and stratigraphy; in an attempt to draw together a Quaternary history for the Island. The Quaternary record of Chatham Island comprises mainly deposits from terrestrial environments, predominantly thick blanket peats and aeolian sand, all of which range from latest Castlecliffian to Haweran/Recent in age. Quaternary deposits that demonstratably predate this age range (i.e. > Oxygen Isotope Stage 12) have not been recognised anywhere on the Island. Their absence is, at this stage, attributed to a major marine transgression across much of the northern and central portions of the Island during Oxygen Isotope Stage 11. Two rhyolitic tephra produced during two of the largest eruptions from the Taupo Volcanic Zone are present on Chatham Island. The 27.1 ka Kawakawa Tephra is well preserved across most of the Island, occurring within most pre-Holocene sequences. The 345 ka Rangitawa Tephra, not previously recognised on Chatham Island, is found in a few scattered coastal locations where older, late Castlecliffian sediments are preserved. In the absence of any other forms of radiometric age control these two tephras have provided the principal means for time control within and between stratigraphic sequences on the Island. Palynology has been used predominantly to determine climatic conditions at the time of sediment accumulation. Palynological investigations of seven sections of peat deposits have also demonstrated that cyclic changes in vegetation patterns have occurred throughout the Quaternary on Chatham Island. However these changes have not been as significant as those that occurred on mainland New Zealand over the Quaternary. It is concluded that this indicates climatic deterioration during glacials may not have been as pronounced on Chatham Island as on the mainland. Marine terraces created during former high sea level stands are preserved in several areas on Chatham Island. Quaternary terrace surfaces ranging in age from Last Interglacial (OIS 5e) to OIS 11 occur at heights of 3-5 m, 9 – 10 m, 16 m, 20 m and 30 - 40 m above sea level. An exhumed surface of Late Pliocene age occurs at 7 – 14 m a.s.l.. Terrace ages have been determined using cover-bed stratigraphy, and in particular the presence or absence of tephra marker beds. Height-age relationships of marine terraces have been used to develop preliminary rates of tectonic uplift on Chatham Island. The resulting values range between 0.01 – 0.13 mm/yr and are very low compared with more tectonically active areas of mainland New Zealand. However, there is considerable variation in these rates across Chatham Island, indicating that the tectonic history of the Island over the Quaternary may be complex. This thesis has also demonstrated that considerably more work is required to fully understand the Quaternary history of Chatham Island. In particular, better numerical age control on key deposits; more detailed, high-resolution pollen records from key locations; and obtaining stratigraphic records from a greater range of locations. This is particularly so for the southern uplands where older records are virtually inaccessible due to a thick blanketing of post-glacial peat deposits.

Tephrochronology of the Last Glacial/Interglacial transition in western Småland, southwestern Sweden

Morén, Björn January 2009 (has links)
<p>Tephrochronology, or the dating and correlation of stratigraphic sediment sequences by the use of tephra, is a dating method that has been much refined in the last decade. This refinement has enabled the detection of cryptotephra, which has expanded the known distribution of different tephras. At the site Lake Mulakullegöl in the southwest of Sweden, three distinct tephra horizons have been detected, of which two have been geochemically identified. The identified tephras are the Vedde Ash (ca 12,000 cal. yrs BP) and the Hässeldalen Tephra (ca 11,500 cal. yrs BP), both of Icelandic origin. These tephras were deposited during the middle of the Younger Dryas Stadial and the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition, respectively. The Vedde Ash is one of the most widespread tephras of Icelandic provenance, while the Hässeldalen Tephra so far only has been found at two sites in southeastern Sweden, prior to the current study. A third, unidentified, tephra was also detected. Based on the stratigraphic position, this tephra might be the Borrobol Tephra, which has been dated to ca 14,400 cal. yrs BP. This might indicate that warming had not yet occurred in this part of Sweden. The extended known distribution of especially the Hässeldalen Tephra, but also the Vedde Ash, has enabled a higher potential for correlations between different records deposited during the Last Glacial/Interglacial transition.</p>

Water and pollutant flowsthrough the MejdurechyeReservoir, Uzbekistan

Koutsouris, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
<p>Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, has faced water scarcity and low water during several years as a consequence of Uzbekistan’s extensive irrigation of cotton fields. The environmental status of the Mejdurechye Reservoir, which is the largest in the lower Amudarya Delta, is therefore of great local importance. This thesis quantifies pollutant mass flows through the reservoir, concidering for instance salt, DDT and Lindane (HCH). Surface water flow paths through Mejdurechye Reservoir are also conceptualized in order to provide suggestions for future a possible monitoring program.</p><p>Results show that chloride concentrations have decreased during July 2007-2008 with at least 10% in spite of a large specific evaporation and a reservoir volume reduction of at least 60%. The most important implication of this is that pollutants in the reservoir cannot have been subject of evapoconcentration during this period. DDT and Lindane have on the other hand increased with up to 50000% in concentration and 20000% mass compared to measurements dating back to 2002. A rough age estimation of DDT shows that the DDT has been mobilized recently. The results of this thesis may prove valuable when forming environmental policy plans and setting up future monitoring programs.</p>

The development and relative chronology of landforms at Kongsfjordhallet, Spitsbergen

Peterson, Gustaf January 2008 (has links)
<p>Kongsfjordhallet is situated at 79° N on the North coast of Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen.The landscape shows a large diversity of landforms and sediments and the aim of thisstudy has been to investigate the spatial distribution and temporal differences betweenthese landforms.The most prominent landform is interpreted as a lateral moraine dividing the area fromsoutheast to northwest. This is probably a sign of a standstill during the deglaciation ofan ice-sheet glacier tongue filling the fjord. The valley-glaciers at Kongsfjordhallet haveadvanced after this event and left end moraines on top of the lateral moraine. Largeamounts of meltwater have eroded parts of the Kongsfjordhallet, creating several fossilmeltwater channels that dissect the landscape. Erratic boulders of mainly gneiss type arescattered all over the landscape, as high up as 500 m a.s.l. In addition to the erraticboulders, a lot of allochthonous material is found incorporated in local material,especially as a diamict interpreted as till that covers large parts of Kongsfjordhallet.The till can likely be correlated to one of the diamict units in the cliff sections at theKongsfjordhallet coast. At present, two large ravines drain the area, moving water fromthe glaciers to the ocean and a beach is developing in the Southeast part of the area dueto ocean transgression. Landforms from two glacial events are found, one regional andone local. An episode of high sea-level as well as fluvial and mass-wasting activity afterthe deglaciation is also recorded. The formation of the landforms in the area is believedto be after the Last Glacial Maximum and into the Holocene, but no absolute dates areavailable.</p> / SciencePub

The colour of climate : A study of raised bogs in south-central Sweden

Borgmark, Anders January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on responses in raised bogs to changes in the effective humidity during the Holocene. Raised bogs are terrestrial deposits that can provide contiguous records of past climate changes. Information on and knowledge about past changes in climate is crucial for our understanding of natural climate variability. Analyses on different spatial and temporal scales have been conducted on a number of raised bogs in south-central Sweden in order to gain more knowledge about Holocene climate variability.</p><p>Peatlands are useful as palaeoenvironmental archives because they develop over the course of millennia and provide a multi-faceted contiguous outlook on the past. Peat humification, a proxy for bog surface wetness, has been used to reconstruct palaeoclimate. In addition measurements of carbon and nitrogen on sub-recent peat from two bogs have been performed. The chronologies have been constrained by AMS radiocarbon dates and tephrochronology and by SCPs for the sub-recent peat.</p><p>A comparison between a peat humification record from Värmland, south-central Sweden, and a dendrochronological record from Jämtland, north-central Sweden, indicates several synchronous changes between drier and wetter climate. This implies that changes in hydrology operate on a regional scale.</p><p>In a high resolution study of two bogs in Uppland, south-central Sweden, C, N and peat humification have been compared to bog water tables inferred from testate amoebae and with meteorological data covering the last 150 years. The results indicate that peat can be subjected to secondary decomposition, resulting in an apparent lead in peat humification and C/N compared to biological proxies and meteorological data.</p><p>Several periods of wetter conditions are indicated from the analysis of five peat sequences from three bogs in Värmland. Wetter conditions around especially c. 4500, 3500, 2800 and 1700-1000 cal yr BP can be correlated to several other climate records across the North Atlantic region and Scandinavia, indicating wetter and/or cooler climatic conditions at these times. Frequency analyses of two bogs indicate periodicities between 200 and 400 years that may be caused by cycles in solar activity.</p>

Urbanised Nature in the Past : Site formation and Environmental Developement in Two Swedish Towns, AD 1200-1800

Heimdahl, Jens January 2005 (has links)
<p>In order to explore site formations and reconstruct environmental development in Medieval and Post-Medieval towns, urban occupational strata in Norrköping and Karlstad were studied according to biostratigraphy, sedimentology and pedology. New field procedures including continuous pilot sampling, parallel archaeological and geological stratigraphic interpretation, and on-site analysis of plant macrofossils were developed and applied at archaeological excavations in both towns. Representation of both disciplines in the field during excavations greatly contributed to more complete field interpretations.</p><p>Stratigraphical analyses indicate that geological processes have been active in both towns, and reveal similarities in site formation. The earliest proto-urban phase is represented by the presence of dark earths, formed by the combination of alluvial processes and cattle tramping. Alluvial processes were common in Karlstad due to the flooding of the river delta, and in Norrköping due to the sloping topography. Both situations were enhanced by human activity, which caused drainage problems. A significant change in composition and origin of house foundation fill was also noted. The oldest foundations contained fine-grained material of local origin in contrast to younger foundations, which contained coarser material, sometimes of regional origin. This is interpreted as a professionalisation of the urban building tradition, which in Norrköping occurred during the 16th century and in Karlstad during the 18th century. Site formations of urban strata are regulated by three major factors: deposition, post-depositional soil formation and erosion/truncation, which all may occur both culturally and naturally.</p><p>Plant macrofossil analyses in Norrköping and Karlstad resulted in a fossil record with a total amount of 203 and 169 different types of plant species and taxa respectively. The records indicate that site formation processes seem to have been inhibited during wintertime. The results also confirm the idea of the early Scandinavian towns as rural, also during the Post-Medieval time. The finds of cultural plants in Karlstad indicate 18th century cultivation of Fragaria moscata and 17th century import of Pimento officinalis. In Norrköping remains of beer additives confirm that the tradition of combining Humulus lupulus and Myrica gale disappeared after the 15th century, but also indicate a the use of Filipendula ulmaria as a beer addative. Finds of seeds from Nicotiana rustica suggests that tobacco cultivation occurred in Norrköping 1560-1640, which is some decades earlier than known so far in Sweden.</p>

Holocene Climate in Central and Southern Sweden : Quantitative Reconstructions from Fossil Data

Antonsson, Karin January 2006 (has links)
<p>In quantitative palaeoecology modern species-environmental relationships can be statistically modelled, and recent development has made the calibration models more statistically robust. These models are used to transform fossil assemblages to quantitative estimates of past environmental conditions. The aim of this thesis is to infer Holocene temperatures from fossil pollen data sampled from lakes in central and southern Sweden. This reconstruction is done by using a north-European pollen-climate calibration model, which was extended with 37 modern pollen samples from the southern deciduous vegetation zone in Sweden within this project. A statistical method is used for deriving the pollen-climate calibration model, weighted averaging partial least square (WA-PLS) method. The long term trends in pollen inferred temperatures from this study reflect low, but rapidly rising temperatures in the early-Holocene, a trend that was temporarily interrupted by a cool period about 8500 cal yr BP, but continued after 8000 cal yr BP. A Holocene thermal maximum (HTM) with temperatures roughly 2°C higher than at present was recorded about 7000 cal yr BP and by 4000 cal yr BP pollen inferred temperatures starts to decline. In order to create a more comprehensive picture of past climate patterns in the investigated area inferred temperatures from this study are compared with independent palaeorecords, a stable oxygen isotope record for moisture variability (paper I) and chironomids for summer temperature (paper II). Taken all together, these records reflect a coherent Holocene climate pattern which also is supported by several studies from Scandinavia and the north Atlantic region. Pollen inferred temperatures and the moisture record are indicating markedly dry, continental climate conditions in southern Sweden during the HTM possibly as a result of reorganisations in regional atmosphere circulations. The local observations in this study of regional climate events, such as the cold period at about 8200 cal yr BP and the dry period at about 7000 to 4000 cal yr BP are of particular interest because they suggest that vegetation in the study region has responded sensitively both to long-term climatic trends and more transient climate events.</p>

The colour of climate : A study of raised bogs in south-central Sweden

Borgmark, Anders January 2005 (has links)
This thesis focuses on responses in raised bogs to changes in the effective humidity during the Holocene. Raised bogs are terrestrial deposits that can provide contiguous records of past climate changes. Information on and knowledge about past changes in climate is crucial for our understanding of natural climate variability. Analyses on different spatial and temporal scales have been conducted on a number of raised bogs in south-central Sweden in order to gain more knowledge about Holocene climate variability. Peatlands are useful as palaeoenvironmental archives because they develop over the course of millennia and provide a multi-faceted contiguous outlook on the past. Peat humification, a proxy for bog surface wetness, has been used to reconstruct palaeoclimate. In addition measurements of carbon and nitrogen on sub-recent peat from two bogs have been performed. The chronologies have been constrained by AMS radiocarbon dates and tephrochronology and by SCPs for the sub-recent peat. A comparison between a peat humification record from Värmland, south-central Sweden, and a dendrochronological record from Jämtland, north-central Sweden, indicates several synchronous changes between drier and wetter climate. This implies that changes in hydrology operate on a regional scale. In a high resolution study of two bogs in Uppland, south-central Sweden, C, N and peat humification have been compared to bog water tables inferred from testate amoebae and with meteorological data covering the last 150 years. The results indicate that peat can be subjected to secondary decomposition, resulting in an apparent lead in peat humification and C/N compared to biological proxies and meteorological data. Several periods of wetter conditions are indicated from the analysis of five peat sequences from three bogs in Värmland. Wetter conditions around especially c. 4500, 3500, 2800 and 1700-1000 cal yr BP can be correlated to several other climate records across the North Atlantic region and Scandinavia, indicating wetter and/or cooler climatic conditions at these times. Frequency analyses of two bogs indicate periodicities between 200 and 400 years that may be caused by cycles in solar activity.

Urbanised Nature in the Past : Site formation and Environmental Developement in Two Swedish Towns, AD 1200-1800

Heimdahl, Jens January 2005 (has links)
In order to explore site formations and reconstruct environmental development in Medieval and Post-Medieval towns, urban occupational strata in Norrköping and Karlstad were studied according to biostratigraphy, sedimentology and pedology. New field procedures including continuous pilot sampling, parallel archaeological and geological stratigraphic interpretation, and on-site analysis of plant macrofossils were developed and applied at archaeological excavations in both towns. Representation of both disciplines in the field during excavations greatly contributed to more complete field interpretations. Stratigraphical analyses indicate that geological processes have been active in both towns, and reveal similarities in site formation. The earliest proto-urban phase is represented by the presence of dark earths, formed by the combination of alluvial processes and cattle tramping. Alluvial processes were common in Karlstad due to the flooding of the river delta, and in Norrköping due to the sloping topography. Both situations were enhanced by human activity, which caused drainage problems. A significant change in composition and origin of house foundation fill was also noted. The oldest foundations contained fine-grained material of local origin in contrast to younger foundations, which contained coarser material, sometimes of regional origin. This is interpreted as a professionalisation of the urban building tradition, which in Norrköping occurred during the 16th century and in Karlstad during the 18th century. Site formations of urban strata are regulated by three major factors: deposition, post-depositional soil formation and erosion/truncation, which all may occur both culturally and naturally. Plant macrofossil analyses in Norrköping and Karlstad resulted in a fossil record with a total amount of 203 and 169 different types of plant species and taxa respectively. The records indicate that site formation processes seem to have been inhibited during wintertime. The results also confirm the idea of the early Scandinavian towns as rural, also during the Post-Medieval time. The finds of cultural plants in Karlstad indicate 18th century cultivation of Fragaria moscata and 17th century import of Pimento officinalis. In Norrköping remains of beer additives confirm that the tradition of combining Humulus lupulus and Myrica gale disappeared after the 15th century, but also indicate a the use of Filipendula ulmaria as a beer addative. Finds of seeds from Nicotiana rustica suggests that tobacco cultivation occurred in Norrköping 1560-1640, which is some decades earlier than known so far in Sweden.

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