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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Edició crítica i estudi dels llibres I, II, IX i X del "Llibre de Meravelles" de Ramon Llull

Bonillo Hoyos, Xavier 19 January 2007 (has links)
L'objecte d'estudi d'aquesta tesi doctoral són els llibres I, II, IX I X d'una de les obres més conegudes de Ramon Llull, el "Llibre de meravelles", dedicats respectivament a Déu, als àngels, al paradís i a l'infern. Aquest treball fa part d'un projecte més ampli, la finalitat del qual és establir el text crític de la novel·la per a les "NEORL" i estudiar tots els llibres per grups temàtics per tal de completar un buit bibliogràfic evident, especialment significatiu en el cas dels llibres IX i X i per tal de descriure els elements que conformen i determinen la "literatura alternativa" del Beat. Aquesta tesi, doncs, presenta el text crític i l'anàlisi dels quatre llibres estrictament teològics de la novel·la i aquestes són, justament, les dues parts en què es divideix aquest treball.Pel que fa a l'edició crítica, cal recordar que, tot i la popularitat de l'obra i les diverses edicions efectuades, no existeix pròpiament una edició crítica del text català medieval segons els criteris filològics científics. Per aquesta raó, l'edició que es presenta tot seguit se centra exclusivament en la tradició catalana (dotze manuscrits entre els set medievals i els cinc de moderns), ja que s'ha preferit, davant la manca de referents concrets, d'establir amb seguretat l'stemma dels testimonis catalans i, en acabat, completar els resultats amb l'estudi de la resta de testimonis romànics segons els criteris de les NEORL. Un cop completat els procés d'estudi de la tradició manuscrita catalana, es va decidir de canviar el manuscrit base que tradicionalment s'havia editat (cf. 2.5). En definitiva, en aquesta primera part, s'ofereix una descripció esquemàtica dels manuscrits catalans de la novel·la, la recensio, l'stemma i, finalment, el text crític. La segona part de la tesi consisteix en l'anàlisi de la disposició de la novel·la i dels continguts, bàsicament des del punt de vista teològic i des del punt de vista literari. Pel que fa a l'anàlisi doctrinal, s'han aïllat els desplegaments artístics que determinen a priori l'estructura de tot el llibre, que han permet concloure que l'Art és el fonament doctrinal inserit harmònicament en l'estructura i en la trama de la novel·la. Els principis artístics que determinen l'obra són poc nombrosos. En els llibres I, II, IX i X pràcticament es podria dir que es limiten a una desena, com a molt, però s'ofereixen en contextos diversos, sense simplificar, en correspondència amb les qüestions i problemàtiques tractades per Llull habitualment en els seus tractats i en funció de les revisions metodològiques desenvolupades durant el període de transició entre les Arts quaternàries i les ternàries. Pel que fa a l'anàlisi literària, s'ha intentat demostrar que el fil argumental de la novel·la, que dóna cohesió i unitat al text, és justament la descripció del procés d'aprenentatge de Fèlix, cosa que permet la centralitat de l'Art tant des del cantó doctrinal com del cantó literari d'una manera natural. D'una altra banda, s'han aïllat diverses estructures (escenes, diàleg, procés d'aprenentatge) que demostren la rigorositat i la intencionalitat de la disposició dels continguts. Finalment, s'han enumerat els exemples dels quatre llibres i s'han analitzat i contextualitzat (quan s'ha pogut) individualment. En conclusió, s'ha intentat descriure i justificar que la "literatura alternativa" del Doctor Il·luminat parteix de l'Art i de la possibilitat de projectar la metodologia retòricament i moral. El Llibre de meravelles, amb elements enciclopèdics, dels romans cavallerescos o dels textos sapiencials, ofereix als seus lectors potencials un text atractiu, ple de referències, que manté la seriositat i la rigorositat exigida per la superlativitat dels temes tractats; i ho fa amb uns instruments discursius que parteixen de l'Art per arribar plenament al coneixement i a l'amor de Déu. / The first part of the thesis consists in the critical edition of the books I, II, IX and X of the "Llibre de meravelles" (1287-1289) de Ramon Llull (1232-1316). The second part of the thesis consists in the study of literary and philosophical aspects of the book. We have studied the philosophical and artistic context. Also we have studied the structure of the contents (dialogue, learning, scenes, etc.). We have studied the "exempla" from books I, II, IX and X. Llull uses these "exempla" for didactic purposes, making use of certain stylistic constants. The "exempla" of these books provide a good idea of Llull's concept of literature, the formal structure of the novel, the definition of the narrative roles of the characters, and, finally, of the presence of Art in this novel.

Antoni Tapies and Ramon Llull: Towards a Modern Art of Combination

Hobert, Emilie Adele 10 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Reconciliation of the Prostitute, Anchoress, and Wandering Shepherd: Coming to Terms with Self, Society, and the Divine in Thirteenth Century Iberia

Smolen, Carol Tueting January 2017 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation examines the manifestation of Christian reconciliation in three thirteenth century literary works from the Iberian Peninsula and the island of Mallorca, then part of the Crown of Aragon. This study discusses interpretations of the term “reconciliation” and applies the term to each work with regard to three aspects: reconciliation of self with self, of self with society, and of self with the divine. Chapter 1 discusses the various connotations of the term “reconciliation.” It outlines reconciliation as a synonym of penance, as in the four-steps in the Catholic Sacrament of Penance, now referred to as the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It also discusses the related Pauline concept of reconciliation and Paul’s possible sources. Chapter 2 will analyze these three aspects of reconciliation in an anonymous thirteenth century Castilian work in verse: La Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, or the Life of Santa María, the Egyptian. The prepubescent Alexandrian prostitute has an epiphany outside a church in Jerusalem, realizes the error of her ways, repents at the moment of intersection between human activity and divine intervention, and changes how she views herself, interacts with society, and regards the connection between earthly life and divinity. Chapter 3 takes a look at Gonzalo de Berceo’s cuaderna vía poem, written in Castilian about 1250 , Vida de Santa Oria, the Life of Saint Oria, through the same three lenses of reconciliation. This time the female figure is the Egyptian’s polar opposite. Oria is a young anchoress who has behaved in a saintly way mortifying the flesh since childhood. It might seem that in her case there is no need of reconciliation with herself because her virtue exceeds that of the majority of humans around her. I posit that, even in her case, there is room for acceptance of inner conflict. In addition, Oria reconciles herself to society (which admires her but tries to pull her back toward Earth against her will) and to the divine (which promises she will receive what she most desires when God deems it time). Chapter 4 studies the Romanç d’Evast e Blaquerna, a prose work in Catalan which dates from 1283-85. This early text provides an opportunity to analyze not only the protagonist’s reconciliation with self, society, and the divine but also that of an array of fictional characters including family members, his potential fiancée and the many people he meets along his journey to become a hermit. Finally, the Epilogue suggests that the idealistic notion of reconciliation has already been put to practical use in modern times in large-scale conflicts within and across borders. Coming to terms and living peaceably with differences, even grave ones, was accomplished at moments in Medieval Iberia among the three monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and hope remains that such moments of peace will extend beyond borders and be found again today. / Spanish

Rhizomes, parasites, folds and trees : systems of thought in medieval French and Catalan literary texts

Gutt, Blake Ajax January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates conceptual networks —systems of organising, understanding and explaining thought and knowledge— and the ways in which they underlie both text and its mise en page across a range of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century French and Catalan literary texts and their manuscript witnesses. Each of the three chapters explores a separate corpus of texts, using two of four interrelated network theories: Michel Serres’ notion of parasites and hosts as the basic interconnecting units that combine to constitute all relational networks; the ubiquitous organizational tree; Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the fold as the primary factor in producing differentiation and identity; and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s unruly, anti-hierarchical and anti-arborescent rhizomatic systems. The first chapter engages primarily with parasites and trees; the second with trees and folds; and the third with folds and rhizomes. However, resonances with the other network theories are discussed as they occur, in order to demonstrate the fundamentally interconnected and often interchangeable nature of these systems. Each chapter includes close analysis of manuscript witnesses of the texts under discussion. The first chapter, ‘Saints Denis and Fanuel: Parasitism and Arborescence on the Manuscript Page’, examines parasitic and arboreal networks in two hagiographic texts: late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century prose redactions of the Vie de Saint Denis, and the thirteenth‐century hagiographic romance Li Romanz de Saint Fanuel. The second chapter, ‘Ramon Llull’s Folding Forests: The World, the Tree and the Book’, addresses arborescent and folding structures in Llull’s encyclopaedic Arbre de ciència [Tree of Science], composed between 1295 and 1296. The third chapter, ‘Transgender Genealogy: Turning, Folding and Crossing Gender’, considers three characters in medieval French texts who can be read as transgender: Saint Fanuel; the King of Torelore in Aucassin et Nicolette; and Blanchandin/e in Tristan de Nanteuil. The chapter explores the ways in which these characters’ queer trajectories can be understood through conceptions of directionality which relate to the fold and the rhizome.

Laberinto / Laberinto

Skopalová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Laberinto is a type of book-form game, invented by Andrea Ghisi, and first printed in 1607. A second version was printed in 1616 and includes all the characters of the so-called tarocchi of Mantegna, with the addition of a new series of ten cards (following the logic of composition of the tarocchi). Another two versions of Laberinto (printed in 1607 and 1610) contain none of the Mantegna tarocchi characters. The rules of the game are based on the art of mathematical combinations. The aim of the game is to move through a visual labyrinth and discover which figure the opponent has in mind. The focus of this work will be on the 1616 version; my intention is to describe the problematic of the repetition of the original game concept a century and a half later, examining the conditions under which players used the allegorical field of the so-called Mantegna Tarocchi, and under which the cosmological meaning was secularized and the new series of ten cards added.

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