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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pol?ticas recentes para arranjos produtivos locais: um olhar sob a lente dos organismos respons?veis pelo apoio no estado do Rio Grande do Norte.

Silva, Yuri C?sar de Lima e 11 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T18:04:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 YuriCLS_DISSERT.pdf: 1601720 bytes, checksum: 554923a7f0503bb8d641482a11fa82a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-11 / This paper aims to analyze the current support structure ready to Local Productive Arrangements (APLs) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, it was done a study of major theories dealing with territorial agglomerations: moving from the pioneering concept of Marshallian industrial district to neo-Schumpeterian concepts coming from the latest innovation systems. In a complementary way, there will be a study of the major reasons that brought the crowded productive activities to a central position in the economic debate and the formation of public policy, seeking to understand what the relationship of this phenomenon with the different approaches of regional development policies which are included in recent years. Finally, it sought to understand how the bodies responsible for supporting clusters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte act in the selection and support of these arrangements, analyzing what the main policies implemented and trying to understand what are the main instruments used to support these clusters in the state / Este trabalho pretende analisar a atual estrutura de apoio disposta aos Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs) no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Com este intuito, realiza-se um estudo das principais teorias que tratam das aglomera??es territoriais: passando desde o conceito pioneiro de distrito industrial marshalliano at? conceitos neo-schumpeterianos mais recentes provindo dos sistemas de inova??o. De maneira complementar, realiza-se um estudo dos principais motivos que trouxeram as atividades produtivas aglomeradas a uma posi??o central no debate econ?mico e na forma??o de pol?ticas p?blicas, procurando compreender qual a rela??o deste fen?meno com as diferentes abordagens das pol?ticas de desenvolvimento regional compreendidas nos ?ltimos anos. Por fim, pretendeu-se compreender de que forma os ?rg?os respons?veis pelo apoio aos APLs no estado do Rio Grande do Norte atuam na sele??o e apoio a estes arranjos, analisando quais as principais pol?ticas implementadas e procurando compreender quais s?o os principais instrumentos utilizados no apoio a estes APLs no estado

Regionální rozvoj a plošná ochrana souborů lidové architektury v obcích okresu Tábor. / Regional development and the territorial protection of rural architecture complexes in villages in Tábor district.

HORNÍKOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
In 1995 it was declared 61 rural monumental preserves and 164 rural monumental zones of popular architecture by Ministry of Culture. The aim of this diploma work was to find out in what extent the monumental protection of rural monument preserves and zones affect the country development. The point of this work is to verify the results of monument preservation, study the citizen, authority of autonomy and public administration position, and describe the effects on the choosen places. The research was carried out in rural monumental preserves and zones in the region of Tábor, specifically on six rural monumental preserves (Klečaty, Komárov, Mažice, Vlastiboř, Zálší, Záluží) and three rural monumental zones (Bechyňská Smoleč, Nedvědice, Svinky).

Rozvojový plán kraje a jeho vliv na poskytování služeb v cestovním ruchu / Regional development programme and its influence on rendition of services in travel movement

KADLECOVÁ, Andrea January 2007 (has links)
The title of this thesis is Regional Development Programme and its influence on administration services in travel movement. It is perceptible that this thesis deals about cohesion of travel movement as one of the fastest envolving branch of industry and developing conception of the region as a subjekt which in its independent action takes care in its territorial district conformable with local groundwork and with local customs about complex development of its territory and about needs of its citizen. The purposes of this diploma work was the analysis of the above mentioned cohesion.

Regionální rozvoj a plošná ochrana souborů lidové architektury v obcích okresu České Budějovice II. část / Regional development and the territorial protection of rural architecture complexis in villages in České Budějovice district II. part.

PEŠKOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this diploma work was to find out in what extent the monumental protection of rural monument preserves and zones affect the country development. Whether this monumental protection brings benefits for the municipality or not and how the citizens of selected villages perceive this monumental protection. Other aim of the research was to find out the rate of co-operation between the authorized municipal authority, monumental authority and the Regional authority in České Budějovice. The research was carried out in rural monumental preserves and zones in the region of České Budějovice {--} II part, specifically on rural monumental preserve (Holašovice) and eight rural monumental zones (Bavorovice, Božejov, Břehov, Dobčice, Kojákovice, Lipanovice, Opatovice, Rožnov).

Regionální rozvoj a plošná ochrana souborů lidové architektury v obcích okresu Prachatice a Český Krumlov. / Regional development and the territorial protection of rural architecture complexes in villages in Prachatice and Český Krumlov district.

KOLÁŘ, František January 2008 (has links)
This thesis dissert on sensitivity between development of countryside and protection of popular architecture in the countryside monument reservation and the countryside monument area. The point of this work is to verify the results of monument preservation; study the citizen, authority of autonomy and public administration position and describe the effects on the choosen places. The results of this work is to propose actions for next growth in selected places: Stachy, Lažiště, Mahouš, Vitějovice, Chalupy, Třešňový Újezdec, Zvěřetice, Mirkovice a Pernek.

Regionální rozvoj a plošná ochrana souborů lidové architektury v obcích okresu České Budějovice I. část / Regional development and the territorial protection of rural architecture complexes in villages in České Budějovice district I. part

DOUCHOVÁ, Ilona January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis topics are regional development and the territorial protection of rural architecture complexes in villages in České Budějovice district. Rural Baroque and a South Bohemian village belong to each other. In spite of different historical and geographical conditions, the rural landscapes presented in this thesis have a lot in common. They are protected landscapes and they share the economic and social pressures of present-day Europe. Their future is driven by committed and competent local leaders who share a vision of sustainability, care for local heritage, are open to learning and to innovations, and are able and willing to cooperate with broader regional, national and international networks.

Regionální rozvoj a plošná ochrana souborů lidové architektury v obcích okresu Domažlice a Klatovy / Regional development and protection ensembles of rural architecture in villages of the district of Domažlice and Klatovy

COZLOVÁ, Karolína January 2007 (has links)
The diploma´s purport is to verify the care of historical monuments results and citizen´s, local government´s and administration´s position. Diploma feeds the view of the grant´s programms, which available in rural areas are. Further the care of historical monuments in Czech Republic is described. Diploma is sight on villages Hradešice, Kanice, Klenčí, Ostřetice, Pocinovice, Poleň, Stráž, Trhanov and Velké Hydčice.

Regionální rozvoj a plošná ochrana souborů lidové architektury v obcích okresu Plzeň - sever. / Regional development and the territorial protection of rural architecture complexes in villages in Plzeň - sever district.

METLIČKOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
This thesis dissert on sensitivity between development of countryside and protection of popular architecture in the countryside monument reservation and the countryside monument area. The point of this work is to verify the results of monument preservation; study the citizen, authority of autonomy and public administration position, and describe the effects on the choosen places. The results of this work is to propose actions for next growth in selected places (Dolany u Plzně, Dýšina, Hlince, Jarov, Kyšice, Lhota u Chříče, Radějov a Studená).

Analýza výdajů obcí ve vztahu k prioritám regionálního rozvoje / Analysis of Expenditures of Municipalities in Relation to Priorities of Regional Development

HLASOVÁ, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
The municipal outlays have practically permanent and continuous growing trend. It is not only connected with the growth of prices of raw material and power, but also with the continuous growth of price level of work and services, that the municipalities have to cover. The size of the outlays is also influenced by the extent of tasks that are entrusted into the hands of the individual municipalities by the law. The analysis of classification by kind shows that current expenses comprise 65% of total expenses. The biggest share of those expenses takes non-investment transfer payments to allowance organizations and purchase of water, fuel, power, services and other services. The analysis of classification by branch shows that among the expenses of the municipalities with the biggest importance count three branches, which cover 88% of the total expenses of municipalities. The analysis of dynamics of municipal outlays was made between 2001 and 2005. From 2001 to 2004 expenses increased in all items of the municipal budget. The exception was year 2005 when the current expenses decreased significantly. It was caused by the change of new education law, which radically change the method of financing of primary education.


FOUSKOVÁ, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je analyzovat oblasti (regionu NUTS III Jihočeského kraje) u kterých bude možno využít opatření pro finanční prostředky na vybraná opatření Evropského fondu regionálního rozvoje (ERDF). Součástí tohoto cíle je zjištění, jaká je míra využívání prostředků z tohoto fondu ve srovnání s ostatními fondy a co je ovlivňuje a také poukázat na změny vzniklé v novém programovacím období 2007 {--} 2013. Pro popis možností a podmínek a podmínek v Jihočeském kraji o dotaci Evropského fondu regionálního rozvoje (ERDF) v programovacím období 2007 -2013 je stanoveno několik faktorů. Výsledné podmínky jsou syntézou faktorů jako je legislativa EU a strukturálních fondů, principy regionální politiky, nové nástroje regionální politiky a charakteristika cílů strukturální a regionální politiky v novém programovacím období 2007-2013.

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