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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Reading Preference and Risk Taxonomy for Printed Proprietary Information Compromise in the Aerospace and Defense Industry

Stalker, Joshua D. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The protection of proprietary information that users print from their information systems is a significant and relevant concern in the field of information security to both researchers and practitioners. Information security researchers have repeatedly indicated that human behaviors and perception are important factors influencing the information security of organizations and have called for more research. The aerospace and defense industry commonly deals with its own proprietary information as well its customers. Further, e-training is a growing practice in this industry, it frequently deals with proprietary information, and has unique information security challenge, thus, serves as additional context for this study. This study focused on the investigation of two constructs, user reading preference and user perceived risk of compromising printed proprietary information, as well as seven user demographics. These constructs reflect human behavior and risk perceptions associated with compromising printed proprietary information and, thus, provide valuable insights applicable into information security. This study developed a Reading Preference and Risk (RPR) Taxonomy, which allows users to be classified according to the aforementioned two constructs under investigation and provides insightful characterizations of information security risks. A survey based on existing literature, the primary constructs, and several demographics was implemented to assess two research questions and seven associated hypotheses. The survey was sent to 1,728 employees of an aerospace and defense organization. The response rate was 18% with 311 usable records. The results of the study showed that employees were dispersed across the RPR Taxonomy with 15.1% identified as potentially problematic to the protection of printed proprietary information. The overall results showed that the population had a reading preference for print materials and a high perceived risk for compromising printed proprietary information, as well as significantly higher print preference for e-training materials when it was necessary to retain the content in memory. Significant differences in the two constructs were also found across several demographics including age, gender, frequency of user exposure to proprietary information, the confidentiality level of the proprietary information a user is regularly exposed to, and previous user experience with the compromise of proprietary information. Recommendations for practice and research are provided. Moreover, several areas for future research are also presented.

The Effect of Reading Preference on Reading Comprehension of Low Socioeconomic High School Students

Allen, Lina Lusk 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to examine the effect of reading preference on reading comprehension of low socioeconomic high school students. Subjects were 61 participants in the Upward Bound program at a major southwestern university; they represented urban high schools with high proportions of students of low socioeconomic status. Subjects completed cloze procedure reading passages in four categories: high preference independent level, high preference frustration level, non-expressed preference independent level, and non-expressed preference frustration level. From the results gathered, it was recommended (1) that reading ability assessments include measuring performance with high preference materials, (2) that instructional personnel ascertain and utilize student preferences as foundations for reading instruction, (3) that reading material not be withheld from students on the basis of difficulty, (4) that high preference reading materials be used in reading instruction by secondary reading and content area teachers, and (5) that school patrons be made aware of the value of free preference reading in reading skill development.

臺北市公立國中生課外閱讀行為之研究 / The Study on the Reading Behavior of Taipei Municipal Junior High School Studnets

陳明來, Chen, Ming-Lai Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀行為是人類古老的活動之一,即使邁入資訊時代,閱讀能力仍是學習型社會的指標之一,更是現代公民不可或缺的素養。因此,近來政府相關單位如火如荼地推動閱讀運動,培養民眾閱讀風氣。所謂「知己知彼,百戰百勝」,政府在推動閱讀風氣前,民眾閱讀行為研究則為必備的先導工作,然而綜觀國內閱讀行為相關研究,研究對象大多鎖定在兒童,其次是成人、大專生及高中生,針對國中的研究可說是鳳毛麟爪。本研究以問卷調查法為研究架構,並以質性訪談法輔助蒐集研究資料,分析臺北市立公立國民中學學生的課外閱讀行為、態度、動機、興趣及其影響閱讀之因素。希望本研究結果可作為相關單位規劃、推動國中生閱讀運動參考之用。 本研究發現,在課外閱讀興趣與動機方面,台北市公立國中生閱讀課外讀物的主因是打發時間;導致很少閱讀課外書刊的情況以沒時間居多;經常閱讀的課外讀物類型以「漫畫」居多,其次是「圖書」;各種閱讀方式的使用情況以「閱讀印刷紙本式的書」比例最高;對於同一課外讀物,最喜歡的閱讀方式仍是「閱讀印刷紙本的書」;不同類別主題的課外讀物喜歡程度,前五高者依序是漫畫、推理偵探小說、幽默笑話、冒險小說及電影連續劇原著;進一分析得知性別、課外閱讀態度影響課外閱讀動機有關係,而年級、學業成就不會影響到課外閱讀動機;性別、學業成就及課外閱讀態度會影響到國中生在不同類別主題的課外讀物喜愛程度,而年級則否。在課外閱讀態度方面,整體而言,台北市公立國中生的課外閱讀態度是屬於積極的態度,進一步分析得知性別、學業成就及平均每天課外閱讀時間會影響到國中生課外閱讀態度,而年級則不會影響到國中課外閱讀態度。在課外閱讀行為方面,台北市公立國中生平均每天課外閱讀時數在1小時以內;從事課外閱讀活動的地點以自己家裡居多;從事課外閱讀活動的時間大多是在放學後在家時間及星期假日;課外讀物的來源以自己和父母兄姊購買為主;閱讀課外讀物時通常自己一個人;選擇課外閱物的因素,以「書本內容主題」、「師友家人的推薦」及「原著改拍成電視劇或電影」為前三高;現階段國中教育,以國文課最常進行課外閱讀指導活動;上一個學期及平均一個月閱讀課外讀物之數量分別為13.50本及4.56本;家裡有訂閱報紙的比例高於訂閱雜誌的比例;無法取得想看的課外讀物前三原因是「買(租)不到」、「沒錢買(租)」、「捨不得買」;對於父母或老師反對的課外讀物,多數學生會以理性態度處理;平時從事的休閒活動以「看電視」、「聽音樂(廣播)」及「閱讀課外書刊」為前三項;進一步分析得知年級及課外閱讀態度會影響國中生每天課外閱讀時數,而學業成就則否;年級、學業成就及課外閱讀態度均不會影響到國中生閱讀課外讀物的數量;不同性別、學業成就及課外閱讀態度學生平時從事課外閱讀活動之比例有差異,而不同年級的學生則否。 根據研究結果,從四方面提出十六點建議,做為國內相關單位推動國中課外閱讀活動之參考。在學校圖書館媒體中心方面:(1)加強學校圖書館館藏基本建設;(2)擬定館藏發展政策,並進行讀者需求調查分析;(3)與學校教師配合,共同推動校園課外閱讀風氣;(4)漫畫書是否納入館藏,應重新檢視;(5)定期舉辦主題書展,並提供優良課外讀物資訊;(6)舉辦閱讀相關競賽活動。在學校及學校教師方面:(1)善用學校自習時間,推廣課外閱讀活動;(2)學校應為每一班級訂閱一份報紙;(3)運用不同方式,推廣課外閱讀活動;(4)成立班級讀書會;(5)學校教師應積極推荐優良課外讀物。在學生家長方面:(1)協助就讀國中的子女選擇優良的課外讀物;(2)配合政府推動親子共讀活動,成立家庭讀書會。在出版社及書店業者方面:(1)一般圖書及漫畫出版品應建立圖書分級制;(2)針對青少年的閱讀興趣,出版適合青少年學生閱讀的書刊;(3)配合資訊科技的應用,推廣電子書出版品。

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