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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tarpinių sprendinių panaudojimo tyrimas daugiakriterinių uždavinių sprendimui kompiuterių tinkle / Multiple criteria optimization problem

Nenėnaitė, Rita 11 June 2004 (has links)
The study analyses various methods to solve multiple criteria optimization problems of different kinds and defines principles of parallel computing. A multiple criteria optimization problem has been solved applying a computer network and a new strategy that analyses and uses intermediate results in the calculation process has been suggested. The optimization problem has been solved applying a computer network and parallel computing software MPI (Message Passage Interface). Numerous experimental trials have been carried out to investigate efficiency of the designed strategy in the solution of multiple criteria optimization problems. A computer network with different number of computers solved a single problem of different duration and final results of various strategies have been compared. The experiments have proved the designed strategy to be more precise in results and more economical in computing time.

Pensionato gyventojų bendruomenės poreikių tenkinimo optimizavimas / Optimisation de la rèalisation des habitants ďun pensionnat

Kriaučiūnienė, Judita 08 June 2004 (has links)
RESUMÉ de la thèse de magistère „Optimisation de la rèalisation des habitants ďun pensionnat“ faite par Judita Kriauciuniene, étudiante en magistère de spécialité de la gestion des institutions sociales, chaire de Pédagogie sociale, Faculté de Pédagogie et de Psychologie de ľUniversité Pédagogique de Vilnius. La thèse est faite sous la direction du docteur Romas Prakapas en 2004. La plupart des personnes ayant ľinvalidité psychique sont envoyées aux pensionnats, institutions stationnaires de tutelle. Le personnel du domaine social a une charge la plus importante dans la réalisation des besoins des pensionnaires. Comme dans notre pays il n’y a pas de grande expérience et de méthodes expérimentés concernant le travail avec des personnes ayant l’invalidité psychique, les employés sociaux agissent en utilisant l’expérience des pays étrangers. On sent la manque de la littérature des experts lituaniens sur les questions de réalisation des besoins des pensionnaires. On peut trouver encore des personnes dans des institutions stationnaires de tutelle qui y travaillent sans qualification requise et suffisante. Outre cela, l’expérience professionnelle de l’auteur de cette thèse permet à affirmer que les pensionnaires ne se sentent pas comme les citoyens pleinement appréciés de notre société et que leurs besoins ne sont pas suffisamment réalisés. Cette thèse vise à analyser les besoins des personnes ayant l’invalidité psychique et présenter l’optimisation de la... [to full text]

Pensionato bendruomenės mikroklimato optimizavimas / Optimization of boarding–house community microchlimate

Matulienė, Gražina 08 June 2004 (has links)
The subject of research work Microclimate of baarding – hause community. The aim of the work To make analisys of the communitys demands to improve microclimate. Tasks : 1. To analyze microclimate of institution as base effective work. 2. To reveal importance of teamwork while mobilizing human resources. 3. To generalize the stresses in social care work, which are condition competences and state of mind. 4. To present methods of social help while initiative to develop state of mind of the staff. 5. To make an overview of social worker as member of teamwork, who is ready to coordinate the process of betterment microclimate. Methods: analysis of the scientific literature, analysis of the official documents, questioning in oral and written. The practical adaptability of this paper: The administration of Panevėžys region after the acquaintance with magūter ideas can to initiative office of social worker as initiator and coordinator of management microclimate in care institution. The structure of the paper: Part of the paper generalizes the ideas from the scientific literature about the microclimate of organization and input of social worker in process of changing it.Part of the paper presents understanding of the teamwork, principles of formation and the role of social worker in it. Third part the author of the paper generalize stresses of staff in care institution on theoretic field. Here are presented methods of overcome different stresses.Fourth part of the... [to full text]

Profesinės mokyklos grupės vadovo veiklos optimizavimo prielaidos / The optimizing presumptions in a vocatinal school tutor's practice

Nazarova, Zinaida 08 June 2004 (has links)
A tutor's role has to be developted into a helmate's role and be the garuantee for succeful physicial and psychological evolution.

Pamokų tvarkaraščio optimizavimas profiliuotoms mokykloms / Optimization of profiled school schedule

Norkus, Aurimas 25 May 2005 (has links)
There are three implemented algorithms in this work: lessons permutation, lessons permutation with simulated annealing adjustment, lessons permutation using Bayesian approach theory to optimize SA parameters algorithms. Algorithms and graphical user interface are programmed with JSP which is based on Java object programming language. To evaluate schedule goodness algorithms are computing every penalty points which are given for some inconvenieces. User is able to define how much penalty points will be given if some inconveniece is satisfied. Also he is able to assign stochastic algorithm parameters. There was accomplished theory, where was observed using of simulated annealing and Bayesian approch methods in other stochastic algorithms and their different combination. There is a description of profiled school schedule optimization algorithm, which is based on SA searching methodology: searching for the optima through lower quality solutions, using temperature function which convergence, difference in quality. Algorythm which is using BA was created in case to improve SA searching methodology. User by changing systems temperature or annealing speed througth parameters can make big influence to SA behaviour. Passing parameters then using algorithm with BA meaner influence is made to behaviour because this method prognosticates, acording to him, better parameters with which SA should work effectively and changing them. Researches with three stochastic algorithms were made... [to full text]

Automato testinės sekos minimizavimo algoritmai / Machine testing algorithm minimization

Šuopys, Dainius 30 May 2005 (has links)
Program of Analysis of Machine Testing is the process of: • Creating additional test cases to increase coverage, and • Determining a quantitative measure of code coverage, which is an indirect measure of quality. • Identifying redundant test cases that do not increase coverage. The program automates this process. You use coverage analysis to assure quality of your set of tests, not the quality of the actual product. You do not generally use a coverage analyzer when running your set of tests through your release candidate. Coverage analysis requires access to test program source code and often requires recompiling it.

Gamybinės įmonės produkcijos savikainos modeliavimas ir optimizavimas / Production enterprise produce cost modeling and optimization

Stankutė, Justina 09 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - sukurti gamybinių procesų modelį bei optimizuoti, atliekant eksperimentinius tyrimus, produkcijos savikainos nustatymą. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo, yra sprendžiami tokie uždaviniai: • Išanalizuoti veiklos modeliavimo naudą įmonės veiklos planavimui; • Atlikti veiklos procesų modeliavimo programinės įrangos analizę; • Sudaryti įmonės gamybinių procesų modelį; • Optimizuoti gamybinės įmonės produkcijos savikainos nustatymą. Darbo metodai: mokslinio pažinimo metodas, kuris padėjo suprasti ir pagrindinius veiklos procesų modeliavimo aspektus, analizės ir sintezės metodai, aprašymo ir aiškinimo, palyginimo ir dedukcijos. Atlikta veiklos modeliavimo, modeliavimo programinės įrangos bei gamybos procesų analizė. Naudojant veiklos modeliavimo metodus ir įrankius sukurtas gamybinių procesų modelis, kuriame panaudotas optimizavimo algoritmas. Darbo apimtis - 58 puslapiai. Sukurta 10 lentelių ir 24 paveikslai. / The aim of the work is to create the production proceses model and optimize produce cost evaluation by experimental analysis. To achieve the aims the following objectives were identified: 1. To analyse business modeling benefit for enterprise business planning; 2. To perform business modeling software analysis; 3. To design production proceses model; 4. To optimize production enterprise produce cost evaluation. Work methods: scientific cognitive method that helped to understand the main aspects of process modeling, methods of analysis and synthesis, description and explanation, comparison and deductive . Performed business modeling, modeling software and production process analysis. By using methods and tools of activity modeling, the production process model was designed and optimization algorithm was used. The size of the work - 58 pages. 10 tables and 24 pictures have been designed.

Vieno kintamojo funkcijų minimizavimo metodų lyginamoji analizė / Comparysing analysis of methods of one variable function minimising

Orlakas, Evaldas 11 June 2004 (has links)
This paper investigates four methods of one variable function minimising that are used in the optimisation process („Golden cut”, „DSK”, „Pauel”, „Half distribution”), executes the comparison of their efficiency and generalises the results of this research.

Ultragarsinių keitiklių kompiuterinis modeliavimas ir jų parametrų optimizavimas / The computer simulation and optimization of ultrasonic actuator

Lukaševič, Edvard 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto ultragarsinių mechanizmų laboratorijoje sukurtų ultragarsinių keitiklių kompiuterinis modeliavimas ir jų parametrų optimizavimas. Uždaviniai:  Taikant AutoCAD (Solid Works) ir ANSYS programas, sukurti mikro-variklio geometrinį ir matematinį modelius;  Nustatyti duoto pjezovariklio pagrindinius parametrus;  Atlikti ultragarsinės virpesių sistemos (UVS) dinaminę analizę ir nustatyti darbinio taško judėjimo trajektoriją, esant harmoniniam žadinimui.  Optimizuoti darbinio taško trajektoriją, priklausomai nuo išorinių parametrų. Rezultatai ir išvados Sudaryti pjezokeitiklio geometrinis ir matematinis modeliai. Ištirtas ultragarsinių virpesių sistemų išėjimo grandies taškų judėjimo elipsine trajektorija formavimo principas. Išanalizuotos “ultragarsinio keitiklio” ultragarsinių virpesių sistemų bei jų koncentratorių savosios virpesių formos ir savieji rezonansiniai dažniai. Atlikta UVS dinaminė analizė ir nustatyta darbinio taško judėjimo trajektorija esant harmoniniam virpesių žadinimui. Nustatyti ultragarsinės virpesių sistemos (UVS) sužadinimo parametrai, prie kurių gaunama maksimali darbinio taško judėjimo trajektorija. / The purpose of this thesis: Computerised modelling of ultrasound converters created at the ultrasound laboratory of Vilnius Pedagogical University and optimisation of their parameters. Goals:  To create the geometric and mathematic models of micro-engine applying AutoCAD (Solid Works) and ANSYS programs;  To establish the main parameters of the given piezoengine;  To perform the dynamic analysis of the ultrasound vibrations system (UVS) and establish the trajectory of the operating point, when the harmonic excitation is present.  To optimize, depending on the external parameters, the trajectory of the operating point. Results and conclusions The geometric and mathematic models of piezoconverter have been established. The principle of formation of movement along the ellipse trajectory of ultrasound vibrations systems outlet chain’s points has been investigated. The very own vibrations forms and the very own resonant frequencies of “the ultrasound converter’s” ultrasound vibrations systems and their concentrators have been analysed. UVS dynamic analysis has been performed and the operating point’s movement trajectory, when the harmonic vibrations excitation is present, has been established. The ultrasound vibrations systems (UVS) excitation parameters, at which the peak trajectory of the operating point is obtained, have been established.

Optimizavimo uždaviniai transporte ir jų sprendimas / Transport optimization problems and their solution

Miloš, Regina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Praktinėje žmonių veikloje (transporto sistemoje, valdyme, projektuojant konstrukcijas ir kt.) dažnai reikia rinktis vieną sprendinį iš kelių galimų. Iškyla uždavinys – rasti geriausią sprendinį. Pavyzdžiui, įmonėje reikia taip organizuoti gamybą, kad pelnas, gautas už pagamintą produkciją, būtų didžiausias; reikia taip suplanuoti produktų išvežimą iš siuntimo punktų (sandėlių, bazių) į paskirties punktus (parduotuves, statybos aikšteles ir t. t.), kad bendrosios transportavimo išlaidos būtų mažiausios. Darbo tikslas išanalizuoti optimizavimo uždavinius transporte, sprendžiant transporto uždavinius įvairiais būdais, naudojant skirtingas programas ir atitinkamus jų modelius. Palyginti programų interfeisus, susipažinti su jų aplinka ir padaryti išvadas, su kuria programa yra patogu ir optimalu spręsti specializuotus uždavinius. Šio darbo teorinėje dalyje pirmiausiai buvo susipažinta su pagrindinėmis sąvokomis, kurios yra naudojamos nagrinėjant šią problemą. Buvo susipažinta su Solver, WinQSB ir Simplex programomis. Išnagrinėjome, kaip reikia dirbti su Solver, WinQSB ir Simplex programomis, kad būtų galima surasti optimalų sprendinį konkrečių uždavinių transporto sferoje. Darbe taip pat buvo susipažinta su pagrindinėmis Network Modeling programos Transportation Problem (transporto uždavinių sprendimo modulio) – darbo principais, kuris priklauso WinQSB programai. Šią problemą domėtis bei galvoti kaip ją spręsti ir tobulinti turimas žinias nusprendžiau dirbdama transporto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Fairly often it is necessary choose one solution out of several possible ones in the practical human activities (in transport system, management, design of structures, etc.). Naturally, then it is necessary to find the best solution. For example, a company has to arrange its production so as to maximise the profit from the production; product transportation from dispatch points (storehouses, centres) to destination (shops, construction sites, etc.) is to be planned so as to minimise the overall transportation costs. The objective of the work is to analyse the methods of linear programming when solving transportation problems by applying various tools, using different software and their respective models, to compare the software interfaces, get acquainted with their environment and to conclude which of the programmes is the most convenient and optimum for the solution of specific problems. The theoretical part of the work, first of all, introduces the main definitions used in the analysis of the problem. Solver, WinQSB and Simplex software was introduced. It was analysed, how one is to work with Solver, WinQSB and Simplex software to find an optimum solution when dealing with a particular problem of the transport sector. The work also introduces the main principles when working with Transportation Problem module of Network Modelling, which is a part of WinQSB software. I had decided to analyse the problem and improve my knowledge while working in the transport sector – then... [to full text]

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