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Nordiskt samarbete : Nordiska rådets verksamhet och framtidsvisionerDuregård, Agnes January 2016 (has links)
De nordiska länderna ligger nära varandra geografiskt, kulturellt och politiskt och har alltid samarbetat med varandra på olika sätt. Sedan år 1952 sker en stor del av samarbetet genom Nordiska rådet, en mellanparlamentarisk organisation där alla nordiska länder är medlemmar. I denna uppsats undersöks hur det nordiska samarbetet presenterats av Nordiska rådet själva samt hur Nordiska rådets framtidsvision utvecklats sedan organisationen bildades. Genom att analysera Nordiska rådets presidents öppningsanförande vid Nordiska rådets årliga session kan varje år ges ett värde mellan 1 (låg grad av regional integration) och 5 (hög grad av regional integration). På så sätt presenteras dels samarbetets utveckling, dels framtidsvisionens utveckling. Resultatet visar att samarbetet fördjupades i början av 1990-talet, till stor del på grund av att kalla kriget tog slut och de nordiska länderna inte längre behövde upprätthålla ”den nordiska balansen”. Dock förändras inte framtidsvisionen över tid. Eftersom framtidsvisionen legat på samma nivå sedan Nordiska rådets bildande är det inte troligt att samarbetet kommer att fördjupas inom en snar framtid.
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Dividing lines, converging aims : a moral analysis of micro-regionalism in Ghana and Côte d'IvoireWhiteford, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides a moral analysis of micro-regional forces in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, using the framework of the New Regionalism Approach (NRA). It presents an original contribution to the field through the addition of the Ghanaian-Ivoirian case study, as well as a unique application of Martha Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach to the NRA. In an attempt to counter the view that borders in Africa are artificial, arbitrary and the result of colonial imposition, this research employs the Capabilities Approach, providing a narrative of both positive and negative impacts resulting from the opportunity created by borders in West Africa. The way in which the Ghanaian-Ivoirian border is used by individuals in their security strategies in the face of economic deprivation and physical threats represents a positive impact of borders. Conversely, the role of borders in the continued prevalence of human trafficking in West Africa is also questioned in this piece, providing a balanced account of the impact of borders. This research concludes that the Ghanaian-Ivoirian border presents opportunities that can be exploited to both positive and negative ends at the micro-regional level. This interpretation suggests that any complete account of borders in West Africa more broadly ought to employ a moral framework in addition to a multi-levelled scale of analysis.
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Die ,globale Provinz' ? Der Globalisierungsdiskurs am Beispiel von Arnold Stadlers Roman <u>Ein hinreissender Schrotth??ndler</u> (1999) und Andreas Maiers Roman <u>Klausen</u> (2002)Stengel, Julia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis demonstrates how two literary works ? Arnold Stadler's <em>Ein hinreissender Schrotth??ndler</em> (1999) and Andreas Maier's <em>Klausen</em> (2002) ? can be read as part of the globalization discourse. As a theoretical basis for the textual analysis the thesis first develops an understanding of the concept of globalization which forms a background against which the two literary works can be read. By embedding literature into the sociological theories of globalization it is possible to examine to what extent the two novels reflect and/or generate particular aspects of globalization. <br /><br /> Both texts are set largely in provincial towns, and the regions themselves play commanding roles in the stories being told. This focus on the provincial takes on an ironic appearance in the era of globalization where one would assume that localities have lost meaning. It is therefore useful to look at theories that broach the issue of the tense relation between globality and locality. Since no universally accepted definition of globalization exists, it is necessary to establish the crucial aspects of the phenomenon to be applied in the analysis of the novels by examining the work of various theorists on the topic. <br /><br /> The prominent model of 'glocalization,' originated by the sociologist Roland Robertson to refer to 'global localization,' offers useful categories for the analysis of the provincial in the era of globalization. In this model the simultaneity of global and local processes is assumed and with it the alleged antagonism of the 'global' and the 'local' is overcome. Claiming those dynamics Robertson's model can serve as a confirmation of the arguments put forward in this thesis which looks at literature about the 'local' through the prism of globalization. Other theories relating to explicit local dynamics are presented to round out the model of 'glocalization. ' In addition, the thesis takes into account normative ideas regarding the province in the global era. <br /><br /> The textual analysis that follows the delineation of the model of 'glocalization' demonstrates how the novels illustrate the global and local processes postulated by the model. The investigation also explains how the literary texts themselves evaluate the provinces portrayed. The results of the examination show that selected aspects of the globalization discourse have found their way into two contemporary German-language novels and therefore into German literary discourse. Even though the two novels deal with different ideas from the discourse, and even reject to a certain extent some of these concepts, they each reveal a particular literary manner of echoing the processes of globalization. Finally, the thesis demonstrates that the globalization discourse is of use for the interpretation of literary texts.
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Building a better mouse trap : increasing law enforcement counter terrorism capabilities through consolidationVicino, Christopher O. 03 1900 (has links)
CHDS State/Local / The current American police model is outdated and does not provide local law enforcement the proper framework to effectively prevent, mitigate, and respond to terrorism. With nearly 18,000 separate police departments in the United States, the current system of policing is individualized, fragmented and disconnected. With the proliferation of so many police organizations, contiguous agencies have overlapping jurisdictional responsibilities and job functions, leading to the waste of precious personnel resources. Exacerbating this issue, radio systems and computerized databases among these law enforcement agencies are dissimilar or not linked, prohibiting local cops from easily communicating. Such technological gaps are the outcomes of a decentralized policing structure that hinder effective counter terrorism capabilities. In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, local police must be configured in a manner to maximize the country's counterterrorism efforts. / Commander, Pasadena Police Department
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The success or failure of integration in sub-Saharan AfricaLevchenko, Daria January 2014 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Master's thesis in the programme..........IEPS....................................................... 1. Given name and Surname of author: Daria Levchenko 2. Title of the Thesis: "The success or failure of integration process in Sub-Saharan Africa" 3. Subordinate title: .......................................……………………………………………….. 4. Year of defence: 2014 5. Number of pages: 141 6. Summary of the Thesis: The Diploma thesis "The success or failure in Sub-Saharan Africa" deals with a topical issue of the integration process in Sub-Saharan Africa. For the last couple of decades, the whole world was under the influence of the integration. The popularity of such economic blocks as the European Union, NAFTA, ASEAN and others lead to further interest in this field. Therefore, it is quite obvious that other countries and regions started to think about similar way of the development, and Sub-Saharan Africa is also among them. The process of integration has started at this continent long time ago, half a century. Ever since countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa gained independence, they started to build their own blocks (communities). Decades of colonial periods, struggle for freedom, the final gain of the independence, and now fight for building united and strong...
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ASEAN a perspektivy jeho vnější integrace / ASEAN and challenges of its external integrationSvoboda, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This paper is focused on an analysis of current regionalism in Asia-Pacific region and on evaluation of creation of relatively wide and relatively deep regional integration. Possible benefits of this integration concept can be exemplified by development of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) whose member states have substantially different interests due to historic and socioeconomic reasons. However, ASEAN was able to overcome these different interests by a specific integration model which is based on mutual trust, consensual decision-making and gradual changes. As a result, natural suspicions were eliminated to some extent and member states were able to deepen their integration. Main powers in the region noticed its success and they began to strive to develop closer relations not only with ASEAN, but also with other regional powers through ASEAN structure.
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Regionalismus v rozvojové Asii / Regionalism in developing countries of AsiaZmijanović, Katarina January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is the analysis of regional integrations in developing Asia and their success. The thesis analyses the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, integrations of China with India, Republic of Korea, and Pakistan, and integrations of India with Republic of Korea and Indonesia.
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Bezpečnost a terorismus jako faktor regionální spolupráce v Asii / Security and terrorism as a factor of regional cooperation in AsiaMikát, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, I handle the way security and terrorism act as a factor of regional cooperation in Asia. First chapter describes general issues within the topic, deals with terms of security, terrorism, its relationship with regional cooperation and observes security in the age globalization. Second chapter focuses on regional initiatives in Asia working with the topic. Third chapter is a case study of fighting terrorism in India and Pakistan.
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Em nome da região, a serviço do capital: o regionalismo político norte-mineiro / In the name of region, serving the capital: the political regionalism in north of Minas Gerais (Brazil)Pereira, Laurindo Mekie 24 August 2007 (has links)
O tema desta tese é o regionalismo político norte-mineiro da segunda metade do século XX. O objetivo central é compreender a emergência e o desenvolvimento da ideologia das classes dirigentes, identificando os seus principais componentes, sua difusão e assimilação pelo conjunto da sociedade. Foram utilizados como fontes os documentos produzidos pelos órgãos públicos e pelas lideranças e entidades de classe, a imprensa, os trabalhos de escritores regionais e a literatura acadêmica concernente ao tema. A conclusão mais importante é a de que a burguesia regional se organizou como classe, nesse período, tendo evoluído de uma ação corporativa inicial para o exercício da hegemonia, ao final do século XX. Suas concepções, assimiladas e difundidas por intelectuais diversos e por grande parte da sociedade civil, universalizaram-se, estabelecendo os parâmetros para a compreensão da história, problemas atuais e diretrizes para o desenvolvimento do Norte de Minas, encobrindo as relações de classe sob o manto de imagens e conceitos generalizantes, expressando-se como uma ideologia regionalista. / The theme of this doctoral dissertation is the political regionalism in north of Minas Gerais in the second middle of the twentieth century. The main subject is to comprehend the emergency and the development of the ideology of the governmental classes, identifying their more important components, their diffusion and assimilation by society. We explore the documents produced by public institutions and leaders and class entities, press, works of regional writers and the academic literature about the theme. The most important conclusion is that the regional upper class was organized as a class, in that period, evolving from a corporative action to the exercise of hegemony, in the end of the twentieth century. Its conceptions, assimilated and diffused by severe intellectuals and many people of the civil society, were universalized, establishing the parameters to the comprehension of the history, the actual problems and rules for the development of north of Minas Gerais, covering the relations of classes in a veil of images and general concepts, expressing them as a regional ideology.
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Um estudo sobre a evolução do MERCOSUL: do regionalismo aberto ao regionalismo pós-hegemônico / A study about MERCOSULs evolution: from open regionalism to post-hegemonic regionalismCorrêa, Isabela Furegatti 24 August 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a evolução do regionalismo latinoamericano, sobretudo confrontando-se as principais características dos modelos de regionalismos no continente, caracterizados como aberto e pós-hegemônico. Ambos os regionalismos demarcam os períodos de criação e desenvolvimento do principal bloco econômico da América do Sul, o Mercosul, e determinaram suas transformações e seu desempenho. Tendo-se em vista sua relevância na história e nas mudanças do modelo da integração na região, por meio da análise histórica, o presente trabalho estuda os motivadores quando de sua criação, estrutura, relevância regional e como, ao longo dos anos, sofreu alterações devido às influências externas e domésticas de seus países membros, fatores estes fortemente influenciadores dos modelos de integração específicos que conformaram o bloco, denominados como regionalismos estratégico, social e produtivo. Com isso, busca-se demonstrar que o Mercosul reflete as transformações econômicas, políticas e sociais ocorridas ao final do século XX, culminando em sua criação, e transformando-o substancialmente na primeira década do século XXI. / This paper focuses on the analysis of the Latin Americas regionalism evolution, especially confronting the main features of regionalism models in the continent characterized as \"open\" and \"post-hegemonic. Both regionalisms characterize the periods of creation and development of the main economic bloc in South America, Mercosur, and determine its transformations and performance. Due to its relevance in history as well as in the transformation of the regional integration pattern, through a historical analysis, this paper studies the issues that motivated its creation, structure, importance in the region and how, over the years, has changed due to external and domestic influences of its members, which strongly influenced in specific models of integration that composed the Mercosur, called strategic, social and productive regionalisms. Thus, it aims to demonstrate that Mercosur reflects the economic, political and social changes that occurred at the end of the twentieth century, culminating in its creation and development, modifying it substantially in the first decade of the current century.
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