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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ambiente para aquisição e processamento de sinal eletromiográfico de superfície / Environment to acquisition and processing of surface electromyography signal

Magagnin Junior, Ari 22 December 2015 (has links)
Nesse trabalho foi desenvolvida uma plataforma para o condicionamento, digitalização, visualização e gravação de sinais de eletromiografia (EMG). Posteriormente a aquisição, a análise pode ser realizada através de técnicas de processamento de sinais. A plataforma consiste em dois módulos que adquirem sinais de EMG através de eletrodos de superfície, limitam a faixa de frequências de interesse, filtram interferências da rede elétrica e digitalizam os sinais pelo conversor analógico-digital do microcontrolador dos módulos. Deste modo, os dados são enviados para o computador pela interface USB na especificação HID, sendo apresentados em tempo real na forma gráfica e armazenados em arquivo. Como recursos de processamento foram implementadas as operações de módulo do sinal, a determinação do valor eficaz (RMS), a análise de Fourier, filtro digital (IIR) e filtro adaptativo. Foram realizados testes iniciais de avaliação da plataforma com sinais de membros inferiores e superiores para fins de comparação de lateralidade de sinais de EMG. A plataforma aberta destina-se a atividades didáticas e a pesquisa acadêmica, permitindo acrescentar outros métodos de processamento que o pesquisador tenha interesse em avaliar ou outras análises que se façam necessárias. / In this work, a platform to the conditioning, digitizing, visualization and recording of the EMG signals was developed. After the acquisition, the analysis can be done by signal processing techniques. The platform consists of two modules witch acquire electromyography (EMG) signals by surface electrodes, limit the interest frequency band, filter the power grid interference and digitalize the signals by the analogue-to- digital converter of the modules microcontroller. Thereby, the data are sent to the computer by the USB interface by the HID specification, displayed in real-time in graphical form and stored in files. As processing resources was implemented the operations of signal absolute value, the determination of effective value (RMS), Fourier analysis, digital filter (IIR) and the adaptive filter. Platform initial tests were performed with signal of lower and upper limbs with the aim to compare the EMG signal laterality. The open platform is intended to educational activities and academic research, allowing the addition of other processing methods that the researcher want to evaluate or other required analysis.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema distribuído de identificação em tempo real de parâmetros de qualidade de energia elétrica

Menezes, Ramon Maciel 29 February 2012 (has links)
CNPq, CAPES / O presente trabalho inclui a revisão das normas de qualidade de energia elétrica, a fim de normatizar o desenvolvimento do projeto seguindo normas nacionais e internacionais; a simulação de algoritmos como CFA e FFT, a fim de verificar a viabilidade de seu uso, bem como as limitações associadas ao processamento de formas de onda fortemente distorcidas. Inclui também a proposição e a verificação de um algoritmo capaz de calcular os índices (selecionados durante a revisão das normas) que pudessem avaliar a qualidade de energia através de sinais de tensão e corrente. Para o desenvolvimento do protótipo, foram selecionados sensores de tensão e de corrente confiáveis para o sistema de aquisição; um DSP, que executa os algoritmos previamente simulados, processando em tempo real os sinais adquiridos pelos sensores, a fim de reportar o estado da rede elétrica e/ou eventos ocorridos na rede através de um módulo ZigBee, responsável pela transmissão desses dados de forma segura. A classe de eventos de variação de tensão de curta duração foi incluída no processamento em tempo real realizado pelo DSP. Devido à imprevisibilidade e à rapidez da ocorrência desses eventos, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta capaz de gerar essa classe de eventos, o gerador de VTCD. A análise de QEE em tempo real se mostrou viável mesmo com a utilização de dispositivos de baixo custo, permitindo, ainda que com algumas limitações, o levantamento de informações de QEE às quais cargas conhecidas estavam submetidas. / The present document includes a comprehensive literature review on power quality issues, to keep the development of this project aligned with national and international standards related; simulation algorithms such as FFT and CFA in order to verify the feasibility of its use, as well as limitations associated with the processing of strongly distorted waveform. It also includes the proposal and verification of an algorithm able to calculate the indices (selected during the standards review) that could assess the power quality through voltage and current signals. For prototype development, voltage and current sensors were selected for reliable acquisition system; a DSP, which running the previously simulated algorithms in order to process in real time the acquired voltage and current signals provided by sensors in order to report the status of the mains grid and/or events occurrence on the network through a ZigBee module, responsible for safety transmission data. The short term voltage change events class was also included in the real time processing performed by the DSP. Due to the unpredictability and short duration of these events, it was developed a tool capable of generating this class of events, the STVC generator. The PQ analysis in real time was feasible even with the use of low cost devices, allowing, although with some limitations, the survey of PQ information which known loads was submitted.

Ambiente para aquisição e processamento de sinal eletromiográfico de superfície / Environment to acquisition and processing of surface electromyography signal

Magagnin Junior, Ari 22 December 2015 (has links)
Nesse trabalho foi desenvolvida uma plataforma para o condicionamento, digitalização, visualização e gravação de sinais de eletromiografia (EMG). Posteriormente a aquisição, a análise pode ser realizada através de técnicas de processamento de sinais. A plataforma consiste em dois módulos que adquirem sinais de EMG através de eletrodos de superfície, limitam a faixa de frequências de interesse, filtram interferências da rede elétrica e digitalizam os sinais pelo conversor analógico-digital do microcontrolador dos módulos. Deste modo, os dados são enviados para o computador pela interface USB na especificação HID, sendo apresentados em tempo real na forma gráfica e armazenados em arquivo. Como recursos de processamento foram implementadas as operações de módulo do sinal, a determinação do valor eficaz (RMS), a análise de Fourier, filtro digital (IIR) e filtro adaptativo. Foram realizados testes iniciais de avaliação da plataforma com sinais de membros inferiores e superiores para fins de comparação de lateralidade de sinais de EMG. A plataforma aberta destina-se a atividades didáticas e a pesquisa acadêmica, permitindo acrescentar outros métodos de processamento que o pesquisador tenha interesse em avaliar ou outras análises que se façam necessárias. / In this work, a platform to the conditioning, digitizing, visualization and recording of the EMG signals was developed. After the acquisition, the analysis can be done by signal processing techniques. The platform consists of two modules witch acquire electromyography (EMG) signals by surface electrodes, limit the interest frequency band, filter the power grid interference and digitalize the signals by the analogue-to- digital converter of the modules microcontroller. Thereby, the data are sent to the computer by the USB interface by the HID specification, displayed in real-time in graphical form and stored in files. As processing resources was implemented the operations of signal absolute value, the determination of effective value (RMS), Fourier analysis, digital filter (IIR) and the adaptive filter. Platform initial tests were performed with signal of lower and upper limbs with the aim to compare the EMG signal laterality. The open platform is intended to educational activities and academic research, allowing the addition of other processing methods that the researcher want to evaluate or other required analysis.

Autonomous navigation and teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles using monocular vision / Navigation autonome et télé-opération de véhicules aériens en utilisant la vision monoculaire

Mercado-Ravell, Diego Alberto 04 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte, de façon théorétique et pratique, sur les sujets plus pertinents autour des drones en navigation autonome et semi-autonome. Conformément à la nature multidisciplinaire des problèmes étudies, une grande diversité des techniques et théories ont été couverts dans les domaines de la robotique, l’automatique, l’informatique, la vision par ordinateur et les systèmes embarques, parmi outres.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, deux plates-formes expérimentales ont été développées afin de valider la théorie proposée pour la navigation autonome d’un drone. Le premier prototype, développé au laboratoire, est un quadrirotor spécialement conçu pour les applications extérieures. La deuxième plate-forme est composée d’un quadrirotor à bas coût du type AR.Drone fabrique par Parrot. Le véhicule est connecté sans fil à une station au sol équipé d’un système d’exploitation pour robots (ROS) et dédié à tester, d’une façon facile, rapide et sécurisé, les algorithmes de vision et les stratégies de commande proposés. Les premiers travaux développés ont été basés sur la fusion de donnés pour estimer la position du drone en utilisant des capteurs inertiels et le GPS. Deux stratégies ont été étudiées et appliquées, le Filtre de Kalman Etendu (EKF) et le filtre à Particules (PF). Les deux approches prennent en compte les mesures bruitées de la position de l’UAV, de sa vitesse et de son orientation. On a réalisé une validation numérique pour tester la performance des algorithmes. Une tâche dans le cahier de cette thèse a été de concevoir d’algorithmes de commande pour le suivi de trajectoires ou bien pour la télé-opération. Pour ce faire, on a proposé une loi de commande basée sur l’approche de Mode Glissants à deuxième ordre. Cette technique de commande permet de suivre au quadrirotor de trajectoires désirées et de réaliser l’évitement des collisions frontales si nécessaire. Etant donné que la plate-forme A.R.Drone est équipée d’un auto-pilote d’attitude, nous avons utilisé les angles désirés de roulis et de tangage comme entrées de commande. L’algorithme de commande proposé donne de la robustesse au système en boucle fermée. De plus, une nouvelle technique de vision monoculaire par ordinateur a été utilisée pour la localisation d’un drone. Les informations visuelles sont fusionnées avec les mesures inertielles du drone pour avoir une bonne estimation de sa position. Cette technique utilise l’algorithme PTAM (localisation parallèle et mapping), qui s’agit d’obtenir un nuage de points caractéristiques dans l’image par rapport à une scène qui servira comme repère. Cet algorithme n’utilise pas de cibles, de marqueurs ou de scènes bien définies. La contribution dans cette méthodologie a été de pouvoir utiliser le nuage de points disperse pour détecter possibles obstacles en face du véhicule. Avec cette information nous avons proposé un algorithme de commande pour réaliser l’évitement d’obstacles. Cette loi de commande utilise les champs de potentiel pour calculer une force de répulsion qui sera appliquée au drone. Des expériences en temps réel ont montré la bonne performance du système proposé. Les résultats antérieurs ont motivé la conception et développement d’un drone capable de réaliser en sécurité l’interaction avec les hommes et les suivre de façon autonome. Un classificateur en cascade du type Haar a été utilisé pour détecter le visage d’une personne. Une fois le visage est détecté, on utilise un filtre de Kalman (KF) pour améliorer la détection et un algorithme pour estimer la position relative du visage. Pour réguler la position du drone et la maintenir à une distance désirée du visage, on a utilisé une loi de commande linéaire. / The present document addresses, theoretically and experimentally, the most relevant topics for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in autonomous and semi-autonomous navigation. According with the multidisciplinary nature of the studied problems, a wide range of techniques and theories are covered in the fields of robotics, automatic control, computer science, computer vision and embedded systems, among others. As part of this thesis, two different experimental platforms were developed in order to explore and evaluate various theories and techniques of interest for autonomous navigation. The first prototype is a quadrotor specially designed for outdoor applications and was fully developed in our lab. The second testbed is composed by a non expensive commercial quadrotor kind AR. Drone, wireless connected to a ground station equipped with the Robot Operating System (ROS), and specially intended to test computer vision algorithms and automatic control strategies in an easy, fast and safe way. In addition, this work provides a study of data fusion techniques looking to enhance the UAVs pose estimation provided by commonly used sensors. Two strategies are evaluated in particular, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and a Particle Filter (PF). Both estimators are adapted for the system under consideration, taking into account noisy measurements of the UAV position, velocity and orientation. Simulations show the performance of the developed algorithms while adding noise from real GPS (Global Positioning System) measurements. Safe and accurate navigation for either autonomous trajectory tracking or haptic teleoperation of quadrotors is presented as well. A second order Sliding Mode (2-SM) control algorithm is used to track trajectories while avoiding frontal collisions in autonomous flight. The time-scale separation of the translational and rotational dynamics allows us to design position controllers by giving desired references in the roll and pitch angles, which is suitable for quadrotors equipped with an internal attitude controller. The 2-SM control allows adding robustness to the closed-loop system. A Lyapunov based analysis probes the system stability. Vision algorithms are employed to estimate the pose of the vehicle using only a monocular SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) fused with inertial measurements. Distance to potential obstacles is detected and computed using the sparse depth map from the vision algorithm. For teleoperation tests, a haptic device is employed to feedback information to the pilot about possible collisions, by exerting opposite forces. The proposed strategies are successfully tested in real-time experiments, using a low-cost commercial quadrotor. Also, conception and development of a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) able to safely interact with human users by following them autonomously, is achieved in the present work. Once a face is detected by means of a Haar cascade classifier, it is tracked applying a Kalman Filter (KF), and an estimation of the relative position with respect to the face is obtained at a high rate. A linear Proportional Derivative (PD) controller regulates the UAV’s position in order to keep a constant distance to the face, employing as well the extra available information from the embedded UAV’s sensors. Several experiments were carried out through different conditions, showing good performance even under disadvantageous scenarios like outdoor flight, being robust against illumination changes, wind perturbations, image noise and the presence of several faces on the same image. Finally, this thesis deals with the problem of implementing a safe and fast transportation system using an UAV kind quadrotor with a cable suspended load. The objective consists in transporting the load from one place to another, in a fast way and with minimum swing in the cable.

Efficient optimal multiprocessor scheduling algorithms for real-time systems

Nelissen, Geoffrey 08 January 2013 (has links)
Real-time systems are composed of a set of tasks that must respect some deadlines. We find them in applications as diversified as the telecommunications, medical devices, cars, planes, satellites, military applications, etc. Missing deadlines in a real-time system may cause various results such as a diminution of the quality of service provided by the system, the complete stop of the application or even the death of people. Being able to prove the correct operation of such systems is therefore primordial. This is the goal of the real-time scheduling theory.<p><p>These last years, we have witnessed a paradigm shift in the computing platform architectures. Uniprocessor platforms have given place to multiprocessor architectures. While the real-time scheduling theory can be considered as being mature for uniprocessor systems, it is still an evolving research field for multiprocessor architectures. One of the main difficulties with multiprocessor platforms, is to provide an optimal scheduling algorithm (i.e. scheduling algorithm that constructs a schedule respecting all the task deadlines for any task set for which a solution exists). Although optimal multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithms exist, they usually cause an excessive number of task preemptions and migrations during the schedule. These preemptions and migrations cause overheads that must be added to the task execution times. Therefore, task sets that would have been schedulable if preemptions and migrations had no cost, become unschedulable in practice. An efficient scheduling algorithm is therefore an algorithm that either minimize the number of preemptions and migrations, or reduce their cost.<p><p>In this dissertation, we expose the following results:<p>- We show that reducing the "fairness" in the schedule, advantageously impacts the number of preemptions and migrations. Hence, all the scheduling algorithms that will be proposed in this thesis, tend to reduce or even suppress the fairness in the computed schedule.<p><p>- We propose three new online scheduling algorithms. One of them --- namely, BF2 --- is optimal for the scheduling of sporadic tasks in discrete-time environments, and reduces the number of task preemptions and migrations in comparison with the state-of-the-art in discrete-time systems. The second one is optimal for the scheduling of periodic tasks in a continuous-time environment. Because this second algorithm is based on a semi-partitioned scheme, it should favorably impact the preemption overheads. The third algorithm --- named U-EDF --- is optimal for the scheduling of sporadic and dynamic task sets in a continuous-time environment. It is the first real-time scheduling algorithm which is not based on the notion of "fairness" and nevertheless remains optimal for the scheduling of sporadic (and dynamic) systems. This important result was achieved by extending the uniprocessor algorithm EDF to the multiprocessor scheduling problem. <p><p>- Because the coding techniques are also evolving as the degree of parallelism increases in computing platforms, we provide solutions enabling the scheduling of parallel tasks with the currently existing scheduling algorithms, which were initially designed for the scheduling of sequential independent tasks. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Algorithmic analysis of complex semantics for timed and hybrid automata

Doyen, Laurent 13 June 2006 (has links)
In the field of formal verification of real-time systems, major developments have been recorded in the last fifteen years. It is about logics, automata, process algebra, programming languages, etc. From the beginning, a formalism has played an important role: timed automata and their natural extension,hybrid automata. Those models allow the definition of real-time constraints using real-valued clocks, or more generally analog variables whose evolution is governed by differential equations. They generalize finite automata in that their semantics defines timed words where each symbol is associated with an occurrence timestamp.<p><p>The decidability and algorithmic analysis of timed and hybrid automata have been intensively studied in the literature. The central result for timed automata is that they are positively decidable. This is not the case for hybrid automata, but semi-algorithmic methods are known when the dynamics is relatively simple, namely a linear relation between the derivatives of the variables.<p>With the increasing complexity of nowadays systems, those models are however limited in their classical semantics, for modelling realistic implementations or dynamical systems.<p><p>In this thesis, we study the algorithmics of complex semantics for timed and hybrid automata.<p>On the one hand, we propose implementable semantics for timed automata and we study their computational properties: by contrast with other works, we identify a semantics that is implementable and that has decidable properties. <p>On the other hand, we give new algorithmic approaches to the analysis of hybrid automata whose dynamics is given by an affine function of its variables.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation Informatique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Highly variable real-time networks: an Ethernet/IP solution and application to railway trains

Constantopoulos, Vassilios 03 July 2006 (has links)
In this thesis we study the key requirements and solutions for the feasibility and application of Ethernet-TCP/IP technology to the networks we termed Highly-Variable Real-Time Networks (HVRN). This particular class of networks poses exceptionally demanding requirements because their physical and logical topologies are both temporally and spatially variable. We devised and introduced specific mechanisms for applying Ethernet-TCP/IP to HVRNs with particular emphasis on effective and reliable modular connectivity. Using a railroad train as a reference, this work analyzes the unique requirements of HVRNs and focuses on the backbone architecture for such a system under Ethernet and TCP/IP. / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Collaborative design (COLLDESIGN): A real-time interactive unified modeling language tool

Telikapalli, Surya 01 January 2004 (has links)
This project extended COLLDESIGN, an interactive collaborative modeling tool that was developed by Mr. Hara Totapally. The initial version included a collaborative framework comprised of configurable client and server components. This project accomplished a complete implementation of the Class Diagram view. In addition, extending the framework, text messaging and audio conferencing features have been implemented to allow for real-time textual and audio communication between team members working on a particular project. VideoClient is the GUI of the application.

Mercury Instant Messaging System: A collaborative instant messaging tool

Srinivas, Tejaswi 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to use Java technology to create an instant messenger application that could be used by any person who has the basic knowledge of working with a graphical user interface. The goal here is to develop an application that provides communication to users running different operating systems.

Recent Approaches to Real-Time Notation

Shafer, Seth 05 1900 (has links)
This paper discusses several compositions that use the computer screen to present music notation to performers. Three of these compositions, Law of Fives (2015), Polytera II (2016), and Terraformation (2016–17), employ strategies that allow the notation to change during the performance of the work as the product of composer-regulated algorithmic generation and performer interaction. New methodologies, implemented using Cycling74's Max software, facilitate performance of these works by allowing effective control of generation and on-screen display of notation; these include an application called VizScore, which delivers notation and conducts through it in real-time, and a development environment for real-time notation using the Bach extensions and graphical overlays around them. These tools support a concept of cartographic composition, in which a composer maps a range of potential behaviors that are mediated by human or algorithmic systems or some combination of the two. Notational variation in performance relies on computer algorithms that can both generate novel ideas and be subject to formal plans designed by the composer. This requires a broader discussion of the underlying algorithms and control mechanisms in the context of algorithmic art in general. Terraformation, for viola and computer, uses a model of the performer's physical actions to constrain the algorithmic generation of musical material displayed in on-screen notation. The resulting action-based on-screen notation system combines common practice notation with fingerboard tablature, color gradients, and abstract graphics. This hybrid model of dynamic notation puts unconventional demands on the performer; implications of this new performance practice are addressed, including behaviors, challenges, and freedoms of real-time notation.

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