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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Children's Saving: Effects of Prompting, Age, and Internal and External Factors

Dueck, Katherine 23 September 2021 (has links)
Although saving plays an important role in our everyday lives, including the lives of children, we know little about how this capacity develops, including the factors affecting it and the most effective means to measure it. This study examines the impact of age, a verbal prompt to save, and how internal (children’s inhibitory control, impulsivity, attentional focus) and external factors (household income, parents’ level of education, parents’ saving practices with their child, and parents’ beliefs about the importance of saving) influence both children’s saving in a novel laboratory saving task and parent-reported saving. 187 children between 3 to 7 years of age participated in this study. In the laboratory saving task, which was based on the saving task by Metcalf and Atance (2011), children received tokens that they could exchange for a less desirable reward now, or save for a highly desirable reward three minutes later. Children were assigned to either the “prompt” or baseline condition. Children in the baseline condition only received basic instructions for completing the task, whereas children in the prompt condition received the additional reminder, before beginning the task, that they could save if they wanted to. Parent-reported saving was assessed with a questionnaire, asking parents about their child’s saving at home. The internal and external factors were also measured using questionnaires completed by parents. Results show that assigned condition was associated with whether or not children saved (“saving status”), and that higher inhibitory control and parents’ saving practices predicted increased parent-reported saving. These results show that internal and external factors impact children’s saving behaviour and provides a new paradigm for assessing saving in young children. Implications for future research and limitations are discussed.

Kartläggning av tidiga tecken på bröstcancer-relaterat lymfödem hos kvinnor efter kurativ behandling mot bröstcancer, samt undersökning av samband mellan patientrapporterade besvär och läkarbedömning – en tvärsnittsstudie / A survey of early signs of breast cancer-related lymphedema in women after curative breast cancer treatment, and investigation of the association between patientreported outcomes and assessment by a physician - a cross-sectional study

Kullberg, Isabelle, Skoghammar, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer-relaterat lymfödem (BCRL) är en vanlig komplikation efter bröstcancerbehandling. Tidigare forskning visar varierande förekomst av BCRL, tillståndet tros vara underdiagnostiserat. Tidiga tecken kan beskrivas som en vag tyngdkänsla och/eller spänningskänsla. Detta kan leda till stora negativa konsekvenser vilket motiverar vikten att detektera BCRL i ett tidigt stadie då tidig behandling förbättrar prognosen.  Syfte: Undersöka förekomst av tidiga besvär/symtom samt undersöka sambandet mellan patientrapporterade tidiga besvär/symtom och läkarens bedömning av besvär vid samma tillfälle.  Metod: Kvinnor som genomgått kurativ behandling mot bröstcancer deltog i studien. Datainsamlingen skedde vid återbesöket på onkologmottagningen 3 månader efter avslutad behandling. Data samlades in med patientenkät (avseende besvär/symtom från armen) och läkarbedömning, inom ramen för ett kliniskt utvecklingsprojekt.   Resultat: 61 enkäter ingick i studien. 22 deltagare upplevde besvär från armen på den opererade sidan. 70% av de 43 deltagarna som skattade symtom angav förekomst av ≥1 symtom. I 76% av de 55 läkarbedömningarna hade bedömningen inga besvär gjorts. Samband kunde påvisas gällande frekvensen av patientrapporterade besvär och läkarens bedömning av armsvullnad (p=0,005) och handödem (p=0,003) samt mellan patientrapporterade symtom och läkarens bedömning av armsvullnad (p=0,008). I de fall patienten skattat besvär/symtom fanns en signifikant andel där läkaren bedömt att det inte förekom ödem/svullnad. I de fall patienten inte rapporterade besvär hade läkaren också bedömt frånvaro av ödem/svullnad. Konklusion: Det är vanligt att patienten upplever besvär/symtom från armen på den opererade sidan, och att patienter upplever symtom i större utsträckning än att läkaren gjort bedömningen att handödem, subcutant ödem eller armsvullnad förekommer. / Background: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a complication following breast cancer treatment, it is probably underdiagnosed and the prevalence varies in previous studies. Early signs can be subtle sensations of heaviness and/or tightness in limbs. BCRL can have several negative impact, this motivates the importance of early detection because early intervention improves the prognosis.   Aim: Investigate the prevalence of early signs/symtoms of BCRL and investigate the association between patient reported outcomes and the physician assessment of BCRL.  Method: Women who underwent curative treatment of breast cancer was included. Data was collected at the follow-up 3 months after finished treatment in purpose for a clinical project. A questionnaire was used for the patient (regarding signs/symtoms from the arm) and physician rescpectively. Results: 61 participants were included. 22 participants reported signs from the arm on the affected side. 70% of those who reported symptoms, reported a presence of ≥1 symtoms. The physicians estimated no signs in 76% of 55 participants. There was an association between the frequency of patient reported signs from the arm and the physicians assessment of armswelling (p=0,005), hand edema (p=0,003) and between patient reported symtoms and the physicians assessment of armswelling (p=0,008). When the patient reported signs/symptoms, there was a significant proportion where the physician estimated no edema/swelling. In cases when the patient reported no signs/symptoms, the physician also assessed absence of edema/swelling. Conclusion: Patients often experience signs/symptoms from the arm on the affected side, and patients reports symptoms more frequent than physicians assess presence of early signs of BCRL.

Development of the Concussion Recovery Questionnaire - A Self-Report Outcome Measure of Functional Status Following Concussion

van Ierssel, Jacqueline Josee 20 December 2019 (has links)
Tradition measures of recovery, such as patient-reported symptoms, objective measures such as balance, specific dimensions such as depression, fatigue, cognitive status, and exercise tolerance do not fully capture the impact of the concussion on performing individual activities and participating in life situations as experienced by the patient. No concussion-specific measure of functional status currently exists. Objectives The overarching purpose of this dissertation was to develop a concussion-specific measure of functional status. There were two specific objectives: 1. To examine the concept of functioning post-concussion; 2. To generate questionnaire items based on a conceptual model of functioning. Methods This dissertation follows the recommendations of the Association for Medical Education in Europe as a framework with which to meet the objectives. The first objective was addressed by (1) generating a list of concussion-specific concepts through a systematic review (Chapter 3), and (2) qualitative interviews with individuals with persistent post-concussion symptoms and clinicians with concussion expertise (Chapter 4). The relationships between the concepts that emerged from those studies are presented graphically in a conceptual model to meet the second objective. The concepts were then transformed into questionnaire items and pretested through cognitive interviews with individuals with PPCS and clinicians with concussion expertise. Finally, the questionnaire items were critically evaluated for proportion of shared content against existing measures used in concussion clinical trials by coding all items to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Results Objective 1 Three main themes emerged from the qualitative findings: (1) functioning at the level of the individual and society; (2) environmental barriers and facilitators; and (3) capacity, defined as the length of time one could perform a task before the onset of symptoms, and the length of time it took to recovery from those symptoms. Objective 2 The final questionnaire is presented as the CORE-Q, which is comprised of 53 items over three complimentary subscales, namely the Post-Concussion Functional Scale, the Concussion Modifiers Scale, and the Global Functional Recovery Scale. Each subscale corresponds to one of the three main themes. No existing outcome measure contained more than 40% of the content within the CORE-Q, or 55% of any subscale. Conclusions The CORE-Q is a unique measure of functional status post-concussion that considers functioning from a biopsychosocial perspective. Further studies are needed to assess the psychometric properties of the CORE-Q before it is adopted into clinical practice and intervention trials.

The Role of Homeostatic Imbalance in the Reported Immunomodulation of T-2 Toxin

Taylor, Michael Jay 01 May 1988 (has links)
T-2 toxin (T-2), produced by the genus Fusarium, is a cytotoxic trichothecene mycotoxin, a feed contaminant, and has been shown to be immunomodulatory. It is suspected that T-2-associated immunomodulation is mediated partly through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The presence of endotoxin, a bacterial product capable of activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as well as the levels of several hormones, also associated with activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, were determined in both vehicle- and toxin-treated animals. Endotoxemia was evident twenty-four hours after a single oral exposure to T-2. Blood levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone, parameters of the stress response, also increased twenty-four hours after T-2 exposure. Hypothalamic norepinephrine and serum corticosterone levels increased in a dose-related manner after two weeks of T-2 exposure. An increased corticosteroid level was associated with thymic involution leading potentially to decreased T-dependent antibody response, a known effect of T-2. The effects of exposure to T-2 on the development of both T-dependent and T-independent antibody response were determined in nonoperated, sham-operated and adrenalectomized mice. T-2 decreased the antibody response to a T-dependent antigen and increased a T-independent response. The effects of T-2 were partially nullified by adrenalectomy. These results provide a further confirmation of the postulate that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis plays an important role in T-2 toxin-immunomodulation. In vitro studies were undertaken to investigate the direct effects of T-2 on various populations of lymphatic cells. Exposure to T-2 after twenty-four hours caused an increase in the uptake of 3H-thymidine by mouse splenic cells. Pokeweed mitogen stimulation also increased in this system; the response to lipopolysaccharide increased to a lesser extent. However, T-cell responses to phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin A (Con A) decreased. Thymic cells were also sensitive to T-2. The possibility of pharmacological activity of T-2 with thymocytes was investigated. Both specific and nonspecific cell associations were observed. The association of T-2 with thymocytes was altered in the presence of dexamethasone, a synthetic corticosteroid. T-2 was shown to have both indirect as well as direct activities on the immune system. Endocrine dysfunction resulting from chronic stress and possible pharmacologic activity of T-2 provide the impetus for further investigations.

Officially Reported Characteristics of Spouse Abuse Victims Seeking Assistance in Utah, 1992

Thompson, Kevin D. 01 May 1994 (has links)
Spouse abuse is a significant social problem that has recently received considerable attention by family researchers. National studies have estimated the incidence of spouse abuse in the United States, but few studies have been conducted at the state or local level Data were obtained from the Utah Division of Family Services Domestic Violence Client Record (Fonn 741 -S) reporting system. A total of 1,363 primary victims of spouse abuse was identified for the calendar year 1992 It is posited that victims of low socioeconomic status and victims of severe physical abuse are more likely to return to their own home after leaving a spouse abuse shelter. The victim's living arrangement at closure was cross tabulated with data on their socioeconomic status and the severity of abuse as determined by the level of medical treatment required. It is further posited that spouse abuse victims from urban counties are not significantly different from victims from nonurban counties. T-test analyses compared violence, social-psychological, and family factors along with the type and number of services provided for spouse abuse victims from urban and nonurban counties The data suggest that spouse abuse victims of middle and upper socioeconomic status are more likely to return to their own homes after receiving services than women of lower and poverty status. No relationship was found between severity of abuse and living arrangements after receiving services. The data also suggest that there is a significant difference between spouse abuse victims from urban and nonurban counties. Incidence rates for victims seeking services were nearly twice as high for nonurban counties compared with urban counties. While the 741-S system can provide valuable data for family violence researchers, the present system needs to be modified Clear definitions, specific guidelines. additional training for case workers, and a modified data entry system will make the system more user-friendly and facilitate statistical analysis. Research conducted at the local level can provide policy makers with valuable data that can be used to improve domestic violence treatment and prevention services.

Psychometric validation of the CLEFT-Q patient reported outcome measure: A prospective study to examine construct validity and responsiveness following four cleft-specific operations

Miroshnychenko, Anna January 2020 (has links)
CHAPTER 1: Introduction: The most common craniofacial congenital anomaly is the cleft lip and/or palate (CLP). The CLEFT-Q is the first condition-specific comprehensive patient reported outcome instrument (PROM) for patients with CLP. Other measures used in assessment of patients with CLP are Child Oral Health Impact Profile (COHIP) and Cleft Hearing, Appearance and Speech Questionnaire (CHASQ). The development and validation of the CLEFT-Q have been completed in three phases. In phase I, 138 patients with CLP from six countries were interviewed, and data were used to form 13 scales measuring appearance, facial function and health-related quality of life (HR-QOL). In phase II, scales were field-tested internationally with 2434 patients to examine reliability and validity as well as develop a common scoring algorithm for international use. Phase III, the focus of this thesis, aimed to examine further construct validity and responsiveness of the CLEFT-Q scales. CHAPTER 2: Methods: Patients were recruited at six cleft centres in Canada, USA and UK between January 2018 and October 2019. The sample included patients aged 8-29 seeking rhinoplasty, orthognathic, cleft lip scar revision and alveolar bone graft (ABG) operations. Before and six months after surgery, participants were asked to complete the CLEFT-Q scales relevant to their operation and two other PROMs frequently used in cleft research, i.e., COHIP and CHASQ. Cross-sectional construct validity was examined by testing prespecified hypotheses about expected relationships between CLEFT-Q, CHASQ and COHIP instruments. Internal responsiveness was examined using the distribution-based method. Data were analysed using paired sample t-tests and calculation of effect sizes (ESs) and minimally important differences (MIDs). CHAPTER 3: Results: Examination of cross-sectional construct validity of the CLEFT-Q scales using the COHIP and CHASQ subscale resulted in 39/53 (74%) hypotheses having been supported by the results. The required sample size to examine responsiveness using the anchor-based approach was not reached. Assessment of internal responsiveness using the distribution-based approach demonstrated that the appearance scales were highly responsive to change following cleft-specific surgeries, with statistically significant results and ESs ranging from 0.4 (small) to 1.8 (large). Change on the CLEFT-Q HR-QOL scales was not statistically significant. As predicted, the ESs on scales measuring facial aspects most affected by rhinoplasty and orthognathic surgeries were larger than the ESs on scales measuring facial aspects least affected by these surgeries. MIDs for each scale in each operation were determined. CHAPTER 4: Discussion: Assessment of cross-sectional construct validity demonstrated that CLEFT-Q performs as it was intended when compared with other similar measures (i.e., CHASQ and COHIP). The CLEFT-Q appearance scales were responsive to change following rhinoplasty, orthognathic and cleft lip scar revision operations. As predicted, the CLEFT-Q appearance scales did not detect change following the ABG operation as this operation does not result in visible difference. As hypothesized, the CLEFT-Q HR-QOL scales were less responsive to change than appearance scales as HR-QOL is a more distal construct than appearance in relation to the cleft-related surgeries performed. The preliminary MIDs estimated by the distribution-based approach should be confirmed in studies with diverse CLP populations and larger sample sizes using the anchor-based approach. The findings of this phase III study build on the results of another CLEFT-Q validation study, which demonstrated the ability of the CLEFT-Q scales to detect differences between groups with varying surgical status, i.e., need surgery, have had surgery and never needed surgery. CHAPTER 5: Conclusion: Cross-sectional construct validity of the CLEFT-Q scales was supported by most prespecified hypotheses. The CLEFT-Q scales were found to be responsive to change. MIDs were determined. The results of this phase III study should be confirmed in a larger and more culturally diverse patient population. Future studies to examine reproducibility and measurement error as well as external responsiveness of the CLEFT-Q scales may be beneficial to add to the psychometric evaluation process. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

MMPI Response Patterns and Alcohol Consumption in DUI Offenders

Sutker, Patricia B., Brantley, Phillip J., Allain, Albert N. 01 June 1980 (has links)
Self-reported alcohol use in 500 men (mean age 36 yrs) arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of intoxicants was examined in relation to MMPI profile patterns identified by multivariate procedures. Although DUI offenders were found to share mild antisocial tendencies, it was possible to isolate profile patterns associated with comparatively higher levels of self-reported drinking. Most pronounced was the relationship between higher levels of estimated average alcohol consumption and patterns in which indices of depression and social deviance were elevated, or the 2-4 2-point code type pattern. Comparisons of prototypic profile patterns derived from samples of DUI offenders, alcoholics, and psychiatric patients revealed limited profile replicability. However, the 2-4 code type pattern was consistently found in samples of DUI offenders and alcoholics, and a single profile pattern indicative of moderate social deviance and impulsivity was common to each sample. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).

The Influence of Dispositional and Induced Implicit Theories of Personality on the Relationship between Self-Reported Procrastination and Procrastination Behaviors

Shyamsunder, Aarti 17 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Personality traits, risky riding behaviors and crash-related outcomes: findings from 5,778 cyclists in 17 countries

Useche, Sergio A., Alonso, Francisco, Boykob, Aleksey, Buyvol, Polina, Castafleda, Isaac, Cendales, Boris, Cervantes, Arturo, Echiburu, Tomas, Faus, Mireia, Feitosa, Zuleide, Gnap, Jozef, lbrabim, Mohd K., Janstrup, Kira H., Makarova, Irijna, Mellroy, Rich, Mikusova, Miroslava, Meller, Mette, Ngueuteu-Fouaka, Sylvain G., O'Hern, Steve, Orozco-Fontalvo, Mauricio, Sbubenkova, Ksenia, Siebert, Felix, Soto, Jose, Stephens, Amanda N., Wang, Yonggang, Willberg, Ellias, Wintersberger, Phillip, Zeuwts, Linus, Zulkipli, Zadir H., Montoro, Luis 02 January 2023 (has links)
The last few years have brought about a series of substantial changes for mobility on two wheels, especially if the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered as a relevant fact for transportation dynamics [1,2]. Social distancing recommendations have promoted the use of individual transportation systems instead of massive transportations means. Consequently, riding a bike for urban trips has become increasingly prevalent in many countries [3-5]. Besides an opportunity to make urban mobility more active and sustainable, this panorama poses the challenge to prevent that, along with its growing use, bicycle crashes ---and their consequences-might continue to increase. In this regard, recent studies have emphasized the role of individual differences and personality-related factors as potential issues influencing both cycling behaviors and traffic crashes suffered while riding [6,7].

Self-reported health in men who underwent abdominal aortascreening

Takanen Niklasson, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Takanen Niklasson, C. Självrapporterad hälsa hos män som genomgått screening av bukaorta. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö Högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle. Utbildningsområde omvårdnad 2012.Abdominellt aortaaneurysm (AAA) är den 13:e vanligaste orsaken till dödsfall i västvärlden på män över 65 år och är fyra gånger vanligare hos män än hos kvinnor. Sedan 2010 erbjuder Region Skåne ultraljuds screening av bukaorta till alla män är 65 år för att upptäcka ev. AAA. AAA uppkommer genom förhöjt kolesterol, rökning kombinerat med högt blodtryck. Även en genetisk faktor spelar roll. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att kartlägga självrapporterat hälsotillstånd och rökvanor hos patienter som via screening diagnostiserats med aortaaneurysm i jämförelse med män med normal aorta. Metod: Studien är en deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie som bygger på självskattade hälsoformulär som har tagits fram för screeningverksamheten. Dessa fylldes i av männen i hemmet som de sedan lämnade på screeningmottagningen. Data analyserades manuellt i antal och procent i jämförelse mellan män med AAA och de med normal aorta. Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att män med AAA hade högt BMI (Body Mass Index) och led av andra sjukdomar. Vidare hade männen med AAA låg utbildning. Nästan hälften av männen med AAA rökte. Däremot beskrev männen oavsett grupp sin hälsa på liknande sätt i den öppna frågan rörande deras nuvarande hälsotillstånd. Slutsats: Resultatet kan indikera tidigare forskning som visat alla riskfaktorer som leder till ateroskleros även kan leda till utveckling av AAA. Men eftersom ingen statistik har använts i resultatet för att belägga skillnader kan datan endast ses som en trend. Denna kunskap kan utgöra en bas för sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete i mötet med patienter som diagnostiserats med AAA. / Takanen Niklasson, C. Self-reported health of men who underwent abdominal aortascreening. Degree Project, 15 Credit Points. Malmö University: Health and Society, Department of Nursing, 2012.Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is the 13:th most common cause of death in the western world in men over 65 years old and is four times more common in men than in women. The County Council of Skåne started in 2010 a screening program in men 65 years of age to possibly discover AAA. AAA generates through elevated cholesterol and smoking combined with high blood pressure. There is also a genetic factor involved. Aim: The aim of this study was to chart self-reported state of health and smoking habits of men diagnosed with AAA through screening compared with men with normal aorta. Method: the study is a descriptive cross-sectional survey built on self-rated health questionnaires which was developed for use in the screening program. These were filled out by the men at home and gathered at the screening examination. The data was analyzed manually in numbers and percent and compared between men with AAA and those with normal aorta. Results: The results showed that men with AAA had high BMI (Body Mass Index) and suffered from other diseases. Further had men with AAA a low educational level. Almost 50% of the men with AAA were also smoking. However, all men, irrespective of having AAA or not, described their health in a similar way in the open question regarding their current health status. Conclusion: The result can indicate previous research showing that all risk factors associated with development of atherosclerosis also is associated with the development of AAA. However, no statistics were being used in the result to claim differences so the data can only be a trend. This knowledge can constitute a base for nursing prevention measures in the care of men diagnosed with AAA.

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