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How Perceived Value Influences Business Event Attendees Future Behavioral Intentions: A Comparison between Event ModalitiesSherrell, Elisabeth Ann 05 1900 (has links)
Even two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting and event industry's efforts must focus on understanding attendees' purchase behaviors and event modality preferences. This study aims to address these factors by using a 2 (Event modality: in-person or virtual) × 6 (six dimensions of perceived value: social value, emotional value, monetary value, functional value, novelty value, and convenience value) between-subject experiment design and a 6 (Six dimensions of perceived value (PV): social value, emotional value, monetary value, functional value, novelty value, and convenience value) x 2 (PV effect on word-of-mouth (WOM) intent and repeat purchase intent (RPI)) between-subject experimental design. Specifically, it applies the perceived value theory in investigating the effects of different value dimensions (social, emotional, monetary, functional, novelty, and convenience) based on attendee event modality (in-person or virtual) and their impact on WOM intent and RPI. The data was collected via Prolific. Different ANOVA and t-tests were conducted. The results suggest that event modality had little bearing on the six dimensions of PV. Results also showed that PV positively impacts WOM intent and RPI.
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Lojalitet genom bonusprogram, en framgångsrik strategi? : En studie av servicenäringenKapetanakis, Anna, Eriksson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka värden som på längre sikt har avgörande betydelse för att engagera en kund med avseende på lojalitetsprogram. Metod: I studien användes en kvantitativ metod där en enkät med stängda svarsalternativ skickades ut till ca 30 000 respondenter. Till enkäten användes ordinal- och nominalskala för att möjliggöra Spearman’s rho korrelationsanalys med hjälp av statistiska mjukvaran IBM SPSS. Analyserna användes sedan för acceptera eller förkasta de hypoteser som deducerats från teorin. Resultat: Resultatet visade att trots en pågående negativ trend för lojalitetsprogram så skapar de engagemang och är betydande för kunden. Det värde som visade sig ha signifikant betydelse för engagemanget var kundens mervärde. Kundens mervärde leder till upprepade köp och har en direkt påverkan på kundens lojalitet och kundens uppfattning av programmet som påverkar engagemanget. Resultatet av studien kan därför ses som en pågående interaktionsprocess där företagets aktiviteter påverkar kundens engagemang både i och utanför lojalitetsprogrammet. Ett ökat mervärde i interaktionsprocessen till följd av företagets aktiviteter och kundens värdering av varumärket, ökar kundens engagemang, vilket möjliggör att lojalitet kan skapas genom program på längre sikt. Förslag till fortsatta studier: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för de värden som engagerar kunden med avseende på lojalitetsprogram. Författarnas ambition är att vidare forskning ska ta avstamp i studiens resultat och den modell som utvecklats. Förhoppningen är att studien ska ligga till grund för empirisk tillämpning inom servicenäringen samt utgöra underlag vid strategiska beslut och marknadsundersökningar.
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兒童美語補教業消費者決策行為之研究 / A study on the decision process of children's English learning program郭靜怡, Kuo, Ching-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
質,家長涉入深(二)家長對於兒美補教首次消費知覺風險高,決策勝任感不足(三)兒美補教消費為具嘗試性重購(Trial Repeat Purchase)之序貫決策(Sequential Decision)(四)反向代間影響於嘗試性重購時期漸增(五)同儕影響在兒美補教業存在且顯著,以社會支持、社會認同與社會遵從等三種方式影響(六)孩子與家長在選擇補習班決策準則與購買後滿意度準則均不同(七)兒美補習決策存在影響甚大的『詢問脈絡口碑』(Seeker-Initiated WOM)。 / This study intends to inquire consumer’s decision making process of children’s English learning program in a qualitative way. While there are many quantitative studies about this process, few are conducted qualitatively. revious studies are all focused only on the first purchase, neglecting their subsequent repeat purchase processes; and parents are assumed to be the decision makers, ignoring the role of the children in the process. This study thus purports to explore and provide a clearer depiction of the parent-child interaction in the repeat purchase context.
After reviewing 27 prior studies, this researcher suggested research questions in this study. Data were collected through several interviews with parents and children respectively. Parent interviews were conducted through one-on-one basis, while children interviews through focus groups. Interviews were taped, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively.
The results of this study can be concluded into seven parts as follows. First of all, the essence of the first purchase decision in children’s English learning program is close to the essence of the purchase decision of special goods, and the consumers’ (parents) involvement is deep. Second, the risk conception of the first purchase is high and consumers are lack of confidence in first purchase in the decision making. Third, the process is a sequential decision
with trial repeat purchase process. Fourth, the influence of reverse intergeneration is increasing in the process of trial repeat purchase process. Fifth, the peer-influence exists remarkably in three ways : social support, social
identification and social conformity. Sixth, both decision and satisfying criteria are distinct from parents and children. Finally, the seeker-initiated WOM is a tremendous factor in the decision of children’s English learning program.
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The influence of consumer personal values on airline choice within the South African domestic marketNkululeko, Fuyane 09 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Zulu / Airline choice is of interest to both airline product development and marketing personnel and academics. While most of the studies airline choice/service quality only identify airlines service attributes essential to customers, this study employed personal values to extend and provide the reasons why airline service attributes are not or essential to passengers. Personal values are presented in the literature as the ultimate life goals individuals seek to attain in all aspects of their lives; hence, guide their behaviour. Based on this, the main objective of this study was to examine and identify the consumer (passenger) personal values that underpin the evaluation of airline service attributes used to choose an airline within the South African domestic passenger market. To achieve this objective, together with the secondary objectives, a quantitative descripto-explanatory research design was employed to guide data collection and analysis. A sample of 324 respondents was selected using a hybrid technique of convenience, and snowball sampling techniques and data were collected using both an online and hardcopy questionnaire. Data obtained were sorted and cleaned for analysis using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS 26) and the Analysis of a Moment Structures (AMOS Version 26) software. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted to assess factor structures of observed variables and identify latent constructs. The factorability of portrait value questionnaire (PVQ) items was determined using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Hypotheses were tested using the backward multiple regression analysis, Whitney-Mann test, Spearman correlation and hierarchical regression with Hayes’ Process Macro. The study identified five of Schwartz’s 19 refined values as significantly influencing the evaluation and prioritisation of airline service attributes. A state of indifference among customers was found when the impact of airline service attributes was tested, with only onboard services found to significantly influence post-purchase outcomes such as satisfaction, loyalty and repeat purchase behaviour. It was also found that passengers did not distinguish between low-cost and full-service carriers. Income only moderated the influence of stimulation and self-direction thought values on airline service attributes while marketing communications effort was found to have a direct than a moderating role. In the main, these findings bring a novel and rich way of explaining
airline choice through personal values. The results are essential for airline market segmentation, positioning and the development of airline products or features that match passenger desired life goals (personal values) which are touted as a guide to their choice behaviour. / Ukuqoka inkampani yezindiza ozoyisebenzisa kumayelana nokuthuthukisa umkhiqizo nabasebenzi bokumaketha kanye nabacwaningi. Phezu kokuba ukucwaninga ngezindiza nokuqokwa kwazo/ ikhwalithi yesevisi kukhomba kuphela izimfanelo zesevisi ezibalulekile kumakhasimende, lolu cwaningo lumbandakanye okungamagugu abantu ukunweba nokuletha izizathu zokuthi kungani izimfanelo zesevisi zenkampani yezindiza zingabalulekile noma zibalulekile kubagibeli. Okungamagugu abantu kwethulwe ngemibhalo kwaba ngamaphupho ekusasa ahlonzwayo ezimpilweni, ngakho,ebe eqondisa indlela yokuziphatha kwabo. Kuncike kulokhu, eyona nhlosongqangi yalolu cwaningo kwaku wukuhlola nokuhlonza okungamagugu omuntu ongumthengi (umgibeli) ukusekela ukuhlolwa kwezimfanelo zesevisi ezisetshenziswa ukukhetha inkampani yezindiza azoyisebenzisa ezimakethe zalezi ezihambela ngaphakathi eNingizimu Afrika. Ukufezekisa le nhlosongqangi kanye nezinye izizathu zocwaningo, idizayini yokucwaningo ye’quantitative descripto-explanatory’ isetshenziswe ukuqokelela idatha nokuhlaziya ulwazi. Isampula yababambe iqhaza abangama-324 ikhethiwe kusetshenziswa i hybrid technique of convenience, kanye nendlela yesampula yemihlathi eyazanayo (snowball sampling), kanti idatha iqoqwe ngakho kokubili, ‘online’ namaphepha anemibuzo ebuzelwa ukuthola okuthile. Idatha etholakele ihlukanisiwe yenzelwa ukuhlaziyeka kahle kusetshenziswa iStatistical Product neService Solutions (SPSS 26) kanye ne-Analysis of a Moment Structures (AMOS Version 26) software. I-Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) yenziwe ukuze kuhlolwe ukuthi izakhiwo eziyizimiso ukuqaphela okuguqukayo kwabuye kwaqashelwa ne-identify latent constructs. I- factorability yeportrait value questionnaire (PVQ) izinto zanqunywa kusetshenziswa iconfirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Umbono ube usuhlolwa kusetshenziswa ibackward multiple regression analysis, Whitney-Mann test, Spearman correlation ne hierarchical regression ene Hayes’ Process Macro. Lolu cwaningo lube nezinkomba ezinhlanu zika’Schwartz’s 19’ ezingamagugu acwengisisiwe abe nomthelela wazo ethonyeni lokuhlola nokubeka phambili kwezinkampani zezindiza izimfanelo zesevisi. Kutholwe isimo sokunganaki kubagibeli uma kuhlolwa izimfanelo zesevisi yenkampani yezindiza, kuphela nje isevisi yangaphakathi endizeni ithathwa njengebaluleke kakhulu enomthelela
emiphumeleni yokuthenga kamuva okubalwa kukho ukwaneliseka kwabagibeli, ukwethembeka nokuphinda kuthengwe amanye ngokuzayo. Kutholakele ukuthi abagibeli abakwazanga ukwahlukanisa phakathi kosizo olusezingeni eliphansi nalolo olusezingeni eliphezulu. Inzuzo ibe nomthelela kuphela ekukhuthazeni isiqondiso ngasinye ngokwamagugu okuziphatha ezinsizeni zesevisi yenkampani yezindiza ngakolunye uhlangothi ezokuxhumana kwezezimakethe kuyimizamo etholakele kube neqondile kuneqhaza elisezingeni elilinganayo. Ngokwesidingo, lokhu okutholakele kwethula indlela entsha ecebileyokuchaza ukuqokwa kwezinkampani zezindiza ezisethenziswa abantu abawuhlobo oluthile. Imiphumela ibalulekile emakethe yezinkampani zezindiza ukuze kwahlukaniswe, kubekwe endaweni, kuthuthukiswe imikhiqizo yezinkampani zezindiza noma izinto ezithandwa abagibeli nezidingo zabo zempilo okuyizona eziwumhlahlandlela wokuqoka inkampani abazoyisebenzisa / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)
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