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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trincheiras de infiltração como tecnologia alternativa em drenagem urbana: modelagem experimental e numérica / not available

Melissa Cristina Pereira Graciosa 17 June 2005 (has links)
A infiltração das águas de chuva dentro dos lotes urbanos é uma possível forma de promover o controle descentralizado do escoamento superficial na origem, com vistas ao gerenciamento das águas pluviais urbanas e conseqüente atenuação das cheias. Neste trabalho, foram conduzidos ensaios de campo com trincheiras de infiltração, em dois solos distintos, um arenoso e outro argiloso, com o objetivo de avaliar quantitativamente o comportamento hidráulico das estruturas de infiltração em resposta a volumes de escoamento. As trincheiras foram alimentadas com volumes de água controlados, e o campo de umidade do experimento foi monitorado com sonda de nêutrons, durante o processo de redistribuição da água no solo. Foi realizada a modelagem matemática do fenômeno bidimensional de infiltração em torno de trincheiras de seção retangular, em resposta à entrada de águas pluviais provenientes de áreas impermeabilizadas contíguas. A comparação entre os resultados experimentais e simulados pela equação bidimensional de Richards indica uma pequena defasagem dos valores de volume infiltrado e umidade do solo nos processos de infiltração e drenagem interna simulados em relação aos observados. A capacidade de infiltração da trincheira mostrou-se maior nos dados observados, possivelmente devido à simplificação de distribuição unimodal dos diâmetros dos poros adotada na modelagem numérica, uma vez que, experimentalmente, observou-se multimodalidade nos dois solos estudados. A curva de van Genuchten é, juntamente com a equação de Richards, a base do modelo computacional, e divergências no seu ajuste em relação aos dados observados podem conduzir a pequenas divergências dos volumes infiltrados e perfis de umidade ao longo do processo de infiltração simulado, em relação ao observado. São apresentadas algumas considerações de dimensionamento sobre a implantação de trincheiras de infiltração em lotes residenciais, bem como discussões com respeito aos planos diretores urbanos. É apresentado um estudo simplificado, baseado no método racional, sobre a redução no hidrograma de cheia proporcionada pelo uso de trincheiras em uma micro bacia urbana, o qual revelou reduções da ordem de até 94% do deflúvio superficial direto gerado pelo lote. / Stormwater infiltration process at the scale of housing is a possible way to promote the decentralized runoff control in order to manage the urban water and to attenuate flood peaks. In this work, field essays with infiltration devices at two different soils, either sandy and clay-loam soils, are assessed in order to study the hydraulic behavior of infiltration trenches to attenuate incoming runoff volume inputs. The infiltration trench experiments set a controlled water supply for specific boundary conditions, and the experimental moisture field were monitored with neutron probe during the water redistribution process at soil core. Bi-dimensional (2D) mathematical modeling is depicted at specific boundary conditions with a rectangular-trench layout, thereby mimicking a potential situation of runoff incoming from adjacent impervious areas. The comparison between experimental and numerical results, simulated by two-dimensional Richards\' equation, shows a small lag-time difference of both infiltrated volumes and soil moisture contents during infiltration and drainage periods. The trench infiltration capacity of observed data appears to be greater than simulated results, possibly due to an overall simplification of a uni-modal, homogeneous pore diameter distribution adopted by the modeling scheme. Experimental retention curves outline indirect evidences of multi-modal, heterogeneous behavior of pore structure. Bon van Genutchen-type retention curve and Richards-momentum equations represent the baseline approach to the computational model of non-saturated soils. Some fitting discrepancies between observed and simulated results could lead to negligible different estimations of infiltrated volumes and moisture profiles. Finally, further discussions on project design and best management practices (BMPs) of infiltration trenches at housing scale as well discussions on urban master plan are outlined herewith. A simplified study, based on rational method, is presented on the reduction of incoming hydrograph with the use of infiltration trenches. Preliminary results perform volume reductions of approximately 94% from incoming runoff generated at housing lots.

Alternativas de telhados de habitações rurais para captação de água de chuva no semi-árido. / Alternatives of roofs of rural dwellings to capture rainwater in the semi-arid.

MEIRA FILHO, Abdon da Silva. 06 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-06T17:55:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ABDON DA SILVA MEIRA FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2004..pdf: 13092575 bytes, checksum: fbe87f07c7fe72b916e1cf358d37041e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-06T17:55:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ABDON DA SILVA MEIRA FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2004..pdf: 13092575 bytes, checksum: fbe87f07c7fe72b916e1cf358d37041e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06 / A captação de água de chuva para o consumo humano por meio de telhados é uma prática crescente, sobretudo em regiões desprovidas de sistemas de abastecimento coletivo, como grande parte do Semi-Árido Brasileiro. Os sistemas de captação de água instalados nessa região se baseiam na construção de cisternas para acumular água captada por meio de telhados. A fim de contribuir para a melhoria do desempenho desses sistemas, este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os problemas que impedem o bom funcionamento desse importante meio de abastecimento de água e propor soluções projetuais, adotando tecnologia apropriada à população rural do Semi-Árido Brasileiro. Tomou-se como ponto de partida uma pesquisa de campo, realizada na comunidade rural de Paus Brancos, Município de Campina Grande-PB, entre os anos de 2002 e 2003. Os resultados mostraram que 80% das residências pesquisadas dispõem de sistema de captação de água mas que apenas 16% armazenam água suficiente para abastecimento durante todo o ano. Constatou-se que este baixo índice decorre, principalmente, das precárias condições de instalação e manutenção dos subsistemas de condução de água (calhas e dutos). A partir dessa constatação e considerando aspectos funcionais e estético-formais, foram desenvolvidas cinco alternativas de arranjos de sistemas de captação de água de chuva, compostos por telhados, calhas e dutos. Com vistas à simplificação e consequente redução de custos, foram eliminados os suportes das calhas, conferindo ganho de desempenho em relação aos sistemas convencionais. Para testar o desempenho das propostas, foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Construções Rurais e Ambiência/UFCG um protótipo funcional, em escala reduzida, cuja avaliação revelou que este apresentou excelente desempenho, com eficiência variando de 86% a 92%. / he rooftop rainwater catchment system for the human consumption is an increasing practice, especially in áreas without collective water supply, as in a larger part of the brazilian Semi-arid. The rainwater catchment systems installed in this area are based on construction of cisterns to accumulate water catched by means of roofs. In order to contribute for the improvement of the performance of those systems, this work had the objective of studying the problems that obstacle the good operation of that important way of water supply and to propose projectual solutions, adopting appropriate technology to the rural population of the brazilian Semi-arid. A field research was starting point, accomplished in the rural community of Paus Brancos, in the municipality of Campina Grande -PB, during the period from 2002 to 2003. The results showed that 80% of the researched residences have system of catchment water but only 16% store enough water for provisioning during the whole year. It was verified that this lower index is due, mainly, to the precarious installation conditions and maintenance of the subsystems of water transport (gutters and tubes). Considering this data and functional and aestheticformal aspects, five arrangement alternatives of rainwater catchment systems were developed, composed by roofs, gutters and tubes. Looking for simplification and consequent reduction of costs, the gutters supports of were eliminated, resulting earnings in the performance to comparing conventional systems. To test the performance of the proposed alternative was developed in the Laboratory of Ambience and Rural Construction - LACRA/UFCG a reduced scale functional prototype, whose evaluation revealed an excellent performance, with efficiency ranging from 86% to 92%.

Avaliação do desempenho do sistema de descarte de água de chuva coletada em coberturas de três diferentes tipos de materiais / Performance assessment of disposal units from Rainfal collection system from roofs made by three different materials

ROCHA, Bárbara Cristina Castro de Melo 20 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:01:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 barbara cristina castro.pdf: 4909158 bytes, checksum: 97c33d72b85f6014d478bd8aea66f69b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-20 / The water shortage has become one of the world's main problems, leading to the development of new technologies and practices of water conservation. In order to obtain more effective solutions to solve this problem, new researches have been carried on to create hydraulic and sanitary systems more sustainable or, at least, system that causes less impact to the environment. Among the technologies economically available on water conservation in buildings, the use of rainfall collected from roofs can be of great potential to become a viable solution. The objective of this work is to study the ideal conditions for the disposal process of rainfall collected from three roofs made of different materials: metal, asbestos cement and ceramic tiles, located nearby, with the purpose of identifying both the ideal volume of disposal and the achievement of water quality standards, so that it becomes feasible for future uses. To do so, experimental units were installed to collect, dispose and store rainwater from three buildings located within the area of the School of Civil Engineering at Federal University of Goiás. After monitoring the volume of disposal correlating it with the quality assessment of the rainwater collected in each type of roof and with the rainwater collected directly from the atmosphere, the processes were evaluated based on the observed parameters and on the criteria established by the NBR 15,527 (ABNT, 2007), in order to identify the best way to implement disposal units in rainwater usage systems in buildings. It had been found that the rainwater disposal process is essential for obtaining water with better quality from these systems. It had also been observed that the disposal based on time does not seem to be securely enough to guarantee the necessarily quality in the collected water. Among the roofs in study, the metal roof gave water with the best quality after the disposal of the first 100 liters collected (this corresponds to 1,33 mm of accumulated rainfall in the area of study). It is presumed that the metal roof is the best choice to collect rainfall water because it is smoother and has almost no overlapping tiles. On the other hand, the 2 mm rainwater disposal suggested by NBR 15,527 (ABNT, 2007) has shown to be insufficient to guarantee the safe and secure use of the collected water to both users and hydraulic installations, requiring for this purpose the installation of at least a simplified water treatment unit. / A escassez de água tem se tornado um dos grandes problemas mundiais, o que vem levando a necessidade de estudos de novas metodologias e técnicas de conservação de água. Visando a obtenção de soluções eficazes para minimizar esse problema, dentro do ambiente construído, vários estudos estão sendo realizados em busca de sistemas prediais hidráulicos e sanitários mais sustentáveis ou que promovam menor impacto ambiental. Dentre as possíveis tecnologias que visam à conservação de água em edificações, os sistemas de aproveitamento de águas de chuva podem ser uma alternativa viável e de grande potencial para a solução desse problema. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em estudar as condições ideais do processo de descarte da água da chuva coletadas em três coberturas de diferentes tipos de materiais: metálico, cimento amianto e barro, situadas em uma mesma localidade, visando identificar o volume ideal de descarte e padrões de qualidade de água que viabilizem sua posterior utilização. Para tanto, foram instaladas unidades experimentais de captação, descarte e armazenamento de água de chuva em três edificações na área da Escola de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Após o monitoramento do volume de descarte correlacionado com a avaliação da qualidade da água de chuva coletada em cada tipo de cobertura e, com a água de chuva coletada diretamente da atmosfera, foram avaliados os processos com base nos parâmetros observados e nos critérios estabelecidos pela NBR 15.527 (ABNT, 2007), de forma a identificar a melhor forma de viabilizar a implantação de unidades de descarte em sistemas de aproveitamento de água de chuva em edificações. Foi verificado que o processo de descarte de água de chuva é essencial para a obtenção de água de melhor qualidade nestes sistemas. Também foi possível observar que o descarte por tempo não se mostrou suficiente para garantir a captação de água de chuva de qualidade assegurada. Dentre os telhados avaliados, a cobertura de telhas metálicas proporcionou a obtenção de uma água de melhor qualidade após o descarte dos primeiros 100 litros coletados (correspondente a 1,33 mm de chuva para as áreas de contribuição estudadas). Presume-se que este resultado tenha sido obtido devido a sua superfície de contato ser mais lisa que os outros telhados estudados e, também de não haver sobreposição de telhas. Por outro lado, os 2 mm de descarte de água de chuva, sugeridos pela NBR 15.527 (ABNT, 2007), não se mostraram suficientes para garantir que a água de chuva coletada possa ser utilizada sem que haja risco aos usuários e às instalações hidráulicas, exigindo para tanto ao menos um tratamento simplificado.

Espécies nitrogenadas em água de chuva de Ribeirão Preto (SP) / Nitrogen species in rainwater of Ribeirão Preto (SP)

Cristina Penna Crispim 28 June 2018 (has links)
Espécies nitrogenadas vem sendo adicionadas ao meio ambiente de forma intensa desde o desenvolvimento do processo Haber-Bosch para transformação de N2 em NH3, alterando significativamente o ciclo biogeoquímico do nitrogênio no ambiente. Uma vez na atmosfera, o nitrogênio reativo é depositado de volta à superfície da Terra por processos de deposição úmida e seca. A importância de levar em conta as formas orgânicas de nitrogênio para estimar a deposição de nitrogênio atmosférico pela chuva (úmida) já é conhecida, no entanto, ainda há poucos trabalhos que avaliam essa fração devido às dificuldades e incertezas impostas pelos métodos analíticos disponíveis. Este trabalho traz o desenvolvimento de um novo método, simples e de baixo custo, para a determinação de nitrogênio orgânico (N-org) em água de chuva utilizando o processo foto-Fenton e um foto-reator construído de forma artesanal. Por meio da adição de solução de Fenton (50 µmol L-1 Fe2+ e 2 mmol L-1 H2O2) e 90 min de radiação UV (85 °C) foi possível obter em média 106 ± 8% de recuperação de nitrogênio para soluções contendo 50 µmol N L-1 das moléculas modelos: ureia, serina, glicina e histidina. No caso da arginina, 90 min de radiação foi suficiente para degradar soluções contendo 10 µmol N L-1. O reator comercial se mostrou mais eficiente na degradação dos compostos testados (30 min), no entanto, com um tempo de 75 min, o reator artesanal atingiu os mesmos resultados. Com o uso de 0,2 g L-1 TiO2 e 120 min de radiação UV, também foi possível obter resultados satisfatórios. Porém, esse método possuiu valores de branco elevados, havendo necessidade de filtrar as amostras irradiadas antes da análise, adicionando tempo e custo ao procedimento analítico. O método desenvolvido utilizando foto-Fenton foi aplicado para a determinação de N-org em amostras de água de chuva coletadas na cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP) de 2013 a 2017. A concentração de N-org variou de 3,5 a 195 µmol N L-1 com concentração média ponderada pelo volume (MPV) de 17,7 ± 1,0 µmol N L-1 (n=236). Essa média foi maior que aquelas obtidas em água de chuva de várias partes do mundo, podendo ser atribuída a elevada queima de biomassa na região de estudo. As concentrações de aminoácidos livres dissolvidos (AA) representaram em média 15 ± 12% (n=144) em relação à fração orgânica de nitrogênio na chuva, enquanto as concentrações de ureia foram próximas ou inferiores ao limite de quantificação do método (0,5 µmol N L-1). Considerando toda série temporal iniciada no mesmo sítio amostral desde 2005, as concentrações MPV calculadas para os íons NH4+ foi de 22,2 ± 1,1 µmol L-1 (n=460), NO3- de 13,3 ± 0,6 µmol L-1 (n=466), sendo que a concentração de NO2- foi irrelevante. Foram obtidas concentrações significativamente mais elevadas (teste-t, P=0,05) de NH4+, NO3-, N-org e AA no período de safra da cana (seco) com relação à entressafra (chuvoso), para todos os anos avaliados. Apesar da colheita manual da cana ter sido drasticamente reduzida, o fato de manter a mesma tendência sazonal desde 2005, demonstra que a prática da queima de biomassa ainda é intensa na região. O uso de fogo para manejo na área rural ainda é comum, além de haver grandes áreas queimadas de forma acidental. A deposição úmida de nitrogênio (N-org + NH4+ + NO3-) para Ribeirão Preto foi de 10,5 kg (N) ha-1 ano-1, sendo que a fração orgânica representou 33% dessa deposição, demonstrando a importância de se determinar N-org para melhor estimar os fluxos atmosféricos de deposição. A massa estimada de nitrogênio depositada pela chuva é cerca de 16% do nitrogênio aplicado por meio de fertilizantes em culturas de cana. Somando as deposições de nitrogênio pelo material particulado, pela fase gasosa, e úmida, esta última representa 71% do fluxo atmosférico de nitrogênio. Nesse contexto, a fração orgânica corresponde a 24% da deposição total, sendo que este valor ainda pode estar sendo subestimado, pois as concentrações de N-org no material particulado não foram determinadas. A simplicidade e exatidão do método aqui proposto pode facilitar a aquisição de dados de N-org na chuva de outras partes do mundo, melhorando assim o conhecimento sobre o ciclo biogeoquímico global do nitrogênio. / Nitrogen species have been intensively added to the environment since the development of Haber-Bosch process for N2 transformation to NH3, significantly altering the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen. Once in the atmosphere, reactive nitrogen is deposited back to the Earth\'s surface by wet and dry deposition processes. The importance of taking into account the organic forms of nitrogen to estimate atmospheric nitrogen deposition by rain is already known. However, few studies evaluated this fraction due to the difficulties and uncertainties imposed by the available analytical methods. This work presents the development of a new, simple and low-cost method for the determination of organic nitrogen (N-org) in rainwater using photo-Fenton process and a homemade photo-reactor. By adding Fenton solution (50 mol L-1 Fe2+ and 2 mmol L-1 H2O2) and keeping the reaction under UV radiation for 90 min (85 °C), it was possible to obtain an average of 106 ± 8% nitrogen recovery for solutions containing 50 mol N L-1 of the model molecules: urea, serine, glycine and histidine. In the case of arginine, 90 min of radiation was sufficient to degrade solutions containing 10 mol N L-1. A commercial reactor showed to be more efficient in degradation of the tested compounds (30 min). However, with a time of 75 min, the homemade reactor achieved the same results. With 0.2 g L-1 TiO2 and 120 min of UV radiation, it was also possible to obtain satisfactory results. Nevertheless, this method had high blank values, and filtration of irradiated samples before the analysis was necessary, which increased time and cost to the analytical procedure. The developed method using photo-Fenton was applied to determine N-org in rainwater samples collected in Ribeirão Preto city (SP) from 2013 to 2017. N-org concentrations ranged from 3.5 to 195 mol N L-1 with a volume-weighted mean concentration (VWM) of 17.7 ± 1.0 mol N L-1 (n = 236). This value was higher than those reported for rainwater from different parts of the world, and this fact can be attributed to the high biomass burning in the study region. Dissolved free amino acids (AA) mean concentrations represented 15 ± 12% (n = 144) of the organic nitrogen fraction in rain, while urea concentrations were close to or below the limit of quantification of the method (0.5 mol N L-1). Considering all temporal series, initiated in 2005 at the same sampling site, the VWM concentration calculated for NH4+ ions was 22.2 ± 1.1 mol L-1 (n = 460) and for NO3- was 13.3 ± 0.6 mol L-1 (n = 466), while NO2- mean concentration was irrelevant. Significantly higher concentrations (t-test, P = 0.05) of NH4+, NO3-, N-org and AA were obtained during the harvest period (dry season) in relation to the non-harvest one (rainy season), for all evaluated years. Although manual harvesting was drastically reduced, the fact that the same seasonal trend has been maintained since 2005 demonstrates that the practice of biomass burning is still intense in the region. In rural area, using fire for land management is still common, in addition to large areas burned by unintentional fires. Nitrogen deposition (N-org + NH4+ + NO3-) in Ribeirão Preto was 10.5 kg (N) ha-1 year-1, and the organic fraction represented 33% of this deposition, demonstrating the importance of determining N-org to better estimate the atmospheric deposition fluxes. The estimated mass of nitrogen deposited by rain represents approximately 16% of the nitrogen introduced by fertilizers in sugarcane crops. Summing up the nitrogen deposition by particulate matter, by gas phase, and by rain, the latter represents 71% of the atmospheric nitrogen flux. In this context, the organic fraction corresponds to 24% of the total deposition, and this value may still be underestimated, since N-org concentrations in particulate matter were not determined. The simplicity and accuracy of the method proposed here may facilitate acquisition of N-org data in rainwater from other parts of the world, thus improving the knowledge on the global biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen.

Avaliação da concentração de metais pesados (Zn, Cd, Pb e Cu) em água de chuva visando sua aplicação como fonte alternativa de água potável na cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG

Cerqueira, Marcos Rodrigues Facchini 02 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-07T12:40:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marcosrodriguesfacchinicerqueira.pdf: 4104766 bytes, checksum: a30bb0a2c3edae3f0d744732482aa070 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-08T13:31:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marcosrodriguesfacchinicerqueira.pdf: 4104766 bytes, checksum: a30bb0a2c3edae3f0d744732482aa070 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-08T13:31:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marcosrodriguesfacchinicerqueira.pdf: 4104766 bytes, checksum: a30bb0a2c3edae3f0d744732482aa070 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-02 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Muitas pessoas sofrem da falta crônica de água potável para necessidades pessoais e, nesse contexto, a água de chuva surge como uma possível fonte alternativa. Em cima disso, foi proposto um método simples e efetivo para a determinação de cobre(II), cádmio(II), zinco(II) e chumbo(II) em 64 amostras de água de chuva de Juiz de Fora/MG/Brasil utilizando a técnica de redissolução potenciométrica. Um potenciostato μ-AUTOLAB foi utilizado para a aquisição dos dados e a célula eletroquímica consistia de um eletrodo de trabalho de carbono vítreo modificado com filme de mercúrio, um eletrodo de Ag/AgCl(sat) como eletrodo de referência e um de eletrodo de platina como eletrodo auxiliar. Foi realizada uma avaliação do pH do meio variando de 0-3 para uma determinação simultânea de Cd, Pb e Cu e de 0-6 para a determinação de Zn. Um Planejamento Estrela 22 foi realizado para a otimização das condições eletroquímicas das determinações. Para as determinações de Cd, Pb e Cu foram estudados níveis entre -1,06 e -0,64 V para o potencial de deposição (Ed), com tempo de deposição (td) entre 239 s e 662 s. Para a determinação de Zn os níveis estudados para o Ed foram entre -1,70 V e -1,10 V, com td entre 239 s e 662 s. A condição ótima encontrada para o pH do meio foi de pH = 4 para a determinação de Zn e um pH = 0 para a determinação de Cd, Pb e Cu. De acordo com as superfícies de resposta obtidas, foi estipulado para a determinação de Zn um Ed = -1,40 V e um td = 300 s e para a determinação de Cd, Pb e Cu um Ed = -1,00 V e um td = 300 s. Foram construídas curvas analíticas para verificar a linearidade do método. Os limites de detecção e quantificação foram de 1,26 e 3,83 μg L-1 para Zn, 0,38 e 1,26 μg L-1 para Cd, 0,41 e 1,36 μg L-1 para Pb e 0,96 e 3,20 μg L-1 para Cu, respectivamente. O método mostrou valores de recuperação entre 86 e 113%. As amostras de água de chuva também foram analisadas por espectroscopia de absorção atômica em forno de grafite (GFAAS), como método de referência, demonstrando uma boa correlação entre os resultados. Foram encontrados valores entre 3,93 e 13,8 μg L-1 de Zn, 3,11 e 7,51 μg L-1 de Cu, enquanto que nenhuma concentração significativa foi observada para Pb e Cd. Conforme os valores estipulados na Portaria nº 2914, de 12 de dezembro de 2011, do Ministério da Saúde, a água de chuva da região de Juiz de Fora pode ser considerada como potável com relação os parâmetros avaliados. / Many people suffer from a chronicle lack of potable water for their personal needs and, in this context, the rainwater arises as a possible alternative source. Upon this, an effective and simple method to determine copper(II), cadmium(II), zinc(II) and lead(II) in 64 rainwater samples from Juiz de Fora/MG/Brazil, using potentiometric stripping analysis (PSA), is proposed. A μ-AUTOLAB potentiostat was used for data acquisition and the electrochemical cell consisted of a working glassy carbon electrode modified with a thin mercury film, an Ag/AgCl(sat) as reference electrode and a platinum as auxiliary electrode. The pH of the medium was evaluated in the range of 0-3 for the simultaneous determination of Cd, Pb and Cu, and in the range of 0-6 for Zn. A 22 Star Design was run to optimize the analytical conditions. For Cd, Pb and Cu determination the studied levels for deposition potential (Ed) were between -1.06 V and -0.64 V, with deposition time (td) between 239 s and 662 s. For Zn determination the studied levels for Ed were between -1.70 V and -1.10 V, with td between 239 s and 662 s. The optimum medium pH conditions found were of pH = 4 for Zn determination and pH = 0 for Cd, Pb and Cu determination. According to the obtained response surfaces it was stipulated for Zn determination a Ed = -1.40 V and a td = 300 s and for Cu, Pb and Cd determination a Ed = -1.00 V and a td = 300 s. Analytical curves were constructed to verify the method linearity. The detection and quantification limits were of 1.26 and 3.83 μg L-1 for Zn, 0.378 and 1.26 μg L-1 for Cd, 0.407 and 1.36 μg L-1 for Pb and 0.960 and 3.20 μg L-1 for Cu, respectively. The method showed recovery values between 86 and 113%. The rainwater samples were also analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), as reference method, showing a good correlation between the results. Values between 3.93 and 13.8 μg L-1 of Zn, 3.11 and 7.51 μg L-1 of Cu were found, while no significant concentrations of Pb and Cd were found. According to the stipulated values on Portaria nº 2914, of december 12 of 2011, from Ministério da Saúde, the Juiz de Fora region rainwater can be considered potable, with respect to the evaluated parameters.

Optimal ways to harvest and purify rainwater in the Western and Nyanza provinces, Kenya

Odevik, Anders, Nordström, Christian January 2010 (has links)
The access to water in the regions around Lake Victoria varies with the rainy seasons. Today the daily labor of fetching water is a heavy burden for people in the rural areas. In the process of this study farmers in the Western and Nyanza provinces in Kenya are interviewed, water samples are analysed and present rainwater harvesting techniques and purification methods are observed. As a result, suitable solutions to the problems found are discussed. An optimal system is chosen for the region with a concept selection matrix. An elaborated dimensioning tool for roof and purpose-built harvesting systems is developed. Finally a summarized manual is attached in order to raise interest for rainwater harvesting among the farmers that the non-governmental organisation SCC-Vi Agroforestry cooperates with. / Tillgången till vatten i områdena kring Victoriasjön varierar med regnperioderna. Det dagliga arbetet med att hämta vatten är idag en stor börda för människor på landsbygden. Under processen av denna studie intervjuas bönder i Western och Nyanza provinserna i Kenya, vattenprover analyseras och nuvarande regnvatteninsamlingstekniker och reningsmetoder observeras. Som ett resultat diskuteras passande lösningar på de problem som hittats. Ett optimalt val av komplett system för regionerna tas fram med hjälp av en konceptvalsmatris. Ett genomarbetat verktyg för dimensionering av tak- och ändamålsbyggda insamlingssystem utvecklas. Slutligen inkluderas en sammanfattande manual för att väcka intresse för regnvatteninsamling bland de bönder som den ideella organisationen SCC-Vi Agroforestry samarbetar med.

High Resolution Reconstruction of Rainfall Using Stable Isotopes in Growth Bands of Terrestrial Gastropod

Rangarajan, Ravi January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Reconstruction studies of seasonal rainfall utilizing stable isotope based proxy approach suffer from the limitations of time resolutions. Conventional methods and archives limit the achievable resolution to annual scales. However, high resolution reconstruction (seasonal to sub-weekly scale) can be achieved in proxy records where growth rates are high enough to leave spatial signatures in an organically or inorganically deposited layer such as growth bands. In this study, aragonitic skeleton of the gastropod Lissachatina fulica (Bowdich, Giant African Land Snails) is investigated with an aim to achieve sub-weekly scale reconstruction of the Indian monsoon rainfall. These terrestrial gastropods are native of Africa and highly invasive. Their evolution in the geological time period dates back to the Pliocene and is presently distributed across the tropical belt. They exhibit a high growth rate in the presence of water and high relative humidity in the environment. As a result, they are ideally suited for the task of palaeo seasonality reconstruction. The isotopic patterns recorded in their growth bands reveal composition of environmental water at seasonal time scales. In vitro studies were carried out on L. fulica to estimate their growth rates and growth responses to changes in the physical conditions within the culture chamber. The Indian monsoon rainfall exhibits characteristic dry spells that are generally sandwiched between periods of active phases of high rainfall during the South West monsoon season. These dry spells are typically characterized by rainfall with low intensity. Isotope fingerprinting of the rain water at daily time resolution, covering the years of 2007-10 exhibited distinct isotopic ratios for the dry and wet spells. Dry spells were clearly demarcated in the record with isotopically enriched signature. In addition, the study indentified the role of three distinct moisture sources on δ18O of rain water at Bangalore, India. The variability in the oxygen isotopic composition of the Indian monsoon rainfall is predominantly controlled by this source moisture variability at inter annual time scales, while temperature and amount of rainfall tend to dominate the variability in the precipitation isotopes at seasonal and weekly scales. Simultaneous isotopic analyses of both rainwater and shell carbonates growth bands were undertaken to understand their relationship to aid in high resolution reconstruction. Carbonate found in the growth bands of the gastropods, which is precipitated under equilibrium condition from rainwater, preserves the signature of rainfall. This provides an opportunity to reconstruct rainfall parameters (i.e. amount and moisture sources) knowing the variability in shell carbonates. Stable isotopic ratios measured across the growth bands of live shell specimens collected from the southern and eastern Indian regions (Bangalore and Kolkata, respectively) were compared with the rainfall isotope ratios at these two locations; signature of dry spells were clearly identified from the study of isotopic composition in the growth bands of the gastropod specimens. The approach was also extended to older samples from historical archives from eastern Indian region (Kolkata, East India). Individual specimens belonging to the same species of gastropod, which were collected during the monsoon season of the year 1918 were used for reconstructing the seasonal pattern in monsoon rainfall over the region. The record of variation in the isotopic composition seen in the shell was compared with the rainfall data from Indian Metrological Division observatory at Kolkata station. The year 1918 was characterized as a major drought year and the signature of dry period was seen preserved in the specimen. The work under taken in this thesis will widen the scope of seasonality reconstruction using terrestrial shell fossils from palaeo records, which have been rarely investigated in paleoclimate studies from the perspective of understanding the seasonal precipitation variability.

High Resolution Reconstruction of Rainfall Using Stable Isotopes in Growth Bands of Terrestrial Gastropod

Rangarajan, Ravi January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Reconstruction studies of seasonal rainfall utilizing stable isotope based proxy approach suffer from the limitations of time resolutions. Conventional methods and archives limit the achievable resolution to annual scales. However, high resolution reconstruction (seasonal to sub-weekly scale) can be achieved in proxy records where growth rates are high enough to leave spatial signatures in an organically or inorganically deposited layer such as growth bands. In this study, aragonitic skeleton of the gastropod Lissachatina fulica (Bowdich, Giant African Land Snails) is investigated with an aim to achieve sub-weekly scale reconstruction of the Indian monsoon rainfall. These terrestrial gastropods are native of Africa and highly invasive. Their evolution in the geological time period dates back to the Pliocene and is presently distributed across the tropical belt. They exhibit a high growth rate in the presence of water and high relative humidity in the environment. As a result, they are ideally suited for the task of palaeo seasonality reconstruction. The isotopic patterns recorded in their growth bands reveal composition of environmental water at seasonal time scales. In vitro studies were carried out on L. fulica to estimate their growth rates and growth responses to changes in the physical conditions within the culture chamber. The Indian monsoon rainfall exhibits characteristic dry spells that are generally sandwiched between periods of active phases of high rainfall during the South West monsoon season. These dry spells are typically characterized by rainfall with low intensity. Isotope fingerprinting of the rain water at daily time resolution, covering the years of 2007-10 exhibited distinct isotopic ratios for the dry and wet spells. Dry spells were clearly demarcated in the record with isotopically enriched signature. In addition, the study indentified the role of three distinct moisture sources on δ18O of rain water at Bangalore, India. The variability in the oxygen isotopic composition of the Indian monsoon rainfall is predominantly controlled by this source moisture variability at inter annual time scales, while temperature and amount of rainfall tend to dominate the variability in the precipitation isotopes at seasonal and weekly scales. Simultaneous isotopic analyses of both rainwater and shell carbonates growth bands were undertaken to understand their relationship to aid in high resolution reconstruction. Carbonate found in the growth bands of the gastropods, which is precipitated under equilibrium condition from rainwater, preserves the signature of rainfall. This provides an opportunity to reconstruct rainfall parameters (i.e. amount and moisture sources) knowing the variability in shell carbonates. Stable isotopic ratios measured across the growth bands of live shell specimens collected from the southern and eastern Indian regions (Bangalore and Kolkata, respectively) were compared with the rainfall isotope ratios at these two locations; signature of dry spells were clearly identified from the study of isotopic composition in the growth bands of the gastropod specimens. The approach was also extended to older samples from historical archives from eastern Indian region (Kolkata, East India). Individual specimens belonging to the same species of gastropod, which were collected during the monsoon season of the year 1918 were used for reconstructing the seasonal pattern in monsoon rainfall over the region. The record of variation in the isotopic composition seen in the shell was compared with the rainfall data from Indian Metrological Division observatory at Kolkata station. The year 1918 was characterized as a major drought year and the signature of dry period was seen preserved in the specimen. The work under taken in this thesis will widen the scope of seasonality reconstruction using terrestrial shell fossils from palaeo records, which have been rarely investigated in paleoclimate studies from the perspective of understanding the seasonal precipitation variability.

Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v supermarketu / Sanitation installations and gas installations in the supermarket

Boček, Milan January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the overall sanitary and gas pipeline installation in a supermarket. The theoretical part deals with equipment and requirements for large kitchens with regard to the food preparation in this building. The computing and design part deals with the sewerage, water supply and gas distribution in the supermarket. The property counts over six thousand square meters and is partly two-storeyed. There are also several smaller sales units in addition to the sales areas, facility for staff and warehouses. The diploma thesis is based on current Czech and European regulations.

Zdravotně technické instalace pekárenských provozů / Plumbing Systems for Baking Plants

Hruška, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with plumbing systems of baking plants v Modřicích. The first part looks for a solution exchange of heat and using waste energy from bakery owens. There are performed several possiblities of projects for plumbing systems. Project part was worked out in cooperation with technical company wich produces equipment for bakery factories. The solution according to relevant standards

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