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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beyond the Beach: Population Trends and Foraging Site Selection of a Florida Loggerhead Nesting Assemblage

Phillips, Katrina 04 May 2011 (has links)
A twenty year mark-recapture dataset from the loggerhead nesting beach on Keewaydin Island, off the southwest coast of Florida, was analyzed using a two-state open robust design model in Program MARK to provide insight into recent nesting declines in the state. A total of 2,292 encounters representing 841 individual tag IDs were used for this analysis. Survival was estimated at 0.73 (95% CI 0.69-0.76), and there was no evidence from remigration rate or clutch frequency to suggest the composition of the nesting assemblage had changed over time. The mark-recapture analysis was supplemented with a satellite tracking component to identify the offshore foraging areas utilized by Keewaydin nesters. Eleven nesting females were outfitted with platform terminal transmitters, which transmitted for 42 to 300+ days including inter-nesting intervals and subsequent migration to foraging grounds. Site fidelity tests and kernel density home range analyses were used to describe foraging habitats. Females foraging in the eastern Gulf of Mexico were within the recent 64 m bottom longline fishery restriction. Areas identified as important habitats during the remigration interval should be used to inform managers in creating targeted management strategies to aid population recovery without the use of broad fishery closures.

Imigração internacional em São Paulo: retorno e reemigração, 1890-1920 / International immigration in São Paulo: return and remigration, 1890-1920

Rocha, Ilana Peliciari 14 August 2007 (has links)
Este estudo sobre imigração internacional em São Paulo do fim do século XIX e início do século XX aborda o refluxo dos migrantes pela reemigração e pelo retorno. Apresenta o fenômeno com a perspectiva do movimento imigratório internacional, como parte importante de um movimento maior e mais dinâmico, e não apenas como reflexo das condições econômicas e sociais locais. Analisa o perfil dos imigrantes em refluxo a partir das listas de bordo de saída do porto de Santos em 1908 e dos relatórios oficiais entre 1890 - 1920. As fontes permitiram identificar o destino, a nacionalidade, os vínculos familiares, a idade, o sexo e a religião dos envolvidos. Essas características foram interpretadas e relacionadas com os condicionantes econômicos e demográficos, bem como com os padrões definidos pela historiografia da imigração. / This study about international immigration in São Paulo at the end of 19th century and the begining of 20th century has the purpose to approach the migrants reflow from remigration and from return. It shows the mentioned phenomenon with the international immigration movement perspective, as an important feature from a higher and dynamic movement and not only as a reflex of economic and social conditions from this place. The analysis was made based on the immigrants\'s profile in reflow, from the schedule on departures boarding lists from Santos in 1908 and the official reports from 1890 to 1920. The source allows to identify the destination, the nationality, the family laces, the ages, sex and the religions from these people. These characteristics were interpreted and linked to the economic and demographic conditionants, as well as the definite patterns from immigration history.

Imigração internacional em São Paulo: retorno e reemigração, 1890-1920 / International immigration in São Paulo: return and remigration, 1890-1920

Ilana Peliciari Rocha 14 August 2007 (has links)
Este estudo sobre imigração internacional em São Paulo do fim do século XIX e início do século XX aborda o refluxo dos migrantes pela reemigração e pelo retorno. Apresenta o fenômeno com a perspectiva do movimento imigratório internacional, como parte importante de um movimento maior e mais dinâmico, e não apenas como reflexo das condições econômicas e sociais locais. Analisa o perfil dos imigrantes em refluxo a partir das listas de bordo de saída do porto de Santos em 1908 e dos relatórios oficiais entre 1890 - 1920. As fontes permitiram identificar o destino, a nacionalidade, os vínculos familiares, a idade, o sexo e a religião dos envolvidos. Essas características foram interpretadas e relacionadas com os condicionantes econômicos e demográficos, bem como com os padrões definidos pela historiografia da imigração. / This study about international immigration in São Paulo at the end of 19th century and the begining of 20th century has the purpose to approach the migrants reflow from remigration and from return. It shows the mentioned phenomenon with the international immigration movement perspective, as an important feature from a higher and dynamic movement and not only as a reflex of economic and social conditions from this place. The analysis was made based on the immigrants\'s profile in reflow, from the schedule on departures boarding lists from Santos in 1908 and the official reports from 1890 to 1920. The source allows to identify the destination, the nationality, the family laces, the ages, sex and the religions from these people. These characteristics were interpreted and linked to the economic and demographic conditionants, as well as the definite patterns from immigration history.

Exilová výtvarná scéna v Čechách a její následné působení v zahraničí, 1933 až 1945 / The exile visual art scene in Bohemia and its subsequent activities abroad, 1933 - 1945

Rokytová, Bronislava January 2011 (has links)
The exile visual art scene in Bohemia and its subsequent activities abroad, 1933-1945 The development of the political situation in Germany during the thirties of the 20th century, when the Nazi Party was radicalizing and Adolph Hitler's power gradually became unlimited, meant a danger not only for the political opponents of Nazism. Artists who work didn't meet the criteria of the new aesthetic or even engaged in its detriment, had to seek for asylum. The First Czechoslovak Republic became one of these refuges. The Czech-German art scene was a significant aid for the integration of the refugees into the society. Some of its personalities returned to their birthplace for similar reasons as anti-Nazi refugees. Czech-German conditions provided to emigrants an opportunity for active continuing of the struggle against Nazi regime, also with a backward impact in Germany. But the support by the Czech population and the state went through series of changes under pressure of Nazi German government and the growing influence of the Sudeten areas. Artists with the status of refugees were obliged to follow a set of state regulations and orders, which often bureaucratically confined their creative activity. Nevertheless, some of their artworks, contacts and memories show their positive attitude to the Czech...

Zwischen individueller Biographie und Institution: Zu den Bedingungen beruflicher Rückkehr von Musikern aus dem Exil

Pasdzierny, Matthias, Schmidt, Dörte 21 February 2025 (has links)
Der Band dokumentiert eine Tagung der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, die in Verbindung mit der Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung vom 16. bis 18. Dezember 2005 in Wolfenbättel stattgefunden hat. Das Anliegen, die Folgen des Exils in der Musikkultur der Nachkriegszeit zu untersuchen und das Exil als eine der konstitutiven Bedingungen dieser Musikkultur zu verstehen, begegnete damals noch viel deutlicheren Reserven als heute. Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit war und ist die Überzeugung, dass man das Phänomen der Rückkehr aus dem Exil und seine kulturelle Bedeutung nur verstehen kann, wenn man die Kommunikationsbedingungen und -netzwerke begreift, unter denen sich Exilierte und Dagebliebene begegnen. Dies gilt besonders für die Frage nach dem Gelingen oder Nichtgelingen beruflicher Rückkehr. Aus dieser Perspektive ging es darum, am Beispiel der Musikhochschulen die Bedingungen der Kommunikation zwischen exilierten Einzelpersonen und den Institutionen des Musiklebens nach 1945 in (zunächst West-)Deutschland zu thematisieren. Methodisch war dies allerdings angesichts der traditionell strikten Trennung von Biographik und Institutionsgeschichte zumindest diskussionsbedürftig. Die Fokussierung auf Musikhochschulen ließ dabei die institutionellen Gemeinsamkeiten ebenso hervortreten wie die Breite der spezifischen örtlichen Situationen. Angesichts der Verflechtungen des europäischen Kulturraumes und der Bedeutung der Hochschulen und Orchester in den Nachbarländern schien es naheliegend, den Blick zu weiten und mit den Beiträgen zu Wien und den Niederlanden einen ersten Schritt zu tun in Richtung einer Öffnung der musikwissenschaftlichen Remigrationsforschung auf eine europäische Perspektive. Ein Komplement zu den institutionenbezogenen Beiträgen liefern zwei Beiträge zu den individuellen biographischen Situationen von Peter Jona Korn und Hans Swarowsky, die beide in verschiedener Weise einflussreiche Stellungen an musikalischen Ausbildungsstätten der Nachkriegszeit innehatten. Die Gespräche, die Franziska Stoff mit Dorothea Ammann-Goesch führte, weisen nicht nur auf den Umstand hin, dass es – jedenfalls in Berlin – in der künstlerischen Ausbildung auch Schutzräme für Menschen gab, die von den Nazis verfolgt wurden, sie beleuchten die Situation aus der Sicht einer betroffenen Musikerin, und sie geben Einblick in die Bedingungen einer beruflichen Laufbahn nach dem Krieg.


Pasdzierny, Matthias, Schmidt, Dörte 21 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.

»…daß Kunst zu machen eine spezielle Form der Kommunikation ist«: Gespräch mit Martin Rennert. Berlin 10. April 2007

Pasdzierny, Matthias, Schmidt, Dörte 21 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.

Remigranten und musikalische Vergangenheitspolitik: Zum Verhältnis von individuellem Handeln und institutionellem Rahmen bei der Rückkehr von Musik und Musikern

Schmidt, Dörte 21 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.

Gefühlte Dissonanz: Zur Entschädigung von NS-verfolgten Musikern in der frühen Bundesrepublik

Böick, Marcus 21 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.

»Das Lehrerverzeichnis weist viele Veränderungen auf, aber es ist immerhin noch beinahe die Hälfte, die ich kenne«: Musiker-Remigration an der Musikhochschule Stuttgart

Pasdzierny, Matthias 21 February 2025 (has links)
No description available.

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