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Design elektrického nádražního vozíku / Design of Electric Platform TruckSkotnica, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes design of Electrical railway station cart. This thesis contains research part, which focuses on historical background, contemporary products, trends, technical specications and possibilities of progressive technology applications. Based on this research, nal design was created and is described in the second part from the view of shape, technology, construction and ergonomics. Thesis ends with summarization of designs benets and with evaluation of fullling thesis goals.
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Studie rekonstrukce žst. Letovice / Study of the Letovice railway station upgradingDorko, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the master’s thesis is to design a reconstruction of the Letovice railway station for access for persons with reduced mobility and orientation. The thesis deals with adjustment to the railway superstructure, substructure and drainage system of the station. Part of the thesis is explore the possibility of building a new railway stop.
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Návrh osvětlení železniční stanice / Design of railway station lightingHána, František January 2018 (has links)
The thesis pursue the design and calculation of illumination at Šternberk railway station. Components of this thesis are sizing and securing of supply cables, design and documentation of NN cable trains, comparison of current and proposed status in terms of energetical intensity, list of sampled work and financial costs of implementation.
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Třetí kolej v úseku Blansko - Rájec-Jestřebí / The Third Track in Track Section Blansko - Rájec-JestřebíŠíp, Radek January 2019 (has links)
The task of the thesis is to propose the third track in track section Blansko - Rájec-Jestřebí and increasing line speed with maximum use of existing track body and grounds of SŽDC, s.o. Next is the design of the reconstruction of all engineering objects (bridges, runoffs, railway crossings and platforms). Additioning of the third track will cause extensive structural modifications at railway stations Blansko and Rájec-Jestřebí. Within the building will be verified construction of new railway stop Spešov.
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Dopady rozhodnutí vlády o zásahu do cenové tvorby jízdného v rámci osobní železniční dopravy, komparace ČR a SR / Impacts of the government´s decision to intervene in fare pricing policies within passenger railway transportation. Comparison between Czech and Slovak markets.Lofaj, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the diploma´s thesis is the comparison of the particular private rail transport policies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. There are specific, both economic and non-economic impacts of a free fare in Slovakia and slightly different policy of fare discounts in the Czech Republic, identified and consequently analyzed in the thesis. Comparative analysis between both policies is conducted right after. All the impacts are measured and evaluated in the context of particular government budgets, both national and private railway transporters and different segments of users, who are mostly affected by the movement. The analysis of these extraordinary government policies is conducted based on selected publicly available indicators and data from several different sources (official statistics, agreements, annual reports, tariffs comparison, financial statements, granted subsidies etc.).
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Rekonstrukce železniční stanice Brno-Slatina / Upgrading of Brno-Slatina Railway StationGuziur, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis is to design a reconstruction of the Brno - Slatina railway station to provide three edges of platforms that meet current requirements. Design make possible to insert one island platform and one outside platform that meet the requirements for access for persons with reduced orientation and mobility. Reconstruction will increase speed on main tracks, from the existing 80 km/h, to 100 km/h
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Rekonstrukce žst. Šlapanice / Reconstruction of Šlapanice Railway StationZemánek, František January 2013 (has links)
The thesis dealt with reconstruction of the railway station Šlapanice inserting platforms respecting applicable laws and allowing access for people with reduced mobility. Work is solved in three different variants. It is always a work assignment complied with the requirement to three platform edge. It solved drainage edited tracks.
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Rekonstrukce žst. Opatov / Reconstruction of Opatov Railway StationKorkeš, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a reconstruction of Opatov railway station. The thesis deals with issues concerning current station platforms. There is a solution to platforms´ organization designed. The solution is appropriate to contemporary parametres and it follows requirements on movement of handicaped as well. The tesis deals with changes in the trackage, station drainage and technical questions that are related to complete reconstruction of the station.
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Studie rekonstrukce železničních stanic Rapotice a Kralice nad Oslavou / Upgrading of Rapotice and Kralice nad Oslavou Railway StationsPata, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis is to design a reconstruction of railway stations Rapotice and Kralice nad Oslavou to provide at least two edges of platforms. At both stations there is access to the platform of persons with impaired orientation and mobility. The proposed adjustments authorizes the establishment of level crossings under valid legislation.
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Návrh zvýšení traťové rychlosti v úseku mezi žst. Hanušovice a žst. Bludov / Study of Speed Increasing of Hanušovice - Bludov Track SectionLehnert, Jan January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis I propose increasing of the speed on the railway line No. 292 on the section žst.Bludov - žst. Hanušovice. It includes is complete design of horizontal and vertical ratios, eventually relocation of the track. Railway substructure is solved in selected sections. The thesis solves also editing of platforms and crossing structures.
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