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The aim of this research is to assess the material properties of concrete like modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, and Poisson’s ratio using various nondestructive Testing (NDT) methods like Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) and Rebound Hammer (RH). Assessment of material properties of concrete is very important as they are used for structural design process. Various NDT methods are applied to ensure the quality of concrete specimens but they can also be used to find material properties. UPV is a NDT method which is used to test the internal condition of the concrete specimen. RH is a surface hardness testing method and can be used to test the homogeneity of the specimen. For this study, several batches of concrete samples with three different design strengths of 6000 psi, 8000 psi, and 12000 psi were casted. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio were calculated from UPV P-wave and S-wave velocities. A Nomogram was developed by combining the longitudinal ultrasonic pulse velocities, rebound numbers, and compressive strengths measured from UPV, RH, and compressive strength tests respectively. This combined NDT correlation curve (Nomogram) can be used to estimate compressive strength of concrete if UPV and rebound values are known. The accuracy of these NDT methods were determined by comparing estimated strength to the actual strength. Furthermore, the effect of moisture content on UPV and rebound values was reviewed and also studied dynamic modulus of elasticity and its relation with static modulus of elasticity of the concrete was investigated for better understanding.
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Non-Destructive Testing Of Concrete BridgesHedlund, Nadja January 2020 (has links)
Non-destructive testing is of great value in cases where a structure's future is investigated to find out what the best measure is. It is not always the best solution to demolish and build new. Many structures can be repaired and function several more years. In this thesis the main goal is to investigate some different non-destructive techniques and learn more about difficulties and strengths. The test subjects will be a cast T-beam in a laboratory environment as well as a case study of a railway bridge in Abisko. The different testing equipment being used in this thesis is a covermeter, a rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity. For both the T-beam and the bridge the results are overall very good. The covermeter is proven to be both easy to use and very reliable and the ultrasonic pulse velocity was more to learn about and more difficult but is giving very good results as well. Conclusions after the thesis project is that it requires a lot of experience of the user and time to make non-destructive testing useful and competitive in the society. Getting all the pieces together it is a powerful tool that hopefully is a sustainable asset in the future, regarding both economic and environmental issues.
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Experimentální stanovení závislosti parametrů NDT a pevnosti v tlaku betonu / Experimental determination of the relationship between NDT parameters and the compressive strength of concreteKozáček, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with non-destructive testing of concrete as well as with the relationship between determined parameters and the compressive strength of concrete. The thesis is mainly focused on the ultrasonic pulse velocity method and the rebound hammer test. The experimental part of the thesis describes non-destructive tests performed on concrete blocks. The compressive strength was tested on the drill cores taken from the concrete blocks. The aim of this thesis is to find regression models of the relationship between the compressive strength and non-destructive parameters, and the subsequent analysis of the results.
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Využití regresní analýzy a tvrdoměrných metod při vyhodnocování pevnosti betonu v tlaku v prefabrikovaných dílcích / Determination of compressive strength of concrete in prefabricated units using NDT methods and advanced regression diagnosticsUchytilová, Jitka January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the rebound hammer method as a tool for approximation of the time limit for handling the concrete. The theoretical part is focused on three fields of knowledge - rebound hammer test, production of precast concrete components and statistical data analysis. The following practical part deals with the design of two single-parameter linear functions for two types of rebound hammer testers - SilverSchmidt L and SchmidtOriginal N. Statistical data processing is completed by the analysis of influential points by using the Cook’s distance. The resulting statistical models are compared with commonly used relationships.
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Field Observation of Installation and Performance of Repair MaterialsSusinskas, Larisa Diana 22 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Interrelated dataset of rebound numbers, ultrasonic pulse velocities and compressive strengths of drilled concrete cores from an existing structure and new fabricated concrete cubesGebauer, Daniel, Beltrán Gutiérrez, Raúl Enrique, Marx, Steffen, Butler, Marko, Grahl, Konrad, Thiel, Thomas, Maack, Stefan, Küttenbaum, Stefan, Pirskawetz, Stephan, Breit, Wolfgang, Schickert, Martin, Krüger, Marco 10 January 2025 (has links)
Two test series were examined using nondestructive measuring methods by six independent laboratories before determining their compressive strength. The nondestructive test methods used were the rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity measurement. Two types of geometries were investigated: drilled cores and cubes. The measurement procedure for each of these datasets is conditioned to the geometry and is therefore different. The first series consists of 20 drilled cores (approximately diameter/height = 10 cm/20 cm) from the 55-year-old Lahntal Viaduct near Limburg, Germany. After preparation in the first laboratory, the lateral surface of the drilled cores was tested with the rebound hammer using a given pattern. Every laboratory tested every drilled core at different locations. Ultrasonic measurements in transmission were performed repeatedly at predefined points on the flat surfaces of the specimen. The second series consisted of 25 newly manufactured concrete cubes of a mix with a target concrete strength class of C30/37. The edge length was 15 cm. Each laboratory received five specimens of this test series. Thus, contrary to the first series, each specimen was tested by only one laboratory. Two side faces of each cube were tested with the rebound hammer. In addition, ultrasonic measurements were performed by one laboratory. The time of flight was measured between the tested side faces of the rebound hammer at different positions. For both series, rebound hammers were used to determine the R-value as well as the Q-value. The rebound hammer models within the laboratories were always the same, while they differed between the laboratories. The ultrasonic measurements took place with different measurement systems and couplants. Finally, both specimen series were tested destructively for compressive strength. The dataset contains the raw data summarized in tabular form. In addition, relevant calculated data are included in some cases. For the ultrasonic measurements, the time of flight has already been converted into the ultrasonic velocity. Besides, in addition to the raw data of the compressive strength test (force, weight, and geometry values), the calculated compressive strengths and densities are also provided.
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Adaptive Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges Using Nondestructive TestingHuang, Qindan 2010 May 1900 (has links)
There has been increasing interest in evaluating the performance of existing
reinforced concrete (RC) bridges just after natural disasters or man-made events
especially when the defects are invisible, or in quantifying the improvement after
rehabilitations. In order to obtain an accurate assessment of the reliability of a RC
bridge, it is critical to incorporate information about its current structural properties,
which reflects the possible aging and deterioration. This dissertation proposes to
develop an adaptive reliability analysis of RC bridges incorporating the damage
detection information obtained from nondestructive testing (NDT).
In this study, seismic fragility is used to describe the reliability of a structure
withstanding future seismic demand. It is defined as the conditional probability that a
seismic demand quantity attains or exceeds a specified capacity level for given values of
earthquake intensity. The dissertation first develops a probabilistic capacity model for
RC columns and the capacity model can be used when the flexural stiffness decays nonuniformly
over a column height. Then, a general methodology to construct probabilistic seismic demand models for RC highway bridges with one single-column bent is
presented. Next, a combination of global and local NDT methods is proposed to identify
in-place structural properties. The global NDT uses the dynamic responses of a structure
to assess its global/equivalent structural properties and detect potential damage locations.
The local NDT uses local measurements to identify the local characteristics of the
structure. Measurement and modeling errors are considered in the application of the
NDT methods and the analysis of the NDT data. Then, the information obtained from
NDT is used in the probabilistic capacity and demand models to estimate the seismic
fragility of the bridge. As an illustration, the proposed probabilistic framework is
applied to a reinforced concrete bridge with a one-column bent. The result of the
illustration shows that the proposed framework can successfully provide the up-to-date
structural properties and accurate fragility estimates.
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Condicionantes geotécnicos e análise de quedas de blocos rochosos da rodovia RS471/BR153, Lote 2 / Geotechnical conditions and rockfall analysis of the RS71 / BR153 Highway, section 2 / Condicionantes geotécnicos y análisis de caídas de rocas en la carretera RS471/BR153, tramo 2Flórez Gálvez, Jorge Hernán January 2012 (has links)
A RS471/BR153 é uma importante rodovia de integração, pois atravessa o estado do RS diagonalmente (Noroeste – Sudeste). O trecho estudado nesta dissertação localiza-se entre os municípios de Herveiras e Vera Cruz, coincidente com descida do planalto até a região central do estado. Durante o detalhamento do projeto e na construção da obra foram encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos, os quais são sucintamente descritos. O texto apresenta as condicionantes geotécnicas de três subtrechos: (a) planalto, composto de rochas ácidas de origem vulcânica e grau de fraturamento muito alto; (b) descida da serra, composto pelos derrames da formação Serra Geral (brechas ácidas e basálticas e derrames basálticos) e (c) planície, com a presença de rochas sedimentares e materiais coluvionares. Além disto, há uma região especial onde o traçado atravessa uma sela topográfica coincidente com uma falha regional, com cortes de cerca de 60 m de altura através de rochas ácidas, básicas e brechas vulcânicas. A dissertação apresenta estudos dos processos de quedas de blocos rochosos que têm ocorrido nos cortes da rodovia. Foi utilizado um procedimento que correlaciona as leituras obtidas com o martelo Schmidt (Esclerômetro) e o coeficiente de restituição normal (RN) das rochas em diversos locais. Utilizando estes dados experimentais, foram executadas simulações de queda de blocos em quatro seções transversais bastante distintas com o uso do programa RocFall. Para cada seção foram simulados cinco cenários: (a) a existência de alargamentos para construção de áreas de retenção de blocos, (b) inexistência destas áreas, (c) a existência de preenchimento de uma ou várias banquetas existentes nos taludes de corte, e (d) o abatimento da seção com eliminação das banquetas. Foram também simulados quatro tipos de elementos de proteção: barreiras de baixa altura em concreto, camadas de areia fofa, barreiras metálicas flexíveis e proteção superficial dos taludes. A existência de áreas de retenção de blocos mostrou ser uma ótima medida, com frequências de invasão de pista geralmente abaixo de 1%, podendo chegar a 6,5% em condições de grande acúmulo de material. O melhor desempenho foi obtido pela instalação de camadas de areia fofa, obtendo-se todas as frequências abaixo de 2%. O uso de barreiras rígidas de 81 cm de altura teve um bom desempenho para taludes de baixa altura, chegando a detenções de até 25% dos blocos em trajetória de invasão. As barreiras flexíveis e proteções superficiais geraram resultados satisfatórios, mas que podem ser melhorados com outras modulações e dimensões. / The RS471/BR153 is an important road of integration, that cross RS state diagonally (northwest - southeast). The segment studied on this dissertation is located between the towns of Vera Cruz and Herveiras, coincident with the descent way from the plateau to the central state region. During the design and during the road construction several geotechnical problems were faced, which are briefly described. The text presents the geotechnical constraints of 3 segments: (a) plateau, composed of acid rocks of volcanic origin and very high degree of fracturing, (b) hills of the mountain, made up of volcanic rocks of Serra Geral formation (acid and basaltic breccias, basaltic flows) and (c) the plain, with the presence of sedimentary rocks and colluvial materials. There is also a special region where the road crosses a topographic saddle which it coincides with a regional fault, with cuts of about 60 m high through acid and basic rocks and volcanic breccia. The dissertation presents studies of rock falls that have occurred in the road cuts. A procedure that correlates the readings obtained with the Schmidt hammer (rebound hammer) and the normal coefficient of restitution (RN) of the rocks was carried out for measures taken at several locations. With these experimental data, simulations of falling boulders in four very different cross sections were done using the program RocFall. For each section five situations were simulated: (a) enlargements for the construction of rockfall catchment areas (b) the absence of these areas, (c) the existence of accumulation in the benchs of the cuts, and (d) the reduction of the section with bench removal. Four types of elements of protection were tested: concrete low barriers, layers of sand, flexible metal barriers and slope surface protection. The existence of rockfall catchment areas was shown to be a very good measure with frequencies of track invasion usually below 1% reaching 6.5% on conditions of large material accumulation. The best performance was obtained by the installation of sand layers, with all frequencies below 2%. The use of rigid barriers of 81 cm high had a good performance for low-slope heights, reaching up to 25% block retention. The use of flexible barriers and surface protections also had a good performance. / La RS471/BR153 es una importante carretera de integración, atraviesa el estado de RS diagonalmente (Noroeste-Sureste). El tramo estudiado en esta disertación se localiza entre los municipios de Herveiras y Vera Cruz, y coincide con el descenso desde el altiplano hasta la región central del estado. Durante las etapas de detalle y construcción de la obra fueron encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos que son brevemente descritos. El texto presenta los condicionantes geotécnicos de tres subtramos: (a) altiplano, compuesto por rocas ácidas de origen volcánico y grado de fracturamiento muy alto; (b) descenso de la sierra, compuesto por los derrames de la formación Serra Geral (brechas ácidas y basálticas e derrames basálticos) y (c) planicie, con rocas sedimentarias y materiales coluviales. Además, hay una región donde el trazado atraviesa una “silla” topográfica que coincide con una falla regional, con cortes de aproximadamente 60 m de altura a través de rocas ácidas, básicas y brechas volcánicas. La disertación presenta estudios de procesos de caídas de rocas que han ocurrido en algunos cortes. Fue utilizado un procedimiento que correlaciona las lecturas obtenidas con el martillo Schmidt (Esclerómetro) y el coeficiente de restitución normal (RN) de las rocas en diferentes lugares. Con estos datos experimentales, fueron ejecutadas simulaciones de caídas de rocas en cuatro secciones transversales bastante distintas usando el programa RocFall. En cada sección fueron simulados cinco escenarios: (a) existencia de sobreanchos para la construcción de áreas de retención de rocas, (b) inexistencia de estas áreas, (c) existencia de relleno en una o más gradas existentes en los taludes de corte, y (d) diminución de la pendiente de los taludes y eliminación de las gradas. También fueron simulados cuatro tipos de elementos de protección: barreras de baja altura en concreto, capas de arena suelta, barreras metálicas flexibles y protección superficial de los taludes. La existencia de áreas de retención de rocas mostro ser una excelente medida, con frecuencias de invasión de pista generalmente inferiores a 1%, pudiendo llegar a 6,5% en condiciones de gran acumulación de material. El mejor desempeño fue obtenido con la instalación de capas de arena suelta, con todas las frecuencias por debajo de 2%. El uso de barreras rígidas de 81 cm de altura tuvo un buen desempeño para taludes de baja altura, llegando a detenciones de hasta 25% de los bloques en trayectoria de invasión. Las barreras flexibles y protecciones superficiales generaron resultados satisfactorios, que podrían ser mejorados con otras modulaciones y dimensiones.
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Condicionantes geotécnicos e análise de quedas de blocos rochosos da rodovia RS471/BR153, Lote 2 / Geotechnical conditions and rockfall analysis of the RS71 / BR153 Highway, section 2 / Condicionantes geotécnicos y análisis de caídas de rocas en la carretera RS471/BR153, tramo 2Flórez Gálvez, Jorge Hernán January 2012 (has links)
A RS471/BR153 é uma importante rodovia de integração, pois atravessa o estado do RS diagonalmente (Noroeste – Sudeste). O trecho estudado nesta dissertação localiza-se entre os municípios de Herveiras e Vera Cruz, coincidente com descida do planalto até a região central do estado. Durante o detalhamento do projeto e na construção da obra foram encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos, os quais são sucintamente descritos. O texto apresenta as condicionantes geotécnicas de três subtrechos: (a) planalto, composto de rochas ácidas de origem vulcânica e grau de fraturamento muito alto; (b) descida da serra, composto pelos derrames da formação Serra Geral (brechas ácidas e basálticas e derrames basálticos) e (c) planície, com a presença de rochas sedimentares e materiais coluvionares. Além disto, há uma região especial onde o traçado atravessa uma sela topográfica coincidente com uma falha regional, com cortes de cerca de 60 m de altura através de rochas ácidas, básicas e brechas vulcânicas. A dissertação apresenta estudos dos processos de quedas de blocos rochosos que têm ocorrido nos cortes da rodovia. Foi utilizado um procedimento que correlaciona as leituras obtidas com o martelo Schmidt (Esclerômetro) e o coeficiente de restituição normal (RN) das rochas em diversos locais. Utilizando estes dados experimentais, foram executadas simulações de queda de blocos em quatro seções transversais bastante distintas com o uso do programa RocFall. Para cada seção foram simulados cinco cenários: (a) a existência de alargamentos para construção de áreas de retenção de blocos, (b) inexistência destas áreas, (c) a existência de preenchimento de uma ou várias banquetas existentes nos taludes de corte, e (d) o abatimento da seção com eliminação das banquetas. Foram também simulados quatro tipos de elementos de proteção: barreiras de baixa altura em concreto, camadas de areia fofa, barreiras metálicas flexíveis e proteção superficial dos taludes. A existência de áreas de retenção de blocos mostrou ser uma ótima medida, com frequências de invasão de pista geralmente abaixo de 1%, podendo chegar a 6,5% em condições de grande acúmulo de material. O melhor desempenho foi obtido pela instalação de camadas de areia fofa, obtendo-se todas as frequências abaixo de 2%. O uso de barreiras rígidas de 81 cm de altura teve um bom desempenho para taludes de baixa altura, chegando a detenções de até 25% dos blocos em trajetória de invasão. As barreiras flexíveis e proteções superficiais geraram resultados satisfatórios, mas que podem ser melhorados com outras modulações e dimensões. / The RS471/BR153 is an important road of integration, that cross RS state diagonally (northwest - southeast). The segment studied on this dissertation is located between the towns of Vera Cruz and Herveiras, coincident with the descent way from the plateau to the central state region. During the design and during the road construction several geotechnical problems were faced, which are briefly described. The text presents the geotechnical constraints of 3 segments: (a) plateau, composed of acid rocks of volcanic origin and very high degree of fracturing, (b) hills of the mountain, made up of volcanic rocks of Serra Geral formation (acid and basaltic breccias, basaltic flows) and (c) the plain, with the presence of sedimentary rocks and colluvial materials. There is also a special region where the road crosses a topographic saddle which it coincides with a regional fault, with cuts of about 60 m high through acid and basic rocks and volcanic breccia. The dissertation presents studies of rock falls that have occurred in the road cuts. A procedure that correlates the readings obtained with the Schmidt hammer (rebound hammer) and the normal coefficient of restitution (RN) of the rocks was carried out for measures taken at several locations. With these experimental data, simulations of falling boulders in four very different cross sections were done using the program RocFall. For each section five situations were simulated: (a) enlargements for the construction of rockfall catchment areas (b) the absence of these areas, (c) the existence of accumulation in the benchs of the cuts, and (d) the reduction of the section with bench removal. Four types of elements of protection were tested: concrete low barriers, layers of sand, flexible metal barriers and slope surface protection. The existence of rockfall catchment areas was shown to be a very good measure with frequencies of track invasion usually below 1% reaching 6.5% on conditions of large material accumulation. The best performance was obtained by the installation of sand layers, with all frequencies below 2%. The use of rigid barriers of 81 cm high had a good performance for low-slope heights, reaching up to 25% block retention. The use of flexible barriers and surface protections also had a good performance. / La RS471/BR153 es una importante carretera de integración, atraviesa el estado de RS diagonalmente (Noroeste-Sureste). El tramo estudiado en esta disertación se localiza entre los municipios de Herveiras y Vera Cruz, y coincide con el descenso desde el altiplano hasta la región central del estado. Durante las etapas de detalle y construcción de la obra fueron encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos que son brevemente descritos. El texto presenta los condicionantes geotécnicos de tres subtramos: (a) altiplano, compuesto por rocas ácidas de origen volcánico y grado de fracturamiento muy alto; (b) descenso de la sierra, compuesto por los derrames de la formación Serra Geral (brechas ácidas y basálticas e derrames basálticos) y (c) planicie, con rocas sedimentarias y materiales coluviales. Además, hay una región donde el trazado atraviesa una “silla” topográfica que coincide con una falla regional, con cortes de aproximadamente 60 m de altura a través de rocas ácidas, básicas y brechas volcánicas. La disertación presenta estudios de procesos de caídas de rocas que han ocurrido en algunos cortes. Fue utilizado un procedimiento que correlaciona las lecturas obtenidas con el martillo Schmidt (Esclerómetro) y el coeficiente de restitución normal (RN) de las rocas en diferentes lugares. Con estos datos experimentales, fueron ejecutadas simulaciones de caídas de rocas en cuatro secciones transversales bastante distintas usando el programa RocFall. En cada sección fueron simulados cinco escenarios: (a) existencia de sobreanchos para la construcción de áreas de retención de rocas, (b) inexistencia de estas áreas, (c) existencia de relleno en una o más gradas existentes en los taludes de corte, y (d) diminución de la pendiente de los taludes y eliminación de las gradas. También fueron simulados cuatro tipos de elementos de protección: barreras de baja altura en concreto, capas de arena suelta, barreras metálicas flexibles y protección superficial de los taludes. La existencia de áreas de retención de rocas mostro ser una excelente medida, con frecuencias de invasión de pista generalmente inferiores a 1%, pudiendo llegar a 6,5% en condiciones de gran acumulación de material. El mejor desempeño fue obtenido con la instalación de capas de arena suelta, con todas las frecuencias por debajo de 2%. El uso de barreras rígidas de 81 cm de altura tuvo un buen desempeño para taludes de baja altura, llegando a detenciones de hasta 25% de los bloques en trayectoria de invasión. Las barreras flexibles y protecciones superficiales generaron resultados satisfactorios, que podrían ser mejorados con otras modulaciones y dimensiones.
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