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Speciální bezpečnostní systém / Special security systemNáhlík, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on design and realisation of special security system for space and property protection. System is devided into two parts, transmitting and receiving. Transmitting part is formed by Raspberry Pi Model B+, motion sensor, webcam and USB LTE modem Huawei E398. Receiving part consists of computer with suitable application for communication with FTP server. Data transfer in mobile systems is described in the first part of this thesis, transmitting part is designed in the second part. There is one transmitting option chosen in the third part and there are also described applications of the transmitting part. The last part of this thesis is focused on the receiving part and its application.
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Video telefon / Video doorphoneHoryna, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with door video phone on the platform Raspberry Pi. There is described the platform Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Camera module, operating systems for Raspberry Pi and described installing and configuring the software. Next is described the concept and description of programs created for door video phone and design of additional modules.
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Řízení pohybu robota pomocí RaspberryPi a kamery / Motion Controlling of a Robotic Car by RaspberryPi and CameraBrhel, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with the controlling of robotic car by Raspberry Pi and the ca- mera. Theoretical part describes individual steps of image processing and probabilistic plan- ning for searching path in the work space. In particular, algorithm RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree) is discussed and the balanced bidirectional RRT is further introduced and used for nonholonomic planning in configuration space. Next chapter speaks about propo- sed solution and there is the accurate description of connection Raspberry Pi to the robotic car. Rest of the work provides look at implemetation details and evaluation. In the end, conclusion was given and some improvements were suggested.
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Návrh a řízení samobalancujícího robotu / Design and control of self balancing robotJiruška, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with complete design and manufacturing of autonomous two wheeled self-balancing robot. The goal of this thesis is to maintain the robot in up-right position and to follow black line using camera. The robot is controlled using Raspberry Pi and driven by DC motors. This thesis includes the design and implementation of hardware and software parts. Subsequently there was created the dynamic model in Matlab/Simulink. Based on this model, the LQR and PID controller was designed.
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Optimalizace kombinovaného systému ohřevu TUV / Optimalization of the water heating systemLebeda, Ladislav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to enable energy optimization of combined water heating system. The first part deals with the assessment of the general view of thermal solar systems with autonomic power from photovoltaics and description of a particular solar system for energy optimization. Then there is chosen the control system conception based on single-board computer Raspberry Pi, which is complemented by auxiliary measuring and controlling circuit. In the following chapters is described design and implementation of software for control system including web interface. The remote monitoring and controlling of solar heating system is the main purpose of web interface.
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Automatické polohování zpětného zrcátka / Automatic positioning of the rear view mirrorNávara, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis solves design of functional device that will be able to automatically positioning back view mirrors according to the positio of driver face. Measuring position of the face provides stereovision of two webacams. The device is based on a computer Raspberry Pi 2 with designed expansion board. The created prototype can follow set view int the mirror with accuracy up to 7 cm (horizontally up to 5cm) in level of rear corner of a car. The results of this project validate design of automatic positioning mirror and it can be basis for specific implementations of the device in car.
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Realizace terminálu pro vzdálenou vizualizaci a ovládání obytného domu / Terminal for remote visualization and control conditions in the houseSzalay, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the modification of an existing device for controlling the heating system of the house. The original proposal builds on my bachelor thesis Terminal for visualization and control conditions in a house. Adjustments are based on the findings of the test operation and the deficiencies found in everyday operations. Here, the emphasis is on simple design, low acquisition cost and durability of the resulting device. Newly designed wireless units will replace the original wired sensors, as well as the control unit of the existing device based on the prototype system will be replaced with a new wireless central unit. The alphanumeric display with control buttons will remain as the control panel of this unit. The wireless central unit is connected via a serial communication interface to the visualization and control unit, which extends the offered options of the heating control system.
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Řízení a monitorování klimatu ve skupinách terárií / Control and monitoring of climate in groups of terrariumsPavlišin, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to propose a system for monitoring and regulating the climate in groups of terrariums using the Raspberry Pi platform and subsequent transparent display through the web server. Each group of terrariums has its own control device that wirelessly communicates with the Raspberry Pi control computer. The measured values are stored in the MySQL database on the control computer. The measured values are graphically displayed on the web page.
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Development of a Flexible Software Framework for Biosignal PI : An Open-Source Biosignal Acquisition and Processing System / Utveckling av ett Flexibelt Mjukvaruramverk for Biosignal PI : ett system för insamling och bearbetning av biomedicinska signaler med öppen källkodRöstin, Martin January 2016 (has links)
As the world population ages, the healthcare system is facing new challenges in treating more patients at a lower cost than today. One trend in addressing this problem is to increase the opportunities of in-home care. To achieve this there is a need for safe and cost-effective monitoring systems. Biosignal PI is an ongoing open-source project created to develop a flexible and affordable platform for development of stand-alone devices able to measure and process physiological signals. This master thesis project, performed at the department of Medical Sensors, Signals and System at the School of Technology and Health, aimed at further develop the Biosignal PI software by constructing a new flexible software framework architecture that could be used for measurement and processing of different types of biosignals. The project also aimed at implementing features for Heart Rate Variability(HRV) Analysis in the Biosignal PI software as well as developing a graphical user interface(GUI) for the Raspberry PI hardware module PiFace Control and Display. The project developed a new flexible abstract software framework for the Biosignal PI. The new framework was constructed to abstract all hardware specifics into smaller interchangeable modules, with the idea of the modules being independent in handling their specific task making it possible to make changes in the Biosignal PI software without having to rewrite all of the core. The new developed Biosignal PI software framework was implemented into the existing hardware setup consisting of an Raspberry PI, a small and affordable single-board computer, connected to ADAS1000, a low power analog front end capable of recording an Electrocardiography(ECG). To control the Biosignal PI software two different GUIs were implemented. One GUI extending the original software GUI with the added feature of making it able to perform HRV-Analysis on the Raspberry PI. This GUI requires a mouse and computer screen to function. To be able to control the Biosignal PI without mouse the project also created a GUI for the PiFace Control and Display. The PiFace GUI enables the user to collect and store ECG signals without the need of an big computer screen, increasing the mobility of the Biosignal PI device. To help with the development process and also to make the project more compliant with the Medical Device Directive a couple of development tools were implemented such as a CMake build system, integrating the project with the Googletest testing framework for automated testing and the implementation of the document generator software Doxygen to be able to create an Software Documentation. The Biosignal PI software developed in this thesis is available through Github at https://github.com/biosignalpi/Version-A1-Rapsberry-PI / Allt eftersom världens befolkning åldras, ställs sjukvården inför nya utmaningar i att behandla fler patienter till en lägre kostnad än idag. En trend för att lösa detta problem är att utöka möjligheterna till vård i hemmet.För att kunna göra detta finns det ett ökande behov av säkra och kostnadseffektiva patientövervakningssystem. Biosignal PI är ett pågående projekt med öppen källkod som skapats för att utveckla en flexibel och prisvärd plattform för utveckling av fristående enheter som kan mäta och bearbeta olika fysiologiska signaler. Detta examensarbete genomfördes vid institutionen för medicinska sensorer, signaler och system vid Skolan för Teknik och Hälsa. Projektet syftade till att vidareutveckla den befintliga mjukvaran för Biosignal PI genom att skapa ett nytt flexibelt mjukvaruramverk som kan användas för mätning och bearbetning av olika typer av biosignaler.Projektet syftade också till att utvidga mjukvaran och lägga till funktioner för att kunna genomföra hjärtfrekvensvariabilitets(HRV) analys i Biosignal PIs mjukvara, samt att utveckla ett grafiskt användargränssnitt(GUI) för hårdvarumodulen PiFace Control and Display. Projektet har utvecklat ett nytt flexibelt mjukvaruramverk för Biosignal PI. Det nya ramverket konstruerades för att abstrahera alla hårdvaruspecifika delar in i mindre utbytbara moduler, med tanken att modulerna ska vara oberoende i hur de hanterar sin specifika uppgift. På så sätt ska det vara möjligt att göra ändringar i Biosignal PIs programvara utan att behöva skriva om hela mjukvaran.Det nyutvecklade Biosignal PI ramverket implementerades i det befintliga hårdvaru systemet, som består av en Raspberry PI, liten och prisvärd enkortsdator, ansluten till ADAS1000, en analog hårdvarumodul med möjlighet att registrera ett elektrokardiografi(EKG/ECG). För att kontrollera Biosignal PI programmet har två olika grafiska användargränssnitt skapats.Det ena gränssnitt är en utvidgning av original programvaran med tillagd funktionalitet för att kunna göra HRV-Analys på Raspberry PI, detta gränssnitt kräver dock mus och dataskärm för att kunna användas.För att kunna styra Biosignal PI utan mus och skärm skapades det även ett gränssnitt för PiFace Control and Display. PiFace gränssnittet gör det möjligt för användaren att samla in och lagra EKG-signaler utan att behöva en stor datorskärm, på så sätt kan man öka Biosignal PI systemets mobilitet. För att underlätta utvecklingsprocessen, samt göra projektet mer förenligt med det medicintekniska regelverket, har ett par utvecklingsverktyg integrerats till Biosignal PI projektet såsom CMake för kontroll av kompileringsprocessen, test ramverket Googletest för automatiserad testning samt integrering med dokumentations generatorn Doxygen för att kunna skapa en dokumentation av mjukvaran.
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Constructing and Evaluating a Raspberry Pi Penetration Testing/Digital Forensics Reconnaissance ToolLundgren, Marcus, Persson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Tools that automate processes are always sough after across the entire IT field. This project's aim was to build and evaluate a semi-automated reconnaissance tool based on a Raspberry Pi 4, for use in penetration testing and/or digital forensics. The software is written in Python 3 and utilizes Scapy, PyQt5 and the Aircrack-ng suite along with other pre-existing tools. The device is targeted against wireless networks and its main purpose is to capture what is known as the WPA handshake and thereby crack Wi-Fi passwords. Upon achieving this, the program shall then connect to the cracked network, start packet sniffing and perform a host discovery and scan for open ports. The final product underwent three tests and passed them all, except the step involving port scanning - most likely due to hardware and/or operating system faults, since other devices are able to perform these operations. The main functionalities of this device and software are to: identify and assess nearby network access points, perform deauthentication attacks, capture network traffic (including WPA handshakes), crack Wi-Fi passwords, connect to cracked networks and finally to perform host discovery and port scanning. All of these steps shall be executed automatically after selecting the target networks and pressing the start button. Based on the test results it can be stated that this device is well suited for practical use within cyber security and digital forensics. However, due to the Raspberry Pi's limited computing power users may be advised to outsource the cracking process to a more powerful machine, for the purpose of productivity and time efficiency.
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