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The planning process in São PauloBautista, Julienne Monton 18 August 2010 (has links)
Planning for the development of water infrastructure within informal settlements in the city of São Paulo, Brazil is a complicated process. This research uses the Rational Planning Model to explore the differences between planning in North America and in the Global South. Further, this research develops the various aspects of planning in the Global South through the examination of policy documents, interview data to identify the behavior of the practitioner – the urban planner - and his/her agency – creating the municipal perspective. / text
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Allmänhetens involvering i planeringsprocessen : En studie av två olika metoder för gatuundersökningarBlomfeldt, Kristoffer, Jönsson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
It might seem obvious that public opinions should be included in the planning process. However, it is not clear to what extent. Statutory forms of public participation attract little interest since many people feel that it is hard to make a difference. The purpose of this study was to engage those that normally do not get to speak their mind in the planning process. In this study, two methods for conducting “on-street surveys” were investigated. The place for the “on-street surveys” was Centralplan in Gävle. The two methods had different approaches. The “Stationary” method was a structured interview of pedestrians who had just crossed Centralplan. The “Follower” method was a structured interview that took place as the administrator and the participant crossed Centralplan in tandem. A total of 40 “Stationary” and 22 “Follower” interviews were conducted. The majority of the participants responded positively on making themselves heard within the planning process, indicating that they have important views to share. The methods used in this study can serve as an icebreaker for communication between planners and the public. / Det kan kännas självklart att allmänhetens åsikter ska vägas in i planeringsprocessen men i vilken utsträckning det ska ske är oklart. Lagstadgade former av medborgardeltagande väcker svalt intresse eftersom många upplever det som svårt att påverka. Syftet med den här studien var att engagera de människor som normalt inte kommer till tals i planeringsprocessen. I studien undersöktes två olika metoder för att genomföra gatuundersökningar, så kallade ”on-street surveys”. Platsen för genomförandet av gatuundersökningarna var Centralplan i Gävle. De två metoderna hade olika tillvägagångssätt. Metod ”Stationär” var en form av stillastående strukturerad intervju som utövades på platsen. Administratören frågade ut personer som alldeles precis hade förflyttat sig genom gaturummet. Metod ”Följeslagare” var en form av rörlig strukturerad intervju som utövades på platsen men där administratören slog följe med personen och ställde frågorna under tiden de passerade genom gaturummet. Totalt 62 personer medverkade i studien, varav 40 för metod ”Stationär” och 22 för metod ”Följeslagare”. Resultaten visade att allmänheten hade viktiga synpunkter att dela med sig av, till exempel om attityder och åsikter. Majoriteten av de medverkande ställde sig positiva till att få sin röst hörd inom planeringsprocessen. Metoderna som användes i studien skulle kunna fungera som dörröppnare för dialog mellan planerare och allmänheten.
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Medborgardialog i fysisk planering : - En studie av hinder och möjligheter i en mindre kommun / Citizen dialogue in physical planning : - A study of obstacles and opportunities in a smaller municipalityKozica, Irfan January 2019 (has links)
Citizen dialogue has recently become a central development area for municipalities and county councils. Despite changes in the Planning and Building Act and a clear assumption in policy processes to achieve ecological, economic and social sustainability, the citizen dialogue has not been able to fulfill its purpose. The formal process for dialogue has been criticized for being late in the planning process, which reduces the possibility of planning changes. A natural sanction is not least about reduced trust to the planners and the political system. In order to reverse the downward spiral, internal efforts are required in addition to the requirements of current legislation, which is a challenge for not least smaller municipalities. Based on planning theories, relevant previous research and interviews with municipal officials, obstacles and opportunities with citizen dialogue in physical planning in a smaller municipality are investigated. A purpose is also to account for important aspects of the work with citizen dialogue. In addition to an account of how the municipality's work looks, how citizen dialogue can promote municipal physical planning and how a good citizen dialogue can be achieved, the conclusions show that: municipal officials, despite their own ideas about the development of citizen dialogue, are hindered in their work through limited scope for maneuver and limited resources. / Medborgardialogen har på senare tid blivit ett centralt utvecklingsområde för kommun och landsting. Trots ändringar i plan- och bygglagen och ett klart antagande i policy processer för att uppnå ekologisk, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet har medborgardialogen inte lyckats uppfylla sitt syfte. Den formella processen för dialog har kritiserats för att för sent komma i planeringsprocessen vilket minskar möjligheten till planändringar. En naturlig påföljd handlar inte minst om minskad tillit till planerarna och det politiska systemet. För att vända den nedåtgående spiralen krävs interna insatser utöver kraven i gällande lagstiftning, vilket är en utmaning för inte minst mindre kommuner. Utifrån planeringsteorier, relevant tidigare forskning och intervjuer med bland annat kommunala tjänstemän undersöks hinder och möjligheter med medborgardialog i fysisk planering i en mindre kommun. Ett underliggande syfte är också att redogöra för viktiga aspekter i arbetet med medborgardialog.Utöver en redogörelse över hur kommunens arbete ser ut, hur medborgardialog kan främja kommunal fysisk planering och hur en god medborgardialog kan uppnås så visar slutsatserna att: kommunala tjänstemän, trots egna idéer om utvecklingen av medborgardialog, hindras i arbetet genom ett begränsat handlingsutrymme och begränsade resurser.
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Emprego da modelagem molecular no planejamento de novos compostos heterocíclicos úteis contra malária resistente / Using of molecular modeling in the planning of new useful heterocyclic compounds against resistant malariaOtelo, Vanessa Almeida 28 February 2008 (has links)
A maioria das cepas de Plasmodium falciparum mostra-se resistente à cloroquina (CQ), considerado o antimalárico ideal. A busca por novos agentes terapêuticos bem como a restauração do efeito antimalárico de fármacos disponíveis, através da associação a agentes moduladores da resistência (AMR), vem sendo enfatizada. Entretanto, ausência de efeito modulador da resistência e efeito antiplasmódico intrínseco foram observados quando AMR clássicos, como o fenotiazínico clorpromazina e o iminodibenzílico desipramina, foram ensaiados in vitro em isolados brasileiros de P. falciparum resistentes à CQ. Sabe-se que a ação antiparasitária de compostos de natureza tricíclica, como os fenotiazínicos, foi descrita há mais de um século e continua a ser de interesse. Em adição, vale notar a ocorrência de farmacóforo comum, formado por sistema heteroaromático, ligado a átomo de nitrogênio, secundário ou terciário, por cadeia lateral de três a quatro átomos de carbono, entre compostos quinolínicos antimaláricos, fármacos psicotrópicos e AMR. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar, por emprego da modelagem molecular, características estereo-eletrônicas e lipofílicas e a interação a nível molecular de compostos de natureza tricíclica (fenotiazínicos e iminodibenzílicos) com a hematina (provável sítio de ação da CQ) comparando ao antimalárico CQ. Semelhanças estéreo-eletrônicas e lipofílicas puderam ser visualizadas entre as moléculas da CQ e dos compostos tricíclicos. No entanto, algumas distinções ausência de planaridade e maior densidade eletrônica sobre os anéis tricíclicos dos anéis heterocíclicos quando comparadas à CQ. Tais características se fizeram refletir na interação com a hematina, como demonstrado nos estudos de ancoramento como também nos estudos de UV-VIS e de Raman Ressonante. / The most Plasmodium falciparum strains show resistance to chloroquine (CQ), yet considered the ideal antimalaric agent. The search for new therapeutic compounds and the restoration of the antimalarial effect of available drugs through the association with modulating agents has been emphasized. However, lack of modulating effect and intrinsic antiplasmodial activity were observed when classic modulating agents, such phenothiazine chlorpromazine and iminodibenzylic desipramine, were tested in vitro against Brazilian isolated resistant of P. falciparum to CQ. The antiparasitic action of tricyclic compounds as the phenotiazine class has been described for more than a century and continues to be of interest. In addition, it was noted the occurrence of common pharmacophore, formed by a heteroaromatic system, a secondary or tertiary nitrogen atom, linked by a side chain of three to four carbon atoms, present among the quinoline antimalarials, the psychotropic drugs and the modulating agents of chloroquine resistance. The goal of this work was by using molecular modeling to study stereo-electronic features and lipophilic characteristics and the interaction on molecular level of tricyclic compounds (phenothiazines and iminodibenzylics) with hematin (probable site of action of CQ) in comparison to antimalaric CQ. In results, similarities stereo-electronic and lipophilic could be viewed between the molecules of CQ and tricyclic compounds. However different features could be noticed such as absence of planarity and a higher electronic density on the tricyclic rings when compared to CQ. These features shown to be relevant to interaction with the µ-oxo dimer of hematin, as observed in docking studies and UV-VIS and Resonance Raman.
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Local Economic Development Agencies' Support for Construction and Demolition RecyclingPatterson, Lynn M. 06 April 2007 (has links)
The construction and demolition (C and D) recycling industry creates economic opportunity through business activity; promotes equity through workforce training and partnerships; and helps to conserve natural resources through the reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling of C and D debris. While C and D recycling satisfies traditional local economic development goals, it also addresses broader goals of progressive, and sustainable local economic development. The general planning literature shows an increasing interest in sustainability; however, there have been fewer studies on sustainable local economic development initiatives. This research examines the current state of local economic development agency support for the C and D recycling industry as an economic development strategy. In doing so, the dissertation assembles the array of activities local economic development agencies used to support the industry; identifies distinguishing policy or contextual characteristics of agencies that actively supported the industry from those that did not; and assesses whether the agencies support for C and D recycling fit within the rational planning model. Using data from a national survey of local economic development agencies, the study categorizes the local economic development tools used to support the industry. Results show that a combination of traditional, progressive, and sustainable local economic development tools are adapted and newly created to satisfy the specific needs of this specialized industry. Multiple discriminant analyses identify key characteristics of the agencies that support C and D recycling. These characteristics include previous support for the general recycling industry, the presence and support of environmental enterprise zones and eco-industrial parks, and knowledge of local landfill capacity issues. Overall, the agencies that actively supported C and D recycling engage in activities associated with sustainable local economic development. The descriptive and statistical analyses are combined with the surveys qualitative responses to determine that local economic development agencies do not operate under a strict interpretation of the comprehensive rational planning model in their support of C and D recycling. Instead, local economic development agencies use modified rational and reactive planning strategies in their support of the industry. The study concludes with policy recommendations to increase local economic development agency support for C and D recycling.
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Emprego da modelagem molecular no planejamento de novos compostos heterocíclicos úteis contra malária resistente / Using of molecular modeling in the planning of new useful heterocyclic compounds against resistant malariaVanessa Almeida Otelo 28 February 2008 (has links)
A maioria das cepas de Plasmodium falciparum mostra-se resistente à cloroquina (CQ), considerado o antimalárico ideal. A busca por novos agentes terapêuticos bem como a restauração do efeito antimalárico de fármacos disponíveis, através da associação a agentes moduladores da resistência (AMR), vem sendo enfatizada. Entretanto, ausência de efeito modulador da resistência e efeito antiplasmódico intrínseco foram observados quando AMR clássicos, como o fenotiazínico clorpromazina e o iminodibenzílico desipramina, foram ensaiados in vitro em isolados brasileiros de P. falciparum resistentes à CQ. Sabe-se que a ação antiparasitária de compostos de natureza tricíclica, como os fenotiazínicos, foi descrita há mais de um século e continua a ser de interesse. Em adição, vale notar a ocorrência de farmacóforo comum, formado por sistema heteroaromático, ligado a átomo de nitrogênio, secundário ou terciário, por cadeia lateral de três a quatro átomos de carbono, entre compostos quinolínicos antimaláricos, fármacos psicotrópicos e AMR. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar, por emprego da modelagem molecular, características estereo-eletrônicas e lipofílicas e a interação a nível molecular de compostos de natureza tricíclica (fenotiazínicos e iminodibenzílicos) com a hematina (provável sítio de ação da CQ) comparando ao antimalárico CQ. Semelhanças estéreo-eletrônicas e lipofílicas puderam ser visualizadas entre as moléculas da CQ e dos compostos tricíclicos. No entanto, algumas distinções ausência de planaridade e maior densidade eletrônica sobre os anéis tricíclicos dos anéis heterocíclicos quando comparadas à CQ. Tais características se fizeram refletir na interação com a hematina, como demonstrado nos estudos de ancoramento como também nos estudos de UV-VIS e de Raman Ressonante. / The most Plasmodium falciparum strains show resistance to chloroquine (CQ), yet considered the ideal antimalaric agent. The search for new therapeutic compounds and the restoration of the antimalarial effect of available drugs through the association with modulating agents has been emphasized. However, lack of modulating effect and intrinsic antiplasmodial activity were observed when classic modulating agents, such phenothiazine chlorpromazine and iminodibenzylic desipramine, were tested in vitro against Brazilian isolated resistant of P. falciparum to CQ. The antiparasitic action of tricyclic compounds as the phenotiazine class has been described for more than a century and continues to be of interest. In addition, it was noted the occurrence of common pharmacophore, formed by a heteroaromatic system, a secondary or tertiary nitrogen atom, linked by a side chain of three to four carbon atoms, present among the quinoline antimalarials, the psychotropic drugs and the modulating agents of chloroquine resistance. The goal of this work was by using molecular modeling to study stereo-electronic features and lipophilic characteristics and the interaction on molecular level of tricyclic compounds (phenothiazines and iminodibenzylics) with hematin (probable site of action of CQ) in comparison to antimalaric CQ. In results, similarities stereo-electronic and lipophilic could be viewed between the molecules of CQ and tricyclic compounds. However different features could be noticed such as absence of planarity and a higher electronic density on the tricyclic rings when compared to CQ. These features shown to be relevant to interaction with the µ-oxo dimer of hematin, as observed in docking studies and UV-VIS and Resonance Raman.
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