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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social tillhörighet och gemenskap– en förutsättning för inkludering? : En fallstudie i en grundskoleklass där en elev som är inskriven i särskolan ingår

Sjögren, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
This is a case study about how a class in the first years of elementary school works with the part of inclusion work - that has to do with social belonging and kinship. The study aims to learn about how the selected school works to support social contacts and kinship, and also to identify the obstacles that can stand in the way for interaction between the pupils.The starting point for the study is a class where one of the pupils has disabilities. The class was observed during two days, interviews took place with teachers and parents and document studies were conducted.The result shows that the selected school tends to conduct an integration work that has more to do with physical placement than social kinship and participation. In conclusion, the study shows that there was small possibilities of situations of interplay that contribute to interaction and communication between the pupil with disabilities and other pupils. I hope that my study can contribute to improving other learning environments to become more inclusive.

Lived Experience: Learning Through High School Co-Operative Education

Wainwright, Natalie 04 January 2022 (has links)
Co-operative education in which senior high school students are placed in supervised workplace settings and gain credits towards a graduation diploma is the type of work-based education offered in Ontario. The purpose of this retrospective qualitative research was to examine how students learn in co-operative education placements and to explore the environmental conditions that facilitate student learning and motivation. The conceptual framework guiding this research consisted of three theories: Billet’s (2014) theory of mimesis, Munby et al.’s (2003) theory of metacognitive routines, and Snyder’s (2000) hope theory. Three former high school students who had been in automotive co-operative education placements participated in semi-structured interviews that followed a modified version of Seidman’s (2019) three interview technique. While the findings did not support Munby et al.’s (2003) ideas about routines, they corroborated the use of mimesis as a means of workplace learning (Billet, 2014) and Snyder’s (2000) writings about work and motivation. In this study, a successful placement involved three factors: social belonging and active learning and the reciprocal relationship between them, as well as the hope that was ignited, which crystalized the academic and career goals the students set for themselves. Moreover, workplace conditions that fostered a sense of social belonging and co-workers who provided informal instruction on technical and interpersonal skills contributed the most to the participants’ learning in their co-op placements. Implications for schools and co-operative education teachers are discussed.

Studenternas utbildningsval : En kvalitativ studie om nedärvda och förvärvade resursers betydelse i utbildningsvalet / Students´ educational choices

Szin, Julia January 2015 (has links)
This essey aims to investigate how inherited and acquired resources has influenced the choice of education. It is in this essays ambition to understand how the recources operates in a process from childhood to a certain education. The study was conducted using eight qualitative interviews with firstyearstudents in nursing and economics courses at Linnaeus University. By using Bourdieu's theories about habitus, capital and horizon of possibilities I wanted to understad how the students inherited and acquired recoures had operated in their choise of education. The main conclution is that the educational choice is strongly influenced by the individual's social belonging and must be understood as a result of the individual's history. The inherited and acquired resources have contributed to only certain choices and actions have been seen as possible and desirable in the students life. Students who share similar social backgrounds and resource assets are therefore likey to choose similar educational courses.

Learning Mindset Dimensions and Completion Status of Tennessee Community College Students

Shellman, Donna Sue M 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this nonexperimental, quantitative study was to analyze relationships between three learning mindset dimensions (growth mindset; purpose and value; and sense of belonging) to retention and persistence to graduation among first-time, full-time Tennessee community college student graduates and nongraduates who attended one of 13 institutions in Fall 2019. In addition to comparing Tennessee community college graduates and nongraduates’ learning mindset dimensions, I analyzed student subgroups to explore those dimensions with regard to gender and race. Additional analyses included correlations between students’ growth mindset scores; purpose and value scores; and social belonging scores. Analyses included Tennessee Board of Regents’ (TBR) Fall 2019 archival data of students’ completion status and student survey data related to students’ learning mindset scores from 13 Tennessee community college institutions. Archival data from Tennessee community colleges used in this study the Fall 2019 Cohort included 1,493 students over three years (2019-2022). Results revealed that students who completed and students who did not complete had similar mindset scores, purpose and value scores, and social belonging scores. Mindset scores were significantly higher for White students than non-White students. Purpose and value scores were significantly lower for males than for females, as well as significantly higher for non-White students than White students. Social belonging scores were significantly higher for female noncompleters than male noncompleters, as well as significantly higher for female noncompleters than female completers, and significantly higher for non-White students than White students. Correlations revealed that students with strong mindset scores tend to have strong purpose and value scores, as well strong sense of belonging scores.

Social Belonging - A Cue to Success?!

Gordalla, Barbara 04 November 2022 (has links)
Aktuell liegt der Anteil von Studentinnen in den MINT Studiengängen ca. 17 % niedriger als in anderen Studiengängen. Welche Faktoren führen zu dieser Situation? Eine Vielzahl an Faktoren wirkt sich auf die Studienwahl und -persistenz aus. Die zugrundeliegende Masterarbeit untersuchte die Beziehungen zwischen Geschlecht, Social Belonging, Belonging Uncertainty, Stereotype Fit und Chilly Climate. Besonders lag der Fokus auf der Erforschung des Einflusses von Social Belonging auf Erfolgsparamenter (Identifikation, Erfolgserwartung, Turnover Intention, Notendurchschnitt und Anzahl der Drittversuche zum Bestehen einer Prüfungsleistung). Außerdem wurde untersucht, ob Stereotype Fit als Mediator die Beziehung zwischen Geschlecht und Social Belonging beeinflusst. Grundlage der Studie bildete eine Online-Umfrage an der Fakultät Physik der TU Dresden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Frauen geringere Werte im Bereich Social Belonging und Stereotype Fit angaben, sowie höhere Werte im Bereich Belonging Uncertainty. Identifikation wurde sowohl durch Social Belonging, als auch Belonging Uncertainty vorhergesagt. Die Erfolgserwartung wurde signifikant von Geschlecht und Social Belonging beeinflusst. Für den Notendurschnitt und die Turnover Intention war Social Belonging der einzige signifikante Prädiktor. Die Anzahl der Drittversuche wurde positiv von Belonging Uncertainty vorhergesagt. Die Hypothese, dass Stereotype Fit ein Mediator ist, ließ sich mit den Daten nicht belegen. Stattdessen zeigen explorative Mediationsanalysen, dass eher Social Belonging und Belonging Uncertainty die Mediatoren der Beziehung zwischen Geschlecht und Stereotype Fit sind. Alle Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Social Belonging ein wichtiger Faktor für den Erfolg von Frauen in MINT-Fächern ist. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass eine Förderung von Social Belonging im Studium positive Auswirkungen auf den Erfolg von Frauen haben würde. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich Social Belonging durch kostengünstige und kurze Interventionen steigern lässt. Eine Umsetzung von Fördermöglichkeiten im Bildungskontext wird im Rahmen von weiterer Forschung empfohlen. Mein herzlicher Dank geht an Dr. Anika Ihmels für die empowernde Betreuung während der Masterarbeit sowie die Fakultät Physik, deren Gleichstellungsbeauftragten und den FSR Physik, welche die Umfrage unterstützten und ermöglichten. / Currently, the percentage of female students in STEM majors is about 17% lower than in other majors. What factors lead to this situation? A variety of factors impact student choice and persistence. The underlying master's thesis examined the relationships between gender, social belonging, belonging uncertainty, stereotype fit, and chilly climate. In particular, the focus was on exploring the influence of social belonging on selected success parameters (identification, expectation of success, turnover intention, grade point average, and number of third attempts to pass an exam performance). It also examined whether Stereotype Fit acts as a mediator on the relationship between gender and Social Belonging. The study was based on an online survey at the Faculty of Physics at the TU Dresden. The results show that women reported lower scores in Social Belonging and Stereotype Fit, and higher scores in Belonging Uncertainty. Identification was predicted by both Social Belonging and Belonging Uncertainty. Expectation of success was significantly affected by gender and Social Belonging. For grade point average and turnover intention, Social Belonging was the only significant predictor. The number of third attempts was positively predicted by Belonging Uncertainty. The hypothesis that Stereotype Fit is a mediator could not be supported by the data. Instead, exploratory mediation analyses show that Social Belonging and Belonging Uncertainty are more likely to be mediators of the relationship between gender and Stereotype Fit. All results suggest that Social Belonging is an important factor for women's success in STEM fields. Therefore, it can be inferred that promoting Social Belonging in college would have a positive impact on women's success. Current research shows that Social Belonging can be increased through low-cost and brief interventions. Implementation of promotional opportunities in the educational context is recommended as part of further research. My sincere thanks go to Dr. Anika Ihmels for the empowering supervision during the master thesis as well as the Faculty of Physics, its Equal Opportunity Officer and the FSR Physics, who made the survey possible and supported it.

A mixed methods study on the relationships between liminality, social belonging, and social support in international student experiences

Subulola Ebunoluwa Jiboye (19179598) 23 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Based on existing literature on social support, this research study examines the effects of having social support ties– instrumental, informational, emotional, and academic – on international students' sense of belonging and resilience. Additionally, the study explores the relationship between international students’ social support ties and their home and host connectedness as well as the extent to which they experience liminality. Drawing from the concept of acculturation (Berry et al., 1989; Berry, 2005), I establish liminality as a disorienting experience that involves international students existing in the “between and betwixt” or “limbo” space during acculturation to the host community and argue that having access to social support resources is crucial for the well-being of international students within an unfamiliar territory. I administer quantitative surveys and focus groups to examine these phenomena, inviting international undergraduate and graduate students to share personal social support-seeking, adaptation, and belongingness experiences within the college community. </p><p dir="ltr">Based on the findings published in the study, I conclude by presenting the implications for college counselors and organizations tasked with ensuring the overall well-being of international students, and making a case for an extensive acculturation model for international students which centers the role of the host society.</p>

Att leva med dubbel identitet : En analys av andra generationens invandrare och deras syn på identitet, kultur och tillhörighet

Styrbjörn, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen berör identitetsskapande och social tillhörighet hos tre andra generationens invandrare i Östergötland. Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att se hur deras identitetsskapande påverkas av att de i sin hemmiljö har en annan kulturell influens än den svenska. I uppsatsen har jag använt mig av intervjuer för att få fram den empiri jag grundar min diskussion på. Intervjuerna har varit både sådana där jag satt mig ner med mina informanter men även Internetbaserade då det inte fanns tid för informanten att möta mig. Mina frågeställningar i uppsatsen har varit: Om, och i så fall hur, har informanten påverkats av att ha en eller båda föräldrar med icke-svenskt ursprung? och Hur ser informanten på sig själv utifrån tillhörighet och identitet? / This essay concerns identity making and social belonging with three second-generation immigrants in Östergötland. The purpose of this essay is to see how their identity making is influenced by the fact that they all have another culture than the Swedish affecting them in their domestic environment. The interviews I have used to collect the empiric data I need for this essay are both meetings where I and the informant sat down to do the interview but also when the informant did not have the time to meet me we solved it by doing them on the Internet. The questions I have worked with during this essay are: If, and in that case how, is the informant affected by having one or both parents with a non-Swedish origin? and How does the informant percept himself concerning social belonging and identity?

Att leva med dubbel identitet : En analys av andra generationens invandrare och deras syn på identitet, kultur och tillhörighet

Styrbjörn, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen berör identitetsskapande och social tillhörighet hos tre andra generationens invandrare i Östergötland. Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att se hur deras identitetsskapande påverkas av att de i sin hemmiljö har en annan kulturell influens än den svenska. I uppsatsen har jag använt mig av intervjuer för att få fram den empiri jag grundar min diskussion på. Intervjuerna har varit både sådana där jag satt mig ner med mina informanter men även Internetbaserade då det inte fanns tid för informanten att möta mig. Mina frågeställningar i uppsatsen har varit: Om, och i så fall hur, har informanten påverkats av att ha en eller båda föräldrar med icke-svenskt ursprung? och Hur ser informanten på sig själv utifrån tillhörighet och identitet?</p> / <p>This essay concerns identity making and social belonging with three second-generation immigrants in Östergötland. The purpose of this essay is to see how their identity making is influenced by the fact that they all have another culture than the Swedish affecting them in their domestic environment. The interviews I have used to collect the empiric data I need for this essay are both meetings where I and the informant sat down to do the interview but also when the informant did not have the time to meet me we solved it by doing them on the Internet. The questions I have worked with during this essay are: If, and in that case how, is the informant affected by having one or both parents with a non-Swedish origin? and How does the informant percept himself concerning social belonging and identity?</p>

“Har man ingen smartphone är man med i B-laget” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om äldres kulturella och sociala tillhörighet i det digitaliserade samhället. / "If you don't have a smartphone, you're part of the B-team" : A qualitative interview study of elderly adults cultural and social belonging in the digitalised society.

Heljeberg, Jesper, Daniel, Forsell January 2023 (has links)
På mindre än en generations livstid har Sverige gått från ett samhälle där få hade telefon i sitt hem till en totalt uppkopplad tillvaro. I det digitaliserade Sverige är tillgången till och användarkompetensen av den digitala teknologin en förutsättning för samhällsdeltagandet, vilket ofta ses som problematiskt för den äldre generationen som är den grupp som har haft svårast att anpassa sig enligt den digitala utvecklingen. Syftet med studien är att studera hur åldersdiskrimineringen i det digitaliserade samhället upplevs för den äldre generationen. Målet är att bidra med kunskap och förståelse för den sociala och kulturella tillhörigheten för äldre i det digitaliserade samhället. Det här kommer att göras utifrån frågeställningarna: (1) Hur upplevs den sociala och kulturella tillhörigheten i ett digitaliserat samhälle som äldre? (2) Hur upplever äldre att digitala ersättningar påverkar deras samhällsdeltagande och vilken betydelse har det för deras välbefinnande? (3) Vilken roll spelar varma experter för social och kulturell inkludering hos äldre?  Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av två infallsvinklar. Age Studies, som belyser åldrande som en social och kulturell process med ett personligt perspektiv. Den andra infallsvinkeln är medialiseringsteorin som förklarar hur media i ett digitaliserat samhälle formar den mänskliga relationen till verkligheten, och används främst utifrån ett ersättningsperspektiv. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en semistrukturerad kvalitativ intervjustudie på fyra kvinnor och fyra män över 75 år för att skapa en djupare förståelse av deras upplevelser. Intervjumaterialet har kodats enligt in vivo kodning som har fokuserat på att framhäva intervjupersonens egna resonemang och har sedan analyserats och framställts i en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att äldres upplevelse av den sociala och kulturella tillhörigheten i ett digitaliserat samhälle har en stor variation. För den uppkopplade äldre upplevs tillhörigheten som inkluderande och digitala ersättningar som något som oftast förenklar vardagen. Däremot skildrar många äldre en snabb utveckling som ständigt ställer krav på anpassning gentemot samhällets nya förutsättningar och en risk eller rädsla för att falla undan och förlora sin tillgång till väsentliga tjänster och sin tillhörighet. Flera äldre upplever att den yngre generationen använder teknologi på ett annat sätt och befinner sig i en annan kulturell sfär som är svår att relatera till. De äldre som är frånkopplade från det digitala skildrar en tillhörighet som präglas av ett utanförskap, där de digitala ersättningarna har skapat ett hinder för samhällsdeltagandet och man har blivit utelåst från stora delar av samhället. Varma experter spelar en stor roll för äldres sociala och kulturella inkludering genom att agera som stöd, hjälp vid problem och introducera nya typer av produkter och tjänster. Även de som hanterar EICT bäst har ett behov av varma experter vilket innebär att de som står utan får en mer utmanande tillvaro. / In less than a generation's lifetime Sweden has gone from a society where few had phones in their homes to a totally connected presence. In the digitalised Sweden the access to and the literacy of digital technology is a prerequisite to participate in society, which is often seen as problematic for elderly adults as they are the group who has had the most difficult time adjusting to the digital development. The purpose of this study is to see how ageism in the digitalised society is perceived by elderly adults. The aim is to contribute with knowledge and understanding of the social and cultural belonging of elderly in the digitalised society. This will be done through the research questions of:  (1) How do elderly adults perceive their social and cultural belonging in the digitalised society? (2) How do elderly adults perceive that digital substitutions affect their ability to participate in society and what meaning does this have for their wellbeing? (3) What role does warm experts play for the social and cultural inclusion of elderly adults? The study's theoretical framework consists of two angles. The first, Age Studies highlights ageing as a social and cultural process and allows a personal perspective of the matter. The second theoretical approach is the theory of mediatisation which defines the view of the media as a logic that forms the humans relation to reality, which will primarily be applied from the function of substitution. The study was conducted through a semi structured qualitative interview study on four females and four males over the age of 75 to create a deeper understanding of their experiences. The material has been coded according to in vivo coding with an intention of capturing the interviewees own words and has then been analysed and presented through an thematic analysis. The result has shown that elderly's perception of their social and cultural belonging has large variations. For the digital elderly the belonging is depicted as inclusive and the digital substitutions often simplify the everyday life. On the other hand, many elderly describe a fast development that constantly creates demands for adjustment according to society's new prerequisites as well as risk or fear of losing their abilities and therefore losing their access to essential services and their societal belonging. Many elderly perceive that younger people use technology in a different way and therefore exist in a different cultural sphere that is difficult to relate to. The disconnected elderly depicts a belonging defined by exclusion, where the digital substitutions act as an obstacle and hinder societal participation. Warm experts play a pivotal role for elderly's cultural and social inclusion by offering support and help with difficulties as well as introducing new products and services. Even those who are the most comfortable with EICT describe a need for warm experts which indicates that those who have no one to support them are faced with a more difficult life.

Investigation of In-School Belonging by High School Students Enrolled in Special Education Services

Ketterman, Tiffany M. 27 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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