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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogy, class and culture : a study of young children's learning at home and school

Brooker, Elizabeth Helen January 2000 (has links)
This study investigates the home and school learning of a sample of sixteen four year- old children who started school in a working-class neighbourhood in an English provincial town in September 1997. The children, from English and Bangladeshi families, are viewed as embedded cases within a single case study of a Reception class. The study uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, within a broadly ethnographic approach, to describe the children's learning in their families, and to monitor their progress throughout the Reception year. The children's attainments were assessed at age 4, when they entered school, and again the following July. The study constructs and analyses its data on the children's learning within a framework of concepts derived from the social theories of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu. Bourdieu's concepts of habitus and the forms of capital are used to describe and analyse the ways in which children acquire their individual 'systems of dispositions' towards learning in their families. Bernstein's theory of pedagogic discourse is employed to compare the curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation practised in children's homes with that of their Reception classroom. Both theorists attribute the differential educational and social success of children from different backgrounds to the symbolic control which transmits broad macro power relations into socialising institutions such as families and schools. The thesis focuses in turn on: the habitus and capital of individual families within their social and ethnic groups; the curriculum and pedagogy of children's homes; the pedagogic discourse of the classroom; children's adaptation to school, and attainments on entry; and their Reception progress and outcomes. Throughout the thesis a series of individual case studies illustrates the ways in which the regulative and instructional discourses of home and school influence children's social and cognitive development, and their school achievement.

Parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cassidy, Bernice Teresa 30 November 2006 (has links)
Parents play an integral role in the support of early learning. This study focuses on parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark. This study includes a literature review of parent support of early learning and school facilitation of parent involvement in early learning. A qualitative investigation of parental support of early learning, within the context of global mobility and multi-culturalism, was undertaken in Rygaards School, in particular in its Reception Class. It was established that very little support exists on a global, social and local level, for the globally mobile families whose children attend this particular international school. Furthermore, the school itself does not fully meet the needs of its globally mobile families. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations for introducing comprehensive parent involvement were proposed, amongst others the introduction of an Induction Programme for newcomers to Rygaards, strategies for compensating for the absence of a middle management amongst its teaching staff and the extension of parent participation in curriculum provision. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark

Cassidy, Bernice Teresa 30 November 2006 (has links)
Parents play an integral role in the support of early learning. This study focuses on parent support of learning in an international reception class in Copenhagen, Denmark. This study includes a literature review of parent support of early learning and school facilitation of parent involvement in early learning. A qualitative investigation of parental support of early learning, within the context of global mobility and multi-culturalism, was undertaken in Rygaards School, in particular in its Reception Class. It was established that very little support exists on a global, social and local level, for the globally mobile families whose children attend this particular international school. Furthermore, the school itself does not fully meet the needs of its globally mobile families. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations for introducing comprehensive parent involvement were proposed, amongst others the introduction of an Induction Programme for newcomers to Rygaards, strategies for compensating for the absence of a middle management amongst its teaching staff and the extension of parent participation in curriculum provision. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Étude du soutien social mis en oeuvre lors d’activités collectives conçues et menées pour favoriser le développement du bien-être au travail chez les enseignants

Mamprin, Caterina 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale en psychopédagogie porte sur l’étude du soutien social mis en oeuvre lors d’une activité collective conçue et menée pour favoriser le développement du bien-être au travail chez les enseignants. Cette étude de cas multiples qualitative a été réalisée auprès de huit enseignants de classes d’accueil du secondaire qui ont participé à une activité collective (des groupes de parole) durant six mois. Trois principaux thèmes ont guidé l’organisation de cette recherche : le bien-être psychologique au travail (BEPT), le soutien social et les retombées des groupes de parole. Afin de collecter les données, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées avec des enseignants sur le thème du BEPT selon la conception de Dagenais-Desmarais (2010). Ces entrevues ont eu lieu avant et après la participation des enseignants aux activités collectives visant le BEPT. Ensuite, l’étude du soutien social a été réalisée en cohérence avec les trois principales dimensions associées à ce concept selon Vaux (1990) : les comportements de soutien, les ressources du réseau et l’évaluation subjective du soutien. Les comportements de soutien manifestés durant les groupes de parole ont été analysés. Puis, les ressources du réseau des enseignants, principalement associées à l’activité collective et à ses participants, ont été décrites. La dimension de l’évaluation subjective du soutien a été documentée lors des entrevues semi-dirigées menées après les huit séances du groupe de parole. Dans l’intention de recueillir des données relatives aux perceptions des enseignants sur les retombées de l’activité collective sur leur bien-être au travail, certaines questions de la deuxième entrevue semi-dirigée après les activités collectives ont également été ajoutées sur ce thème. Cette recherche, s’inscrivant dans une perspective systémique, accorde une place particulière à la compréhension des relations bidirectionnelles entre l’individu et son environnement. En s’appuyant sur le modèle processus-personne-contexte-temps de Bronfenbrenner et Morris (1998), le soutien social est étudié sous l’angle des processus, le BEPT est associé à la composante personne, les groupes de parole et l’environnement de travail des enseignants des classes d’accueil représentent le contexte et, finalement, le temps est étudié en filigrane de tous ces éléments. Les résultats de cette thèse sont organisés de façon à mettre en lumière la singularité des cas par leur présentation individuelle en plus de relever les ressemblances et les dissemblances entre les participants par une analyse croisée. Les données de recherche permettent d’esquisser le portrait du BEPT des participants qui oeuvraient en classe d’accueil. En plus de détailler l’état des participants et le contexte de travail avec les défis et les enjeux inhérents à l’enseignement aux élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés, les résultats mettent en exergue une scission entre les programmes d’accueil et les programmes « réguliers » au sein de l’école. Cette scission entraîne des retombées sur toutes les dimensions du BEPT (l’adéquation interpersonnelle, le sentiment de compétence, l’épanouissement, la volonté de s’engager et la reconnaissance perçue au travail). L’analyse des données illustre également l’importance et la complexité des relations sociales dans le contexte enseignant. En ce qui concerne l’étude du soutien social, en plus de faire état des comportements de soutien donnés et reçus par les participants, les résultats mettent en valeur le soutien social indirect. Les participants ont rapporté avoir bénéficié d’une aide qui ne leur était pas directement adressée. Le soutien social donné par un participant pouvait donc être pertinent pour plus d’un membre du groupe et être disponible dans le groupe, sans être provoqué. De plus, les liens tissés dans le groupe de parole ont pu favoriser l’établissement d’un réseau de soutien représenté autant par l’activité et l’environnement créé par celle-ci que par les participants. L’augmentation de la taille du réseau de soutien a également été évoquée par les enseignants à l’extérieur de l’activité. Autant l’évaluation subjective du soutien que la documentation des retombées des groupes de parole sur le bien-être ont permis de mettre en lumière un second processus : le partage de vécu. Alors que les groupes de parole visent à regrouper les individus autour d’une question commune dans une perspective psychodynamique, le partage de vécu permis par le cadre de l’activité a été fréquemment nommé comme favorisant le développement du bien-être. Le caractère novateur de cette recherche se situe dans l’agencement des concepts et dans la précision de son analyse sur le soutien social mis en oeuvre lors d’activités collectives conçues et menées pour favoriser le développement du bien-être au travail. En plus des avancées théoriques et conceptuelles proposées, les résultats ont des retombées pratiques importantes. Par le détail du contexte de travail des enseignants en classe d’accueil, mais aussi par la mise en oeuvre d’activités collectives à l’école, cette thèse propose des pistes de réflexion pour la formation des enseignants, la gouvernance scolaire, les directions et les enseignants. / This doctoral thesis in educational psychology focuses on the study of social support implemented during a group activity designed and conducted to promote the development of well-being at work among teachers. This qualitative multiple case study was conducted with eight reception class (French language classes for newly arrived immigrants in Quebec) teachers who participated in focus groups over a six-month period. Three main themes guided the organization of this research: psychological well-being at work, social support and the impact of the discussion groups. In order to collect the data, semi-directed interviews were conducted on psychological well-being at work according to Dagenais-Desmarais’s (2010) conception. These interviews took place before and after the teachers’ participation in group activities. The study of social support was then led in accordance with the three main dimensions associated with this concept according to Vaux (1990): supportive behaviors, network resources and subjective evaluation of support. The support behaviors carried out during the discussion groups were analyzed. Then, the resources of the teachers’ network, mainly associated with the group activity and its participants, were described. The dimension of subjective evaluation of support was documented in semi-directed interviews conducted after the eight discussion group sessions. In order to collect data on teachers’ perceptions of the impact of the group activity on their well-being at work, some questions from the second semi-structured interview after the group activity were also added on this theme. This research, led in a systemic perspective, focuses on understanding the bidirectional relationship between the individual and his environment. Using Bronfenbrenner and Morris’s (1998) processperson- context-time model, social support is studied as a process, psychological well-being in the workplace is associated with the person component, speech groups and the work environment of reception class teachers represent the context and time is studied as underlying all of these elements. The results of this thesis are organized to highlight the singularity of the cases through their individual presentation, in addition to identifying similarities and dissimilarities between the participants through cross-analysis. The research data allows us to draw a portrait of the psychological well-being at work of the participants. In addition to providing a detailed account of the state of the participants as well as the work context with the challenges and issues associated with teaching newly arrived allophone students, the results highlight a division between the host programs and the “regular” programs within the school. This split has repercussions on all dimensions of psychological well-being in the workplace (interpersonal suitability, sense of competence, fulfillment, willingness to commit and perceived recognition in the workplace). Data analysis also illustrates the importance and complexity of social relationships in the teaching context. Concerning social support, in addition to reporting on the supportive behaviors given and received by participants, the results highlight indirect social support. Participants reported receiving support that was not directed to them. Thus, social support given by a participant could be relevant to more than one member of the group and be available in the group without being provoked. In addition, the ties forged in the focus group may have fostered the establishment of a support network represented by the activity and the environment created by the activity, as well as by the participants. The increase in the size of the support network was also mentioned by teachers outside the activity. Both the subjective evaluation of support and the study of the impact of the discussion groups on well-being highlighted a second process: the sharing of experiences. While discussion groups from a psychodynamic perspective aiming to bring individuals together around a common issue, the sharing of experiences allowed by the activity’s framework was frequently named as promoting the development of well-being. The innovative nature of this research lies in the arrangement of the concepts and in the precision of its analysis of the social support implemented during collective activities designed and conducted to promote the development of well-being in the workplace. In addition to the theoretical and conceptual advances proposed, the results have important practical implications. By detailing the context in which teachers work in reception class, but also by the implementation of collective activities in the school, this thesis proposes avenues for teacher training, school governance, principals and teachers.

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