841 |
Conflict and controversy: The changing development pattern of the Noosa Shire 1910-1980Edwards, Denise Terence Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Conflict and controversy: The changing development pattern of the Noosa Shire 1910-1980Edwards, Denise Terence Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Conflict and controversy: The changing development pattern of the Noosa Shire 1910-1980Edwards, Denise Terence Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Conflict and controversy: The changing development pattern of the Noosa Shire 1910-1980Edwards, Denise Terence Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Conflict and controversy: The changing development pattern of the Noosa Shire 1910-1980Edwards, Denise Terence Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
846 |
Spatial development of Hong Kong in transition to region integration /Chan, Wai-keung. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 87-90).
847 |
A study of applying planning obligations in the Hong Kong development control system /Cheung, Kin-kee, Michael. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Urb. Plan.))--University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-178).
848 |
Die effek van multikulturele kommunikasie tydens publieke deelnameDu Toit, L. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a long history of social and physical segregation, which is also reflected in
issues pertaining to the discipline of planning. In the past Apartheid policy and laws could be
blamed for this, but today difficulties in uniting the different cultures and in addressing
everyone's needs still exist. To date, the planning discipline has adopted a Western European
top down approach, largely ignoring the fact that the country comprises a number of different
cultures with different needs. In terms of a wide range of legislation, notably the Constitution
of 1996, South Africans are bound to address and accommodate this diversity.
Public participation is seen as a way to address these problems, as a result of which a number
of different laws and regulations pertaining to procedures broaden the extent of public
participation. Despite this, there is little visible evidence that the diversity of participants has
any real influence on planning processes or their end results. Public workshops and seminars
are frequently criticised because they are time-consuming and because participants have
different agendas. Although a good deal of research has been done on the streamlining of
procedures, not much attention has been given to the communication process and the nature
of constructive dialogue. It follows that a significant part of confusion could be attributed to a
lack of mutual understanding during the communication process and to faulty decoding or
interpretation of message content.
In this study project research was undertaken on the different aspects of communication and
the effect of it on interpretation. It was found in a case study of the Stellenbosch Integrated
Development Program (IDP), that disruption often occurred due to differences in
multicultural communication. Solutions, as presented by the participants and other writers, are
offered and discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het 'n lang geskiedenis van sosiale en fisiese segregasie, wat ook in die
beplanningsdisipline waarneembaar is. In die verlede kon blaam gelê word op
apartheidsbeleid en wetgewing, maar daar is tans nog steeds probleme om die verskillende
kultuurgroepe te verenig en om almal se behoeftes aan te spreek. Tot op hede is daar 'n sterk
Westers-Europese benadering gevolg, wat die feit ignoreer dat die land saamgestel is uit
verskillende kulture met verskillende behoeftes. In terme van 'n wye reeks wetgewing, veral
die Grondwet van 1996, word Suid-Afrikaners verplig om hierdie diversiteit aan te spreek en
te akkommodeer.
Publieke deelname word gesien as 'n manier om hierdie probleme aan te spreek, soos
aanbeveel deur wetgewing. Ten spyte hiervan, is daar min sigbare bewyse dat die diversiteit
van deelnemers wel enige invloed op die beplanningsproses of die eindresultate het. Publieke
werkswinkels en seminare word gekritiseer omdat dit so tydrowend is en omdat deelnemers
opdaag met verskillende agendas. Baie navorsing is reeds gedoen om die prosedure meer
vaartbelyn te maak, maar min aandag is gegee aan die kommunikasieproses en die aard van
konstruktiewe dialoog. Hier word aangevoer dat 'n groot gedeelte van die verwarring
toegeskryf kan word aan 'n gebrek aan gesamentlike begrip tydens die kommunikasieproses
en aan verkeerdelike dekodering van die boodskap se inhoud.
In die studie is navorsing gedoen oor die verskillende aspekte van kommunikasie en die effek
daarvan op interpretasie. Daar is gevind tydens 'n gevallestudie van die Stellenbosch
Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsprogram (GOP) dat ontwrigting voorkom as gevolg van
verskille in multikulturele kommunikasie. Oplossings word aangebied en bespreek soos
voorgestel deur sommige van die deelnemers en ander skrywers.
849 |
The evolution, substance and application of environmental impact assessments in South AfricaParkes, L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Environmental impact assessments have become increasingly popular over the past
few years, by necessity and due to the general increase in environmental
awareness. By definition, environmental impact assessment is a process having the
ultimate objective of providing decision makers with an indication of the likely
consequences of their intended actions. First popularized in the United States of
America in the seventies, environmental impact assessments have since evolved
worldwide into an effective decision making tool.
In South Africa, environmental impact assessments became legally enforceable in
1998 under the Environment Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) and presently serves
as an effective tool in facilitating decision making for sustainable development. A
large number of impact assessments are at present being produced for all
categories of activities, but questions arise about the effectiveness of these
assessments in fulfilling their intended purpose.
The present study aims to answer these questions and provide insight into the
nature, content and standard of environmental impact assessment in South Africa by
examining the foundations and application of the concept. The main method of
research was the analysis of various assessments, already submitted to regional
authorities, on the basis of content, methods used, depth of analysis, degree of
public input and their overall contribution to the better understanding of the problem
at hand.
During the analysis many inadequacies and merits of these impact assessments
were revealed. The quality of reports ranged from good (about one third) to average
and poor (about one third). Shortcomings identified related inter alia to data
collection; ignorance of socio-economic factors; ignorance of cumulative effects; and
analysis and evaluation problems. The benefits that these impact assessments could bring about, were also analysed.
It was deduced that there were inherent benefits the most practical being that the
good reports assisted the decision making process considerably. Sustainable
development was also promoted.
It was found that the implementation of the concept still needs more stringent
management and monitoring with improved application and incorporation into the
present planning approach / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die afgelope paar jaar het omgewingsimpakstudies (OIS) toenemend populêr
geword as gevolg van noodsaaklikheid en die algemene toename in
omgewingsbewustheid. By definisie is OIS 'n proses met die uiteindelike doel om
besluitnemers in te lig oor die waarskynlike gevolge van hul handelinge. OIS het
wêreldwyd ontwikkel in 'n effektiewe besluitnemingshulpmiddel sedert dit aanvanklik
tydens die sewentiger jare in die Verenigde State van Amerika gepopulariseer is.
Omgewingsimpakstudies is wetlik afdwingbaar in Suid Afrika sedert 1998 onder die
Wet op Omgewingsbewaring (Wet 73 van 1989). Dit dien as 'n effektiewe middel in
die fasilitering van besluitneming oor volhoubare ontwikkeling. 'n Groot aantal
impakstudies word tans opgestel vir alle kategorieë van aktiwiteite, maar die
effektiwiteit van hierdie studies in die vervulling van hul doelstellings word
Die doel van hierdie studie is om hierdie vraag te beantwoord en insig te verskaf oor
die aard, inhoud en standaard van impakstudies in Suid Afrika deur grondslae en
toepassing van die konsep te ondersoek. Die hoof metode van navorsing was die
ontleding van verskeie studies reeds ingedien by plaaslike owerhede, op grond van
inhoud, metodes gebruik, diepte van ontleding, graad van publieke deelname en hul
algehele bydrae tot 'n beter begrip van die probleem.
Tydens die ontleding is verskeie beperkings en meriete van impakstudies ontbloot.
Die kwaliteit van verslae het gewissel van goed (omtrent een derde) tot gemiddeld
en swak (omtrent een derde). Tekortkominge geïdentifiseer hou verband met o.a.
data insameling, onkunde van sosio-ekonomiese faktore, onkunde van kumulatiewe
effekte en ontleding-en evalueringsprobleme.
Voordele van impakstudies is ook geanaliseer. Die belangrikste was dat goeie
verslae besluitnemingsprosesse aansienlik kan bystaan. Volhoubare ontwikkeling is
ook bevorder. Daar is gevind dat die implementering van die konsep steeds strenger bestuur en
beheer benodig, met verbeterde integrasie in die beplanningsproses.
850 |
The influence of control mechanisms on urban form : some urban design implicationsSchutte, Corli 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The urban designer works within an environment characterized by constraints.
Control mechanisms are part of these constraints. They were created out of
necessity because the control of the urban environment became strained as
cities grew in size. In the beginning control mechanisms regulated the urban
environment to create better public safety. This objective evolved to include
aesthetics and sustainability of the environment. Controls, however, tended to
become standardized and were often blindly applied irrespective of changed
circumstances and contexts.
Control mechanisms include inter alia height, density, bulk, and aesthetic
controls, which can be applied to regulate form, space and behavioural or
activity patterns. These control mechanisms generally embrace a system of
codes embodied in legislation enforceable in law. Urban designers should
realize and take full advantage of the potential of the law as an urban design
control element.
This study examines the nature of control mechanisms as applied to town
planning in general and urban design in particular and their efficacy in
achieving and maintaining a range of human and social objectives. To this
end, attention is paid to examining historical precedent, examples reflecting
different cultures and approaches and resultant urban forms. On the basis of
the aforementioned this study aims to identify a range of urban design
principles and to propose suggestions as to how control mechanisms as part
of a system of law can best be applied.
A case study of central business district sites in Durbanville, Western Cape is
researched. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die stadsontwerper funksioneer binne 'n omgewing wat gekenmerk word deur
beperkings. Beheermeganismes maak deel uit van hierdie beperkings. Dit het
ontwikkel uit noodsaak, want die beheer van die stedelike omgewing het
onder druk gekom soos stede in grootte toegeneem het. Aanvanklik het die
beheer-maatreëls die stedelike omgewing gereguleer om sodoende openbare
veiligheid te verseker. Hierdie doel het egter ontwikkel om estetiese ontwerp
en volhouding van die omgewing in te sluit. Maatreëls het egter geneig om
gestandardiseer te raak en is dikwels blindelings toegepas ongeag die
omstandighede en konteks.
Beheermeganismes sluit inter alia hoogte, volume en estetiese kontrole in wat
aangewend kan word om vorm, ruimte en gedrags- of aktiwiteitspatrone te
reguleer. Hierdie beheermeganismes omsluit gewoonlik 'n stelsel van kodes
wat vervat is in wetgewing, afdwingbaar deur die wet. Stadsontwerpers
behoort die potensiaal van sodanige wetgewing te besef en tot hul voordeel te
benut as 'n beheer element in stedelike ontwerp.
Hierdie studie ondersoek die aard van beheermeganismes soos aangewend
in stadsbeplanning oor die algemeen en stedelike ontwerp in die besonder en
hul doeltreffendheid in die bereiking en handhawing van 'n reeks menslike en
sosiale doelstellings. Aandag word in die studie gegee aan die ondersoek van
historiese voorbeelde, voorbeelde wat verskillende kulture weerspieël en
verskillende benaderingswyses en gevolglike stadsvorme. Gebaseer op die
voorafgaande, wil hierdie studie 'n reeks van stedelike ontwerp beginsels
identifiseer en voorstelle aan die hand doen hoe beheermeganismes as deel
van die wetgewingstelsel, op die mees doeltreffende wyse aangewend kan
Persele in die sakekern van Durbanville, Wes- Kaap word as gevallestudie
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