Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recourses."" "subject:"recours.""
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Vodní zdroje jako aktuální problém mezinárodních bezpečnostních vztahů / Water resources as an actual problem of international security relationsDušková, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
In the diploma thesis is described a term "security" within the context of actual world situation, it is also mapped water allocation in the world and made an analysis of the security situation in the Middle East in term of availability of water resources.
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Studenternas utbildningsval : En kvalitativ studie om nedärvda och förvärvade resursers betydelse i utbildningsvalet / Students´ educational choicesSzin, Julia January 2015 (has links)
This essey aims to investigate how inherited and acquired resources has influenced the choice of education. It is in this essays ambition to understand how the recources operates in a process from childhood to a certain education. The study was conducted using eight qualitative interviews with firstyearstudents in nursing and economics courses at Linnaeus University. By using Bourdieu's theories about habitus, capital and horizon of possibilities I wanted to understad how the students inherited and acquired recoures had operated in their choise of education. The main conclution is that the educational choice is strongly influenced by the individual's social belonging and must be understood as a result of the individual's history. The inherited and acquired resources have contributed to only certain choices and actions have been seen as possible and desirable in the students life. Students who share similar social backgrounds and resource assets are therefore likey to choose similar educational courses.
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Atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai ir darnios energetikos raida: Lietuvos ir Latvijos atvejai / Renewable energy recources and sustainable development of energy: Lithuania and Latvia casesBartusevičius, Vitalijus 12 June 2009 (has links)
Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais išryškėjo iškastinio kuro vartojimo trūkumai. Pirminei trūkumų aspektai pasireiškia įvertinant ribotus naftos, gamtinių dujų, anglies bei urano išteklius, antra tradicinė energetika į atmosferą išmeta didelį kiekį teršalų. Šio kuro išteklius gamta kūrė keletą šimtų milijonų metų, o per ne visą pastarąjį šimtmetį žmonija sunaudojo jau daugiau kaip pusę.
Šiandieniniame pasaulyje nėra svarbesnio klausimo kaip klimato kaitos švelninimas ir apsirūpinimas energija. Alternatyvų ieškojimas iškastiniam kurui pakeisti suteikia galimybę daugiau pažvelgti į atsinaujinančius išteklius. Lietuvos ir Latvijos atveju, šalys privalo ieškoti ir plačiau naudoti alternatyvas; pirma dėl patiriamos priklausomybės nuo importuojamo kuro, antra dėl darnios energetinės plėtros subalansavimo. Lietuva ir Latvija siekia turėti galimybę individualiai rinktis energijos šaltinius, ypač darančius mažesnį poveikį klimatui bei nepriklausomybei nuo išorinių tiekėjų. Todėl didžiausia perspektyva šiose šalyse plėtoti biomasės, hidroenergetikos ir vėjo jėgainių elektrines. Šių išteklių naudojimas turi didžiausią potencialą energetikos srityje, kad būtų pasiektos Lietuvos ir Latvijos nacionalinės energetikos strategijos tikslai ir gairės.
Tam, kad būtų įgyvendinti alternatyvūs projektai reikia tvirtos vyriausybių paramos ir ganėtinai vieningos politinės iniciatyvos. Lietuvos ir Latvijos politiniai vidaus ir išorės veiksniais nesuteikia pilnai vystyti energetinę politiką, kadangi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In recent decades the shortcomings of consumption of fossil fuel has been clarified. The primary aspects of the shortcomings are asserted when evaluating the limited resources of oil, natural gasses, coal and uranium, secondly, the traditional energy eliminates a huge amount of pollution to the atmosphere. The resources of this fuel were created by nature in hundreds millions years, and during not full latter century the humankind has used more than a half of it.
In modern-days world the most important question is the buffering of climate change and provision of energy. The finding of alternative ways for the fossil fuel provides a possibility to look wider to the renewable energy resources. In cases of Lithuania and Latvia, the states must find and use wider alternatives; firstly, due to the dependence on the imported fuel, secondly, due to the balancing of the sustainable development of energy. Lithuania and Latvia seek to get possibility choosing energy resources individually, especially those making less impact on the climate and assuring independence from the external providers. Therefore, the biggest perspective in these states is to develop biomass, hydro-energy and wind plants. The usage of the aforementioned resources has the biggest potential in the field of energy, in order to implement the goals and guidelines of the national energy of Lithuania and Latvia.
In order to implement the alternative projects, there is a need of strong governmental support and... [to full text]
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SDH tinklo resursų įvertinimas ir optimizavimas / Evaluation and optimization of SDH network recourcesLeščiauskas, Vytautas 31 May 2004 (has links)
The software currently used by SDH net operators does not guarantee the automatic generation of routes between the selected nodes. This is the reason why the operators spend a lot of time on designing the nets manually. Despite all the time spent on designing, errors are still made which are the causes of net overload and connection disorders.
It is necessary to convert the measuring units of SDH resources from a tree type structure to real numbers, because the structure of the analyzed object’s resource units is hierarchical. After evaluation of these units the solution of this problem can be found in theory of graphs.
It is natural that given these data structures a special method is needed which would allow determining these structures and finding specific weight unit of edges of the graphs with which the problem is solved. The complexity of graph route composition algorithms is not satisfactory because the scope of real systems will be big enough. The amount of net nodes can exceed 500 and the amount of lines connecting them can be more than 5000.
It is not very difficult to implement the automatic generation of routes in principle. The knowledge of graph theory can be used to do that. But in solving real problems with the best known methods of graph theory the time of solution is not acceptable because of the big scope of the problem. It is possible to reduce the time of solution by increasing the efficiency of the system that solves the problem. The need for more... [to full text]
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Současné trendy v metodách rozvoje a vzdělávání zaměstnanců z hlediska řízení lidských zdrojů v sociálních zařízeních Královéhradeckého kraje. / Current Trends in Staff Development and Education Methods As a Part of Human Resources Management in Social Facilities in the Region of Hradec Králové.ŠÍPKOVÁ, Lada January 2008 (has links)
The term of ``management`` is hardly ever used in social sphere in the Czech Republic. Social work is provided by institutions of various statutes so the approach to management opportunities and needs must be different. Human resources management represents current conception of personnel work and is considered to be a significant part of management which could be a key factor of organisation achievements. ARMSTRONG, M. speaks about human resources management as a ``strategically and logically elaborate approach to management of the most important item, people who work in the organisation and contribute to achieving its objectives both individually and collectively`` (2). Progressive organisations pay special attention to further education of their staff as a part of personnel management. Education and development plays an important role in organisation and its flexibility, it becomes lifelong activity. Organisations take an active part in this process and organise a lot of educational courses which are based on a number of different methods. The aim of this work consisted in finding development and education methods which are used in social facilities in the region of Hradec Králové. The research part of the work is based on questioning methods, particularly questionnaires and guided interviews. The study group of people was formed by management, personnel officers and staff members of social facilities in the region of Hradec Králové. The thesis should help spread information about current methods used in staff development and education as a part of human resources management.
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Personální marketing Hewlett-Packard, s. r. o. / Human resources marketing in Hewlett-Packard, s.r.o.Fiedlerová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The topic of the thesis "Human resources marketing in Hewlett-Packard, s.r.o." is the analysis of practical use of human resources marketing in the company and a perception of company's brand between students/recent graduastes and a proposal for improvements in particular areas of human resources management. The theoretical part deals with particular personnel activities in the company. The practical part focuses on the analysis of the situation in human resources marketing in the Hewlett-Packard, s.r.o. In the conclusion are some recommendations and proposals to solve the discovered problems and imperfections.
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Slaugos žmogiškųjų išteklių kiekybinių pokyčių sveikatos priežiūros organizacijoje prognozė / The prognosis of quantitative changes of nursing human resources in the health care organizationJankauskienė, Odeta 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - pateikti slaugos žmogiškųjų išteklių kiekybinių pokyčių sveikatos priežiūros organizacijoje prognozę.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimo objektas - Kauno medicinos universiteto klinikose dirbančios slaugytojos. Slaugytojų poreikiui organizacijoje iki 2012 metų įvertinti buvo atliktas struktūrinis interviu. Slaugytojų kiekybinius pokyčius analizuoti ir slaugytojų vidinę pasiūlą lemiančius veiksnius (pasitraukimą iš darbovietės dėl mirties, išėjimo į pensiją bei išėjimo iš organizacijos) įvertinti buvo naudoti organizacijos personalo duomenų bazės duomenys. Slaugytojų galimo pasitraukimo iš organizacijos įvertinimui buvo atlikta anketinė anoniminė apklausa. Statistinė anketinės apklausos duomenų analizė atlikta, naudojant duomenų kaupimo ir analizės SPSS programos paketą.
Rezultatai. Bendras slaugytojų skaičius organizacijoje 2001 –2006 m. padidėjo 13,3 proc. Slaugytojų pasiskirstymas pagal pareigas kito nežymiai, didžiausia jų dalis buvo bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos. Organizacijoje didėja vyresnio amžiaus slaugytojų skaičius. Slaugytojų poreikis iki 2012 metų padidės 9,2 proc. Numatomas slaugytojų vidinės pasiūlos metinis praradimas – 4,7 proc.: dėl slaugytojų išėjimo į pensiją – 1 proc., dėl mirties – 0,05 proc., dėl kitų priežasčių – 3,65 proc. Anketinės apklausos duomenimis, 20 proc. respondenčių ketino palikti organizaciją, tvirtai apsisprendusių tokiam žingsniui buvo 13 proc. Jaunesnio amžiaus slaugytojos ir įgijusios aukštąjį išsilavinimą slaugos specialistės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of study - to provide the prognosis of quantitative changes of nursing human resources in the health care organization.
Methods. The object of the research - nurses, working in the Kaunas Medical University Clinics. In order to evaluate the demand for nurses in the organization till 2012, a structural interview was carried out. To analyze quantitative changes of nurses and to evaluate the factors determining inner supply (retiring from the workplace because of death, retiring on a pension and leaving the organization), the data of personnel database of organization has been used. For the evaluation of possible retirement from the organization of nurses, the anonymous questionnaire inquiry has been performed. The statistical data analysis of questionnaire inquiry has been accomplished using the SPSS program package.
Results. In 2001 –2006 overall number of nurses in the organization has increased by 13.3 per cent. The distribution of nurses according to the position had been changing marginally, the greatest part of them were nurses of general practice. The number of nurses of older age is increasing in the organization. The demand for nurses will increase by 9.2 per cent till 2012. Predictable annual loss of the inner supply of nurses is 4.7 per cent: 1 per cent in relation to retiring on a pension, 0.05 per cent in relation to death, 3.65 per cent due to other reasons. According to the data of questionnaire inquiry, 20 per cent of respondents proposed to leave the... [to full text]
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Podnikatelský záměr – otevření školy sebeobrany / Prospectus – Opening School of SelfdefenceZelníček, František January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of my master‘s thesis is to open new school within EWTO in Vysočina region, concretely in Žďár nad Sázavou, and consequently spread the influence of EWTO in Czech republic. Part of my thesis is dedicated to determine the best investment option, analyse external environment, define conditions for foundation of a new school, propose convenient pricing policy and compile entrepreneurial plan in order to get mid-term bank loan.
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Právní aspekty zadržování vody v krajině / Legal aspects of water retention in the landscapeHoužvičková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Legal aspects of water retention in the landscape Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the legal aspects of water retention in the landscape in response to the current problems associated with impaired landscape retention capacity such as drought, erosion or floods. The author first outlines the factual and legal context of the issue, which is followed by an analysis of conceptual, administrative-legal and economic instruments of the Czech legal order that can improve water retention capabilities of the landscape. The diploma thesis analyses the relevant instruments of the Water Act, Forest Act, Act on the protection of agricultural land or Act on protection of nature and landscape. Consequently, it deals with the role of land-use planning, land consolidation and environmental impact assessment for the issue. The thesis includes comprehensive evaluation of the relevant legal regulation in terms of its effectiveness and possible proposals de lege ferenda.
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