Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delay networks""
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Low-complexity and power-efficient wireless cooperative relay networks with enhanced reliabilityChoi, Gi Wan 09 January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, global mobile data traffic has been increasing exponentially as mobile devices pervade our daily lives. To cope with the ever growing demands for higher data rates and seamless connectivity, one solution is to drastically increase the number of macro base stations in the conventional cellular architecture. However, this results in high deployment costs. Deploying low-power nodes such as relays that do not require a wired backhaul connection within a macrocell is one of cost-effective ways to extend high data rate coverage range. Relays are typically deployed to increase signal strength in poor coverage areas or to eliminate dead spots. But more importantly, relays provide a natural diversity, called cooperative diversity. In addition to a direct signal from a base station, extra copies of the same signal are forwarded from relays. Utilizing this diversity at the destination can yield significant performance enhancements. Thus, cooperative relay strategies need to be considered to enable high data rate coverage in a cost-effective manner.
In this dissertation, we consider a simple single-relay network and present low-complexity and power-efficient cooperative relay designs that can achieve low error rate. We first study decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks with a single antenna at each node, where the relay decodes the received signal and forwards the re-encoded information to the destination. In DF relay scheme, decoding at the relay is not perfect and the error-propagation phenomenon is a detrimental problem, preventing the destination from collecting the cooperative diversity. To enable cooperative diversity in DF relay networks, we adopt link-adaptive power-scaling relay strategies where the relay scales the transmission power of the re-encoded signal based on the reliability of the source-relay link. We generalize power-profile designs and analyze the diversity order enabled by the general power-profile designs. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the designs to enable full cooperative diversity at the destination.
In the second part of this dissertation, we extend the power-scaling relay strategy to DF multi-input multi-output (MIMO) relay networks, where multiple antennas are adopted at each node, and show that full cooperative diversity can also be achieved here. To collect spatial diversity provided by multiple antennas without using maximum-likelihood equalizers (MLEs) or near-ML detectors which exhibit high complexity, channel-controlled automatic repeat request (CC-ARQ) scheme is developed for DF MIMO relay networks to enable spatial diversity with linear equalizers (LEs) maintaining low-complexity. We also show that joint cooperative and spatial diversity can be achieved at the destination when the power-scaling strategy and the CC-ARQ with LEs are combined.
Finally, amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO relay designs, where the relay simply amplifies the received signal and forwards it to the destination, are studied with consideration of peak-power constraints at the relay. One practical concern for AF relaying is that the output signal at the relay may suffer from large peak-to-average power ratio (PAR), which may cause nonlinear distortion and/or saturation in the transmitted signal due to the limited linear range of power amplifiers. Thus, we first investigate peak-power constrained power-scaling strategies and find a sufficient condition to enable joint cooperative and spatial diversity at the destination. Based on this study, we propose simple and practical AF MIMO relay designs with peak-power constraint at the relay. CC-ARQ is also applied to AF MIMO relay networks to reduce the decoding complexity.
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Design and Analysis of Low Complexity Network Coding SchemesTabatabaei-Yazdi, Seyed 2011 August 1900 (has links)
In classical network information theory, information packets are treated as commodities, and the nodes of the network are only allowed to duplicate and forward the packets. The new paradigm of network coding, which was introduced by Ahlswede et al., states that if the nodes are permitted to combine the information packets and forward a function of them, the throughput of the network can dramatically increase. In this dissertation we focused on the design and analysis of low complexity network coding schemes for different topologies of wired and wireless networks. In the first part we studied the routing capacity of wired networks. We provided a description of the routing capacity region in terms of a finite set of linear inequalities. We next used this result to study the routing capacity region of undirected ring networks for two multimessage scenarios. Finally, we used new network coding bounds to prove the optimality of routing schemes in these two scenarios. In the second part, we studied node-constrained line and star networks. We derived the multiple multicast capacity region of node-constrained line networks based on a low complexity binary linear coding scheme. For star networks, we examined the multiple unicast problem and offered a linear coding scheme. Then we made a connection between the network coding in a node-constrained star network and the problem of index coding with side information. In the third part, we studied the linear deterministic model of relay networks (LDRN). We focused on a unicast session and derived a simple capacity-achieving transmission scheme. We obtained our scheme by a connection to the submodular flow problem through the application of tools from matroid theory and submodular optimization theory. We also offered polynomial-time algorithms for calculating the capacity of the network and the optimal coding scheme. In the final part, we considered the multicasting problem in an LDRN and proposed a new way to construct a coding scheme. Our construction is based on the notion of flow for a unicast session in the third part of this dissertation. We presented randomized and deterministic polynomial-time versions of our algorithm.
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The Performance of Dual-Hop Decode-and-Forward Underlay Cognitive Relay Networks with Interference Power Constraints over Weibull Fading ChannelsSamarasekera, Andawattage Chaminda Janaka January 2014 (has links)
With the rapid development and the increasing use of wireless devices, spectrum scarcity has become a problem. The higher frequencies have bad propagation characteristics and the lower frequencies have low data rates, therefore the radio spectrum that is available for efficient wireless transmission is a limited resource. One of the proposed solutions for this problem is cognitive relay networks (CRNs), where cognitive radio is combined with a cooperative spectrum sharing system to increase the spectrum utilization. In this thesis, the outage probability performances of underlay CRNs with interference power constraints from the primary network over Weibull fading channels have been investigated for three different scenarios. The maximum transmit power of the secondary network is governed by the maximum interference power that the primary network's receiver can tolerate. The first scenario is a cognitive dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) relay network over independent non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Weibull fading channels. In the second scenario, the CRN consists of a DF relay plus the direct link transmission with a selection combining receiver at the destination over i.n.i.d. Weibull fading channels. The third CRN considered has multiple DF relays where the best relay selection scheme is employed over independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) Weibull fading channels. The analytical results have been derived using the statistical characteristics of end-to-end signal-to-noise ratios, and have been verified by Monte-Carlo simulations.
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Analysis of near-optimal relaying schemes for wireless tandem and multicast relay networksXue, Q. (Qiang) 12 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to studying two wireless relay network models, namely wireless tandem multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) relay networks and wireless two-hop multicast relay networks.
Regarding wireless tandem MIMO relay networks, we develop a systematic approach to analyze their fundamental diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) under the assumption that the relays implement a class of practical full-duplex techniques that enable them to opt for either full-duplex or half-duplex mode. Based on the analysis, we make contribution from the following aspects: First of all, we thoroughly compare the performance of full-duplex and half-duplex mode operations in the framework of wireless tandem relay networks. We find that both full-duplex and half-duplex modes have opportunity to outperform each other. Specifically, for many tandem relay networks, in the low multiplexing gain region, the best relay-mode configuration is to let all the relays operate in half-duplex mode since this relay-mode configuration achieves the best diversity gain in the low multiplexing gain region. However, in the high multiplexing gain region, the best diversity gain is usually achieved by switching some relays to full-duplex mode. Furthermore, we study how residual interference at relays working in full-duplex mode affects the DMT of a tandem network. We find that residual interference not only derogates the performance of full-duplex mode, but also affects the optimal power allocation of the network. Specifically, if residual interference is zero or has a sufficiently low power level, a linear power allocation scheme can achieve the optimal DMT of the network. Otherwise, the optimal DMT is achieved by a nonlinear power allocation scheme. Finally, the DMT analysis illustrates an effective principle to deal with general multi-hop wireless networks, which is to break them down into small scale subnetworks with certain key structures. Then, studying the general multi-hop wireless networks essentially becomes studying those small scale subnetworks and the relationship among them.
Regarding wireless two-hop multicast relay networks, we focus on a case study where a single source multicasts to two destinations through the assistance of two relays. We propose and analyze the performance of a partial decode-and-forward protocol for the network, which includes the full decode-and-forward protocol as a special case and achieves a better performance in general. Specifically, we prove that the achievable rate of the partial decode-and-forward protocol can either reach arbitrarily close to the cut-set upper bound of the network or reach within 1 bit/s/Hz to that, asymptotically with respect to the transmit power. We also show that the partial decode-and-forward protocol can achieve the optimal DMT of the network. Then, we discuss the perspective of implementing the partial decode-and-forward strategy to more general multicast relay networks. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii kahta langatonta välitysverkkomallia, nimittäin langatonta tandem multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) välitysverkkoa ja langatonta monilähetysvälitysverkkoa kahdelle hypylle.
Kehitämme systemaattisen lähestymistavan diversiteetti-multipleksointi vaihtokaupan (DMT) analysointiin langattomiin tandem MIMO välitysverkkoihin, olettaen välittäjien käyttävän käytännöllisiä full-duplex lähetystekniikoita, jotka mahdollistavat valinnan joko full-duplex tai half-duplex lähetystilan välillä. Analyysin perusteella kontribuoimme seuraavilla tavoilla: Ensinnäkin, vertailemme perusteellisesti full-duplex sekä half-duplex lähetystiloja langattomissa tandem välitysverkoissa. Huomaamme, että molemmat full-duplex ja half-duplex lähetystilat voivat suoriutua toinen toistaan paremmin. Tarkemmin sanoen, monissa tandem välitysverkoissa silloin kun multipleksoinnin hyöty on alhainen, paras välitystapa on antaa kaikkien välittäjien käyttää half-duplex lähetystilaa, koska silloin saavutetaan paras diversiteettilisäys. Toisaalta, kun multipleksointilisäys on suuri, paras diversiteettilisäys saadaan yleensä asettamalla jotkin välittäjät full-duplex lähetystilaan. Lisäksi, tutkimme kuinka full-duplex lähetystilaa käyttävien välittäjien jäljelle jäävä interferenssi vaikuttaa tandemverkon DMT:aan. Huomaamme, että jäljelle jäävä interferenssi vähentää full-duplex mallin tehokkuutta ja lisäksi vaikuttaa optimaaliseen tehonjakamiseen verkossa. Tarkemmin sanoen, jos jäljelle jäävä interferenssin tehotaso on nolla tai tarpeeksi lähellä sitä, lineaarisella tehojaolla voi saavuttaa verkon optimaalisen DMT:n. Muutoin, optimaalinen DMT saavutetaan epälineaarisella tehojaolla. Lopuksi, DMT analyysi havainnollistaa tehokkaan periaatteen yleisluontoisten monihyppyverkkojen käsittelemiseen, eli verkon jakamisen pienempiin osiin erilaiin avainrakenteisiin. Tämän jälkeen yleisluntoisten langattoimen monihyppyverkkojen tutkiminen tapahtuu tutkimalla näitä pieniä osia ja niiden välisiä vuorovaikutussuhteita.
Langattomaan kahden hypyn monilähetysvälitysverkkon osalta keskitymme tapaustutkimukseen, jossa yksi lähettäjä monilähettää kahdelle vastaanottajalle kahden välittäjän avulla. Ehdotamme tälle verkolle osittaista decode-and-forward protokollaa, joka sisältää täyden decode-and-forward protokollan erikoistapauksena ja saavuttaa yleisesti tätä protokollaa paremman tehokkuuden. Tarkemmin sanoen, todistamme että tällä protokollalla siirtonopeus lähetystehon suhteen joko lähenee asymptoottisesti verkon cut-set ylärajaa mielivaltaisen lähelle tai saavuttaa sen 1 bit/s/Hz sisään. Osoitamme myös, että osittainen decode-and-forward protokolla voi saavuttaa verkon optimaalisen DMT:n. Tämän jälkeen, käsittelemme osittaisen decode-and-forward strategian impelentointia yleisluontoisille monilähetysvälitysverkoille.
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Modulation Division for Multiuser Wireless Communication NetworksDong, Zheng January 2016 (has links)
This thesis considers the modulation division based on the concept of uniquely factorable constellation pair (UFCP) and uniquely decodable constellation group (UDCG) in multiuser wireless communication networks.
We first consider a two-hop relay network consisting of two single-antenna users and a two-antenna relay node, for which a novel distributed concatenated Alamouti code is devised. This new design allows the source and relay nodes to transmit their own information to the destination node concurrently at the symbol level with the aid of the UFCP generated from both PSK and square QAM constellations as well as by jointly processing the noisy signals received at the relay node. Moreover, an asymptotic symbol error probability (SEP) formula is derived for the ML receiver, showing that the maximum diversity gain function is achieved, which is proportional to $\ln \mathtt{SNR}/\mathtt{SNR}^2$.
Then, we concentrate on the point-to-point correlated multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems where full knowledge of channel state information (CSI) is available at the receiver and only the first- and second-order statistics of the channels are available at the transmitter. When the number of antenna elements of both ends goes to infinity while keeping their ratio constant, the asymptotic SEP analysis is carried out for either optimally precoded or uniformly precoded correlated large MIMO fading channels using the zero-forcing (ZF) detector with equally likely PAM, PSK or square QAM constellations. For such systems, we reveal some very nice structures which inspire us to explore two very useful mathematical tools (i.e., the Szego's theorem on large Hermitian Toeplitz matrices and the well-known limit: $\lim_{x\to\infty}(1+1/x)^x=e$), for the systematic study of asymptotic behaviors on their error performance. This new approach enables us to attain a very simple expression for the SEP limit as the number of the available antenna elements goes to infinity. In what follows, the problem of precoder design using a zero-forcing decision-feedback (ZF-DF) detector is also addressed.
For such a MIMO system, our principal goal is to efficiently design an optimal precoder that minimizes the asymptotic SEP of the ZF-DF detector under a perfect decision feedback.
By fully taking advantage of the product majorization relationship among eigenvalues, singular-values and Cholesky values of the precoded channel matrix parameters, a necessary condition for the optimal solution to satisfy is first developed and then the structure of the optimal solution is characterized. With these results, the original non-convex problem is reformulated into a convex one that can be efficiently solved by using an interior-point method. In addition, by scaling up the antenna array size of both terminals without bound for such a network, we propose a novel method as we did for the ZF receiver scenario to analyze the asymptotic SEP performance of an equal-diagonal QRS precoded large MIMO system when employing an abstract Toeplitz correlation model for the transmitter antenna array. This new approach has a simple expression with a fast convergence rate and thus, is efficient and effective for error performance evaluation.
For multiuser communication networks, we first consider a discrete-time multiple-input single-output (MISO) Gaussian broadcast channel (BC) where perfect CSI is available at both the transmitter and all the receivers. We propose a flexible and explicit design of a uniquely decomposable constellation group (UDCG) based on PAM and rectangular QAM constellations. With this new concept, a modulation division (MD) transmission scheme is developed for the considered MISO BC. The proposed MD scheme enables each receiver to uniquely and efficiently recover their desired signals from the superposition of mutually interfering cochannel signals in the absence of noise. Using max-min fairness as a design criterion, the optimal transmitter beamforming problem is solved in a closed-form for two-user MISO BC. Then, for a general case with more than two receivers, a user-grouping based beamforming scheme is developed, where the grouping method, beamforming vector design and power allocation problems are addressed by employing weighted max-min fairness.
Then, we consider an uplink massive single-input and multiple-output (SIMO) network consisting of a base station (BS) and several single-antenna users. To recover the transmitted signal matrix of all the users when the antenna array size is large, a novel multi-user space-time modulation (MUSTM) scheme is proposed for the considered network based on the explicit construction of QAM uniquely-decomposable constellation groups (QAM-UDCGs). In addition, we also develop a sub-constellation allocation method at the transmitter side to ensure the signal matrix is always invertible. In the meanwhile, an efficient training correlation receiver (TCR) is proposed which calculates the correlation between the received sum training signal vector and the sum information carrying vector. Moreover, the optimal power allocation problems are addressed by maximizing the coding gain or minimizing the average SEP of the received sum signal under both average and peak power constraints on each user. The proposed transmission scheme not only allows the transmitted signals with strong mutual interference to be decoded by a simple TCR but it also enables the CSI of all the users to be estimated within a minimum number of time slots equal to that of the users.
Comprehensive computer simulations are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed uniquely decomposable space-time modulation method in various network topologies and configurations. Our modulation division method will be one of the promising technologies for the fifth generation (5G) communication systems. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Dynamic Routing and Load Balancing Techniques for Integrated Access and Backhaul Network / Dynamisk Dirigering och Lastbalansering Tekniker för Integrerad Åtkomst och Backhaul NätverkLiang, Yung-Chin January 2020 (has links)
Mobile networks have rapidly evolved over decades, and have arrived at the fifth generation (5G) system in recent years. From 2019, companies started to bring 5G networks into business, providing higher data rates, lower latency, and larger network capacity to the world. One of the main advancements in 5G network systems is the use of millimetre waves for wireless transmission. This not only grants higher throughput with wide bandwidth but also introduces new challenges to the radio access networks in 5G systems. To tackle the challenges, a new type of network, which is called the Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) network, has been proposed as a deployment solution for 5G cellular networks. In this work, we investigate the routing mechanism of an IAB network and propose a novel load balancing algorithm that can be applied to the IAB network for improvement in throughput as well as load distribution. We extend the work from previous studies on IAB networks and evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison to previous work. Through radio network simulations, we find that the shortest path routing outperforms a greedy algorithm in terms of path selection in the network and that the proposed algorithm achieves load balancing among the network, combined with an improvement in the user throughput. Finally, we conclude our work and suggest directions for future work in the study of IAB networks. / Mobilnäten har utvecklats snabbt de senaste decennierna och är nu framme vid femte generationens system (5G). Under 2019 började telekomföretag lansera 5G-nätverk, med högre datahastigheter, lägre fördröjningar och högre nätverkskapacitet. Ett av de största framstegen inom 5G-nätverkssystem är användningen av millimetervågor för trådlös överföring. Detta ger högre datahastigheter och större bandbredd, men leder också till nya utmaningar för radioaccessnätverket. För att hantera några av dessa har en ny typ av nätverk, kallat Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) föreslagits. I det här arbetet undersöker vi routingmekanismer för ett IAB-nätverk och föreslår en ny lastbalanseringsalgoritm som kan användas för att förbättra såväl genomströmning som lastfördelning. Arbetet är en utvidgning av tidigare studier av IAB-nätverk och jämför prestanda för den nya algoritmen med tidigare förslag. Genom simuleringar har vi funnit att shortest path routing överträffar en ”greedy” algoritm när det gäller vägval i nätverket och att den föreslagna algoritmen uppnår såväl lastbalansering som förbättrad genomströmning. Avslutningsvis ges förlag till fortsatt arbete inom studiet av IAB-nätverk.
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Coding For Wireless Relay Networks And Mutiple Access ChannelsHarshan, J 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis addresses the design of low-complexity coding schemes for wireless relay networks and multiple access channels. The first part of the thesis is on wireless relay networks and the second part is on multiple access channels.
Distributed space-time coding is a well known technique to achieve spatial diversity in wireless networks wherein, several geographically separated nodes assist a source node to distributively transmit a space-time block code (STBC) to the destination. Such STBCs are referred to as Distributed STBCs (DSTBCs). In the first part of the thesis, we focus on designing full diversity DSTBCs with some nice properties which make them amenable for implementation in practice. Towards that end, a class of full diversity DST-BCs referred to as Co-ordinate Interleaved DSTBCs (CIDSTBCs) are proposed for relay networks with two-antenna relays. To construct CIDSTBCs, a technique called co-ordinate vector interleaving is introduced wherein, the received signals at different antennas of the relay are processed in a combined fashion. Compared to the schemes where the received signals at different antennas of the relay are processed independently, we show that CIDSTBCs provide coding gain which comes in with negligible increase in the processing complexity at the relays. Subsequently, we design single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) DSTBCs for relay networks with single-antenna nodes. In particular, two classes of SSD DSTBCs referred to as (i) Semi-orthogonal SSD Precoded DSTBCs and (ii) Training-Symbol Embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are proposed. A detailed analysis on the maximal rate of such DSTBCs is presented and explicit DSTBCs achieving the maximal rate are proposed. It is shown that the proposed codes have higher rates than the existing SSD DSTBCs.
In the second part, we study two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channels (GMAC). Capacity regions of two-user GMAC are well known. Though, capacity regions of such channels provide insights into the achievable rate pairs in an information theoretic sense, they fail to provide information on the achievable rate pairs when we consider finitary restrictions on the input alphabets and analyze some real world practical signal constellations like QAM and PSK signal sets. Hence, we study the capacity aspects of two-user GMAC with finite input alphabets. In particular, Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of two-user SISO-GMAC are computed for several orthogonal and non-orthogonal multiple access schemes (abbreviated as O-MA and NO-MA schemes respectively). It is first shown that NO-MA schemes strictly offer larger capacity regions than the O-MA schemes for finite input alphabets. Subsequently, for NO-MA schemes, code pairs based on Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) are proposed such that any rate pair on the CC capacity region can be approached. Finally, we consider a two-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) fading MAC and design STBC pairs such that ML decoding complexity is reduced.
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Diversity-Mutiplexing Tradeoff Of Asynchronous Cooperative Relay Networks And Diversity Embedded Coding SchemesNaveen, N 07 1900 (has links)
This thesis consists of two parts addressing two different problems in fading channels.
The first part deals with asynchronous cooperative relay communication. The assumption of nodes in a cooperative communication relay network operating in synchronous fashion is often unrealistic. In this work we consider two different models of asynchronous operation in cooperative-diversity networks experiencing slow fading and examine the corresponding Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoffs (DMT). For both models, we propose protocols and distributed space-time codes that asymptotically achieve the transmit diversity bound on DMT for all multiplexing gains and for number of relays N ≥ 2. The distributed space-time codes for all the protocols considered are based on Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA).
The second part of the work addresses the DMT analysis of diversity embedded codes for MIMO channels. Diversity embedded codes are high rate codes that are designed so that they have a high diversity code embedded within them. This allows a form of opportunistic communication depending on the channel conditions. The high diversity code ensures that at least a part of the information is received reliably, whereas the embedded high rate code allows additional information to be transferred if the channel is good. This can be thought of coding the data into two streams: high priority and low priority streams so that the high priority stream gets a better reliability than the lower priority stream. We show that superposition based diversity embedded codes in conjunction with naive single stream decoding is sub-optimal in terms of the DM tradeoff. We then construct explicit diversity embedded codes by the superposition of approximately
universal space-time codes from CDAs. The relationship between broadcast channels and the diversity embedded setting is then utilized to provide some achievable Diversity Gain Region (DGR) for MIMO broadcast Channels.
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Optimal Amplify-And-Forward Relaying For Cooperative Communications And Underlay Cognitive RadioSainath, B 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Relay-assisted cooperative communication exploits spatial diversity to combat wireless fading, and is an appealing technology for next generation wireless systems. Several relay cooperation protocols have been proposed in the literature. In amplify-and-forward (AF)relaying, which is the focus of this thesis, the relay amplifies the signal it receives from the source and forwards it to the destination. AF has been extensively studied in the literature on account of its simplicity since the relay does not need to decode the received signal.
We propose a novel optimal relaying policy for two-hop AF cooperative relay systems. In this, an average power-constrained relay adapts its gain and transmit power to minimize the fading-averaged symbol error probability (SEP) at the destination. Next, we consider a generalization of the above policy in which the relay operates as an underlay cognitive radio (CR). This mode of communication is relevant because it promises to address the spectrum shortage constraint. Here, the relay adapts its gain as a function of its local channel gain to the source and destination and also the primary such that the average interference it causes to the primary receiver is also constrained.
For both the above policies, we also present near-optimal, simpler relay gain adaptation policies that are easy to implement and that provide insights about the optimal policies. The SEPs and diversity order of the policies are analyzed to quantify their performance. These policies generalize the conventional fixed-power and fixed-gain AF relaying policies considered in cooperative and CR literature, and outperform them by 2.0-7.7 dB. This translates into significant energy savings at the source and relay, and motivates their use in next generation wireless systems.
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Topics In Modeling, Analysis And Optimisation Of Wireless NetworksRamaiyan, Venkatesh 01 1900 (has links)
The work in this thesis is concerned with two complementary aspects of wireless networks research; performance analysis and resource optimization. The first part of the thesis focusses on the performance analysis of IEEE 802.11(e) wireless local area networks. We study the distributed coordination function (DCF) and the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) MAC of the IEEE 802.11(e) standard. We consider n IEEE 802.11(e) DCF (EDCA) nodes operating as a single cell; by single cell, we mean that every packet transmission can be heard by every other node. Packet loss is attributed only to simultaneous transmissions by the nodes (i.e., collisions). Using the well known decoupling approximation [19], we characterize the collision behaviour and the throughput performance of the WLAN with a set of fixed point equations involving the backoff parameters of the nodes. We observe that the fixed point equations can have multiple solutions, and in such cases, the system exhibits multistability and short-term unfairness of throughput. Also, the fixed point analysis fails to characterize the average system behaviour when the system has multiple solutions. We then obtain sufficient conditions (in terms of the backoff parameters of the nodes) under which the fixed point equations have a unique solution. For such cases, using simulations, we observe that the fixed point analysis predicts the long term time average throughput behaviour accurately. Then, using the fixed point analysis, we study throughput differentiation provided by the different backoff parameters, including minimum contention window (CWmin), persistence factor and arbitration interframe space (AIFS) of the IEEE 802.11e standard. Finally, we extend the above results to the case where the receiver supports physical layer capture.
In the second part of the thesis, we study resource allocation and optimization problems for a variety of wireless network scenarios. For a dense wireless network, deployed over a small area and with a network average power constraint, we show that single cell operation (the channel supports only one successful transmission at any time) is throughput efficient in the asymptotic regime (in which the network average power is made large). We show that, for a realistic path loss model and a physical interference model (SINR based), the maximum aggregate bit rate among arbitrary transmitter-receiver pairs scales only as Θ(log(¯P)), where¯P
is the network average power. Spatial reuse is ineffective and direct transmission between source destination pairs is the throughput optimal strategy. Then, operating the network with only a single successful transmission permitted at a time, and with CSMA being used to select the successful transmitter-receiver pair, we consider the situation in which there is stationary spatiotemporal channel fading. We study the optimal hop length (routing strategy) and power control (for a fading channel) that maximizes the network aggregate throughput for a given network power constraint. For a fixed transmission time scheme, we study the throughput maximizing schedule under homogeneous traffic and MAC assumptions. We also characterize the optimal operating point (hop length and power control) in terms of the network power constraint and the channel fade distribution.
It is now well understood that in a multihop network, performance can be enhanced if, instead of just forwarding packets, the network nodes create output packets by judiciously combining their input packets, a strategy that is called “network coding.” For a two link slotted wireless network employing a network coding strategy and with fading channels, we study the optimal power control and optimal exploitation of network coding opportunities that minimizes the average power required to support a given arrival rate. We also study the optimal power-delay tradeoff for the network.
Finally, we study a vehicular network problem, where vehicles are used as relays to transfer data between a pair of stationary source and destination nodes. The source node has a file to transfer to the destination node and we are interested in the delay minimizing schedule for the vehicular network. We characterize the average queueing delay (at the
source node) and the average transit delay of the packets (at the relay vehicles) in terms of the vehicular speeds and their interarrival times, and study the asymptotically optimal tradeoff achievable between them.
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