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Regional productivity changes in China: an empirical study.January 1996 (has links)
Kwan Wing Kai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-93). / Abstract / Acknowledgment / Chapter Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- A Review of Recent Studies on the Productivity of Chines Economy --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2 --- Aims of Study --- p.10 / Chapter Chapter 2. --- The Sources of Productivity Growth --- p.16 / Chapter 2.1 --- Degree of Government Intervention --- p.16 / Chapter 2.2 --- Ownership Structure --- p.18 / Chapter 2.3 --- Output Structure --- p.24 / Chapter 2.4 --- Changes in Regional Development Strategy --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Regional Development Strategy before1979 --- p.27 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Regional Development Strategy since1979 --- p.29 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- The Impacts of Different Regional Strategies on Productivity Change --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter 3. --- Theoretical Framework and Estimation Methods --- p.33 / Chapter 3.1 --- Methed I: The Conventional Approach --- p.35 / Chapter 3.2 --- Method II: Replacing the Variable of the Growth of Capital Stock by Investment-Output Ratio --- p.40 / Chapter 3.3 --- Method III: Approximation of the Production Function by Taylor Expansion --- p.45 / Chapter Chapter 4. --- Empirical Results of the Three Different Methods --- p.51 / Chapter 4.1 --- Estimation Results of the Three Different Methods --- p.51 / Chapter 4.2 --- Comparison of the Estimation Results of the Three Methods --- p.63 / Chapter 4.3 --- An Assessment of Provincial Productivity Growth --- p.66 / Chapter 4.4 --- Regional Productivity Difference since1979 --- p.75 / Chapter Chapter 5. --- Conclusion --- p.82 / References --- p.85 / Appendix 1. List of the Abbreviations for Provinces --- p.94 / Appendix 2. A Summary of Notations --- p.95 / Appendix 3. Estimates of Provincial Capital Stock (1979-1992) --- p.97 / Chapter A3.1 --- Initial value of Capital Stock --- p.98 / Chapter A3.2 --- Net Increase of Capital Stock --- p.101 / Chapter A3.3 --- Estimating the Annual Series of Capital Stock --- p.102 / Appendix 4. The Process of Fiscal Decentralization and Deterioration of Regional Redistribution --- p.106 / Chapter A4.1 --- The Process of Fiscal Decentralization --- p.106 / Chapter A4.2 --- The deterioration of Regional Redistribution --- p.110 / Appendix 5. Estimation Results of the Three Different Methods --- p.114
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Regional development strategy and the housing development in Taiwan.Huang, Albert Cheng-Kon January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. M.Arch.A.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Includes bibliographical references. / M.Arch.A.S.
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Spatial planning and governance of Five-Year Planning in China: case studies of the Eleventh Five-Year Planning in Jiangsu Province.January 2014 (has links)
作為社會主義國家中央計劃的遺產,國民經濟和社會發展五年計劃/規劃是調節中國經濟社會與空間發展的重要工具。隨著中國政治經濟的轉型,五年計劃/規劃也經歷了多次顯著的轉變。尤其在"十一五"時期,五年規劃體系分別在三個地理尺度上加強了其中的空間規劃元素和地位。這包括在國家層面提出主體功能區劃,在區域層面加強區域空間規劃功能,在市縣層面進行規劃體制改革。 / 目前,學術界還未有對五年計劃/規劃在中國轉型中所扮演的角色展開深入研究,特別是空間規劃如何轉變和行使空間管治功能。基於此,本論文採用管治的視角,構建一個基於過程的概念分析框架,以揭示五年計劃/規劃體系中的空間規劃元素轉變的基本原理和機制,也即在於探討各利益主體、制度、規劃管理和機制如何作用於五年規劃中空間規劃的發展,以及空間規劃在地方具體管治事務上的成效。具體而言,論文試圖回答以下三個相關研究問題。第一,五年規劃為何要植入新的空間規劃方法?第二,"十一五"期間,將空間規劃植入五年規劃體系的機制是什麼?第三,植入的空間規劃是否能有效的進行空間管治?通過分析空間規劃內容在國家五年計劃/規劃體系中的演變特點,以及結合江蘇省"十一五"期間的兩個案例(區域和城市兩個尺度)的研究,論文得出以下結論: / 隨著市場化改革和經濟權力下放,中國空間發展的政治經濟環境發生了重要變化。這在客觀上需要五年計劃/規劃體系中的空間規劃內容做出相應的調整。初期,空間規劃的形式體現在以部委主導的發展項目;改革開放到"十五"計畫期間,空間規劃的形式主要體現在劃定特殊的政策區域;"十一五"規劃以來,空間規劃則以空間分類引導與約束並舉的空間發展政策框架形式出現。"十一五"以來轉變的目的是使經濟規劃與空間規劃的結合更加緊密,以克服中國當前空間管治的各種困境。但是,這種在空間規劃方法上的創新也受到了來自地方層級政府和不同規劃部門的挑戰,為其實施帶來了一些不確定因素。 / 在區域尺度上,論文選取了江蘇省五年規劃體系中的沿江規劃作為案例。研究發現,作為省政府自上而下引導區域協調發展和區域經濟整合,約束空間無序開發的手段,沿江規劃的發展高度依賴於地方的政治經濟環境,反應了省內複雜的空間管治機制。沿江規劃稍早於省"十一五"規劃出臺。隨後,省政府將沿江規劃進行調整並植入五年規劃體系。其主要目的是為了加強沿江規劃的政治地位,以克服其早期實施時出現的危機。調整後的沿江規劃進一步突出了空間管治、區域協調發展和可持續性的目標。但是,在規劃實際實施中,沿江規劃戰略成為區內城市政府為資本積累推動新的發展項目的工具,而區域協調發展和空間可持續性問題反而被一再忽略。 / 在城市尺度上,論文選取了國家發改委主導的蘇州"十一五"市縣規劃改革作為案例。其改革的目的主要是加強規劃協調和發展控制。然而,蘇州"十一五"時期的發展表明,市"十一五"規劃中所植入的空間規劃框架儘管加強了空間發展約束和引導的內容,但實際上其無力調整市域部門分割的空間管治關係。這主要是因為,地方的空間規劃受到來自中央規劃部門的條例、法規和指標控制等垂直管理體系的約束。另外,為了創造土地財政和刺激地方發展,城市政府試圖突破自上而下的規劃控制指標和操縱地方規劃的資料,尤其是土地開發。為此,蘇州"十一五"規劃中的空間規劃處於一個嵌套的規劃管理環境。空間規劃進而成為中央和地方在空間管治理念上博弈的犧牲品。這種空間規劃的創新,不但無法融合部門割裂的規劃功能,更不能觸動地方政府對土地財政依賴,因此無法建立空間管制的機制。 / 總體上,經濟增長仍然是地方最為重要的規劃管治問題,進而決定了空間規劃中政治的走向。目前的空間規劃理念還主要是緩解經濟增長的限制性因素,如土地供應緊張和環境門檻提升等,而非為了建立有效的空間管治機制。 / As a legacy of the socialist state with central planning, Five-Year Planning (FYP) is very important in regulating socio-economic and spatial development even in post-reform China. Along with the changing context of political economy, the plan has experienced remarkable transformation in the last several decades. Particularly, during the 11th FYP Period, the FYP system emphasized spatial planning at different geographic scales, such as incorporating Major Function-Oriented Zoning (MFOZ) plan, enhancing the function of regional spatial planning, and conducting demonstration reform of planning institution at the municipal or county level. / In the literature, there has been little study on the role of FYP in transitional China. Especially, there is no study on how spatial planning in the FYP mechanism has operated and transformed in spatial regulatory practices. Under this context, drawn on the governance perspective, this study attempts to uncover the rationale and mechanisms of the changing spatial planning in the Chinese FYP system by building a conceptual framework. It aims to identify various stakeholders, institutions, planning administration and mechanisms of articulating spatial planning into FYP system and the effectiveness of spatial planning in solving place-specific governance issues during the plan formulation and implementation. / Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following three related research questions. First, why did the 11th FYP mechanism need to articulate the new spatial planning approaches? Second, what was the mechanism of articulating spatial planning into the 11th FYP system? Third, was articulating spatial planning into the 11th FYP system effective to govern spatial development? By examining the changing spatial planning in national FYP system and two case studies of the 11th FYP in Jiangsu Province (at the regional and urban scale), the main findings of this study are as follows: / The thesis argues that the market-oriented reform and decentralized economic administration have changed China's political economy and necessitated the transformation of the FYP mechanism, the embedded spatial planning in particular. In the pre-reform period, spatial planning was manifested in the ministry-led project-specific approach. From the beginning of the reform and opening to the 10th FYP Period, it was primarily manifested in setting up special policy areas to stimulate economic growth but failed in development control. Recently, spatial planning was transformed to a spatial policy framework approach with development guidance and control. It has also been tried to further integrate economic planning and spatial planning through the FYP mechanism. The new spatial planning approaches were articulated into the 11th FYP system at various geographic scales, as a response to the changing context of political economy and increasing socioeconomic transformation. However, due to various constraints in the period of institutional transition, the new spatial planning encounters various uncertainties to establish sound governance mechanisms in China. / At the provincial level, Jiangsu Region along the Yangtze River (JSYR) plan in the Jiangsu provincial 11th FYP system is employed for case study. The plans development process was highly embedded in local political economy, reflecting the decentralized and complicated spatial governance mechanisms in provincial China. Before it was articulated into the provincial 11th FYP system, the plan had already been implemented for half a year. In order to enhance the political status of the plan and cope with the crisis in the early plan implementation, Jiangsu provincial government articulated the spatial plan into the provincial 11th FYP system with a restructured spatial policy framework to enhance development control. However, it is revealed that, rather than as an institutional arena for regional coordination and sustainability, the articulated spatial planning in Jiangsu 11th FYP may only function as an instrument to develop new projects for capital accumulation. The actual sustainability of spatial development was ignored by local city governments. / At the municipal level, the demonstration reform of planning institution in Suzhou is employed for case study. The purpose of this reform was to improve plan coordination and development control at urban level. The realities in Suzhou indicated that the articulated spatial planning in Suzhou 11th FYP failed to restructure municipal spatial governance relations and enhance local development control. It was no more than a cosmetic covering of the fragmented and overlapped planning functions instead of an integrated spatial governance mechanism in the city. Suzhou case shows that various local spatial plans were highly constrained by the sectoral codes, hierarchic regulations and top-down controlling quotas from relevant ministry-level departments. Under the nested planning administration shaped both by top-down regulations, and local discretion and manipulation, the plan coordination through the platform of spatial planning in Suzhou municipal 11th FYP was very difficult. Spatial planning has become a complicated arena and, the planning is mixed by central control and local initiatives with various levels of intervention. / In general, economic growth was the ultimately concerned governance issue in Chinese provinces and municipalities, which justifies local politics of spatial planning. Subsequently, the development philosophy of spatial planning at local levels was to alleviate the constraints of economic growth such as inadequate land supply and high environmental threshold rather than to establish the mechanisms of coordination and development control. This study advances the current understanding about the rationale and mechanisms about spatial planning and governance in contemporary China. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Wang, Lei. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 151-168). / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendix 3 in Chinese.
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Space Syntax: Regional Planning for BicyclesWhite, Connor J. 01 December 2018 (has links)
This study focused on using a mapping tool, Space Syntax, to analyze the connectivity of the Cache County road network and its use to plan for bicycles. Space Syntax is being compared to another method that is already used by city planners called Bicycle Level of Service, or BLOS. The two analyses used data from Cache County and, after they were modeled and evaluated, a statistical analysis was done to see how similar one is to the other. The analyses were done at both a regional and a local scale. At both scales the analyses were not similar.
Data was added to the Space Syntax analysis at both scales to see if it would influence making it more similar to BLOS. Adding the data had no effect in making them similar. It was determined that Space Syntax and BLOS are not similar and more research would need to be done to attempt to make them similar. They both have advantages and disadvantages to them when being used for planning for bicycles. One is not necessarily better than the other, as they are two different methods that could be used.
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Lesson for America? England's development areasCurrent, Thomas G. 01 October 1972 (has links)
The work is a descriptive and comparative study of the British program for economically lagging regions of the country. The author's special interest was local participation in the central Government activity. Secondary sources of information on local aspects were in short supply, and the writer relied upon interviews and unpublished documents obtained on a visit to England to supplement published material. His extensive experience in the American development program also was utilized.
The study offers a classification of elements in the programs of the two countries and identifies comparable trends which have carried further in the British experience. The study of these trends can therefore be of use in evaluation of the direction and alternatives in the American approach.
Dramatic unemployment in declining basic industries concentrated in Northern England, Scotland, and Wales resulted in pressure on the British Government to create jobs in depressed regions during the 1930’s. The author calls this the “Job Development Era.” The program feature was the creation of central Government trading estates, or industrial parks. Firms were' encouraged to move to suffering regions by the provision of factory sites on advantageous terms, by loans and grants to finance expansion, by loans and grants to local government for needed public improvements, and by retraining programs to prepare indigenous workers to take new employment.
The “Resource Development Era” followed in both countries. In the U. K. it featured the creation of regional development policies, establishment of new towns as favored sites for both industry and workers, resource development grants in the lagging regions, grants to reclaim derelict land, and especially the initiation of a national system of controls on the location of industry and large offices.
The U. S. has not adopted location controls, but in other ways is currently in the "Resource Development Era," in which a depressed region is treated as a whole, rather than concentrating program assistance on particularly severe unemployment pockets.
The chief characteristic of the third and present British stage, the “Balanced Growth Era,” is recognition of the need to restructure regional economies in order to enable them to generate their own growth without further special assistance. Britain utilizes regional councils and government boards to plan the restructuring process, but only in the late 1960’s has major new financing supported implementation. Neither the resources nor the policy commitment has been made in the U. S. to attempt to alter the regional balance of the country.
The author made several forecasts from his comparative study, chief among them being (1) that the U.S. will inevitably but reluctantly move into the “Balanced Growth” period in its programming, and (2) that industrial location controls will not be adopted in the Same way in the U. S. as in the U. K., but may come as environmental preservation measures.
A key premise at the initiation of the study was that there must be some community and citizen participation in the British program, despite the paucity of printed information on these subjects. After a thorough search of the literature, and interviewing in England, the study did disclose an effective but little known role played by the local authorities. However, the author proved himself wrong in the supposition that the British citizenry and local community organizations have any noticeable impact on the program. In this way it is significantly different than the American experience.
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A process for a synchronised synergy between integrated development plans and regional water plans.Ramnath, Alka. January 2007 (has links)
Historically and to date, regional water services providers and municipalities have been undertaking their long-term planning in isolation. The only time there is an exchange of information is when water demands need to be met in the short-term and to date this focus has been around backlog alleviation. The fact that the long-term planning is being undertaken in isolation is undermining the objective of the Integrated Development Plan i.e. the co-ordination of development leading to an improvement in the quality of life for all. The purpose of this study was to identify the linkages between regional water service providers' water plans, the municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) and Water Services Development Plans (WSDPs) with the goal of answering the following question: How can a regional water service provider's water planning process improve a municipal IDP process and how can a water service provider's water planning process benefit from a municipallDP process? To answer the research question, the study looked at the products and processes of the water plan, the IDPs and the WSDPs for Umgeni Water, The Msunduzi Municipality, Umgungundlovu District Municipality, Sisonke District Municipality, lIembe District Municipality, The KwaDukuza Municipality, uMshwathi Municipality and uMngeni Municipality. Comparing and contrasting the products of the different planning products for the study area, the following facets were investigated: the spatial location of investments/developments; how implementation was presented; demand projections and stakeholder participation. The study established that the preferred water planning process is Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) and not traditional water supply planning which has the master plan as its product. It was further established that both the IDP and IRP processes follow the strategic planning approach and therefore the generic steps in these processes are the same. The major difference between the two processes is the scale at which they occur. As the IRP process occurs over different municipal boundaries, it provides a check that alignment is occurring between the different municipalities at all levels of the project life-cycle. It was also established that alignment appears to be occurring at the conceptual/reconnaissance phases of the project lifecycle but it does not extend to the pre-feasibility, feasibility and implementation levels. Hence stakeholder co-ordination is critical for successful alignment but cannot be restricted to only forums; the relevant stakeholders should be part of the respective project teams for meaningful participation to occur. The overall conclusion was that a regional water service provider's IRP process can contribute to the successful accomplishment of an IDP. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2007.
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Integrated development planning as an enabling tool for economic development : the institutional challenges facing local government in facilitating LED.Ndlovu, Patience Ntombifikile. January 2005 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.U.R.D.P.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.
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Development frameworks and implementation problems : a study of the Ubombo/Ingwavuma development framework.Scholtz, David Ivan. January 1995 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with the extent to which development frameworks are valid tools to guide development within a region, and makes use of the Ubombo/ Ingwavuma development framework as a case study. Through the use of this case study, the dissertation uncovers factors that influence the implementation of development frameworks. The context of the study is established firstly through the exploration of the literature surrounding regional planning, how it is undertaken, and the reasons for its successes and failures; and secondly, through an examination of implementation problems and lessons learnt from other development frameworks implemented during the same time frame. It is hypothesised that integrated regional development frameworks, like the Ubombol Ingwavuma development framework, are a necessary part of regional planning but by themselves however, are not sufficient to lead to regional development and are inherently flawed by implementation problems. The areas for immediate action which are outlined in the Ubombol Ingwavuma development framework, are systematically examined to ascertain the extent to which specific plans and projects were implemented, as well as to uncover the reasons for non-implementation on the part of implementing agencies and government departments. Both the client and the planners involved in the formulation of the plan, as well as planning experts, are consulted on the reasons for plan failure and lack of implementation. From this research, it can be concluded that regional plans are necessary mechanisms to lead to development of a region per se, but are not sufficient in themselves. Other factors important for the success of regional plans include a high degree of community participation, departmental collaboration, political buy-in, and people motivated to 'drive' the planning process forward, to mention a few. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1995.
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The role of corridor development in urban reconstruction : the case study of Edendale-Northdale corridor in Msunduzi Municipality.Okeke, Ikenna Nwagbo. 20 October 2014 (has links)
In common with other South African cities, the greater Pietermaritzburg region, which is in the Msunduzi Municipality, has faced many challenges, but has made concerted efforts to tackle the legacy of apartheid imbalances. Since 1994, the pattern of planning in Msunduzi Municipality has shifted to a more neoliberal economy. In many instances, this has focused on improving and promoting economic development in townships situated on the urban periphery. This form of development is driven by the need to integrate the overcrowded central business district (CBD) of Pietermaritzburg and the Edendale-Northdale Corridor (ENC). Edendale, Northdale and the Central Area developed individually in isolation; some segments were well-planned, while others were underdeveloped.
This research study investigated the effectiveness of the ENC in fostering economic development and the extent to which the corridor helped to attract investment adjacent to this corridor to create job opportunities for the high numbers of unemployed people in the city. It is argued that the structure of the city has created a high poverty rate within the suburbs or townships and has encouraged unnecessary mobility in search of economic opportunities. The study found that areas that struggled to attract economic development in the past showed some signs of improvement, with increased investor confidence. However, investment was hampered by the perception that doing business in Msunduzi Municipality is expensive.
This study employed a multi-pronged approach to generate data; this includes qualitative data in the form of interviews with municipal officials, two groups of beneficiaries comprising of businesses and local inhabitants, and other stakeholders. Local inhabitants of the three nodes along the ENC were engaged in group discussions. Field observations/ground-truth checks were also carried out to compare the data collected and to gain an understanding of development along the ENC. Finally, GIS was applied to demonstrate the trend of development that has taken place in this corridor.
One of the major findings of this study was the need for an efficient transport system. Furthermore, some respondents argued that the Edendale section of this corridor will need further highway access to foster industrial development that can create a large number of jobs. The land ownership challenges confronting the Greater Edendale area were also seen as a barrier to the development of this corridor, especially with regard to economic investment. / Thesis (M.Sc.U.R.P.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.
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Predicting the spatial pattern of urban growth in Honolulu county using the cellular automata SLEUTH urban growth modelJames, George R January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-91). / viii, 91 leaves, bound col. ill., col. maps 29 cm
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