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The development, standardisation and acceptability of the traditional Tsonga-Shangaan dishes, Xigugu and Xiendla hi vomu for use in ethnic restaurantsMalaza, Molly Thembi 23 July 2012 (has links)
The recent increase in the number of tourists interested in cultural and food tourism has meant that more authentic traditional foods ought to be on offer at cultural villages and ethnic restaurants. Shangana cultural village is an establishment where tourists can experience the Tsonga-Shangaan ethnic culture in South Africa. It is well known that when people visit such establishments, they primarily want to experience the cuisine of the culture or cultures of the ethnic groups presented to them. With the limited information available on the food habits of South African population groups generally it is impossible to know and explain why certain foods are chosen and accepted. One of the problems about traditional dishes is that their preparation methods have mostly been shared by word of mouth, and not as documented recipes. Yet it is important that when people visit cultural villages depicting certain population groups they receive information about the group’s eating habits. A need therefore arises for the development and standardisation of recipes for use in cultural villages and restaurants specialising in traditional cooking. The study was conducted two phases. The first goal was to develop and standardise recipes for the two traditional Tsonga-Shangaan dishes, xigugu and xiendla hi vomu for inclusion in the menu of ethnic restaurants. The second goal was to determine their acceptability, by leisure tourists visiting a cultural village where the restaurant is situated. Phase I followed the principles of action research to develop and standardise the recipes. This was done as a cyclic process in three stages, recipe verification, product evaluation and quantity adjustment, was implemented. The second phase of the study was exploratory-descriptive in nature. The overall purpose of this phase was to gain comprehensive insight into the acceptability of the two traditional dishes at the Shangana cultural village, by analysing and interpreting the results of this study. A quantitative research approach was adopted for this empirical study with a questionnaire as the main research instrument. Although quick and easy to complete and relevant to the topic, a time constraint was experienced in its completion, because most tourists were in tour groups and had to follow a set programme. However, reliability of the collected data could be attributed to the accuracy and precison of information supplied by the respondents. From the results of the survey it was clear that the tourists liked the two dishes very much. Most of the respondents who were more accepting of the two dishes were those who ate cereal and legume dishes frequently. The Tsonga and Venda ethnic groups were more accepting of the xigugu and xiendla hi vomu than the other ethnic groups. Overall, the findings confirmed that the sensory attributes, appearance, taste, flavour and texture of the food were considered very important in the acceptability and consumption of xigugu and xiendla hi vomu as did the inclusion of the two dishes as menu items. This was evident when those who had never eaten such food before, began to actually enjoy it. Copyright / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Consumer Science / unrestricted
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The development and testing of recipes for patients with chronic renal failureConradie, Nelene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background
Patients with chronic renal failure must deal not only with the disease itself, but also have to
follow a strict dietary regimen. In South Africa there is currently a great demand for new and
updated recipes based on the South African Renal Exchange Lists. The focus of this
research was the development and testing of recipes commonly used by renal patients
following a westernised diet.
The main objectives of the study were to develop and test recipes that meet the nutritional
requirements of patients with chronic renal failure. The secondary objectives were to
determine the gender and racial differences in participants’ responses during consumer
sensory testing.
The study population consisted of patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis and
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis from Tygerberg Academic Hospital (TAH). Data
was collected in three phases, using census sampling: Phase 1 included the development
and adaptation of recipes to suit the renal diet. Phase 2 included the consumer sensory
testing of the recipes by the dialysis patients, using the 9-point hedonic scale. Phase 3
included the rating of the recipes, the final nutritional analysis and allocation of renal
exchanges to one portion of each recipe, as well as the final formatting of the recipe to make
it more user-friendly for the renal patient.
In total, 45 patients took part in the sensory evaluation of 30 recipes. Eighty percent of the
subjects were coloured, 4% were white while 16% were black. Fifty-one percent (n=23) were
female and 49% (n=22) were male. Of the 30 recipes that were evaluated for overall
acceptance, appearance, smell, texture and taste, only 7 were deemed unacceptable.
Recipes were unacceptable when less than 80% of the study participants gave a mean
overall score of more than 6. Significant differences in the overall acceptability scores were
found between the male and female subgroups for the Fish and Vegetable Pie (p=0.031),
Chicken Pilaf (p=0.008) and Date Fingers (p=0.002). The females showed a greater
preference for these two main meals while the males showed a greater preference for the
Date Fingers. Significant differences were found between the black and westernised
subgroups for the Rice Salad (p=0.006), Wheat and Mushroom Casserole (p=0.022), Curried
Wheat Salad (p=0.043) and the Coconut Ice (p=0.005), with the westernised subgroup
showing a greater preference for the dishes than the black subgroup. Conclusion
The 23 recipes that were acceptable to the study participants are recommended for inclusion
in the RenalSmart Software programme. These recipes are suitable for patients following a
westernised diet. It is proposed that recipes suitable for the black and Indian population must
be developed in future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond
Pasiënte met chroniese nierversaking moet nie net slegs die siektetoestand hanteer nie,
maar moet ook ‘n streng dieet regime volg. Daar is huidiglik in Suid-Afrika ‘n groot behoefte
vir nuwe en opgedateerde resepte gebasseer op die Suid-Afrikaanse Nier Ruillyste. Die
fokus van hierdie navorsing was om resepte te ontwikkel en te toets wat algemeen ingeneem
word deur nierversaking pasiënte wat ‘n westerse dieet volg.
Die hoof doelwitte van die studie was om resepte te identifiseer en te toets wat voldoen aan
die nutrisionele behoeftes van nierpasiënte met kroniese nierversaking. Die sekondêre
doelwitte was om geslag en ras verskille in die deelnemers se reaksies tydens verbruiker
sensoriese evaluering te bepaal.
Die studie populasie het bestaan uit pasiënte met chroniese nierversaking op hemodialise en
aaneenlopende ambulatoriese peritoneale dialise van Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal
(TAH). Data was versamel in drie fases deur gebruik te maak van sensus steekproeftrekking:
Fase 1 het die ontwikkeling en aanpassings van die resepte, om dit toepaslik te maak vir die
nier dieet, ingesluit. Fase 2 het die verbruiker sensoriese evaluering van die resepte deur die
dialise pasiënte, met behulp van die 9-punt hedoniese skaal, ingesluit. Fase 3 het die
klassifisering van die resepte, die finale nutrisionele analise en die toekenning van nier ruile
per porsie van elke resep, sowel as die finale formatering om die resep meer gebruikersvriendelik
te maak vir die nierpasiënt, ingesluit.
In totaal het 45 pasiënte aan die sensoriese evaluering van die 30 resepte deelgeneem.
Tagtig persent van die deelnemers was kleurling, 4% was wit en 16% was swart. Een en
vyftig persent (n=23) was vroulik en 49% (n=22) was manlik. Van die 30 resepte wat geevalueer
is vir algehele aanvaarding, voorkoms, reuk, tekstuur en smaak, was slegs 7
onaanvaarbaar gevind. Resepte is as onaanvaarbaar beskou indien minder as 80% van die
deelnemers ‘n gemiddelde algehele telling van meer as 6 gegee het. Beduidende verskille in
die algehele aanvaarbaarheid tellings is gevind tussen die mans en vroue vir die Vis en
Groente Pastei (p=0.031), Hoender Pilaf (p=0.008) en Dadelvingers (p=0.002). Die vrouens
het ‘n groter voorkeur vir die twee hoofgeregte getoon terwyl die mans ‘n groter voorkeur vir
die Dadelvingers getoon het. Beduidende verskille is gevind tussen die swart en westerse
sub-groepe vir die Rysslaai (p=0.006), Koring en Sampioen Kasserol (o=0.022), Kerrie
Koringslaai (p=0.043) en die Klapperys (p=0.005), met die westerse sub-groep wat ‘n groter
voorkeur vir dié geregte toon as die swartes. Gevolgtrekking
Die 23 resepte wat aanvaarbaar gevind is sal voorgestel word om ingesluit te word in die
RenalSmart Sagteware program. Die resepte is toepaslik vir pasiënte wat ‘n westerse dieet
volg. Daar word voorgestel dat resepte toepaslik vir die swart en Indiër populasie ontwikkel
word in toekomstige navorsing.
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Mat för små barn som inte tål mjölk : Om hur recept kan möta familjernas behov kring mat och måltider / Food for small children who are allergic to milk : How recipies can face the needs of the families regarding food and mealsAndersson Lee, Malina January 2016 (has links)
Familjer med små barn som inte tål mjölk upplever att de behöver praktisk hjälp med mat och måltider. Syftet var att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, recept kan möta de behov som familjerna upplever att de har. Totalt 15 recept togs fram. På två workshoppar fick 11 familjer testa recepten genom att provlaga och smaka de tillagade måltiderna. Under workshopparna intervjuades föräldrarna om vad de tyckte om recepten och om vilka behov de har. Resultatet visar att recept kan vara en praktisk hjälp för familjer med mjölkallergi – om recepten tar hänsyn till de behov kring mat som familjerna har. Familjernas behov är motstridiga, men det går att sammanföra dem i recept. För att kunna kombinera deras behov av bekvämlighet och ansvar för näringsriktig mat måste det vara snabb och enkel mat som samtidigt utgår ifrån små barns näringsbehov utan att innehålla mjölk. Även identitet, som är kopplat till smak, är viktigt. God mat är synonymt med bekanta smaker som är vanliga i många barnfamiljer. / Families with small children who are allergic to milk experience that they require practical advice on food and meals. The purpose of this study was to investigate if, and if so how, recipes can meet the needs regarding food and meals that these families feel that they have. Total 15 recipes were developed. These were tested by 11 families by cooking and tasting the meals at two workshops. During both workshops the parents were interviewed to find out their opinions on the recipes as well as their needs. The results indicate that recipes may be a useful remedy for families with milk allergy, given that the recipes consider the families’ very needs as regarding to food. The needs of the families’ are contradictory, however they can be summed up into recipes. In order to combine the families’ need for ease and responsibility for nutritious food, the food must be quick and simple but still emanate from the nutritional requirements for small children with milk allergy. Likewise identity related to taste is important. Good food is synonymous with well-known tastes for families with children.
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