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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de desempenho de algoritmos para auxílio ao reconhecimento de fissuras em fachadas com revestimento de argamassa visando sua embarcação em VANTs

Pereira, Fábio Celestino January 2015 (has links)
A utilização de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs), também chamados UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) vem ganhando espaço nas mais diversas áreas, tais como inspeções em linhas de transmissão e em torres de fracionamento de refinarias, entre outros. Já na construção civil, estudos recentes estão sendo focados na utilização dos VANTs para inspeção de pontes, viadutos e estradas. O presente trabalho visa fornecer uma análise para o uso de VANT na área civil, na detecção de manifestações patológicas em revestimentos de argamassa, de forma a auxiliar na procura por fissuras em fachadas, sobretudo aqueles que a visualização esteja prejudicada, seja pela distância ou pela acessibilidade difícil ao local. Este trabalho analisa possíveis implementações de dois algoritmos de processamentos de imagens desenvolvidos a partir da ferramenta MATLAB para a indicação de presença de fissuras na alvenaria, obtendo o desempenho destes diferentes algoritmos quando executados em software em plataforma que possibilite a embarcação em VANTs. Utilizando a geração automática de código em C a partir do ambiente MATLAB, é realizada uma análise temporal em plataforma ARM e RISC dos algoritmos propostos, demonstrando a oportunidade de utilização de dispositivos na tarefa de processamento de imagem para a aplicação proposta. Esta análise possibilita a previsão do comportamento na utilização de um VANT, uma vez que isto pode impactar na velocidade durante a aplicação e consequentemente sua autonomia. / The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), has been gaining space in several areas, such as inspections of transmission lines, refineries fractionation towers among others. In the construction, recent studies have been focused on the use of UAVs for inspection of bridges, viaducts and roads. The present study aims to provide an analysis using UAVs in the civil construction area, in the detection of pathologic manifestations mortar coatings in order to aid in the search for cracks in the facades especially those that visualization is impaired, or may be the distance the accessibility difficult to spot. This paper provides an analysis of two algorithms of image processing developed from the Matlab tool for indicating the presence of cracks in masonry, getting the performance of these different algorithms when implemented in software platform that enables the vessel in UAV. Using the automatic generation of C/C++ code from the MATLAB environment is performed the temporal analysis on ARM and RISC plataform of the proposed algorithms demonstrates the opportunity to use devices in the image processing task for the proposed application. This analysis allows the prediction of the behavior of a UAV using one since it can impact velocity during application, and therefore their autonomy.

Digital Fabrication and Open Concepts : An emergent paradigm of consumer electronics production

Andersson, Pär January 2015 (has links)
Open Source och relaterade mjukvarukoncept och utvecklingsmodeller är vid det här laget allmänt bekanta och har varit föremål för många studier. Open Source Hardware är mindre spritt och studerat, och så även emergent teknologi som för in traditionellt industriella tekniker som 3D-printing, laserskärare, och CAD-baserade produktionsverktyg i mindre skala i hem- och hobbymiljöer. Dessa ämnen har främst studerats ur mer renodlat tekniska perspektiv, snarare än att sättas i samband i en vidare kontext. Denna kombinerar internet som infrastruktur och socialt medium för kunskaps- och resursdelning; open source-koncept; de möjligheter som tillgängligheten av mer och mer kapabel och överkomlig hårdvara byggd på öppen design bereder; och andra relaterade socio-tekniska fenomen vilka börjat framträda de senaste 5-10 åren. I denna uppsats undersöker jag denna större kontext. Uppsatsen har utförts i form av en litteraturstudie av existerande forskning inom ovanstående diskreta områden, och i den mån de finns även dess inbördes relationer. Denna kontext framträder som ett emergent paradigm kring produktion av hemelektronik, och även som exemplifierande trenden av teknologins fortsatta intåg som allestädes närvarande i våra liv och vår omgivning. Resultaten indikerar en gryende förändring i hur vi interagerar med teknik, vilka som gör det och varför, i vilka kontexter, och ett framträdande av en ny ekonomi. Jag visar på att ytterligare forskning behövs, och att perspektivet bör flyttas från att analyseras enbart i diskreta termer som teknik, open source-principer, DIY et cetera, utan även till vad som framstår som resultatet där dessa konvergerar, den naturliga konsekvensen av ett folkligt anammande av denna teknik och open source-koncept.

Data tampering in Vehicle CAN Bus networks

Arapantonis, Elpidoforos January 2019 (has links)
The paradigm of the automotive industry has changed, over the course of the last10-15 years. Electronics and software, have introduced in many dierents parts ofa vehicle and the drive-by-wire it is taking over the vehicle functions. Connectivityfunctionalities are increasing in the context of the automotive industry as well. Allthe aforementioned parts have more than one common link. This thesis project willfocus on one of these links, which is the security. The focus will be the CAN busprotocol and specically, on investigating the implications of an adversary havingphysical access in a vehicle. An experiment will be contucted as part of this thesiswork, by using open source hardware (Arduino and Raspberry Pi) and a Man-inthe-middle (MITM) attack scenario, will be implemented. The application, whichwill perform the MITM attack (small scale CAN bus fuzzer) will be developedduring this project and it will be distributed as an open source software afterwards.

Řízení a monitorování klimatu ve skupinách terárií / Control and monitoring of climate in groups of terrariums

Pavlišin, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to propose a system for monitoring and regulation the climate in groups of terrariums using Raspberry Pi platform and with subsequent well-arranged representation through the web server. Each group of terrariums has its own measure and regulation device Arduino NANO that wirelessly communicates with central computer Raspberry Pi. The measured values are stored in the MySQL database in central computer. These values are then graphically displayed on the web page. Limit values for regulation and regulation times can also be set through web page.

Zabezpečení komunikace a ochrana dat v Internetu věcí / Secure Communication and Data Protection in the Internet of Things

Chadim, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis „Secure communication and data protection in the internet of things“ is dealing with crypthografy and crypthographic libraries, which are compared with eachother according to supporting algorithm and standard. For comparing therewere used following libraries: openSSL, wolfSSL, nanoSSL and matrixSSL. Practical part of the thesis is focused on testing the productivity of each ciphers and protocols of openSSL and wolfSSL libraries on RaspberryPi 2 device. Further, the thesis shows the design of communication scenario client-server in the Internet of Things (IoT). Simple authentication protocol client-server was implemented and simulated on RaspberryPi 2 device.

Automatické řízení a monitorování ústředního vytápění pro starší budovy / Automated Control and Monitoring of Central Heating for Older Buildings

Mužila, Matej January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is a design of an automated heating regulation system for an old building. The thesis consists of a system architecture design, an implementation of the system, including prototype manufacturing of the required devices, and testing of the whole system in practice, with focus on functionality and efficiency. Several hardware devices were designed and manufactured, for which appropriate controlling software was implemented. The implemented software architecture enables users to control the system using a graphical user interface, and allows for an easy extension of the system. The graphical user interface, which is accessible both locally through a touchscreen and remotely using a web application, enables users to easily configure connected devices and regulated zones, and to set temperature level in the defined zones variably depending on a week day and time. The user interface also provides statistics about the heating system. The implemented automated heating regulation system was successfully tested in real conditions of a flat in a historical building. The system can be extended both hardware-wise and software-wise.

Ruční dálkový ovladač pro robot Perseus / Operator's station for Perseus mobile robot

Sabó, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of application for control of mobile robot. In the introductory section is discussed used platform GEARS-SMP, the principle of functionality of protocol for servo motors control, format M-JPEG and standard H.264. Further work is dedicated to analysis of designing user interface in robotic applications, available options for control devices and hardware used in remote controller. The following part focuses on the design of robotic application, especially on graphic user interface and virtual head-up display and follow-up implementation of created application in Raspberry Pi. In the end, thesis describes implemented software solution and compares resulting application with the created design.

Návrh domácí brány pro zařízení IoT využívající technologii Z-Wave / Home gate for IoT devices using Z-Wave technology

Resler, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the platform Z-Wave. This platform tries to create an universal system for smart home. The theoretical part of the work describes in details the platform itself as well as the applicable libraries for programming of applications and the available equipments. The practical part presents the new custom gateway. The hardware of this gateway is designed with utilization of the Z-Wave module, Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, touchscreen, powerbank and the body of the system. The body has been designed in the Solid Works CAD system and printed on a 3D printer. The needed firmware was loaded into the Z-Wave module ZM5304 and this module has been interconnected with the Raspberry Pi 3 through the printed circuit board of the custom design. The gateway drives OpenZWave network through the new own application written with help of Python wrapper of the library OpenZWave and other open source components. The part of the work is also the list and description of the alternative commercial gateways available on the Czech market.

Zařízení pro monitorování teploty a vlhkosti s vzdáleným přenosem dat / Temperature and humidity monitoring devices with wirelless communication

Hrbáček, Zdeněk January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to design and implement a device for collecting temperature and humidity from bee hive. The system consists of a measuring unit that contains digital sensors and actuators.The system transmits the measured values wirelessly to the parent unit, which displays the data in a suitable format to the user. The user can monitor the hive parameters and use the actuators to adjust the temperature inside the hive. The whole system then operates autonomously according to defined rules.

Autonomní vozidlo pro model dopravní situace / Autonomous vehicle for traffic situation model

Schneiderka, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describes development of autonomous car for Carrera 143 racing track. Main objective of a car is to stop when traffic light shows red, or when there is an obstacle infront of a car. This paper also describes electric schemes used to control the car and their placement on the car. Algorithms developed for image processing are developed for processing unit Raspberry Pi Zero and are written in C/C++ programming language. OpenCV library is used for image processing. All source codes were developed in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

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