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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effets du ranélate de strontium et de l’exercice physique sur le tissu osseux de rates ovariectomisées : rôle de l’ostéocyte / Strontium ranelate and physical exercise effects on ovariectomized rats bone tissue : role of osteocytes

Aveline, Priscilla 18 December 2015 (has links)
Le ranelate de strontium (RS) est un traitement anti-ostéoporotique agissant sur la formation osseuse via les ostéoblastes et la résorption osseuse via les ostéoclastes grâce au Calcium Sensing Receptor (CaSR). L’activité physique (EXE) est bien connue pour améliorer les propriétés osseuses. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié ① l’effet de différentes activités physiques (tapis roulant et impact). Nous avons observé que 10 impacts par jour pendant 8 semaines à 45cm de hauteur ont eu des effets bénéfiques sur l’os (paramètres de microarchitecture et biomécanique, marqueurs du remodelage). ② L’étude du RS et de l’EXE sur l’os de rate ovariectomisée a montré que le RS a des effets comparables à l’EXE et que le RS+EXE ont des effets cumulatifs sur l’os (paramètres de microarchitecture et biomécanique, marqueurs du remodelage). ③ Enfin, une étude in vivo sur des MLO-Y4 a montré la présence des CaSR sur la membrane des ostéocytes et leur nombre est modulé en fonction de la concentration en RS. De plus, le RS a un effet sur la différenciation des CSM lors d’une différenciation ostéogénique en favorisant la différenciation ostéocytaire et elle est modulée par la concentration en RS. En conclusion, ce travail a démontré l’importance d’une pratique d’un exercice physique et du traitement du RS contre l’ostéoporose : maintien de la balance du remodelage osseux du côté de la formation. L’effet cumulatif du RS+EXE s’explique par le fait que le RS agit sur les ostéoblastes, ostéocytes et ostéoclastes via les CaSR et l’EXE sur les mécanorécepteurs des ostéocytes. / Strontium ranelate (SR) is an anti-osteoroporotic treatment acting on bone formation via osteoblasts and bone resorption via osteoclasts thanks to Calcium Sensing Receptor (CaSR). Physical activity is well known to improve bone properties. In this work, we studied ① different physical acticities (treadmill and impact). We observed that 10 impacts per day during 8 weeks from 45cm of height had beneficial effects on bone (microarchitecture and biomechanical parameters, bone remodeling markers). ② The study of SR and EXE effects on bone ovariectomized rats showed that RS had similar effects to EXE and SR+EXE had cumulative effects on bone (microarchitecture and biomechanical parameters, bone remodeling markers). ③ Finally, an in vivo study on MLO-Y4 showed CaSR presence on osteocyte with their number depending on SR concentration. Moreover, RS had positive effects on CSM differentiation in favor of osteocyte differentiation and it is modulated by SR concentration. In conclusion, this work has demonstrated the importance of taking physical exercise as well as SR treatment for osteoporosis: maintaining the bone remodeling in favor of bone formation. The cumulative effect of SR+EXE is explained by the fact the SR acts on osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts via CaSR and the EXE on osteocyte mechanoreceptors.

Der Einfluss von Parathormon, Strontiumranelat und Ganzkörpervibration auf den osteoporotischen Lendenwirbelkörper der ovariektomierten Ratte / The influence of parathyroid hormone, strontium ranelate and whole-body vibration on the osteoporotic lumbar spine in the ovariectomized rat

Hofmann, Anna Maria 28 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Kvalitativní aspekty adherence k léčbě antiresorpčními léčivy u žen s postmenopauzální osteoporózou / Qualitative aspects of adherence to antiresorptive treatment in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis

Ravingerová, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
QUALITATIVE ASPECTS OF ADHERENCE TO ANTIRESORPTIVE TREATMENT IN WOMEN WITH POSTMENOPAUSAL OSTEOPOROSIS Author: Aneta Ravingerová Supervisor: Magda Vytřísalová Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy INTRODUCTION: Compliance is using of medication in accordance with a prescription drug regimen. Qualitative aspect of compliance represents use of drugs in correct way. significantly affects treatment outcomes.Suboptimal compliance The study aim was to assess qualitative compliance with bisphosphonates (BIS)AIMS: among Czech women with osteoporosis in common clinical practice. METHODS: Data collection was performed using anonymous questionnaire in five outpatient Compliance with fivecentres in the Czech Republic from November 2012 to March 2013. dosing instructions for safe use and adequate absorption of BIS was evaluated. : A total of 363 patients were involved in the analysisRESULTS (mean age 68.9 years). once a week dosing forms ofPatients were treated with BIS - alendronate, alendronate + once a month dosing formvitamine D in a fixed combination, risedronate (N = 36.6 %) or - Only 46.6 % of respondents from weekly subgroup were compliantibandronate (N = 63.4 %). with all five dosing recommendations in monthly subgroup....


Vilela, Ana Paula 24 February 2017 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:35:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANA PAULA VILELA.pdf: 1282511 bytes, checksum: c10f427abee56de534f400ed156c1831 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Periodontal disease (PD) can be characterized as a chronic inflammatory disease in which there is destruction of the supporting tissues of the tooth. In its pathogenesis, the presence of a biofilm triggers a local immune-inflammatory response, with the production of pro-inflammatory mediators and cellular activation; consequently bone reabsorption and collagen degradation. Regarding the therapy of PD constant academic studies have been conducted in the search for alternative treatment. In this context, strontium ranelate (SR), drug currently used in the treatment of osteoporosis, represents a study target since it has biological properties on the bone tissue, such as effective reduction of reabsorption and increase of bone neoformation. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of SR on alveolar bone loss induced by the ligation method in rats. In addition, the cardiovascular safety profile of SE was ensured by the evaluation of blood pressure, heart rate and vascular reactivity. For these purposes, 30 rats (Wistar / 200-300g) were divided into three groups (n = 10 animals / group): G1) Control Group - No ligature / No treatment (placebo, 0.9% NaCl, via gavage); G2) Ligature group - With ligature / No treatment (placebo, 0.9% NaCl, via gavage); G3) Group Ligature + Strontium Ranelate - With ligation / With treatment (RE, 625mg / kg / day, via gavage). Alveolar bone loss was induced by the ligature method and the experimental time was 15 days. After this period, the animals were submitted to: (1) Morphometric quantification of alveolar bone loss; (2) Histological measurement (picrosirius) of tissue collagen; (3) Total alkaline phosphatase serum dosage and (4) Evaluation of cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, heart rate and vascular reactivity). Comparing the means between groups using the parametric ANOVA test, followed by Tukey post hoc, performed statistical analysis. The level of significance was 5%. In the group in which the animals received SE treatment (G3) there was a significant decrease in alveolar bone loss, accompanied by a preservation of the periodontal collagen fibers. In addition, the alkaline phosphatase total levels were elevated in the G3 group. No changes were observed in the cardiovascular parameters evaluated.Although, additional studies are required, the results demonstrate that strontium ranelate represents an effective and therefore promising drug in PD therapy, reducing alveolar bone loss and tissue collagen degradation. / A doença periodontal (DP) pode ser caracterizada como uma doença inflamatória crônica na qual há destruição dos tecidos de suporte do dente. Em sua patogênese, a presença de um biofilme desencadeia uma resposta imunoinflamatória local, com a produção de mediadores pró-inflamatórios e ativação celular, consequentemente reabsorção óssea e degradação do colágeno. Sobre a terapêutica da DP, constantes estudos acadêmicos têm sido realizados na busca por alternativas de tratamento. Neste contexto, o ranelato de estrôncio (RE), fármaco atualmente empregado na terapêutica da osteoporose, representa um alvo de estudo, uma vez que possui propriedades biológicas sobre o tecido ósseo, tais como diminuição efetiva da reabsorção e aumento da neoformação óssea. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do RE sobre a perda óssea alveolar induzida pelo método da ligadura em ratos. Em acréscimo, o perfil de segurança cardiovascular do RE foi assegurado pela avaliação da pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e reatividade vascular. Para estas finalidades, 30 ratos (Wistar / 200 - 300g) foram divididos em três grupos (n=10 animais/grupo):G1) Grupo Controle – Sem ligadura / Sem tratamento (placebo, NaCl 0,9%, via gavagem); G2) Grupo Ligadura – Com ligadura / Sem tratamento (placebo, NaCl 0,9%, via gavagem); G3) Grupo Ligadura + Ranelato de Estrôncio - Com ligadura / Com tratamento (RE, 625mg/kg/dia, via gavagem). A perda óssea alveolar foi induzida pelo método da ligadura e o tempo experimental foi de 15 dias. Após este período, os animais foram submetidos à: (1) Quantificação morfométrica da perda óssea alveolar; (2) Mensuração histológica (picrosirius) de colágeno tecidual; (3) Dosagem sérica de Fosfatase alcalina total e óssea e (4) Avaliação de parâmetros cardiovasculares (Pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e reatividade vascular). A análise estatística foi realizada pela comparação das médias entre os grupos por meio do teste paramétrico de ANOVA, seguido de post hoc Tukey. O nível de significância foi de 5%. No grupo em que os animais receberam tratamento de RE (G3) houve uma diminuição significativa da perda óssea alveolar, acompanhada de uma preservação das fibras de colágeno do periodonto. Em acréscimo, os níveis de fosfatase alcalina total e óssea apresentaram-se elevados no grupo G3. Não foram observadas alterações nos parâmetros cardiovasculares avaliados. Embora estudos adicionais sejam necessários, o resultados demonstram que o ranelato de estrôncio representa um fármaco eficaz e portanto promissor na terapêutica da DP, reduzindo a perda óssea alveolar e degradação do colágeno tecidual.

A química do ranelato: aspectos fundamentais da estrutura eletrônica e reatividade / Ranelate chemistry: fundamental aspects of electronic structure and reactivity

Rocha, Julio Cesar da 11 October 2018 (has links)
O ranelato de estrôncio é uma droga encontrada nas farmácias com o nome de Protos®, sendo bastante consumida na forma de chás para o tratamento da osteosporose, uma patologia do tecido ósseo ligada ao metabolismo de reabsorção óssea e a produção de osteoblastos (células precursoras da matriz óssea). Sua estrutura inusitada apresenta um anel tiofeno com quatro grupos carboxílicos e um grupo nitrila, lembrando o complexante clássico EDTA. Essa semelhança inspirou o desenvolvimento desta tese, visando entender a química do íon ranelato na presença do estrôncio e outros íons metálicos, e dessa forma, obter indícios de como pode atuar ao nível molecular no organismo. Com esse objetivo, a molécula foi criteriosamente estudada baseada em espectroscopia (RMN, FTIR, Raman, EDX e Vis-UV), difração de raiosX de pó, espectrometria de massa, e modelagem molecular (MM+, ZINDO/S, DFT, TD-DFT). Ao longo do trabalho, observou-se que em meio ácido, sob exposição direta ao sol ou irradiação UV, havia a formação de uma coloração azul intensa, chamando a atenção para uma nova espécie, ainda não reportada na literatura. Esse produto mostrou ser bastante estável, particularmente sob luz solar, contrastando com a maioria dos corantes orgânicos convencionais. Os espectros de RMN e de massa indicaram a formação de um novo corante bistiofeno, envolvendo o desprendimento fotoquímico de CO2 via descarboxilação do grupo ligado ao carbono 5 do anel, seguido pela dimerização. Por outro lado, na presença de íons de ouro(III), o ranelato reage rapidamente produzindo suspensões vermelhas de nanopartículas de ouro, que permanecem estáveis por longo tempo, especialmente no caso dos sais de sódio e lítio. As reações ocorrem espontaneamente à temperatura ambiente, e a cinética foi investigada espectrofotometricamente variando a proporção ouro/ranelato (em mol) de 8:1 a 1:8. As partículas formadas foram monitoradas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de alta resolução. Por analogia com o método de Turkevich, a reação parece envolver a oxidação do íon ranelato por AuIII, produzindo compostos com AuI e convertendo o grupo carboxilato em CO2. É possível que o AuI permaneça ligado covalentemente ao anel tiofeno, coordenando-se pelo átomo de carbono 5. Nessa forma, o composto pode iniciar a nucleação das nanopartículas por meio de reações redox sucessivas com as espécies AuIII existentes, e desproporcionamento de AuI em Au0 e AuIII. Em condições próximas da equimolar são formadas partículas esféricas, enquanto que com excesso de AuIII, partículas anisotrópicas foram observadas. No presente estágio, a química do íon ranelato ainda é muito incipiente, mas já é possível vislumbrar sua exploração em diversas áreas da química, indústria de corantes além de novas aplicações medicinais. / Strontium ranelate is a drug commercially available in Brazil as Protos®. It is widely consumed as tea infusions for the treatment of osteosporosis, a disease of the bone tissues related to the bone resorption and osteoblast replication. Its peculiar structure is composed by a central thiophene ring, exhibiting four carboxylate groups and a nitrile moiety, resembling the classical metal chelating agent EDTA. Such analogy inspired the present thesis, aiming the understanding of its chemistry in the presence of metal ions such as lithium, sodium and strontium, and expecting to provide some clues for its action in the organism. In this way, the molecule was extensively studied based on spectroscopy (NMR, FTIR, Raman, EDX and VisUV), powder X-ray diffraction, mass spectrometry, and molecular modeling methods (MM+, ZINDO/S, DFT and TD-DFT). In acidic solution, under direct solar or UV irradiation, a deep blue color was observed, calling our attention for its conversion into a new species not yet reported in the literature. This product was remarkably stable, particularly to sun light, in contrast to most conventional dyes. Our research based on NMR and mass spectra indicated the formation of a new bisthiophene dye, by the photochemical release of the carboxylate group bound at the C5 atom of the ring, followed by dimerization. On the other hand, in the presence of gold(III) ions, ranelate reacts rapidly yielding red nanoparticle suspensions which remain stable in the case of its sodium and lithium salts, but turning into blue and precipitating in the case of the strontium species. The reactions proceed spontaneously at room temperature and the kinetics were investigated spectrophotometrically by varying the ranelate/gold molar ratio from 8:1 to 1:8, and monitoring the generated nanoparticles by HRTEM. By analogy with the citrate method developed by Turkevich, the reaction seems to involve the oxidation of the ranelate ion by AuIII, yielding AuI species and converting carboxylate group into CO2. Presumably, the AuI ion remains covalently attached to the thiophene ring by coordinating to the C5 atom. In this way it can act as a nucleation center for the formation of nanoparticles by means of successive redox and disproportionation reactions with the remaining AuIII species. Under nearly equimolar conditions, spherical nanoparticles are preferentially formed. At high AuIII concentrations, formation of anisotropic gold nanoparticles is observed. The chemistry of the ranelate ions is yet at very beginning, but exciting perspectives can already be seen in chemistry, medicine and in dyes industry.

Der Einfluss von Strontiumranelat auf die Frakturheilung osteopener Ratten / The influence of Strontium ranelate on fracture healing in osteopenic rats

Weidemann, Anna 01 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A química do ranelato: aspectos fundamentais da estrutura eletrônica e reatividade / Ranelate chemistry: fundamental aspects of electronic structure and reactivity

Julio Cesar da Rocha 11 October 2018 (has links)
O ranelato de estrôncio é uma droga encontrada nas farmácias com o nome de Protos®, sendo bastante consumida na forma de chás para o tratamento da osteosporose, uma patologia do tecido ósseo ligada ao metabolismo de reabsorção óssea e a produção de osteoblastos (células precursoras da matriz óssea). Sua estrutura inusitada apresenta um anel tiofeno com quatro grupos carboxílicos e um grupo nitrila, lembrando o complexante clássico EDTA. Essa semelhança inspirou o desenvolvimento desta tese, visando entender a química do íon ranelato na presença do estrôncio e outros íons metálicos, e dessa forma, obter indícios de como pode atuar ao nível molecular no organismo. Com esse objetivo, a molécula foi criteriosamente estudada baseada em espectroscopia (RMN, FTIR, Raman, EDX e Vis-UV), difração de raiosX de pó, espectrometria de massa, e modelagem molecular (MM+, ZINDO/S, DFT, TD-DFT). Ao longo do trabalho, observou-se que em meio ácido, sob exposição direta ao sol ou irradiação UV, havia a formação de uma coloração azul intensa, chamando a atenção para uma nova espécie, ainda não reportada na literatura. Esse produto mostrou ser bastante estável, particularmente sob luz solar, contrastando com a maioria dos corantes orgânicos convencionais. Os espectros de RMN e de massa indicaram a formação de um novo corante bistiofeno, envolvendo o desprendimento fotoquímico de CO2 via descarboxilação do grupo ligado ao carbono 5 do anel, seguido pela dimerização. Por outro lado, na presença de íons de ouro(III), o ranelato reage rapidamente produzindo suspensões vermelhas de nanopartículas de ouro, que permanecem estáveis por longo tempo, especialmente no caso dos sais de sódio e lítio. As reações ocorrem espontaneamente à temperatura ambiente, e a cinética foi investigada espectrofotometricamente variando a proporção ouro/ranelato (em mol) de 8:1 a 1:8. As partículas formadas foram monitoradas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de alta resolução. Por analogia com o método de Turkevich, a reação parece envolver a oxidação do íon ranelato por AuIII, produzindo compostos com AuI e convertendo o grupo carboxilato em CO2. É possível que o AuI permaneça ligado covalentemente ao anel tiofeno, coordenando-se pelo átomo de carbono 5. Nessa forma, o composto pode iniciar a nucleação das nanopartículas por meio de reações redox sucessivas com as espécies AuIII existentes, e desproporcionamento de AuI em Au0 e AuIII. Em condições próximas da equimolar são formadas partículas esféricas, enquanto que com excesso de AuIII, partículas anisotrópicas foram observadas. No presente estágio, a química do íon ranelato ainda é muito incipiente, mas já é possível vislumbrar sua exploração em diversas áreas da química, indústria de corantes além de novas aplicações medicinais. / Strontium ranelate is a drug commercially available in Brazil as Protos®. It is widely consumed as tea infusions for the treatment of osteosporosis, a disease of the bone tissues related to the bone resorption and osteoblast replication. Its peculiar structure is composed by a central thiophene ring, exhibiting four carboxylate groups and a nitrile moiety, resembling the classical metal chelating agent EDTA. Such analogy inspired the present thesis, aiming the understanding of its chemistry in the presence of metal ions such as lithium, sodium and strontium, and expecting to provide some clues for its action in the organism. In this way, the molecule was extensively studied based on spectroscopy (NMR, FTIR, Raman, EDX and VisUV), powder X-ray diffraction, mass spectrometry, and molecular modeling methods (MM+, ZINDO/S, DFT and TD-DFT). In acidic solution, under direct solar or UV irradiation, a deep blue color was observed, calling our attention for its conversion into a new species not yet reported in the literature. This product was remarkably stable, particularly to sun light, in contrast to most conventional dyes. Our research based on NMR and mass spectra indicated the formation of a new bisthiophene dye, by the photochemical release of the carboxylate group bound at the C5 atom of the ring, followed by dimerization. On the other hand, in the presence of gold(III) ions, ranelate reacts rapidly yielding red nanoparticle suspensions which remain stable in the case of its sodium and lithium salts, but turning into blue and precipitating in the case of the strontium species. The reactions proceed spontaneously at room temperature and the kinetics were investigated spectrophotometrically by varying the ranelate/gold molar ratio from 8:1 to 1:8, and monitoring the generated nanoparticles by HRTEM. By analogy with the citrate method developed by Turkevich, the reaction seems to involve the oxidation of the ranelate ion by AuIII, yielding AuI species and converting carboxylate group into CO2. Presumably, the AuI ion remains covalently attached to the thiophene ring by coordinating to the C5 atom. In this way it can act as a nucleation center for the formation of nanoparticles by means of successive redox and disproportionation reactions with the remaining AuIII species. Under nearly equimolar conditions, spherical nanoparticles are preferentially formed. At high AuIII concentrations, formation of anisotropic gold nanoparticles is observed. The chemistry of the ranelate ions is yet at very beginning, but exciting perspectives can already be seen in chemistry, medicine and in dyes industry.

AÃÃo anti-nociceptiva do renaleto de estrÃncio na hipernocicepÃÃo inflamatÃria induzido por zymosan na articulaÃÃo temporomandibular de ratos envolve a inibiÃÃo de tnfα / Anti-nociceptive action of strontium ranelate in zymosan-induced temporomandibular joint inflammatory hypernociception in rats involves TNF-a inhibition but not IL-1β inhibition neither HO-1 pathway activation

Sheila Moreira Alves 10 February 2015 (has links)
Os distÃrbios na articulaÃÃo temporomandibular (ATM) estÃo associados com dor inflamatÃria. O ranelato de estrÃncio à utilizado no tratamento da osteoporose. Embora o mecanismo de aÃÃo de ranelato nÃo esteja elucidado, hà provas de seu efeito analgÃsico. Investigamos a eficÃcia do Ranelato na hipernocicepÃÃo inflamatÃria induzido pelo zymosan na ATM de ratos, avaliando o envolvimento TNF-α, IL-1β, e hemeoxygenase-1. Ratos Wistar foram tratados previamente com Ranelato (0,5, 5 ou 50 mg / kg) antes da injeÃÃo de zymosan na ATM. O Teste de Von Frey foi utilizado para avaliar hipernocicepÃÃo. ApÃs a injeÃÃo de zymosan o lavado sinovial foi recolhido para a contagem de leucÃcitos e dosagem de mieloperoxidase; tecido periarticular e no gÃnglio trigeminal foram retirados para anÃlise histopatolÃgica (H & E), e dosagem dos nÃveis de TNF-α e IL-1β (ELISA). Para imuno-histoquÃmica, secÃÃes da ATM foram submetidas ao anticorpo de TNF-α e IL-1β. AlÃm disso, os ratos foram tratados com ZnPP-IX (3 mg / kg), um inibidor especÃfico da enzima hemeoxigenase-1 (HO-1), antes do Ranelato (0,5 mg / kg). AlÃm disso, Azul de Evans (5 mg / kg) foi administrado para avaliar o extravasamento plasmÃtico. Ranelato aumentou o limiar nociceptivo. Embora Ranelato nÃo foi capaz de reduzir a contagem de leucÃcitos, a atividade da mieloperoxidase, o extravasamento de azul de Evans, os nÃveis de IL-1β, imunomarcaÃÃo de IL-1β, foi eficaz na reduÃÃo dos nÃveis de TNF-α. AlÃm disso, ZnPP-IX nÃo alterou a eficÃcia do Ranelato. Ranelato parece exercer seus efeitos de reduzir nociceptivos por meio da reduÃÃo de TNF-α no gÃnglio trigeminal. AlÃm disso, o efeito anti-nociceptivo do ranelato independe de IL-1β e HO-1. / Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are associated with inflammatory pain. Strontium ranelate is used in osteoporosis. Though the mechanism of action of Ranelate is unclear, there is evidence of its analgesic effect. We investigate Ranelate efficacy in zymosan-induced TMJ hypernociception in rats evaluating TNF-, IL-1β, and hemeoxygenase-1 involvement. Wistar rats were pretreated with Ranelate (0.5, 5 or 50mg/kg) before zymosan injection in TMJ. Von Frey test was used to evaluate hypernociception. After zymosan injection synovial lavage was collected for leukocyte counting and myeloperoxidase measurement; joint tissue and trigeminal ganglion for histopathological analysis (H&E), and TNF-/IL-1β levels dosage (ELISA). To immunohistochemistry, TMJ sections were subjected to both TNF-/IL-1β antibody. Also, rats were treated with ZnPP-IX (3 mg/kg), a specific HO-1 inhibitor, before Ranelate (0.5 mg/kg). Further, Evans Blue (5 mg/kg) was administered to assess plasma extravasation. Ranelate increased the nociceptive threshold. Although Ranelate was not able to reduce leukocyte counting, myeloperoxidase activity, Evans Blue extravasation, IL-1β levels, and TNF-/IL-1 immunolabeling, it was effective in reducing TNF- levels. Further, ZnPP-IX did not changed Ranelate efficacy. Ranelate may achieve its nociceptive-alleviating effects through reducing TNF- levels in trigeminal ganglion. Further, the Ranelate anti-nociceptive effect is IL-1 and HO-1-independent.

Effets du ranélate de strontium, un traitement anti-ostéoporotique, sur le minéral osseux / Effects of strontium ranelate, an anti-osteoporotic drug, on bone mineral

Doublier, Audrey 07 December 2011 (has links)
Le ranélate de strontium, prescrit dans le traitement de l'ostéoporose ménopausique, possède 2 atomes de strontium stable pouvant se fixer au minéral osseux. Le strontium a un effet dissociant sur le remodelage osseux, diminuant la résorption tout en augmentant la formation. Cependant, ses effets osseux ne sont pas complètement élucidés, en particulier ses interactions avec le minéral. Chez le singe, le strontium maintient à un niveau physiologique les propriétés intrinsèques majeures du tissu osseux, que ce soit aux niveaux tissulaire global ou des unités de remodelage. Chez la femme ostéoporotique ménopausée traitée par le ranélate de strontium, les caractéristiques du cristal d'apatite sont maintenues à un niveau physiologique. Par ailleurs, quelle que soit la durée du traitement (2 à 96 mois), le strontium est toujours distribué de façon hétérogène, présent principalement dans l'os récent formé pendant le traitement, les aires osseuses contenant du strontium augmentent progressivement mais de moins en moins avec la durée du traitement. Le contenu osseux focal en strontium est stable de 2 à 60 mois puis augmente de 60 à 96 mois, et la minéralisation secondaire est maintenue à un niveau physiologique. Enfin, après 6 et 12 mois de traitement, le ranélate de strontium maintient normaux les principaux paramètres reflétant la minéralisation secondaire, et ses effets sont similaires à ceux de l’alendronate. En conclusion, le ranélate de strontium maintient une qualité normale de la minéralisation secondaire, que ce soit à court ou à long terme, et quel que soit le modèle étudié. Le ranélate de strontium maintient également la microdureté osseuse, les caractéristiques minérales et organique tissulaires, ainsi que la structure du cristal d'apatite / Strontium ranelate, a treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, contains 2 atoms of stable strontium which interact with bone mineral. Strontium have a dissociating effect on bone remodeling, decreasing resorption while increasing formation. However, its bone effects are not fully clarified, in particular its interactions with mineral. In monkeys, strontium maintains the major intrinsic properties of bone at a physiological level, either at the global tissue or the bone structural units levels. In postmenopausal women treated with strontium ranelate, the characteristics of apatite crystals are maintained at a physiological level. Moreover, whatever the duration of treatment (2 to 96 months), strontium is always heterogeneously distributed, mainly present in recent bone formed during treatment, bone areas containing strontium progressively increase but less and less with the duration of the treatment. Focal bone strontium content remains stable from 2 to 60 months and then increase from 60 to 96 months, and secondary mineralization is maintained at a physiological level. Finally, after 6 and 12 months of treatment, strontium ranelate maintains normal the main parameters reflecting secondary mineralization, and its effects are similar to those of alendronate. To conclude, strontium ranelate maintains a normal quality of secondary mineralization, either after a shortterm or a long-term treatment, and whatever the model studied. Strontium ranelate also maintains bone microhardness, tissular mineral and organic characteristics, as well as the structure of apatite crystals

Der Einfluss von Strontiumranelat auf die Muskulatur der osteopenen Ratte / The Influence Of Strontium Ranelate On The Muscle Tissue Of the Osteopenic Rat

Harlass, Benjamin Leopold 29 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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