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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Command control system modeling for evaluating readiness

Boner, Kevin Eugene, 1961- January 1988 (has links)
The objective of this research was to develop a framework whereby the United States Naval Surface Forces could be provided with better information to determine their overall readiness capability. This study utilized the new Readiness Assessment and Reporting Standard (S9410-AN-STD-010/AEGIS) as a guide. Also, a System Design Methodology was used as a tool to develop mathematical models for generating the readiness capability for a particular system. The specific system selected for demonstrating this framework was the Gun Weapon System (GWS) being developed for the Arleigh Burke DDG-51 Class Destroyer.

The Effects of a Perceptual-Motor Training Program on the Performance of Kindergarten Pupils on Metropolitan Readiness Tests

Rutherford, William L. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the effect of a modified form of Kephart's perceptual-motor training program on the performance of kindergarten pupils on Metropolitan Readiness Tests. This program was made up of certain perceptual-motor activities which were utilized during the regular school play periods.

The Impact of Transitional First Grade on Students' Readiness and School Attitude

Reed, Jewel Ann 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a transitional first grade program on the attitude and readiness scores of a group of regular first grade students who qualified for the transitional program but attended regular first grade (control group) and a group of transitional first grade students (experimental group). The study utilized a pretest/posttest design. The regular first grade students received formal instruction in all academic areas. The experimental group received no formal instruction.

Time-Compressed Speech Discrimination and Its Relationship to Reading-Readiness Skills

Danko, Mary Carole 08 1900 (has links)
Time-compressed speech discrimination of children grouped as high and low risk on a reading-readiness test was examined. Children were grouped according to performance on a measure of reading-readiness skills. All passed a hearing screening at fifteen decibels for octave frequencies 250-4000 Hz. The Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification (WIPI) comprised the time-compressed speech task, in a sound field at seventy decibels Sound Pressure Level and zero degrees azimuth. The protocol for administration of the time-compressed speech task was sixty per cent time compression, then zero per cent time compression. Significant effects appeared for time compression ratio and test group. Average difference was twelve per cent and approximately eight per cent at zero.

An Investigation of the Validity and Predictive Value of the NPSDE, a Preschool Assessment Device

Moore, Glenn F. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem under investigation was the predictive value of a preschool screen. The subjects were 111 kindergartners. First, the need for a preschool screen was established. Second, the literature concerning other preschool devices was reviewed. Third, a specific screen was assessed in terms of validity. Fourth, a consideration of the predictive value of this screen in relation to scholastic achievement as indicated by the Metropolitan Readiness Test was made. A multiple regression analysis was performed, and the cross-validation of a number of prediction equations and cutoff scores was significant. Although statistical significance was achieved, high-risk youngsters could not be accurately identified. This research indicated that the instrument evaluated shows promise if refined by additional research.

Traumatologická pripravenosť zdravotníckej záchrannej služby v Českej republike a v Slovenskej republike / Trauma readiness of emergency medical services in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic

BARNA, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
BARNA, Alexander: Trauma readiness of emergency medical services in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic [Diploma thesis]. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Lecturer: Mgr. Zuzana Freitinger-Skalická, Ph.D. The main topic of this work was the introduction of the issue of trauma readiness of the emergency medical service in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, the issue of emergency events with mass casualty incidents and the mapping of the knowledge and orientation of paramedical personnel in the emergency medical services. The diploma thesis is divided into two major parts - theory and research. The theoretical part introduces legislative norms, regulations and expert recommended procedures, based on which providers of emergency health services ensure their activity and crisis readiness, especially through crisis readiness workplaces. The chosen issue in the research part was the knowledge of the members of the emergency medical services groups solved by the quantitative method - a survey carried out by means of an anonymous non-standardized questionnaire, was prepared individually for the Czech Republic and for the Slovak Republic. From the results of the questionnaire survey it can be deduced that the knowledge of the members of the emergency medical service groups is sufficient, but there is still a need to incorporate the expertise and knowledge of the trauma readiness issues. Above all, finding deficiencies in knowledge, which are used to carry out rescue and liquidation work in dealing with emergency events, is particularly problematic.

Vad är viktigt, på riktigt, för oss? : En kvalitativ studie om en organisations villighet och förväntan att ta sig an innovation. / What Really Matters : A Field Study of an Organizations Readiness for Innovation

Richardsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studien har två syften: att, i en utvald statlig myndighet, 1) undersöka organisationens villighet till innovation och 2) att utforska vad som är allmänt kännetecknande för att ta sig an innovation i organisationen. Utgångspunkten är sju anställdas perspektiv och upplevelser kring hur deras myndighet och organisation arbetar med innovation. Data är insamlad via intervjuer och två olika former av analysmetoder har använts. Resultaten från den första delstudien visar på att organisationens villighetsnivå i arbetet med innovation (vid studiens genomförande) ligger på nivå 4, förplaneringoch förflyttar sig i riktning mot nivå 5, förberedelser. Den andra delstudiens fenomenologiska resultat visar på en allmän upplevd psykologisk processviktig att tänka på i arbetet med att ta sig an innovationi organisationen. Denna psykologiska process visar att förväntanär kopplad till att ta sig an innovation och att det även finns förväntan kopplad till värdesättande och uppskattning; kapacitet och skicklighet; modig beslutsamhet; praktiskt görande och samskapande; nytt lärande; möjliggörande dialog och stärkande relationer. Tillsammans kan dessa vara viktiga riktningsgivare att tänka på för att framgångsrikt möta organisationens och de anställdas behov av att navigera och orientera sig i arbetet med att ta sig an innovation; att uppnå fullt ägarskap/professionalism inom innovation samt att säkra organisationens hållbara värdeskapande.

Readiness Assessment of Area Agencies on Aging in Georgia to Prevent Elder Abuse

Dighe, Shatabdi S 07 May 2011 (has links)
Elder abuse has traditionally been a silent social issue in America. However, with an estimated increase in the older population over the next 50 years, and given the preventable nature of violence, it is quickly becoming a major public health priority area. Each year hundreds of thousands of elderly are abused, neglected, or exploited financially worldwide. In the United States alone, it is estimated that 500,000 cases of elder abuse occur annually—with research indicating that substantiated cases are a mere underreport of the true problem. The US federal government has appointed State Units on Aging to address elder abuse. Georgia’s Division of Aging Services (DAS) is located within the Department of Human Services and administers various services to elderly including advocating for their safety and well being. DAS carries out its work through locally appointed Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). While AAAs serves as a first point of entry for elderly population locally, their involvement in reporting and intervening in elder abuse cases has been limited. The purpose of this capstone project is to examine the AAAs’ stage of readiness to address elder abuse using the Community Readiness Model, developed by researchers at the University of Colorado. Telephone administered surveys were completed with 7 out of the 12 Georgia AAAs. Through a double rater review process, transcripts were coded according to diverse constructs of the Community Readiness Model and ultimately a readiness score was produced. The Community Readiness Score provides insight into evidence-based strategies that can be implemented in order to advance elder abuse intervention and prevention within the AAA communities. The findings from this study provide insights into cost-efficient, tailored strategies that can maximize the use of DAS funding for AAA elder abuse case response and service delivery.

Measuring behavioral regulation in young children /

Wanless, Shannon B. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Oregon State University, 2009. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 119-140). Also available on the World Wide Web.

A comparison of kindergarten and primary school teacher expectations for school readiness /

Chow, Yau-mui, Helen. January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1990. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 81-92).

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