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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and Integration of a Low-Cost Occupancy Monitoring System

Mahjoub, Youssif 12 1900 (has links)
The world is getting busier and more crowded each year. Due to this fact resources such as public transport, available energy, and usable space are becoming congested and require vast amounts of logistical support. As of February 2018, nearly 95% of Americans own a mobile cell phone according to the Pew Research Center. These devices are consistently broadcasting their presents to other devices. By leveraging this data to provide occupational awareness of high traffic areas such as public transit stops, buildings, etc logistic efforts can be streamline to best suit the dynamics of the population. With the rise of The Internet of Things, a scalable low-cost occupancy monitoring system can be deployed to collect this broadcasted data and present it to logistics in real time. Simple IoT devices such as the Raspberry Pi, wireless cards capable of passive monitoring, and the utilization of specialized software can provide this capability. Additionally, this combination of hardware and software can be integrated in a way to be as simple as a typical plug and play set up making system deployment quick and easy. This effort details the development and integration work done to deliver a working product acting as a foundation to build upon. Machine learning algorithms such as k-Nearest-Neighbors were also developed to estimate a mobile device's approximate location inside a building.

Constructing and Evaluating a Raspberry Pi Penetration Testing/Digital Forensics Reconnaissance Tool

Lundgren, Marcus, Persson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Tools that automate processes are always sough after across the entire IT field. This project's aim was to build and evaluate a semi-automated reconnaissance tool based on a Raspberry Pi 4, for use in penetration testing and/or digital forensics. The software is written in Python 3 and utilizes Scapy, PyQt5 and the Aircrack-ng suite along with other pre-existing tools. The device is targeted against wireless networks and its main purpose is to capture what is known as the WPA handshake and thereby crack Wi-Fi passwords. Upon achieving this, the program shall then connect to the cracked network, start packet sniffing and perform a host discovery and scan for open ports. The final product underwent three tests and passed them all, except the step involving port scanning - most likely due to hardware and/or operating system faults, since other devices are able to perform these operations. The main functionalities of this device and software are to: identify and assess nearby network access points, perform deauthentication attacks, capture network traffic (including WPA handshakes), crack Wi-Fi passwords, connect to cracked networks and finally to perform host discovery and port scanning. All of these steps shall be executed automatically after selecting the target networks and pressing the start button. Based on the test results it can be stated that this device is well suited for practical use within cyber security and digital forensics. However, due to the Raspberry Pi's limited computing power users may be advised to outsource the cracking process to a more powerful machine, for the purpose of productivity and time efficiency.

Driver’s Safety Analyzer: Sobriety, Drowsiness, Tiredness, and Focus

Fernandes Dias, Claudio 27 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

PiEye in the Wild: Exploring Eye Contact Detection for Small Inexpensive Hardware

Einestam, Ragnar, Casserfelt, Karl January 2017 (has links)
Ögonkontakt-sensorer skapar möjligheten att tolka användarens uppmärksamhet, vilketkan användas av system på en mängd olika vis. Dessa inkluderar att skapa nya möjligheterför människa-dator-interaktion och mäta mönster i uppmärksamhet hos individer.I den här uppsatsen gör vi ett försök till att konstruera en ögonkontakt-sensor med hjälpav en Raspberry Pi, med målet att göra den praktisk i verkliga scenarion. För att fastställaatt den är praktisk satte vi upp ett antal kriterier baserat på tidigare användning avögonkontakt-sensorer. För att möta dessa kriterier valde vi att använda en maskininlärningsmetodför att träna en klassificerare med bilder för att lära systemet att upptäcka omen användare har ögonkontakt eller ej. Vårt mål var att undersöka hur god prestanda vikunde uppnå gällande precision, hastighet och avstånd. Efter att ha testat kombinationerav fyra olika metoder för feature extraction kunde vi fastslå att den bästa övergripandeprecisionen uppnåddes genom att använda LDA-komprimering på pixeldatan från varjebild, medan PCA-komprimering var bäst när input-bilderna liknande de från träningen.När vi undersökte systemets hastighet fann vi att nedskalning av bilder hade en stor effektpå hastigheten, men detta sänkte också både precision och maximalt avstånd. Vi lyckadesminska den negativa effekten som en minskad skala hos en bild hade på precisionen, mendet maximala avståndet som sensorn fungerade på var fortfarande relativ till skalan och iförlängningen hastigheten. / Eye contact detection sensors have the possibility of inferring user attention, which can beutilized by a system in a multitude of different ways, including supporting human-computerinteraction and measuring human attention patterns. In this thesis we attempt to builda versatile eye contact sensor using a Raspberry Pi that is suited for real world practicalusage. In order to ensure practicality, we constructed a set of criteria for the system basedon previous implementations. To meet these criteria, we opted to use an appearance-basedmachine learning method where we train a classifier with training images in order to inferif users look at the camera or not. Our aim was to investigate how well we could detecteye contacts on the Raspberry Pi in terms of accuracy, speed and range. After extensivetesting on combinations of four different feature extraction methods, we found that LinearDiscriminant Analysis compression of pixel data provided the best overall accuracy, butPrincipal Component Analysis compression performed the best when tested on imagesfrom the same dataset as the training data. When investigating the speed of the system,we found that down-scaling input images had a huge effect on the speed, but also loweredthe accuracy and range. While we managed to mitigate the effects the scale had on theaccuracy, the range of the system is still relative to the scale of input images and byextension speed.

SoftPLC-baserad sorteringsprocess

Arvidsson Andersson, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Med höga belastningar inom dagens process- och tillverkningsindustri är det mycket vanligt med automatiserade processer, för att skapa dessa processer används oftast PLC eller SCADA system. System som dessa är ofta dyra varför det kan vara svårt för mindre företag att investera i och hålla systemen löpande uppdaterade. Därför skall det i detta projekt visas att det finns möjlighet att utveckla automatiserade processer till rimliga kostnader. Med hög efterfrågan av automationssystem är det också viktigt att i utbildningsyfte lära ut om denna teknik. För det krävs det enkla system för studenter att kunna konstruera och programmera mindre processer. Detta skall visas genom att i utvecklingsmiljön Codesys konstruera ett sorteringssystem med SoftPLC funktionsblock där programvaran i sin tur skall exekveras i en Raspberry Pi hårdvara. Genom SoftPLC gör man systemet kompatibelt för anslutning av ett stort antal I/O-enheter av olika slag. Detta ger en flexibilitet för företag att till rimlig kostnad löpande vidareutveckla befintliga system. Den utvecklade programvarans huvudsakliga uppgift är att skapa logiska samband och styrningar kopplade till den information som inhämtas från de till CPU-enheten anslutna programerabara distribuerade I/O-enheter. Programvarans funktionalitet konstruerades för att få ett objekt att längs ett löpande band färdas runt och sorteras beroende på dess material och färg utan extern hjälp. Den färdiga konstruktionen gjorde det möjligt för en kloss att ta sig runt utan extern hjälp. Med detta program var det möjligt för processen att kunna sortera svart, vit och metalliska klossar, för att sen placera ut klossarna på specifika löpband. Som slutsats konstateras att det är fullt rimligt att skapa modulära automatiserade processer med god precision till ett rimligt pris. Detta genom användande av open-source programvara som exekverar i på marknaden prisvärda CPU-enheter / With a higher workload in today’s process and manufacturing industry has it become more popular with automated systems and processes, were SCADA and PLC is the leading development system. Systems like this are often expensive and can because of that be hard to maintain for smaller companies to keep updated. In this project it will be possible to develop an automated process for reasonable cost. With high demand of automation system, it is also important in educational purposes to teach and develop such systems. Therefor it is important with simple system to build and program.  By using the developing tool Codesys build a sorting system with SoftPLC function block where this software will be executed on a Raspberry Pi.  With SoftPLC it will be possible to make it compatible for connection with vast majority of I/O-units. This makes it flexible for companies to continue developing their firmware for a lower cost. The developed software main task is to create logical connections and controls that is gathered from the CPU connections programmable I/O-units. The software was created for an object to be able to travel on conveyor belt and be sorted depending on its colour without any external help. The complete setup made it possible for an object to travel without any external help. With the software it was possible for the process to sort black, white and metallic colour on the object, to then be able to place these on specific conveyor belt depending on its colour. As a conclusion to this project, it is possible to make automated processes for a reasonable price with good precision. This by using open-source software which can be downloaded on low-cost CPU-units.

Gränsnitt för trådlös insamling av solcellsrelaterad data / Interface for wireless collection of solar data

Söderberg, Eric, Caesar, Magnus, Näslund, Oliver, Annerbo Lång, Elias, Eriksson, Jakob January 2024 (has links)
With the increasing demand for renewable energy, solar cells have become a crucial technology in meeting this need. Optimizing the placement of solar cells is essential and can be achieved by tracking their performance data. This project's goal was to develop an interface for collecting primarily solar cell-related data, although it is versatile enough to handle any type of data. The report details the sensors and components used in the standard interface. The final product is not strictly a transmitter or receiver, but includes a piece of breadboard allowing for the implementation of various circuits. Additionally, the practical aspects of data collection using a Raspberry Pi and database services are discussed. The completed system features transmitter and receiver circuits, which can be expanded into a larger mesh network as needed.


DANIEL DE SOUSA LEITE 22 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Com o aumento da expectativa, de vida o envelhecimento da população vem se tornando uma realidade cada vez mais presente no Brasil e no mundo. Esse novo panorama demográfico já é vivenciado por países ricos, que vêm cada vez mais investindo para se enquadrar nessa nova realidade, seja por meio da adaptação de suas cidades ou pelo desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para melhora da qualidade de vida. Na área da robótica, diversas pesquisas vêm sendo desenvolvidas com o intuito de reabilitação e melhora da qualidade de vida da população idosa. Nesses trabalhos são desenvolvidos, por exemplo, dispositivos que buscam auxiliar o idoso na realização de suas atividades diárias, provendo, principalmente, suporte e prevenção de quedas. Essa dissertação de mestrado apresenta o desenvolvimento do protótipo de um dispositivo para assistência a locomoção de pessoas idosas que possuam alguma deficiência visual, motora e/ou cognitiva. O dispositivo tem como objetivo guiar o usuário em ambientes urbanos de maneira autônoma. O protótipo deve ser capaz de desviar de qualquer obstáculo que possa levar o idoso à queda, além de ter uma estrutura que ofereça apoio para o seu deslocamento. O dispositivo proposto possui uma estrutura semelhante a um andador, cuja base é um robô móvel diferencial. Para que possa obter informações do ambiente, o dispositivo está equipado com sensores de distância, uma central inercial e encoders nas rodas. Todo o processamento ocorre em uma CPU de baixo custo, Raspberry Pi 1 versão 2, embarcada no próprio dispositivo e o controle de navegação ocorre por meio de um algoritmo baseado em lógica Fuzzy. Os acessos ao hardware e software de controle do dispositivo são gerenciados pelo framework de robótica Player (Gerkey e contribuidores, 2010). Para que o dispositivo receba a rota de navegação ele está conectado a um celular, com sistema operacional Android, via protocolo TCP/IP. Esse celular está executando uma API (Application Programming Interface) do Google Maps que fornece direção e distância ao objetivo a cada passo da interação, além da localização global do dispositivo, por meio do sensor GPS do celular. O objetivo deve ser inicialmente estabelecido pelo usuário por meio da API desenvolvida, para que a navegação autônoma ocorra. Além da navegação autônoma, o dispositivo permite que usuário envie comandos diretamente para os motores por meio de sensores de força instalados próximos aos pontos de apoio do usuário. / [en] With the increase in life expectation, the ageing population has become more present in Brazil and the world. This new demographic scenery has been already framed by rich countries, which are increasingly investing to fit this new reality, either through the adaptation of their cities or the development of new technologies to improve the quality of life. In the area of robotics, several researches have been developed with the aim of rehabilitation and improvement of the quality of life of the elderly population. These researches are developing, for example, devices to assist the elderly in carrying out their daily activities, providing support and prevention of falls. This work presents the development of the prototype of a device to assist elderly person with any visual, cognitive and/or motor impairment to locomotion by itself. The device aims to guide the user autonomously in urban environments. The prototype should be able to avoid any obstacle that can cause the elderly to fall, besides having a structure that offers support for his balance. The proposed device has a structure similar to a walker whose base is a differential mobile robot. For the device be able to get information from the environment, it is embedded with range sensors, a measurement central unit and encoders at the wheels. All processing occurs in a low-cost CPU, Raspberry Pi 1 B version 2, which is embedded in the mobile device, and the navigation control algorithm is based on fuzzy logic. The robotic framework Player (Gerkey and contributors, 2010) provides the access to the hardware and software of the device. For the device to receive the navigation route, it is connected to an Android operating system phone, by TCP/IP protocol. This phone runs an API (Application Programming Interface) from Google Maps that provides the direction and the distance to the goal in every step of its interaction, besides the global location of the robot, provided by the GPS sensor of the phone. The user should firstly set the goal with the API developed, so that the autonomous navigation will occur. In addition to the autonomous navigation, the device allows the user to send commands directly to the motors by means of the force sensors installed at the robot cane.

Ny generation av GPS-transponder / New Generation of GPS-transponder

Lind, Hampus, Flenéus, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
Detta projekt har utförts på uppdrag av Saab Dynamics. Syftet med projektet var att skapa ett system för att ersätta den befintliga utrustning som fanns för att simulera radar vid testning av vissa vapensystem.   Systemet byggdes upp med hjälp av GPRS, GPS och transportprotokollen TCP och UDP. Huvuddelen av arbetet berörde GPS och GPRS.   Denna rapport är en redogörelse för systemets framtagning och de verktyg och metoder som användes, samt en fördjupning i ämnena GPS, GPRS och deras olika protokoll. Rapporten tar även kort upp alternativa lösningar till datasamtal.   Slutsatsen som kan dras utifrån resultatet av detta projekt är att systemet fungerar och kan vara användbart i framtiden efter vidareutveckling. / This project has been carried out on behalf of Saab Dynamics. The purpose of the project was to create a system to replace the existing equipment for simulating radar when testing certain weapon systems.   The system was created using GPRS, GPS and the transport protocols TCP and UDP. GPS and GPRS were used the most.   This report is a description of the system's design and the tools and methods used to create it, as well as an in depth look into the subjects of GPS, GPRS and their various protocols. The report also briefly discusses some alternative solutions that could have been used instead of data calls.   The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this project is that the system works and can be useful in the future with further development.

Korsplattformskommunikation med Bluetooth Low Energy / Crossplatformcommunication with Bluetooth Low Energy

Lindberg, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device. This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication. Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT. / Projektet undersökte dagens marknad gällande trådlösa nät samt kommunikation mellan verktyg som används för diagnostik/underhåll och ett inbyggt system. Utifrån underlaget som erhölls genom intervjuer har ett demosystem skapats som bygger på Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) kommunikation mellan ett inbyggt system och en Android-enhet. Denna rapport avser redogöra för de verktyg och metoder som använts för att konstruera ett demosystem samt resultatet av en analys av BLE-kommunikationen. Bluetooth Low Energy är ett spännande protokoll med stora tillämpningsmöjligheter inom industrin. Detta projekt har undersökt möjligheterna att kommunicera mellan en Smartphone och en Raspberry Pi och utifrån resultaten som uppkommit kan slutsatsen dras att BLE är ett protokoll som kan ha många och fördelaktiga tillämpningar inom Industriell IT.


Olofsson, Gustav, Kareliusson, Johan, Sandell, Christofer January 2013 (has links)
Det problem som denna uppsats hade för avsikt att besvara var varför hemautomation inte används i fler hem. Genom resultaten från en enkät som distribuerades kunde slutsatsen att kostnaden för de befintliga lösningar som finns på marknaden idag inte låg i den prisklass våra respondenter ansåg rimlig. Författarna utvecklade då problemet och ställde sig frågan om en hemautomationslösning verkligen måste ha en så hög kostnad som de befintliga lösningarna har idag. För att belysa detta problem implementerades en egen kostnadseffektiv lösning där respondenternas mest önskvärda funktioner togs i beaktande och en testmiljö implementerades utefter dessa. Resultatet blev en hemautomationslösning med stor potential och med en betydligt lägre kostnad än dagens befintliga lösningar. / The problem this study intended to answer was why home automation is not used in more homes. The results of a survey that was distributed could conclude that the cost of existing solutions available on the market today is not within the price range our respondents considered reasonable. The authors then evolved the problem and asked themselves whether home automation really need such a high cost as the existing solutions today. To illustrate this problem, the authors implemented a cost-effective solution where respondents' most popular features were in regard. The result was a home automation solution with great potential and with a significantly lower cost than today's existing solutions.

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