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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atmospheric circulation and the surface mass balance in a regional climate model of Antarctica

Glushak, Ksenia January 2007 (has links)
Understanding the Earth's climate system and particularly climate variability presents one of the most difficult and urgent challenges in science. The Antarctic plays a crucial role in the global climate system, since it is the principal region of radiative energy deficit and atmospheric cooling. An assessment of regional climate model HIRHAM is presented. The simulations are generated with the HIRHAM model, which is modified for Antarctic applications. With a horizontal resolution of 55km, the model has been run for the period 1958-1998 creating long-term simulations from initial and boundary conditions provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA40 re-analysis. The model output is compared with observations from observation stations, upper air data, global atmospheric analyses and satellite data. In comparison with the observations, the evaluation shows that the simulations with the HIRHAM model capture both the large and regional scale circulation features with generally small bias in the modeled variables. On the annual time scale the largest errors in the model simulations are the overestimation total cloud cover and the colder near-surface temperature over the interior of the Antarctic plateau. The low-level temperature inversion as well as low-level wind jet is well captured by the model. The decadal scale processes were studied based on trend calculations. The long-term run was divided into two 20 years parts. The 2m temperature, 500 hPa temperature, MSLP, precipitation and net mass balance trends were calculated for both periods and over 1958 - 1998. During the last two decades the strong surface cooling was observed over the Eastern Antarctica, this result is in good agreement with the result of Chapman and Walsh (2005) who calculated the temperature trend based on the observational data. The MSLP trend reveals a big disparity between the first and second parts of the 40 year run. The overall trend shows the strengthening of the circumpolar vortex and continental anticyclone. The net mass balance as well as precipitation show a positive trend over the Antarctic Peninsula region, along Wilkes Land and in Dronning Maud Land. The Antarctic ice sheet grows over the Eastern part of Antarctica with small exceptions in Dronning Maud Land and Wilkes Land and sinks in the Antarctic Peninsula; this result is in good agreement with the satellite-measured altitude presented in Davis (2005) . To better understand the horizontal structure of MSLP, temperature and net mass balance trends the influence of the Southern Annual Mode (SAM) on the Antarctic climate was investigated. The main meteorological parameters during the positive and negative Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) phases were compared to each other. A positive/negative AAO index means strengthening/weakening of the circumpolar vortex, poleward/northward storm tracks and prevailing/weakening westerly winds. For detailed investigation of global teleconnection, two positive and one negative periods of AAO phase were chosen. The differences in MSLP and 2m temperature between positive and negative AAO years during the winter months partly explain the surface cooling during the last decades. / Eine der dringendsten wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen besteht darin, das Klimasystem der Erde und die Prozesse zu verstehen, die seine Klimavariabilität bestimmen. Die Antarktis spielt eine entscheidende Rolle im globalen Klimasystem, da sie die wesentliche Energiesenke und atmosphärische Abkühlregion darstellt. In dieser Arbeit wird das regionale Klimamodell HIRHAM zur Untersuchung des Klimas der Antarktis eingesetzt, das dafür speziell angepasst wurde. Mit einer horizontalen Auflösung von 50 km und 25 vertikalen Schichten wurden Simulationen für 40 Jahre von 1958-1998 durchgeführt, wobei die Anfangs- und Randbedingungen durch die ERA40 Daten des ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) geliefert wurden. Die Modellergebnisse wurden mit Daten von Beobachtungsstationen, aerologischen Vertikalsondierungen, globalen Analysedaten und Satellitendaten verglichen. Diese Validierung zeigt, dass die HIRHAM Modellsimulationen die globalen und regionalen Zirkulationsmuster mit einem vertretbaren Modellfehler generieren. Auf der jährlichen Zeitskale zeigen sich die größten Modellfehler in einer Überbestimmung der totalen Wolkenbedeckung und der kalten bodennahen Temperaturen der Atmosphäre. Die bodennahen Inversionen und katabatischen Windsysteme werden durch das Modell gut wiedergegeben. Dekadische Prozesse wurden durch Trendberechnungen analysiert. Dazu wurden die 40 Jahre umfassenden Simulationen in zwei 20 Jahre Abschnitte von 1958-1978 und 1979-1998 unterteilt. Die Trends in den 2m Temperaturen, im mittleren Bodenluftdruck, 500 hPa Geopotential, Niederschlag und der Netto Massenbilanz wurden berechnet. In den letzten zwei Dekaden wurde eine starke atmosphärische Abkühlung an der Oberfläche in der Ostantarktis simuliert, die in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Trendanalysen aus Beobachtungen von Chapman und Walsh (2005) steht. Der Trend im mittleren Bodenluftdruck weist deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den ersten Periode 1958-1978 und der zweiten Periode 1979-1998 auf. Insgesamt verstärkt sich über die untersuchten 40 Jahre der zirkumpolare Tiefdruckwirbel und die kontinentale Antizyklone. Die Nettomassenbilanz und der Niederschlag zeigen einen positiven Trend über der Antarktischen Halbinsel, Wilkes Land und Dronning Maud Land. Das antarktische Eisschild wächst im östlichen Teil der Antarktis mit geringen Ausnahmen in Dronning Maud Land und Wilkes Land an und schächt sich über der antarktischen Halbinsel ab. Dieses Resultat befindet sich in Übereinstimmung mit den Akkumulationstrends von Davis (2005) auf der Basis von Satellitendaten. Die horizontalen Strukturen der simulierten antarktischen Trends im mittleren Bodenluftdruck, in der 2m Temperatur und der Netto Massenbilanz wurden mit Trends des globalen Telekonnektionsmusters der Südhemisphäre verglichen. Dazu wurden wesentliche atmosphärische Parameter für positive und negative Phasen der Antarktischen Oszillation (AAO) analysiert. Die positiven/negativen AAO Phasen gehen einher mit einer Verstärkung/Abschwächung des zirkumpolaren Tiefdruckwirbels, verstärkten/reduzierten Stormtracks und verstärkten/abgeschwächten Westwinden. Für eine tiefergehende Untersuchung wurden zwei positive und eine negative AAO Phase miteinander verglichen. Die Unterschiede im Bodenluftdruck und der 2m Temperatur zwischen den positiven und negativen AAO Perioden können den Abkühlungstrend während der letzten Dekaden zu großen Teilen erklären.

Regional aerosol modeling in Europe: Evaluation with focus on vertical profiles and radiative effects

Meier, Jessica 06 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis the occurrence and the properties of atmospheric particles within Europe are studied by means of the regional transport model COSMO-MUSCAT (Consortium for Small-scale Modeling - MultiScale Atmospheric Transport Model). The model is used to perform calculations for a summer (19-26 July 2006) and a winter (16-26 February 2007) period. Individual extinction coefficients are computed taking into account hygroscopic growth and mass extinction efficiencies of specific chemical compounds. The model study focuses on vertical backscatter profiles, aerosol optical depths, particle surface concentrations and radiative effects. Different descriptions of the vertical distribution of chemical compounds at the lateral model boundaries are tested. The results show that for the tested model setup the influence of the aerosol distribution at the model boundaries on European aerosol is limited. Information from lidar profiles may improve the description at the lateral model boundaries. This may be more important for smaller model domains. Space-based lidar (light detection and ranging) observations (CALIOP - Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) observations are compared to the simulated backscatter profiles caused by the simulated anthropogenic aerosol. The model reproduces the shape and magnitude of the vertical backscatter profiles well for both time periods. Better agreements are found for night-time observations compared to day-time data. Satisfying agreements between the model results and experimental observations of ground-based vertical backscatter profiles, aerosol optical depths and particle surface concentrations are also found for the two time periods in Europe. Discrepancies between measurement and simulation highlight the difficulties to describe horizontal and vertical aerosol properties properly. The direct and semi-direct radiative effects of the absorbing aerosol are studied for both summer and winter period. For both periods, an increase of the solar heating rate due to the aerosol forcing is determined. This heating leads to an average decrease of the total cloud cover of 1.0% (summer) and of 0.7% (winter). This semi-direct radiative effect causes a positive forcing at the surface and at the top-of-atmosphere in the European domain.

Integrated Spatiotemporal Characterization of Dust Sources and Outbreaks in Central and East Asia

Darmenova, Kremena 07 April 2006 (has links)
The potential of atmospheric dust aerosols to modify the Earth's environment and climate has been recognized for some time. However, predicting the diverse impact of dust has several significant challenges. One is to quantify the complex spatial and temporal variability of dust burden in the atmosphere. Another is to quantify the fraction of dust originating from human-made sources. This thesis focuses on the spatiotemporal characterization of sources and dust outbreaks in Central and East Asia by integrating ground-based data, satellite multi-sensor observations, and modeling. A new regional dust modeling system capable of operating over a span of scales was developed. The modeling system consists of a dust module DuMo, which incorporates several dust emission schemes of different complexity, and the PSU/NCAR mesoscale model MM5, which offers a variety of physical parameterizations and flexible nesting capability. The modeling system was used to perform for the first time a comprehensive study of the timing, duration, and intensity of individual dust events in Central and East Asia. Determining the uncertainties caused by the choice of model physics, especially the boundary layer parameterization, and the dust production scheme was the focus of our study. Implications to assessments of the anthropogenic dust fraction in these regions were also addressed. Focusing on Spring 2001, an analysis of routine surface meteorological observations and satellite multi-sensor data was carried out in conjunction with modeling to determine the extent to which to this integrated data set can be used to characterize the spatiotemporal distribution of dust plumes at a range of temporal scales, addressing the active dust sources in China and Mongolia, mid-range transport and trans-Pacific, long-range transport of dust outbreaks on a case-by-case basis. This work demonstrates that adequate and consistent characterization of individual dust events is central to establishing a reliable climatology, ultimately leading to improved assessments of dust impacts on the environment and climate. This will also help to identify the appropriate temporal and spatial scales for adequate intercomparison between model results and observational data as well as for developing an integrated analysis methodology for dust studies.


Goncalves de Goncalves, Luis Gustavo January 2005 (has links)
Land surface processes play an important role when modeling weather and climate, and understanding and representing such processes in South America is a particular challenge because of the large variations in regional climate and surface features such as vegetation and soil. Numerical models have been used to explore the climate and weather of continental South America, but without appropriate initiation of land surface conditions model simulations can rapidly diverge from reality. This initiation problem is exacerbated by the fact that conventional surface observations over South America are scarce and biased towards the urban centers and coastal areas. This dissertation explores issues related to the apt representation of land surface processes and their impacts in numerical simulations with a regional atmospheric model (specifically the Eta model) over South America. The impacts of vegetation heterogeneity in regional weather forecast were first investigated. A South American Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS) was then created analogous to that currently used in North America to estimate soil moisture fields for initializing regional atmospheric models. The land surface model (LSM) used in this SALDAS is the Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSiB). Precipitation fields are critical when calculating soil moisture and, because conventional surface observations are scarce in South America, some of the most important remote sensed precipitation products were evaluated as potential precipitation forcing for the SALDAS. Spin up states for SSiB where then compared with climatological estimates of land surface fields and significant differences found. Finally, an assessment was made of the value of SALDAS-derived soil moisture fields on Eta model forecasts. The primary result was that model performance is enhanced over the entire continent in up to 72h forecasts using SALDAS surface fields

Developing and testing a coupled regional modeling system for establishing an integrated modeling and observational framework for dust aerosol

Darmenov, Anton 09 January 2009 (has links)
To this date, estimates of the climate response to mineral dust remain largely uncertain because of our limited capability to quantify dust distribution in the atmosphere. Focusing on the Central and East Asian dust source regions, this thesis aims to develop a coupled regional dust modeling system to provide an improved modeling capability of atmospheric dust as well as to aid the integration of ground-based and satellite observations. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) evaluate the capabilities of the available data to detect and quantify mineral dust in the atmosphere; 2) develop and test a coupled regional dust modeling system able to simulate size resolved dust concentrations accounting for the regional specifics of Central and East Asia; and 3) outline a methodology for data and modeling integration. The capabilities of ground-based and satellite data to characterize dust in the atmosphere are examined in great details. Based on analysis of MODIS data reflectance and radiances, we found evidence for regional signature of dust in near-IR and proposed a new probabilistic dust-cloud mask that explicitly takes into account the spatial variability characteristics of dust aerosols. We developed a coupled regional dust modeling system (WRF-DuMo) by incorporating a dust emission module (DuMo) into the NCAR WRF model. The WRF-DuMo unique capabilities include explicit treatment of land surface properties in Central and East Asia, a suite of dust emission schemes with different levels of complexity, multiple options for dust injection in the atmosphere and flexible parameters of the initial size distribution of emitted dust. Two representative dust events that originated in East Asia in the springs of 2001 and 2007 have been modeled with WRF-DuMo. Simulations with different initial size distribution of dust, injection and emission parameterizations have been performed to investigate their relative role on the modeled dust fields. We performed an integrated analysis of modeled dust fields and satellite observations by introducing an ensemble model dust index, which used in conjunction with satellite dust retrievals improves the capability to characterize dust fields. Finally, we provide recommendations for the development of an integrated observational and modeling dust framework.

Intéractions aérosols-rayonnement-nuages et variabilité climatique en méditerranée - Approche par la modelisation régionale couplée / Aerosols-radiation-clouds interactions and climatic variability over the Mediterranean - Coupled regional modeling approach

Nabat, Pierre 09 October 2014 (has links)
Le bassin méditerranéen est sujet à de nombreuses sources d'aérosols présentant une variabilité spatio-temporelle élevée. Ces aérosols interagissent de manière directe avec les rayonnements solaire et thermique, et de manière indirecte avec les nuages et la dynamique atmosphérique. Ils peuvent donc avoir un impact important sur le climat de cette région. Ce travail de thèse, à la frontière entre les projets HyMeX et ChArMEx, considère une approche par la modélisation régionale couplée pour répondre aux questions des interactions aérosols-rayonnement-nuages par rapport à la variabilité climatique de la région méditerranéenne. Afin de mieux caractériser les aérosols méditerranéens, une nouvelle climatologie mensuelle et interannuelle d'épaisseur optique a été développée à partir d'une combinaison de produits satellites et de modèles. Ce jeu de données, disponible pour tous les modèles régionaux de climat en Méditerranée sur la période 1979-2012, a été mis au point dans le but d'obtenir la meilleure estimation possible du contenu atmosphérique en aérosols pour les cinq types considérés (sulfates, carbone suie et organique, poussières désertiques et sels marins). Des ensembles de simulations réalisées sur la période 2003-2009 avec et sans aérosols montrent un impact majeur sur le climat régional. Cet impact se caractérise par un forçage radiatif négatif en surface (dû à la diffusion et l'absorption du rayonnement solaire incident) de -15 W.m−2 en moyenne annuelle sur la mer Méditerranée, par un refroidissement induit en surface à la fois sur mer et sur terre de l'ordre de 0.5◦C en moyenne annuelle, par une diminution moyenne des précipitations ainsi que par des changements de nébulosité. Le cycle saisonnier et les structures spatiales du climat méditerranéen sont ainsi significativement modifiés, ainsi que certaines situations spécifiques comme la canicule de juillet 2006 qui a été renforcée par la présence d'aérosols désertiques. Le rôle essentiel de la température de surface de la mer Méditerranée dans la réponse du climat aux aérosols est mis en évidence, et permet de comprendre les modifications induites des flux air-mer (notamment la diminution de la perte en chaleur latente) et ses conséquences sur le climat régional. La convection océanique en mer Méditerranée est également renforcée par la présence d'aérosols. En outre, on démontre que la diminution des aérosols anthropiques observée depuis plus de trente ans a contribué significativement aux tendances climatiques de rayonnement (représentant 81 ± 15 % de l'éclaircissement) et de température (représentant 23 ± 5 % du réchauffement) observées en Europe et en Méditerranée. D'autre part, un schéma interactif d'aérosols a été mis en place dans le modèle atmosphérique ALADIN-Climat afin de pouvoir comprendre les processus liés aux aérosols à l'échelle quotidienne. On montre ici la capacité de ce schéma de simuler de manière réaliste les aérosols présents en Méditerranée, notamment dans le cas des intrusions de poussières désertiques observées pendant la campagne de mesures ChArMEx/TRAQA. Un exercice d'intercomparaison avec d'autres modèles intégrant les aérosols désertiques confirme la performance du nouveau schéma. De plus, utiliser un schéma prognostique d'aérosols au lieu d'une climatologie mensuelle permet de mieux reproduire les variations quotidiennes et en particulier les extrêmes de rayonnement et de température en surface. Cela induit aussi une modification du climat moyen, dans la mesure où les variations des aérosols et de leurs effets dépendent des régimes de temps et de la nébulosité. Cette thèse conclut ainsi à la nécessité pour les systèmes climatiques de modélisation régionale en Méditerranée de bien prendre en compte les effets radiatifs des aérosols et leur variabilité spatiotemporelle, y compris à haute fréquence. / The Mediterranean basin is affected by numerous and various aerosols which have a high spatiotemporal variability. These aerosols directly interact with solar and thermal radiation, and indirectly with clouds and atmospheric dynamics. Therefore they can have an important impact on the regional climate. This work, located at the boundary between the ChArMEx and HyMeX programs, considers a coupled regional modeling approach in order to address the questions of the aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions with regards to the climate variability over the Mediterranean. In order to improve the characterization of Mediterranean aerosols, a new interannual monthly climatology of aerosol optical depth has been developed from a blended product based on both satellitederived and model-simulated datasets. This dataset, available for every regional climate model over the Mediterranean for the 1979-2012 period, has been built to obtain the best possible estimate of the atmospheric aerosol content for the five species at stake (sulfate, black carbon, organic matter, desert dust and sea salt particles). Simulation ensembles, which have been carried out over the 2003-2009 period with and without aerosols, show a major impact on the regional climate. This impact is characterized by a negative surface radiative forcing (due to the absorption and the scattering of the solar incident radiation) of -15 W.m−2 on annual average over the Mediterranean Sea, an induced surface cooling both over land and sea of about -0.5◦C on annual average, a decrease in precipitation as well as cloud cover changes. The seasonal cycle and the spatial patterns of the Mediterranean climate are significantly modified, as well as some specific situations such as the heat wave in July 2006 strengthened by the presence of desert dust particles. The essential role of the Mediterranean sea surface temperature is highlighted, and enables to understand the induced changes on air-sea fluxes (notably the decrease in the latent heat loss) and the consequences on regional climate. Oceanic convection is also strengthened by aerosols. In addition, the decrease in anthropogenic aerosols observed for more than thirty years is shown to significantly contribute to the observed Euro-Mediterranean climatic trends in terms of surface radiation (representing 81 ± 15 % of the brightening) and temperature (representing 23 ± 5 % of the warming). Besides, an interactive aerosol scheme has been developed in the atmospheric model ALADINClimate in order to better understand aerosol processes at the daily scale. This scheme shows its ability to represent correctly the aerosol patterns over the Mediterranean, especially with regards to dust outbreaks that were measured during the ChArMEx/TRAQA field campaign. An intercomparison exercise with several dust models confirms the performance of the new scheme. Moreover, the use of a prognostic aerosol scheme instead of a monthly climatology enables to better reproduce the daily variations of surface radiation and temperature and related extremes. This also leads to changes in the mean climate, insofar as aerosol variations and their effects depend on weather regimes and cloud cover. Finally this study concludes with the need for regional climate system models over the Mediterranean to take into account the radiative aerosol effects and their spatio-temporal variability, including at high frequency. The impacts of these radiative effects on numerous parameters (radiation, temperature, humidity, ocean-atmosphere fluxes, oceanic circulation, etc.) are indeed shown and understood at different space and time scales (daily variability, seasonal cycle, climate trends, spatial structures). This work has also shown the importance of the coupling between the atmosphere and the Mediterranean Sea for aerosol-climate studies in this region.

Regional aerosol modeling in Europe: Evaluation with focus on vertical profiles and radiative effects

Meier, Jessica 26 March 2013 (has links)
In this thesis the occurrence and the properties of atmospheric particles within Europe are studied by means of the regional transport model COSMO-MUSCAT (Consortium for Small-scale Modeling - MultiScale Atmospheric Transport Model). The model is used to perform calculations for a summer (19-26 July 2006) and a winter (16-26 February 2007) period. Individual extinction coefficients are computed taking into account hygroscopic growth and mass extinction efficiencies of specific chemical compounds. The model study focuses on vertical backscatter profiles, aerosol optical depths, particle surface concentrations and radiative effects. Different descriptions of the vertical distribution of chemical compounds at the lateral model boundaries are tested. The results show that for the tested model setup the influence of the aerosol distribution at the model boundaries on European aerosol is limited. Information from lidar profiles may improve the description at the lateral model boundaries. This may be more important for smaller model domains. Space-based lidar (light detection and ranging) observations (CALIOP - Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) observations are compared to the simulated backscatter profiles caused by the simulated anthropogenic aerosol. The model reproduces the shape and magnitude of the vertical backscatter profiles well for both time periods. Better agreements are found for night-time observations compared to day-time data. Satisfying agreements between the model results and experimental observations of ground-based vertical backscatter profiles, aerosol optical depths and particle surface concentrations are also found for the two time periods in Europe. Discrepancies between measurement and simulation highlight the difficulties to describe horizontal and vertical aerosol properties properly. The direct and semi-direct radiative effects of the absorbing aerosol are studied for both summer and winter period. For both periods, an increase of the solar heating rate due to the aerosol forcing is determined. This heating leads to an average decrease of the total cloud cover of 1.0% (summer) and of 0.7% (winter). This semi-direct radiative effect causes a positive forcing at the surface and at the top-of-atmosphere in the European domain.

Fonctionnement dynamique du centre d'upwelling Sud-Sénégalais : approche par la modélisation réaliste et l'analyse d'observations satellite de température de surface de la mer / Dynamics functioning of the Southern Senegal upwelling center : realistic modeling approach and remote sensing SST analysis

Ndoye, Siny 11 March 2016 (has links)
L’extrémité sud du système du courant des Canaries comprend un centre d’upwelling (résurgence localisée d’eaux froides sous l’action de vents favorables) qui a jusqu’ici reçu peu d’attention. Ma thèse porte sur la dynamique de ce centre d’upwelling sud Sénégal ou SSUC (Southern Senegal Upwelling Center en anglais). Elle s’intéresse donc à la circulation et à la structure thermohaline sur le large plateau sud-sénégalais, entre la côte et _100-200 km au large en se focalisant sur la période d’upwelling (Novembre-Mai). Une des particularités de la zone est la séparation entre la zone d’upwelling au centre du plateau et des eaux plus chaudes au large et à la côte. Mes travaux combinent analyse d’images satellite et d’observations in-situ, avec la réalisation et l’analyse de simulations numériques dans l’état de l’art. Par une analyse fine des conditions physiques de la zone, ils posent la base à une approche intégrée du fonctionnement de l’environnement marin sénégalais. Une première partie des résultats se base sur l’examen et l’analyse de plus de 1500 images satellite de température de surface de la mer SST MODIS, contextualisées par rapport aux conditions synoptiques de vent. Cette analyse met en lumière l’existence d’états récurrents du SSUC, en termes de SST. Elles confirment plus généralement la régularité et la stabilité du fonctionnement dynamique du système, mais aussi révèlent des aspects subtils de la structure de l’upwelling : refroidissement des eaux de surface probablement dû au déferlement et au mélange associé à la marée interne ; interaction complexe entre la remontée locale, le courant de Mauritanie et le jet côtier ; complexité probable des échanges entre les différentes parties du plateau (plateau intérieur accueillant des eaux réchauffées, plateau central où est fréquemment situé la langue d’eau froide). L’amplitude du cycle diurne suggère que de grandes incertitudes restent à lever dans le budget de chaleur de l’upwelling . Les limites des études soulignent la nécessité de continuer la mesure in situ dans le SSUC, en particulier des vents. Le fonctionnement dynamique du SSUC est aussi étudié par la modélisation hydrodynamique (ROMS) à haute résolution (_2km). Différentes simulations ont été réalisées en variant les forçages (climatologiques ou synoptiques pour le vent ; modification fine échelle des flux de chaleur en domaine côtier ; présence ou absence de marée). Les solutions numériques montrent en général un bon accord avec les observations satellite et in situ disponibles. Ces solutions éclairent le fonctionnement dynamique du système notamment en termes de circulation, de position de remontée d’upwelling, mais également du devenir des eaux upwellées grâce à une analyse lagrangienne. Nous avons notamment pu montrer que la zone nord du SSUC est la zone principale de remontée et les eaux qui y remontent, proviennent en grande majorité de la zone sud du SSUC d’où elles sont amenées par le courant de Mauritanie. Les analyses lagrangiennes ont aussi permis de - 3 - révéler la dynamique associée à la zone côtière de nourricerie et de nuancer le schéma conceptuel de rétention précédemment admis. La sensibilité de la dynamique du SSUC aux forçages atmosphériques est modeste avec néanmoins des modulations des échanges cross-shore qui peuvent être importantes pour l’écosystème. / The southern end of the Canary current system comprises of an original upwelling center that has so far received little attention. This Ph.D. Thesis focuses on the dynamical functioning of the Southern Senegal-Gambia Upwelling Center (SSUC). We are interested in the upwelling circulation and thermohaline structure on the shelf between the coastline and 100-200 km offshore. Our focus is on the upwelling period (November to May). The main originality of the SSUC compared to other upwelling centers stems from its continental shelf that is broad and shallow (20–30 m over tens of kilometers). The normal state of the system comprises the classical upwelling front but also a well-defined inner-shelf front that separates cold upwelled waters from nearshore warmer waters. We investigate its dynamical functioning using analysed satellite images, in situ data and state-of-theart 3D numerical simulations. Through a fine-scale analysis of the physical conditions of the SSUC, this work poses the basis of an integrated approach to the Senegalese marine environment functioning. A first part of results is based on the careful examinations and analysis of over 1500 satellite images of sea surface temperature scenes contextualized with respect to wind conditions. Analysis confirm the regularity and stability of the SSUC dynamical functioning (as manifested by the recurrence and persistence of particular SST patterns). The analysis also reveal subtle aspects of its upwelling structure : shelf break cooling of surface waters consistent with internal tide breaking/mixing ; complex interplay between local upwelling and the Mauritanian current off the Cape Verde headland ; complexity of the inner-shelf/mid shelf frontal transition. The amplitude of the diurnal cycle suggests that large uncertainties exist in the SSUC heat budget. The studies limitations underscore the need for continuous in situ measurement in the SSUC, particularly of winds. The dynamical functioning of SSUC is also investigated by means of numerical simulations, using the hydrodynamical Regional Ocean Modeling System ROMS (_x _ 2 km). Different simulations have been carried with varying forcings (climatological or synoptic wind ; fine-scale adjustments of heat flux in coastal area ; presence or absence of tides). Numerical solutions show a good agreement with available satellite and in situ observations . These solutions clarify the dynamical functioning of the system especially in terms of circulation, location of cold water upwelling but also fate of upwelled water through a Lagrangian analysis. We show in particular that the northern part of the SSUC is the main upwelling area. Waters that upwelled in this area predominantly come from the southern of the SSUC, through advection by the Mauritanian current. Lagrangian analysis also revealed the dynamics associated with the coastal area of nursery and nuance the conceptual retention scheme previously admitted. The sensitivity of the dynamics of SSUC to atmospheric forcings is modest with nevertheless some modulations of the cross-shore exchanges that may be important to the ecosystem.

Caracterização da frente subtropical de plataforma e seu impacto na atmosfera utilizando o modelo regional acoplado COAWST

Mendonça, Luís Felipe Ferreira de January 2017 (has links)
A Plataforma Continental Sul Brasileira (PCSB) é considerada uma importante região do litoral do Brasil, suas massas d’água e os processos dinâmicos apresentam um comportamento sazonal que imprime fortes efeitos no ecossistema costeiro. Com objetivo de caracterizar a Frente Subtropical de Plataforma (FSTP) e seu impacto na atmosfera, o presente trabalho utilizou o modelo acoplado oceano-atmosfera COAWST (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport) para estudar, na região da PCSB, a distribuição das massas d’água e a variabilidade oceânica durante o ano de 2012. Assim como, o acoplamento oceano-atmosfera durante 10 dias do mês de junho de 2012, coincidentes com a realização do cruzeiro oceanográfico ACEx/SIMTECO. Os resultados de ambos os períodos de estudo foram comparados com observações históricas, com dados coletados in situ pelo cruzeiro ACEx/SIMTECO e com dados de satélite. Os resultados indicam que essa componente foi capaz de reproduzir as principais características termohalinas e a sazonalidade das águas que dominam a PCSB. A mistura entre as águas de plataforma subtropicais e subantárticas que ocorre na FSTP, apresentou uma clara mudança sazonal em seu volume. Como consequência da mistura e da oscilação sazonal de posição da FSTP, a estabilidade da coluna d´água dentro da PCSB também muda sazonalmente. Os valores de temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) e altura da superfície do mar mostraram valores sazonais de REQM inferiores a 2°C e um skill médio superior a 0,75. Valores de velocidade sobre a plataforma para a Corrente Costeira do Brasil (CCB) chegam 0,6 (m.s-1), enquanto o transporte para a Corrente do Brasil (CB) e CCB foram de -7 a -44 Sv e -0,3 a 0,3 Sv, respectivamente. Os mapas sazonais de energia cinética média e energia cinética turbulenta representam o comportamento já conhecido da CB e ressaltam a importância do fluxo costeiro médio ao largo da costa da Argentina ao longo do ano. A comparação dos dados do modelo atmosférico, rodado no modo acoplado do COAWST, com dados observacionais indicam um satisfatório desempenho do modelo em representar as variáveis temperatura potencial, umidade relativa e específica, assim como os campos de vento na superfície do mar. O módulo atmosférico do COAWST foi também capaz de representar as variações da camada limite atmosférica marinha (CLAM), mesmo em condições sinóticas pré e pós-frontais como as observadas durante a realização do cruzeiro ACEx/SIMTECO. O presente trabalho apresenta, pela primeira vez para a região de estudo, resultados que demonstram a robustez do modelo regional COAWST em descrever o comportamento sinótico da atmosfera frente aos gradientes de TSM na região da PCSB. E oferece novos subsídios para o estudo do comportamento do sistema acoplado oceano-atmosfera nesta importante região da costa brasileira. / The South Brazilian Continental Shelf (SBCS) is considered an important region of Brazilian coast, their water masses and the dynamic processes present a seasonal behavior that has strong effects on the coastal ecosystem. In order to characterize the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and its impact on the atmosphere, this work used the ocean-atmosphere coupled model COAWST (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport) to study, in the SBCS region, the distribution of water massas and ocean variability during the year 2012. As well, the ocean-atmosphere coupling during 10 days of June 2012, coinciding with the ACEx/SIMTECO oceanographic cruise. The results of both study periods were compared with historical observations, data collected in situ by the ACEx/SIMTECO cruise and satellite data. The results indicate that this component was capable of reproducing the main thermohaline characteristics and the seasonality of dominant waters of the SBCS. The mixture between subtropical and subantarctic shelf waters that occurs in the STSF, showed a clear seasonal change in its volume. As consequence of mixing and seasonal STSF oscillation, the stability of the water column within the SBCS also changes seasonally. The values of sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height showed seasonal RMSE values below 2 °C and an average skill greater than 0,75. Velocity values on the shef for Brazilian Coastal Current (BCC) reach 0,6 (ms-1), while transport to Brazil Current (BC) and BCC were -7 to -44 Sv and -0, 3 to 0.3 Sv, respectively. The seasonal maps of medium kinetic energy and turbulent kinetic energy represent the behavior of the BC and highlight the importance of the average coastal flow off the coast of Argentina during the year. The comparison of data from the atmospheric model, run in coupled mode of COAWST, with observational data indicates a satisfactory performance of the model in representing the variables potential temperature, relative and specific humidity, as well as the wind fields at the surface of the sea. The atmospheric module of COAWST was able to represent the variations of marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL), even in pré and post-frontal synoptic conditions such as those observed during the ACEx/SIMTECO cruise. The present work presents, for the first time in this region, results that demonstrate the robustness of the COAWST regional model in describing the synoptic behavior of the atmosphere in front of SST gradients in the SBCS region. And offers new subsidies for the study of the behavior of the ocean-atmosphere coupled system in this important region of the Brazilian coast.

Caracterização da frente subtropical de plataforma e seu impacto na atmosfera utilizando o modelo regional acoplado COAWST

Mendonça, Luís Felipe Ferreira de January 2017 (has links)
A Plataforma Continental Sul Brasileira (PCSB) é considerada uma importante região do litoral do Brasil, suas massas d’água e os processos dinâmicos apresentam um comportamento sazonal que imprime fortes efeitos no ecossistema costeiro. Com objetivo de caracterizar a Frente Subtropical de Plataforma (FSTP) e seu impacto na atmosfera, o presente trabalho utilizou o modelo acoplado oceano-atmosfera COAWST (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport) para estudar, na região da PCSB, a distribuição das massas d’água e a variabilidade oceânica durante o ano de 2012. Assim como, o acoplamento oceano-atmosfera durante 10 dias do mês de junho de 2012, coincidentes com a realização do cruzeiro oceanográfico ACEx/SIMTECO. Os resultados de ambos os períodos de estudo foram comparados com observações históricas, com dados coletados in situ pelo cruzeiro ACEx/SIMTECO e com dados de satélite. Os resultados indicam que essa componente foi capaz de reproduzir as principais características termohalinas e a sazonalidade das águas que dominam a PCSB. A mistura entre as águas de plataforma subtropicais e subantárticas que ocorre na FSTP, apresentou uma clara mudança sazonal em seu volume. Como consequência da mistura e da oscilação sazonal de posição da FSTP, a estabilidade da coluna d´água dentro da PCSB também muda sazonalmente. Os valores de temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) e altura da superfície do mar mostraram valores sazonais de REQM inferiores a 2°C e um skill médio superior a 0,75. Valores de velocidade sobre a plataforma para a Corrente Costeira do Brasil (CCB) chegam 0,6 (m.s-1), enquanto o transporte para a Corrente do Brasil (CB) e CCB foram de -7 a -44 Sv e -0,3 a 0,3 Sv, respectivamente. Os mapas sazonais de energia cinética média e energia cinética turbulenta representam o comportamento já conhecido da CB e ressaltam a importância do fluxo costeiro médio ao largo da costa da Argentina ao longo do ano. A comparação dos dados do modelo atmosférico, rodado no modo acoplado do COAWST, com dados observacionais indicam um satisfatório desempenho do modelo em representar as variáveis temperatura potencial, umidade relativa e específica, assim como os campos de vento na superfície do mar. O módulo atmosférico do COAWST foi também capaz de representar as variações da camada limite atmosférica marinha (CLAM), mesmo em condições sinóticas pré e pós-frontais como as observadas durante a realização do cruzeiro ACEx/SIMTECO. O presente trabalho apresenta, pela primeira vez para a região de estudo, resultados que demonstram a robustez do modelo regional COAWST em descrever o comportamento sinótico da atmosfera frente aos gradientes de TSM na região da PCSB. E oferece novos subsídios para o estudo do comportamento do sistema acoplado oceano-atmosfera nesta importante região da costa brasileira. / The South Brazilian Continental Shelf (SBCS) is considered an important region of Brazilian coast, their water masses and the dynamic processes present a seasonal behavior that has strong effects on the coastal ecosystem. In order to characterize the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and its impact on the atmosphere, this work used the ocean-atmosphere coupled model COAWST (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport) to study, in the SBCS region, the distribution of water massas and ocean variability during the year 2012. As well, the ocean-atmosphere coupling during 10 days of June 2012, coinciding with the ACEx/SIMTECO oceanographic cruise. The results of both study periods were compared with historical observations, data collected in situ by the ACEx/SIMTECO cruise and satellite data. The results indicate that this component was capable of reproducing the main thermohaline characteristics and the seasonality of dominant waters of the SBCS. The mixture between subtropical and subantarctic shelf waters that occurs in the STSF, showed a clear seasonal change in its volume. As consequence of mixing and seasonal STSF oscillation, the stability of the water column within the SBCS also changes seasonally. The values of sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height showed seasonal RMSE values below 2 °C and an average skill greater than 0,75. Velocity values on the shef for Brazilian Coastal Current (BCC) reach 0,6 (ms-1), while transport to Brazil Current (BC) and BCC were -7 to -44 Sv and -0, 3 to 0.3 Sv, respectively. The seasonal maps of medium kinetic energy and turbulent kinetic energy represent the behavior of the BC and highlight the importance of the average coastal flow off the coast of Argentina during the year. The comparison of data from the atmospheric model, run in coupled mode of COAWST, with observational data indicates a satisfactory performance of the model in representing the variables potential temperature, relative and specific humidity, as well as the wind fields at the surface of the sea. The atmospheric module of COAWST was able to represent the variations of marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL), even in pré and post-frontal synoptic conditions such as those observed during the ACEx/SIMTECO cruise. The present work presents, for the first time in this region, results that demonstrate the robustness of the COAWST regional model in describing the synoptic behavior of the atmosphere in front of SST gradients in the SBCS region. And offers new subsidies for the study of the behavior of the ocean-atmosphere coupled system in this important region of the Brazilian coast.

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