Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quaternion"" "subject:"quaternions""
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Quaternions and Quantum TheoryGraydon, Matthew 05 August 2011 (has links)
The orthodox formulation of quantum theory invokes the mathematical apparatus of complex Hilbert space. In this thesis, we consider a quaternionic quantum formalism for the description of quantum states, quantum channels, and quantum measurements. We prove that probabilities for outcomes of quaternionic quantum measurements arise from canonical inner products of the corresponding quaternionic quantum effects and a unique quaternionic quantum state. We embed quaternionic quantum theory into the framework of usual complex quantum information theory. We prove that quaternionic quantum measurements can be simulated by usual complex positive operator valued measures. Furthermore, we prove that quaternionic quantum channels can be simulated by completely positive trace preserving maps on complex quantum states. We also derive a lower bound on an orthonormality measure for sets of positive semi-definite quaternionic linear operators. We prove that sets of operators saturating the aforementioned lower bound facilitate a reconciliation of quaternionic quantum theory with a generalized Quantum Bayesian framework for reconstructing quantum state spaces.
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Quaternions and Quantum TheoryGraydon, Matthew 05 August 2011 (has links)
The orthodox formulation of quantum theory invokes the mathematical apparatus of complex Hilbert space. In this thesis, we consider a quaternionic quantum formalism for the description of quantum states, quantum channels, and quantum measurements. We prove that probabilities for outcomes of quaternionic quantum measurements arise from canonical inner products of the corresponding quaternionic quantum effects and a unique quaternionic quantum state. We embed quaternionic quantum theory into the framework of usual complex quantum information theory. We prove that quaternionic quantum measurements can be simulated by usual complex positive operator valued measures. Furthermore, we prove that quaternionic quantum channels can be simulated by completely positive trace preserving maps on complex quantum states. We also derive a lower bound on an orthonormality measure for sets of positive semi-definite quaternionic linear operators. We prove that sets of operators saturating the aforementioned lower bound facilitate a reconciliation of quaternionic quantum theory with a generalized Quantum Bayesian framework for reconstructing quantum state spaces.
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Gröbner basis theory and its applications for regular and biregular functionsRoss, Jenny Lee, 1976- 01 December 2010 (has links)
This paper covers basic theory of Grobner Bases and an algebraic analysis of the linear constant coefficient partial differential operators, specifically the Cauchy-Fueter operator. We will review examples and theory of regular and biregular functions in several quaternionic variables. / text
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A Comparison Theorem for the Topological and Algebraic Classification of Quaternionic Toric 8-ManifoldsRunge, Piotr 01 December 2009 (has links)
In order to discuss topological properties of quaternionic toric 8-manifolds, we introduce the notion of an algebraic morphism in the category of toric spaces. We show that the classification of quaternionic toric 8-manifolds with respect to an algebraic isomorphism is finer than the oriented topological classification. We construct infinite families of quaternionic toric 8-manifolds in the same oriented homeomorphism type but algebraically distinct. To prove that the elements within each family are of the same oriented homeomorphism type, and that we have representatives of all such types of a quaternionic toric 8-manifold, we present and use a method of evaluating the first Pontrjagin class for an arbitrary quaternionic toric 8-manifold.
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Torção de Reidemeister das formas espaciais esféricas / Reidemeister torsion of spherical space formsMelo, Thiago de 17 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a ação dos grupos dos quatérnios generalizados \'Q IND.4t\', nas esferas, com o objetivo de calcularmos a torção de Reidemeister dos espaços quocientes, chamados de Formas Espaciais Esféricas Quaterniônicas. Calculamos a torção de Ray-Singer das esferas, dos espaços lenticulares e do cone sobre as esferas, este último fornecendo o caso particular do disco, usando a base para a homologia definida em [27]. Para as variedades fechadas, obtivemos a torção analítica por meio do Teorema de Cheeger-Müller [7, 22], e para o disco, por meio de uma fórmula provada por Brüning e Ma em [5] / In this work, we study the action of the generalized quaternionic groups \'Q IND.4t\' on the spheres to compute the Reidemeister torsion of the quotient spaces, which are called Quaternionic Spherical Space Forms. Using the base of the homology defined by Ray and Singer in [27] we compute also the Ray-Singer torsion of the spheres, lens spaces and the cone over the spheres. This last one provides the disc as a particular case. For the closed manifolds we obtain the analytic torsion using the Cheeger-Müller Theorem [7, 22] and for the disc using a formula proved by Brüning and Ma in [5]
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Twistor constructions of quaternionic manifolds and asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-Weyl spacesBorowka, Aleksandra January 2014 (has links)
Let $S$ be a $2n$-dimensional complex manifold equipped with a line bundle with a real-analytic complex connection such that its curvature is of type $(1,1)$, and with a real analytic h-projective structure such that its h-projective curvature is of type $(1,1)$. For $n=1$ we assume that $S$ is equipped with a real-analytic M\"obius structure. Using the structure on $S$, we construct a twistor space of a quaternionic $4n$-manifold $M$. We show that $M$ can be identified locally with a neighbourhood of the zero section of the twisted (by a unitary line bundle) tangent bundle of $S$ and that $M$ admits a quaternionic $S^1$ action given by unit scalar multiplication in the fibres. We show that $S$ is a totally complex submanifold of $M$ and that a choice of a connection $D$ in the h-projective class on $S$ gives extensions of a complex structure from $S$ to $M$. For any such extension, using $D$, we construct a hyperplane distribution on $Z$ which corresponds to the unique quaternionic connection on $M$ preserving the extended complex structure. We show that, in a special case, the construction gives the Feix--Kaledin construction of hypercomplex manifolds, which includes the construction of hyperk\"ahler metrics on cotangent bundles. We also give an example in which the construction gives the quaternion-K\"ahler manifold $\mathbb{HP}^n$ which is not hyperk\"ahler. We show that the same construction and results can be obtained for $n=1$. By convention, in this case, $M$ is a self-dual conformal $4$-manifold and from Jones--Tod correspondence we know that the quotient $B$ of $M$ by an $S^1$ action is an asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein--Weyl manifold. Using a result of LeBrun \cite{Le}, we prove that $B$ is an asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein--Weyl manifold. We also give a natural construction of a minitwistor space $T$ of an asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein--Weyl manifold directly from $S$, such that $T$ is the Jones--Tod quotient of $Z$. As a consequence, we deduce that the Einstein--Weyl manifold constructed using $T$ is equipped with a distinguished Gauduchon gauge.
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Torção de Reidemeister das formas espaciais esféricas / Reidemeister torsion of spherical space formsThiago de Melo 17 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a ação dos grupos dos quatérnios generalizados \'Q IND.4t\', nas esferas, com o objetivo de calcularmos a torção de Reidemeister dos espaços quocientes, chamados de Formas Espaciais Esféricas Quaterniônicas. Calculamos a torção de Ray-Singer das esferas, dos espaços lenticulares e do cone sobre as esferas, este último fornecendo o caso particular do disco, usando a base para a homologia definida em [27]. Para as variedades fechadas, obtivemos a torção analítica por meio do Teorema de Cheeger-Müller [7, 22], e para o disco, por meio de uma fórmula provada por Brüning e Ma em [5] / In this work, we study the action of the generalized quaternionic groups \'Q IND.4t\' on the spheres to compute the Reidemeister torsion of the quotient spaces, which are called Quaternionic Spherical Space Forms. Using the base of the homology defined by Ray and Singer in [27] we compute also the Ray-Singer torsion of the spheres, lens spaces and the cone over the spheres. This last one provides the disc as a particular case. For the closed manifolds we obtain the analytic torsion using the Cheeger-Müller Theorem [7, 22] and for the disc using a formula proved by Brüning and Ma in [5]
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On conformal submersions and manifolds with exceptional structure groupsReynolds, Paul January 2012 (has links)
This thesis comes in three main parts. In the first of these (comprising chapters 2 - 6), the basic theory of Riemannian and conformal submersions is described and the relevant geometric machinery explained. The necessary Clifford algebra is established and applied to understand the relationship between the spinor bundles of the base, the fibres and the total space of a submersion. O'Neill-type formulae relating the covariant derivatives of spinor fields on the base and fibres to the corresponding spinor field on the total space are derived. From these, formulae for the Dirac operators are obtained and applied to prove results on Dirac morphisms in cases so far unpublished. The second part (comprising chapters 7-9) contains the basic theory and known classifications of G2-structures and Spin+ 7 -structures in seven and eight dimensions. Formulae relating the covariant derivatives of the canonical forms and spinor fields are derived in each case. These are used to confirm the expected result that the form and spinorial classifications coincide. The mean curvature vector of associative and Cayley submanifolds of these spaces is calculated in terms of naturally-occurring tensor fields given by the structures. The final part of the thesis (comprising chapter 10) is an attempt to unify the first two parts. A certain `7-complex' quotient is described, which is analogous to the well-known hyper-Kahler quotient construction. This leads to insight into other possible interesting quotients which are correspondingly analogous to quaternionic-Kahler quotients, and these are speculated upon with a view to further research.
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The projective parabolic geometry of Riemannian, Kähler and quaternion-Kähler metricsFrost, George January 2016 (has links)
We present a uniform framework generalising and extending the classical theories of projective differential geometry, c-projective geometry, and almost quaternionic geometry. Such geometries, which we call \emph{projective parabolic geometries}, are abelian parabolic geometries whose flat model is an R-space $G\cdot\mathfrak{p}$ in the infinitesimal isotropy representation $\mathbb{W}$ of a larger self-dual symmetric R-space $H\cdot\mathfrak{q}$. We also give a classification of projective parabolic geometries with $H\cdot\mathfrak{q}$ irreducible which, in addition to the aforementioned classical geometries, includes a geometry modelled on the Cayley plane $\mathbb{OP}^2$ and conformal geometries of various signatures. The larger R-space $H\cdot\mathfrak{q}$ severely restricts the Lie-algebraic structure of a projective parabolic geometry. In particular, by exploiting a Jordan algebra structure on $\mathbb{W}$, we obtain a $\mathbb{Z}^2$-grading on the Lie algebra of $H$ in which we have tight control over Lie brackets between various summands. This allows us to generalise known results from the classical theories. For example, which riemannian metrics are compatible with the underlying geometry is controlled by the first BGG operator associated to $\mathbb{W}$. In the final chapter, we describe projective parabolic geometries admitting a $2$-dimensional family of compatible metrics. This is the usual setting for the classical projective structures; we find that many results which hold in these settings carry over with little to no changes in the general case.
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A Quaternionic Version Theory related to Spheroidal FunctionsLeitão da Cruz Morais, João Pedro 11 January 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Theorie der quaternionischen Funktionen vorgestellt, welche das Problem der Bestapproximation von Familien prolater und oblater sphäroidalen Funktionen im Hilberträumen behandelt.
Die allgemeine Theorie beginnt mit der expliziten Konstruktion von orthogonalen Basen für Räume, definiert auf sphäroidalen Gebieten mit beliebiger Exzentrizität, deren Elemente harmonische, monogene und kontragene Funktionen sind und durch die Form der Gebiete parametrisiert werden. Eine detaillierte Studie dieser grundlegenden Elemente wird in dieser Arbeit durchgeführt. Der Begriff der kontragenen Funktion hängt vom Definitionsbereich ab und ist daher keine lokale Eigenschaft, während die Begriffe der harmonischen und monogenen Funktionen lokal sind. Es werden verschiedene Umwandlungsformeln vorgestellt, die Systeme harmonischer, monogener und kontragener Funktionen auf Sphäroiden unterschiedlicher Exzentrizität in Beziehung setzen. Darüber hinaus wird die Existenz gemeinsamer nichttrivialer kontragener Funktionen für Sphäroide jeglicher Exzentrizität gezeigt.
Der zweite wichtige Beitrag dieser Arbeit betrifft eine quaternionische Raumfrequenztheorie für bandbegrenzte quaternionische Funktionen. Es wird eine neue Art von quaternionischen Signalen vorgeschlagen, deren Energiekonzentration im Raum und in den Frequenzbereichen unter der quaternionischen Fourier-Transformation maximal ist. Darüber hinaus werden diese Signale im Kontext der Spektralkonzentration als Eigenfunktionen eines kompakten und selbstadjungierteren quaternionischen Integraloperators untersucht und die grundlegenden Eigenschaften ihrer zugehörigen Eigenwerte werden detailliert beschrieben. Wenn die Konzentrationsgebiete beider Räume kugelförmig sind, kann der Winkelanteil dieser Signale explizit gefunden werden, was zur Lösung von mehreren eindimensionalen radialen Integralgleichungen führt.
Wir nutzen die theoretischen Ergebnisse und harmonische Konjugierten um Klassen monogener Funktionen in verschiedenen Räumen zu konstruieren. Zur Charakterisierung der monogenen gewichteten Hardy- und Bergman-Räume in der Einheitskugel werden zwei konstruktive Algorithmen vorgeschlagen. Für eine reelle harmonische Funktion, die zu einem gewichteten Hardy- und Bergman-Raum gehört, werden die harmonischen Konjugiert in den gleichen Räumen gefunden. Die Beschränktheit der zugrundeliegenden harmonischen Konjugationsoperatoren wird in den angegebenen gewichteten Räumen bewiesen. Zusätzlich wird ein quaternionisches Gegenstück zum Satz von Bloch für monogene Funktionen bewiesen. / This work presents a novel Quaternionic Function Theory associated with the best approximation problem in the setting of Hilbert spaces concerning families of prolate and oblate spheroidal functions.
The general theory begins with the explicit construction of orthogonal bases for the spaces of harmonic, monogenic, and contragenic functions defined in spheroidal domains of arbitrary eccentricity, whose elements are parametrized by the shape of the corresponding spheroids. A detailed study regarding the elements that constitute these bases is carried out in this thesis. The notion of a contragenic function depends on the domain, and, therefore, it is not a local property in contrast to the concepts of harmonic and monogenic functions. Various conversion formulas that relate systems of harmonic, monogenic, and contragenic functions associated with spheroids of differing eccentricity are presented. Furthermore, the existence of standard nontrivial contragenic functions is shown for spheroids of any eccentricity.
The second significant contribution presented in this work pertains to a quaternionic space-frequency theory for band-limited quaternionic functions. A new class of quaternionic signals is proposed, whose energy concentration in the space and the frequency domains are maximal under the quaternion Fourier transform. These signals are studied in the context of spatial-frequency concentration as eigenfunctions of a compact and self-adjoint quaternion integral operator. The fundamental properties of their associated eigenvalues are described in detail. When the concentration domains are spherical in both spaces, the angular part of these signals can be found explicitly, leading to a set of one-dimensional radial integral equations.
The theoretical framework described in this work is applied to the construction of classes of monogenic functions in different spaces via harmonic conjugates. Two constructive algorithms are proposed to characterize the monogenic weighted Hardy and Bergman spaces in the Euclidean unit ball. For a real-valued harmonic function belonging to a Hardy and a weighted Bergman space, the harmonic conjugates in the same spaces are found. The boundedness of the underlying harmonic conjugation operators is proven in the given weighted spaces. Additionally, a quaternionic counterpart of Bloch’s Theorem is established for monogenic functions.
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