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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svět správného chlapa: Analýza diskursu televizních reklam na pivo / The Right Guy World: The Analysis of Television Beer Commercial Discourse

Kroulík, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This paper's aim is to critically describe and use Michel Foucault's method archaeology for discursive description of contemporary television beer advertisements broadcasted in the Czech Republic. Theoretical part tries to define terms as denounce, discursive formation and discourse and propose their possible usage in practical research. The paper supposes that television beer advertisements are governed by the same discourse which was used in other beer advertisement and all advertisements form a coherent whole. Analytical part's aim is to describe this coherent whole from the aim of discourse and specific chose of denounces that form picture of beer and its role in a men world. Key words: Foucault, discourse, archaeology, television advertisement, beer

Česká filmová reklama v období První republiky / Czech film advertisin during the first republic

Zima, Tomáš January 2022 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on film advertising in the period of the Czechoslovak First Republic, which is often a neglected, but extremely interesting chapter in the study of advertising history. The origin of film advertising is examined from the point of view of the advertiser, creators, but also the technical possibilities and available technical background, which was often a limiting factor for the development of film as such. The possible reach of the film advertising at the time is then illustrated by the development of the number of cinemas in Czechoslovakia, their total attendance, as well as the number of these films and the average attendance per show.

Zhodnocení efektivity komunikačních kampaní O2TV / Evaluation of the effectiveness of O2TV communication campaigns

Pivcová, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of the effectiveness of communication campaigns O2TV Objectives: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of launching campaign O2 Sport (2015) and to compare O2TV campaigns for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. After that, improvements are proposed for the overall communication of O2 television and its sports channels both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Methods: Used method in the thesis was analysing documents. This method was used to evaluate the O2 Sport launching campaign and to evaluate other campaigns from 2015, 2016, 2017. Results: The results of the work revealed that the O2 Sport launching campaign was sophisticated and effective. Even comparison of the campaigns throughout the evaluated years and based on all considerations, the most successful year was 2015 when the O2 Sport campaign was also launched. Keywords: marketing communication, analysis, communication, advertising, sport

Verbální a neverbální komunikace v reprezentativním souboru reklamních textů / Verbal and non-verbal comunication in a representative selection of advertising texts

Marks, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The work deals with the analysis of verbal and nonverbal means of advertising messages in files promoting automobiles and banking products and services through printed brochures and company websites. Advertising texts use elements of journalistic, technical, administrative and artistic styles. Persuasive and attracting functions are dominant for them. These are of the verbal means represented primarily by imperatives, adjectives and adverbs in comparatives and superlatives, by a higher frequency of personal, possessive and totalizing pronouns. Lexically the functions of texts are supported primarily by vocabulary with positive expressivity and terminology of respective field. Enumerations, rhetorical questions, higher splitting of text and placing of persuading means into the rheme of the message are syntactically relevant. These features are also supported by repetition and combination of these means. Of the nonverbal means composition of individual elements within the advertising area, particularly the location of the product and company name, logo, slogan, ratio and layout of text and visual elements, play an important role. Above specified means and combinations thereof can be understood as a strategy of advertising message. Cognitive or affective strategies supported by an appeal to...

Vnímání aktuálních trendů online reklamy se zaměřením na retargeting / Perception of current trends in online advertising focusing on retargeting

Říhová, Terezie January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with complex view on the current online advertising form in the context of continuous technological development of contemporary society. Internet advertising and its range is viewed from a marketing perspective and in the context of media studies. Together with online advertising history, diploma thesis represents the development of the internet market and in this context it is pointed at reach of online advertising industry. Readers are acquainted with basic types of online advertisements, payment models and online advertising buying ways. Thesis in detail deals with modern trends such as programmatic buying of online advertising, behavioral targeting, retargeting, and many others that are examined from the perspective of advertisers, online content publishers and users whose privacy is from some perspective disrupted by these trends. To show the complexity of the issue, the thesis also contains deeper information about technology. At the end of the theoretical part, the thesis deals with intensively discussed topic of ad-blockers. To create a wider conclusion about the topic, there is also a part of the work that contains interpretation of survey focused on standard users and presentation on findings from structured questionnaire that has been designated to leading Czech...

Internetinės reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo modelis / Internet advertising effectiveness measurement model

Marcinkevičiūtė, Milda 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tyrimo objektas yra interneto reklamos efektyvumo vertinimas. Darbo tikslas – atlikus teorines internetinės reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo studijas (teorinių straipsnių, praktinių tyrimų ir pan.) parengti koncepcinį IREV modelį bei empiriškai ji patikrinti. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti interneto reklamą, jos savybes, tikslus, skleidimo priemones, funkcijas, privalumus ir trūkumus; pateikti interneto reklamos efektyvumą bei jo vertinimo problematiką – efektyvumo vertinimo priežastis, reikalingumą bei matavimo sudėtingumą bei kliūtis; išnagrinėti interneto reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo aspektų grupes (technologinę, psichologinę, komunikacinę ir ekonominę); sudaryti internetinės reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo (IREV) koncepcinį modelį ir atlikti jo empirinį vertinimą. Naudojantis mokslinių publikacijų bei šaltinių analizės metodais, prieita prie išvados, kad interneto reklama vis dar yra nauja reklamos forma, kurios dar ne visi privalumai yra išnaudojami. Nors interneto reklama turi daug savybių, kurių neturi reklama kitose žiniasklaidos priemonėse (interaktyvumas, grįžtamasis ryšys, informacijos talpumas, reklamos formatų gausa), jų įtaką reklamos efektyvumui dar sunku nustatyti. Taip yra todėl, kad interneto reklama ir jos efektyvumas daugumoje teorinių ir praktinių tyrimų vertinamas tik tam tikrais aspektais, akcentuojant arba tik vartotojo, arba tik reklamuotojo tikslų svarbą. Tačiau norint kuo tiksliau nustatyti kriterijus, į kuriuos turi būti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research object of the master thesis is internet advertising effectiveness measurement. The goal of the work is after making theoretical studies of internet advertising effectiveness measurement (theoretical articles, practical researches and cetera), formulate the conceptual IAEM model and examine it empirically. The main tasks of the work are: to analyze internet advertising, it’s features, purposes, spread formats, functions, advantages and disadvantages; present the effectiveness of internet advertising and indicate the complexity of it’s measurement – the reasons to assess effectiveness, the need of doing this and also difficulties; to explore groups of internet advertising measurement aspects (technological, psychological, communicative and economical); to form the internet advertising effectiveness measurement (IAEM) conceptual model and to make it’s empirical assessment. Using the scientific publications’ and other sources’ analysis methods the conclusion was drawn, that internet advertising still is a new form of advertising, which has unexploited advantages. Although internet advertising has many features (interactivity, feedback, information capacity, plenty of advertising formats), its influence to advertising effectiveness is still hard to determine. ). The cause of it is that the internet advertising and its effectiveness in the majority of theoretical and practical researches are assessed only on certain aspects, with an accent on the importance of the user... [to full text]

Internetový marketing / Internet marketing

KARBULKA, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides comprehensive insight into the internet marketing used by the eshop. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the eshop and internet marketing tools used by the eshop to promote its products. The result of the analysis is an evaluation of effective Internet marketing channels. Proposals and recommendations that will lead to the optimization of eshop and internet marketing are drawn up based on the results of the analysis.

Problematika reklamy v podnikání a hospodářská soutěž v rámci EU. / Problems of advertising in business and ecomonic competition within the frame of European Union

KUPSOVÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Objectives of this thesis is concentrate on problems of advertising in business and economic competition within the frame of EU. Thesis analyse advertising as such. In this thesis, there is a description of notion advertising, history of advertising, functions, objectives{\dots}etc. Consenquently there is a description of medium for advertising. In Czech republic, the advertising is legally regulate by public law and by private law. At the same time, it use also nonlegal instruments for regulation. It is self-regulation by the help of Ethics code. Ethics code is published by RPR (Rada pro reklamu). It watch over ethics and mind of advertising. Unfair competition is behaviour in economic competition, which is in violation of good manners and is qualified to evocate injury of others competitors or consumer. Unfair competition is for example false advertising, embracery, impeachment{\dots}etc. Economic competition is regulate and controlled by ÚOHS (Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže). It create condititons for subvention and protection. Competition law is used in case of violation against conditions of economic competition. It is for example abuse of dominant position, association of competitors or forbidden agreements. Within the frame of law, it exists sanctions for protections againts infringement of economic competition and unfair competititon. Concerning advertising in the European Union, it is analogous to advertising in Czech republic. For regulation, there is many EC directives regulating advertising.

Propagace elektronického obchodu / Promotion of E-commerce

Sekanina, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on proposals of promotion specific e-shop. The purpose of this thesis is to design such forms of promotion which are going to be effective and accessible even for smaller and starting e-shops. In the theoretical part I am introducing common knowledge needed for understanding the e-shops and internet marketing topics, then I analyze current state and position on the market and finally I evaluate separate forms of promotion including suggestions for their use by this selected e-shop.

Využitie PPC marketingu v mobilných reklamných kampaniach (Optimalizácia mobilných kampaní v AVG Technologies) / Use of PPC marketing in mobile advertising campaigns (Mobile campaign optimization in AVG Technologies)

Čierna, Katarína January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on most recent trends in the mobile marketing industry, paid mobile advertising market structure, size and processes. The aim of the thesis is to define the possibilities of using mobile advertising in two basic segments mobile advertising in search and mobile display advertising. It provides performance results of the paid mobile advertising campaigns and their role in the corporate practice. The last part provides in-depth view about use of mobile advertising at the company AVG Technologies. It illustrates how the company increased the number of app installations and factors that influence the effectiveness of in-app advertising campaigns in general.

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